MTL - Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet-v2 Chapter 2428 Because of love

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The meeting is finally over.

This will be the most significant meeting of the independent state.

Soon the news will be spread throughout the twelve independent states.

Out of the Arbitration Building, Yin Yuerong looked up and looked at the blue sky above her head.

In her life, she was chasing Si Huaiqi for the first half of her life. She pursued her rights for the rest of her life. She never had a happy life and never lived for herself. Now she is tired.

Although things have been done against principles and minds, the heart is unprecedentedly relaxed and relieved.

It turns out that sometimes compromise does not mean failure, but a broad sky.

At the moment when the news came out, Ye Hao immediately sent a text message to inform Nie Wuming of the good news.

As she walked out, she was still sighing with the Secretary. "This result is really amazing. I guess your mother will definitely not pass, but I didn't expect her to abstain! I have already done a long-term battle. get ready!"

Secretary Night Cold: "I didn't expect it."

Since this time, Yin Yuerong has done too much different things from his understanding.

The two just walked out of the building and just saw the Yin Yuerong waiting for the car at the door.

The three faced face up, and there was some silence between the moments. I don’t know what to say.

At this time, a black car drove over, Yin Yuerong's driver arrived, and finally broke the silence.

Yin Yuerong took back his sight and walked toward the car.

Before stepping into the car, Yin Yuerong suddenly stopped and turned around, looking at the front of the night and Ye Hao.

Then, the eyes fell on the body of the night cold: "Ajiu, in fact, at that time, my mother has been looking forward to your birth, you are born with all the hopes of the mother..."

Listening to the words of Yin Yuerong, the pupil of the night cold contracted slightly for a moment.

Yin Yuerong never said these things to him.

"Just... I have always been too weak, I have been defeated by love and life, and I am going to be imprisoned with me in this cage of no light... I want you to stay with me in this darkness... ”

Yin Yuerong slightly lifted the scorpion and looked at the son in front of him, slowly showing a sad smile. "Ajiu, in fact, the mother is just... too lonely..."

"Aki, I am sorry..."

Listening to Yin Yuerong slowly said these words, the hands of the Secretary of the night cold tightly squeezed into a fist.

Ye Hao reached out and gently grasped the hand of the night cold with a slight trembling hand.

In fact, although the Secretary said that his mother was always his heart knot.

Secretary Night Cold has never known why, as a mother, she can be so cruel to her own flesh and blood. At first, he still had expectations. He also wanted to ask why, but he was disappointed again and again.

In the end, he finally did not ask, no hope.

However, deep inside, the most wanted is the explanation of Yin Yuerong. The knots of these years are just the words "I'm sorry."

Yin Yuerong glanced at the girl who was on the side of the night. "Ajiu, you see people's eyes better than their mothers."

After saying this, Yin Yuerong got on the bus, and the car slowly moved and disappeared into sight.

Ye Hao held the hand of the night, and whispered softly. "I have been thinking about why I can make Yin Yuerong have such a big change. Now it seems to suddenly understand... probably because of love..."

Yin Yuerong was turned into a cold look by love, and was melted and changed by love.
