MTL - Peter Pan and Cinderella-Chapter 114 nonsense

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Seeing that he didn't speak, Wang Chao was even more unhappy and more disappointed, and said, "There's nothing to say about that, you step aside."

Xie Zhuxing didn't let it go and said, "Who said they broke up because of these?"

Wang Chao stared: "Didn't you say it yourself? Don't let me drink, go to pee on the cat, and then say that someone stabs you in the spine and scolds you for selling chrysanthemums, and also that you can live easily if you leave me," he said at the time. I feel so wronged, now I want to reconcile, so I won't be wronged? Pretend to forget all about it? With the surname Xie, why do you talk like a fart?"

Xie Zhuxing didn't know what to think, his eyes lit up and said, "So you only ran for half a month, and you didn't pay attention to me after coming back for so long?"

He didn't forget the whole quarrel, nor did he want to play stupid to fool Wang Chao, but he thought that during the quarrel, Wang Chao cared about female stars, Hollywood movies, houses and homes.

So he explained that.

But it turns out that Wang Chao may not care as much as he thinks about female stars, movies, or hurting people. What Wang Chao still remembers in his heart is his mood.

Wang Chao didn't know what he was thinking, but he was still stubborn: "Who ran? Who ran? Dad only went out to play when the weather was good."

Xie Zhuxing's mood turned cloudy, looking at his dark face, he even joked: "Just playing like this?"

Which pot can't be opened and lifted, poked the hornet's nest, and Wang Chao jumped up: "Fuck the dick! Get out of the way! There are still people waiting for Dad!"

When Yan Rong was mentioned, Xie Zhuxing asked, "Who is that child?"

Wang Chao said: "Can I tell you?"

Xie Zhuxing asked again: "Also, what happened to that brother Chi?"

When Wang Chao heard what he meant, he turned his face and said, "What do you mean? You want to say that Dad is messing around, right?"

Xie Zhuxing said, "Then are you doing it or not?"

Wang Chao was so angry that his head smoked, and said, "I did it! One in the morning and one in the evening. If you're happy, let's do it together. Would you like to come together?"

I wouldn't say that if I really did it.

Xie Zhuxing didn't feel bad about Yanrong, but he didn't have a good impression of Chi Lidong.

He sternly listened to Wang Chao's rudeness, and looked at this man.

How can you get so tanned? He also shaved his head. He didn't wear a hat just now, and his head looked like a marinated egg, which was very cute.

I want to touch, I want to kiss.

Wang Chao was puzzled and disgusted him: "Just you, your face is not as good-looking as Yan Rong, your body is not as good as Brother Chi's, and those with poor skills have no face to mention. What do you have? You just want to come, and Dad won't take you!"

Xie Zhuxing listened to him farther and farther, and said, "Okay, don't make a fuss, just listen to me..."

Wang Chaocai didn't listen, and the noise became louder: "Dad listen to you! Go away! Go away!"

Xie Zhuxing gestured to cover his mouth and said, "Keep your voice down and invite people to watch the fun."

Wang Chao ducked to and fro not to touch him.

Xie Zhuxing made a hiss and stepped back.

Seeing that there was a free time, Wang Chao took the opportunity to bypass him and ran a few steps in a hurry. He didn't hear footsteps behind him.

Xie Zhuxing was all right, but he almost lost his temper. In his current situation, he had to go back to the hospital to lie down. He hurriedly supported the wall and slowed down. When the rest was over, the elevator that Wang Chao took had already gone down.

He had to wait for another elevator to come downstairs.

If you don't catch it, the person has already left.

The group of girls downstairs was still there, and when they saw him come out, they immediately cheered.

He asked, "Have you seen our captain?"

The girls pointed to the intersection: "I drove away just now and performed a drift."

Wang Chao didn't answer the phone either.

Xie Zhuxing didn't even know where to chase him. He knew that he had asked the child just now, and asked Chi Chi for lunch at noon.

He was depressed for a while, and went upstairs to find Liu Congong again.

Liu Congman thought that the two were reconciled, and teased him: "Is it a surprise when I see Leo? Is it a surprise or not? Do you feel like you have a new partner?"

Xie Zhuxing said annoyed: "Don't be poor, what did he say when he came here?"

Liu Congming said: "I didn't say anything. I asked him to talk about a new advertisement today. It's a shampoo brand. When he heard it, he slapped the table and scolded me for laughing at him. If I could say anything, I would be scolded. He scolded enough, and said let me give you this endorsement."

Xie Zhuxing: "..." Give it to him again. Always give him everything.

Liu Cong Cong asked carefully, "Why haven't we made up after spending a long time in the corridor?"

Xie Zhuxing said helplessly: "He doesn't listen to me, he blows up after a few words, he becomes a father if he makes a quarrel, and runs away after the quarrel. In my current situation, it's hard to catch him."

Liu Cong thought for a while, and then set an example: "I think you are too shameful. I quarreled with Xiao, and she just wants to be an aunt, and I will let her be. Anyway, it's just the two of you when the door is closed, and you can't be ashamed. Go to someone else's house."

Wang Chao left Huixing with Yanrong, and scolded Xie Zhuxing for being shameless along the way.

Yan Rong said: "Didn't he want to apologize to you? Didn't he say it? Or is it bad?"

Wang Chao said with disgust: "What's he calling an apology? I bah! It's purely to respond to me! When we broke up, he said that I was flirting with my sister every day, and I was a **** of his grandmother! Why don't you say that he beat me every day. I'm happy? I haven't said that he flirted with his female star. He has the face to doubt me? If he suspects that I'm playing with girls, it's fine, but he also suspects that I'm messing with you? How old are you? Can I sleep? Me! I'm not a beast like my second brother!"

Yan Rong: "…"

Wang Chao scolded for a while, got tired, rested for a while, and then said, "I didn't wait for him to apologize to me, he has nothing to do with the actress, it was me who destroyed him in the movie. He didn't actually do anything wrong."

Yan Rong said, "Huh? Didn't you say he drove you out of the house?"

Wang Chao was unhappy and said: "He was in a hurry before he said bad things, don't you know, I'm notoriously cheap, if it's more bad than bad words, how can he be bad at me? If I'm so careful , if you want to care about this with him, you would never go back to find him and want to reconcile."

Yan Rong said strangely: "Then I don't understand, why did you two break up?"

Wang Chao turned the steering wheel and said sadly: "He said he was with me, and he was wronged."

When he got to the place he had made an appointment with, Chi Lidong was not alone. He also brought a boy of five or six years old and sat next to Chi Lidong, holding a bucket of popcorn to eat.

Wang Chao took other people's popcorn to eat, and asked, "Who are you? Are you here to eat?"

The children had never seen this kind of scorpion, so they timidly hid behind Chi Lidong.

Yan Rong and Chi Lidong said hello, looked at the child carefully, and said, "Is this the last time you saw the child in the ice cream shop?"

Wang Chao took a closer look, and it seemed to be true.

Chi Lidong said embarrassedly: "his dad has something to do, let me help him."

Wang Chaodao: "His father was the same man that day? Don't you still hide and don't want to play with others? Why are you helping the child today?"

Chi Lidong didn't want to say it in front of the child, so he winked at Wang Chao, implying that he should stop talking.

In the middle of the meal, the child was full and wanted to go to the children's paradise area of ​​the restaurant to play, but Yan Rong took him there.

Chi Lidong only told Wang Chao: "This kid's father is my former partner."

Wang Chao said, "Just burn you with a cigarette butt?"

Chi Lidong nodded.

Wang Chao said with contempt, "Where did you go to have a baby? Isn't it good to be gay?"

Chi Lidong said: "No, the child is not his own, but his sister's. His sister is gone. The child left to him is called Dad, but it's actually uncle."

Wang Chao thought about it for a while, but if he couldn't remember what that person looked like, he remembered that he wasn't black or bald.

He asked, "He doesn't look like my brother, doesn't he?"

When Wang Qi was mentioned, Chi Lidong was restless, and his face was wrong.

Wang Chao said, "You deserve it, when I didn't say anything."

Chi Lidong asked him, "Are you reconciled with your brother?"

Wang Chao pulled his face: "No, I haven't been in contact since that day."

Chi Lidong persuaded: "He won't have the same knowledge as you. When you look back and say something nice to him, how can the brothers have an overnight feud?"

Wang Chao said unhappily: "He doesn't have the same knowledge as me? Do you want me to talk to him? Is it reasonable for him to beat someone? Let me tell you, I can't beat him now, and I won't be able to beat him when he gets old. Just beat him three times a day!"

Chi Lidong: "…"

Wang Chao thought about it for a while, and then changed his words: "Let's have one meal a day, I'm still tired of three meals."

After dinner, Chi Lidong took the child away, Wang Chao took Yanrong to the mall again, summer is coming, and I want to buy summer clothes, but the more I buy, the more angry I get. Yanrong looks good in everything he wears. In the end, he only bought two potatoes for Yanrong, and bought seven hats himself.

When he came out of the mall and wanted to go home, Yanrong's classmates called and asked him to go and play together.

Wang Chao didn't want to go home by himself, so he asked, "What are you doing?"

Yan Rong said, "Let's go play football."

Wang Chao wanted to go and said, "Can you take me with you?"

Yan Rong blinked twice: "No."

Wang Chao said dissatisfiedly: "Are you afraid that you guys can't kick me? Can I let you guys down?"

Yan Rong said: "No, you annoyed me just now, so I won't take you."

Wang Chao said: "You little white-eyed wolf, I bought you clothes and ice cream for you, how did I provoke you?"

Yan Rong akimbo said: "You said my boyfriend is a beast."

Wang Chao: "..." It was originally a beast, why didn't you let me say it?

Anyway, Yan Rong finally agreed to take him to play football.

The high school students who met to play football were all foreign children. They didn't know King Leo very much. Now he looks like this, and no one knows him. Yanrong introduced that he is a singer, and was asked by some boys, "Is he a singer?" Rock?"

This is the worst time a rock singer has ever been hacked.

After playing football until it was dark, Wang Chao took a few high school students to play the skewers, and he left happily after the play.

Wang Chao was driving the car, Yan Rong was sitting in the passenger seat, the European Cup theme song was playing on the stereo, and both of them sang along to sing along.

Seeing the door, Wang Chao stopped singing.

Yan Rong sang half a sentence by himself, but stopped singing.

There is a person in front of their house.

Wang Chao slammed on the brakes and wanted to turn around and not go home.

Yan Rong asked, "Are you going to run away?"

Wang Chao wanted face: "nonsense, who is running away?"

Step on the accelerator again and slowly drive past.

Xie Zhuxing still did not move at the door, standing in the light of the headlights.

In front of Xiao Yanrong, Wang Chao wanted to act like a hero. He stubbornly stuck his head out of the car window and cursed at the exit: "A good dog won't stand in the way!"

Xie Zhuxing didn't say a word, and squinted his eyes. In fact, I really want to raise my hand to block, but I can't lose the momentum. Hold on.

Yan Rong didn't understand the slang, and asked eagerly, "What does this mean?"

Wang Chao said: "Don't learn blindly! It's not a good word."

Yan Rong said, "Then you still say that?"

Wang Chao: "...why are you so annoying as a child?"

Yan Rong said: "If you say I hate it, then you still beg me to take you to play football in the afternoon?"

The little friends who played football together and sang together and sang together just now, the boat of friendship turned over as soon as it was overturned.

Yanrong got out of the car with a puffed face, opened the door by himself, and went in without looking back.

I also ignored Xie Zhuxing.

Xie Zhuxing saw him go in, then turned around and squinted again and asked, "Does he really live in your house?"

Wang Chao didn't answer and turned off the lights.

Xie Zhuxing's eyes became a little more comfortable, no need to squinting.

Wang Chao got out of the car, but he didn't dare to get too close, so he stood behind the door, put his hands on the door, and shouted at Xie Zhuxing, "What are you doing here again?"

Xie Zhuxing said, "What can I do, I'll find you and ask when you will be home."

Wang Chao said: "Fuck back?" He raised his hand and pointed, "This is Dad's house."

Xie Zhuxing said, "This is your home. I ask you when you will come back to our home."

Wang Chao was sour: "Go to your little broken house and give you another chance to drive Dad out?"

Xie Zhuxing: "You..." As if he was trying to say something, he got stuck.

Wang Chao said: "If you have nothing to say, let me go. Dad is going home to sleep."

He's getting in the car again.

Xie Zhuxing said, "Dad."

Wang Chao: "...Ah?"

Xie Zhuxing's voice was a little louder than before: "Dad, when will you come home with me?"

Wang Chao: "...Are you crazy?"

Xie Zhuxing also felt uncomfortable when he shouted, and said embarrassedly, "You said the other day that you should go back after calling your father."

Wang Chao was stunned for a while, and said, "Bullshit, Dad said... What I said is, even if you call me Dad, I won't go back."

Xie Zhuxing stayed for a few seconds and said, "Then I have already called, you give it back to me."

Wang Chao is stunned again, what's the matter? call back?

Xie Zhuxing said: " don't want to go home now, I can wait for you. Let's finish what we didn't finish at noon."

Wang Chao was still immersed in the shock of suddenly growing older, and he forgot to yell or not listen.

Xie Zhuxing said: "I haven't forgotten what I said the day we quarreled. Is it because I thought you were so angry, or because I talked too much earlier, so I was in a hurry to explain those things."

Wang Chao listened to these words, but he didn't want to listen to it anymore, and said: "Anyway, I am wronging you and making you look down on you. You are right. It's time to break up, and we shouldn't be together. The hands are divided well, the division is wonderful, and the division is quack."

Xie Zhuxing said, "I'm just wronged, can't I?"

Wang Chao jumped out from the back of the car door and said, "Okay, okay, you're wronged! You said you wanted to break up, but after you said you broke up, I never bothered you again, why are you pestering me again? Why is it over? return?"

Xie Zhuxing also raised his voice: "What am I wronged is being looked down upon by others? What I am wronged is obviously that you look down on me!"

Wang Chao laughed ridiculously: "I look down on you? I'm an idiot who fights for father and brother. I have the right to look down on you?"

Xie Zhuxing said: "Who insisted that I want to hug Yuhan's thigh?"

Wang Chao said: "After I heard Liu Cong tell the truth, I'll go to you right away?"

Xie Zhuxing said: "I was looking for me. The first sentence I saw was to ask me to apologize."

Wang Chao said: "Shouldn't you apologize? You said it was your house! This is a human talk?!"

Xie Zhuxing said: "Then you say that I have to rely on selling my body to climb the high branches, is it just human words?"

Wang Chao said: "I was talking nonsense!"

Xie Zhuxing: "...Me too."

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