MTL - Peter Pan and Cinderella-Chapter 103 childish

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April is full of fragrance in the world, and the night in the mountain village is as cool as water.

Yan Jiajia's husband brought a coat over, nodded politely to Xie Zhuxing, gave the coat to Yan Jiajia, and said, "I have boiled hot water, and you can soak your feet when you go back."

Yan Jiajia smiled and put on the coat, and muttered, "Take me as a child." The person in charge of the foundation smiled kindly at Xie Zhuxing and walked away, obviously not caring about his predecessor's identity.

Xie Zhuxing said: "Your husband is a good man, and the two of you are quite suitable."

Yan Jiajia laughed and said, "What's right? When he was chasing me, his friends all said that he was funny, and then I agreed to him, and my little sisters also thought that I was confused, and no one thought we were both confused. Right, you were the first to say so."

Indeed, if you hadn't seen the current Yan Jiajia with your own eyes, the two would be a very inappropriate couple.

Yan Jiajia looked up at the night sky and said, "After I separated from you, I couldn't think about it for a long time, I felt regretful, I felt that if I missed you, I would never meet someone better than you, my husband chased me, I I'm a little moved, but I can't help comparing you to him. I always think he's a little worse. Later, when Leo came to me and gave me the ring, I suddenly figured out that you're not as good as I thought. Well, there's nothing like him except for his face."

Xie Zhuxing said sincerely: "He is really kind to you."

Yan Jiajia tightened her coat and said, "It's not that I can't eat grapes and say that grapes are sour. After two years with you, you obviously don't love me, don't say it, don't like me materialistically worship money, and don't say it, you have already I suspect that I am messing around outside, pretending not to know, do you think you are responsible? Should I be very moved? I'm sorry, you are forcibly shaping yourself, I am not moved at all, I will only be angry with you Half dead. Everyone thinks that you are good to people, stable and reliable. Only the person next to you knows what the **** you are like, your personality is terrible, you can't say whether you like it or not, whether you are happy or not. It’s also hidden. I spend a lot of time every day trying to guess what you’re thinking. Every time I guess, I have to be in a panic for several days. I’m really tired. I think this is mostly my own problem. After all, later I know you didn't love me, but when Leo went to find me, I realized that it's the same as everyone else, you're such a **** bastard."

Xie Zhuxing forced a smile and said, "Forget about turning over the old accounts, why are you still engaging in personal attacks?"

Yan Jiajia snorted and said, "I'm still not convinced? I know you like him, and I know he's no easier than me. When you guys didn't debut, the first time I saw him, he was so mean and hard. Running on me, although I am not happy, I don't think he is disgusting, but I envy him. He can say whatever he wants, do whatever he wants, laugh and scold at his own will, if conditions allow, Who doesn't want to live like him for the rest of his life? The day he went to give me the ring, I didn't envy him at all. He's not the one he used to be at all. In the past, he was able to live unrestrainedly and unrestrainedly, not only because his family was good, but because he lived indifferently, and he had no fear. How did you say he became like this? Don't you blame who? "

Xie Zhuxing could not answer.

Yan Jiajia said sharply: "Do you know what your problem is? Everyone stumbles and learns to grow in love, but you are the only one who never learns. From beginning to end, you have never grown up."

Xie Zhuxing was stunned for a while: "...You mean me? Didn't you grow up?"

Yan Jiajia shook his head and said, "Look, you not only confuse others, but also yourself, the more naive people are, the more mature they feel. Which mature person would brush his sneakers when he's in a bad mood? To communicate openly and honestly, but to keep grievances in your heart bit by bit, and if you reach the limit, you will sentence the other party to death? How naive!"

After finally crossing the peaks and peaks, the wrong and wrong section of the road, Wang Chao's motion sickness is much better, but his face is still not very good.

In the evening, I arrived at the Sisters Sea. The lake under the snow-capped mountains is like a pearl. It is very beautiful. Chi Lidong asked Wang Chao to go down to play. Wang Chao didn't want to go. He looked through the car window and shrank back listlessly.

Chi Lidong had no choice but to continue driving forward and said, "There is a familiar inn in Batang, and the conditions are not bad. Let's stay there at night."

Wang Chao sneezed before saying, "Okay."

As soon as it got dark, the temperature dropped, and the wind outside the car window was a little cool. Chi Lidong closed the car window, and he was a little hot again, so he took off his jacket.

Wang Chao saw a round scar on his right arm and asked, "How did you do this?"

Chi Lidong said: "I talked to someone before, but I had a bad temper. Once I quarreled, I burned them with cigarette butts."

Wang Chao: "...This girl has a bad temper."

Chi Lidong smiled unnaturally.

Wang Chao looked at the scar again, and remembered that Xie Zhuxing also had one on the back of his hand. It was quite similar, but it was new. Who burned him? himself? why?

Read The Duke's Passion