MTL - Peerless Spirit Master-Chapter 538 Finale (Part 2) [10,000 words]

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   Chapter 538 Finale (Part 2) [10,000 words]

  Under the dark sky, the battle resumes!

   The duel between gods and gods will never end!

   Qing Yunge's current attack is completely insane, with no way out.

The final form of   Feng Tianjue is hundreds of times stronger than the previous six moves combined!

   "God blocks and kills gods and demons!"

   A sword!

   Chop down Xi's head!

   This time, Xi was not as relaxed as the previous few times.

   He used almost eight points of strength to resist the oncoming long sword with both hands, which was able to defuse this attack.


  Qing Yunge has always been fighting while breaking through, and the next move will definitely be stronger than the previous one!

   "The world turned upside down..."

   "Mountains and rivers fall!"

  In an instant, the whole world shook violently.

   "Boom" several times, all the land except the Chaos Continent cracked apart.

   Star Ocean can no longer see its original color at this time, and is replaced by a blue that is almost black.

  The sea surged wildly, setting off a stormy sea.

   Even Xi, at this moment, couldn't help showing a look of horror.

   He could feel that this move "turned the world upside down" directly caused the power of the whole world to press towards him.

   "Damn!" Xi couldn't help but growled, "I want to see where the Eternal Divine Weapon is so powerful!"

  This time, he used all his strength.

   "Bang—" with a loud noise, and the hard body and the long sword slammed into each other.

   At this moment, those intelligent beings who were watching on the Chaos Continent actually went blind for a moment.

   When their sight finally returned to normal, they all lost their voices.

   They have never seen this level of battle, even a little bit of strength is enough to destroy a continent!

  Fortunately, Chaos Continent is still under the protection of Qing Yunge, otherwise, it is possible for the world to return to desolation just by her confrontation with Xi.

   But precisely because she also divided a part of the power of chaos to protect the nine clans, she couldn't use her full strength when fighting against Xi.

  Xi also discovered this, and after resisting the second attack, he suddenly stepped back.

   He looked at the person in front of him and laughed loudly: "Xiaoge, Xiaoge, how can you be affectionate?"

   He was very interested: "You said, if you used all the power of chaos to fight me now, I might have been killed by you long ago."

When   xi said this, he didn't have the slightest fear, he just smiled, with a bit of pity in his smile.

   Qing Yunge's lips released a very light sneer, slowly: "None of your business?"

The words    made Xi's face extremely ugly: "Xiaoge, I really don't like you being so rude."

   Qing Yunge held the sword and raised her eyebrows coldly: "It's enough that he likes it."

Before the    voice fell, the attack resumed.

   But Xi was even more angry because of this sentence.

   His eyes were red, and his chest was heaving violently. He lowered his voice and said coldly: "Xiaoge, I will give you one last chance. Join me and destroy this world."

   Qing Yunge smiled: "You are dreaming."

   She raised her sword and shouted loudly: "Fortunately, I will hold the world in reverse!"

   This move is even stronger than the move just now.

  Xi roared furiously, and even retreated directly, then swept his eyes and smiled viciously.

   "Xiaoge, you can't kill me." He blocked Shenxuan Island Lord, who hadn't reacted yet, in front of him, "Have you wanted to kill him for a long time? I'll give him to you!"

"Do not-!"

   Seeing this earth-shattering attack, the Shenxuan Island Master screamed in horror, but in the next second, he was thrown out by Xi, and he just hit the blow!

   With a "bang" sound, the body exploded directly, leaving nothing behind.

   Shenxuan Island Master, this time he is completely dead.

   Even if he is a consciousness that can escape and change his body at any time, he cannot survive the attack of the eternal divine soldier.

   Seeing this scene, Qing Yunge's brows froze, and the corners of her eyes sank.

   In this last form, "Feng Tian Jue", she has already used three moves, and her strength is running out.

   However, he has not yet succeeded in killing Xi.

  If the last move can't be killed, then...the nine clans will perish completely.

   "Xiaoge, it seems that you have already figured it out." Seeing that the girl in the red dress stopped attacking, Xi raised her lips, "How is it, if you come here now, I will still forgive you."

   His voice was affectionate and soft: "I... love you."

   "Shut up!" This sentence completely offended Qing Yunge's bottom line. She sneered and mocked, "You deserve to mention such a supreme word as 'love'?!"

   She bit the tip of her tongue and said word by word: "You, no, worthy!"

   No time!

   Without stopping for a single point, Qing Yunge used the last of the twenty-eight sword moves in "Feng Tian Jue".

   "The common people bow their heads to Mu Qingxin!"

  Xi also sneered: "Xiaoge, since you want to die with me, then I will satisfy your idea!"

   The next second, he opened his arms and didn't mind the last sword move.

   Then, he slowly said four words: "All-inclusive!"

   In an instant, Qing Yunge suddenly discovered that Xi seemed to be integrated with this world.

   As if the plane was him, he was the plane.

   She could feel that Xi's defense had broken through the limit at this moment.

   Wait until the moment the attack arrives!



   Wherever the sword energy goes, the space is completely broken.

   Even, under this move, through the damaged plane, the chaotic starry sky can already be seen.

   It can be seen how powerful it is.

   If you move, destroy the sky and destroy the earth!


  xi, did not die.

   Although he wasn't dead, he wasn't much better either.

   At the moment when the space was shattered, he spat out a mouthful of blood, all the key points on his body burst open, and the dark red drenched the front of his shirt.

   "Ha ha ha ha..." Xi covered his chest, still laughing, "Xiao Ge, your move is really strong, if I had replaced the previous me, I would have died a long time ago, but..."

   Qing Yunge's eyes changed.

  Xi laughed wildly: "I have devoured a lot of living beings, unless you wipe out all the power of living beings in my body, can you kill me!"

   "But now it seems that you have no strength to do it."

   Qing Yunge looked at him coldly.

   As Xi said, she exhausted all her strength and used these four sword tactics.

  If she still has spare strength, she can completely kill Xi with just one more cast.

  Really, is there no way?

   "Since that's the case..." Xi wiped the blood from his lips and stood up staggeringly, "Xiaoge, you stay here and watch how I kill the people you love one by one!"

   said, he soared into the air and plundered towards the Chaos Continent protected by the power of Chaos.

   But his speed was not as fast as Qing Yunge imagined, and it can be seen that the attack just now also caused him a lot of injuries.

   There is still time!

   Qing Yunge held the sword and began to rush towards the Chaos Continent.

   Then, he was still trying his best to improve his cultivation.

  God... How can you kill a god?

   Beyond the existence of the Dao powerhouse, what would it be?

   Then, what is it? !

   Above the heaven, above the avenue, above everything...

   Qing Yunge closed his eyes.

   At this moment, her consciousness was integrated into the entire chaotic starry sky, constantly searching.

What is   … what makes her protect the continent and the people she loves?

That is…

   Chaos, Chaos, Palm, Control, Who!

   And seeing this, Xi was about to reach the Chaos Continent.

   In the next moment, he didn't know what he felt, but he suddenly stopped, with a horrified expression on his face.

   "No, no, how is this possible?" Xi turned back suddenly, and said in shock, "How can you..."

   How could there really be a Chaos Master?

   This is what he has been searching for for tens of thousands of years, but he has not found it!

   At the same time, the girl in the red dress slowly opened her eyes.

   At this moment, the momentum around her body changed again, it was a majestic power that was chaotic and supreme in the palm of her hand!

   She finally understood that among the three thousand worlds, the most powerful existence.

   Chaos Master.

   controls a universe.

   controls thousands of lower planes.

  Life and death, in one thought!

   "Thank you..." Qing Yunge finally laughed, as if three thousand flowers were blooming slowly, "It made me."

  Xi kept stepping back, not even having the courage to fight: "No, this is not possible, you will not defeat me!"

   "You are wrong, Xi!" In the air, the girl in the red dress was dressed in silver armor, with extraordinary heroism and beauty. "It's not me who beat you, it's you!"

   "How can you, a person who doesn't know what love is, be qualified to build a new country?!"

   The next second, she raised her hand and spoke slowly.

   One word, one sentence, ordering the entire chaos!

  Everyone heard these orders, the world was silent, only the girl's decisive and stern voice echoed.

   "I am here now, ordering all things!"

   "Life and death are reversed, and the universe is overturned!"

   "Whoever is killed will be resurrected!"

   "Whatever is destroyed, the heaven and earth will go back!"

   "No disobedience, no mistakes!"

   "May my life be turned into a sky!"

   "Chaos Xiaoxiao, do not step into it!"

   "The invaders from outside the territory will surely disappear!"

   "I will guard the nine clans," Qing Yunge raised her head, her eyes were firm, and she slowly said the last sentence, "Cangsheng...I will protect you!"

   After all the seventy-two characters were dropped, the plane that was already damaged in an instant... was repaired!

   And the sun and moon that disappeared from the sky are also back on track at this moment.

  The darkness receded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the cracked earth healed again.

  Even the disappearance of the Dark Territory, the City of Sacred Sky, the Valley of the Wind Feather, and the Moonlight Forest... are all condensed and formed at this moment!

   The sky is blue, the sea is quiet, the flowers are blooming, the eyes are open...

  Things that were once shattered are now back!

  Qing Yunge stood in the air, still holding the three-foot green blade, but she smiled, smiling relieved.

   Even if the power of chaos in her body is slowly dissipating, even if she is about to merge with chaos, she doesn't care.

   They survived because of the people she loved.

   Seeing such a girl in a red dress, Xi was completely flustered, but not because of herself, but because of her resolute words.

   "Stop, stop!" he yelled, "Your life is mine, how can you give it up at will?"

   "No—" Qing Yunge looked at him without sorrow or joy, "You will never be worthy."


   When Xi hadn't struggled from his emotions, Qing Yunge grabbed his sword and stormed up.

   She sneered: "Completely disappear from the chaos... disappear!"

  Under this powerful force, a huge black hole appeared in the sky.

  Qing Yunge stabbed the Fengli Sword deeply into Xi's body, dragged him, and flew into the black hole.

   She must let Xi die completely, and can't give him another chance to come back!

   Then, let him be strangled by Chaos!

  Xi had already lost his strength under that sword, but the moment he entered the black hole, his eyes burst with light, and then his hands tightly clasped the wrist of the girl in red skirt.

There was a strange smile on   's lips: "Xiaoge, even if you die, you will die with me!"

   After saying that, he actually wanted to drag Qing Yunge directly into the black hole!

   But at this moment, suddenly!

   "Qing Yunge!"

   A frightened and trembling voice entered her ears.

The emotion contained in   's tone was as fearful as it was fifteen hundred years ago.

   Qing Yunge's body shook, she turned her head with difficulty, and saw the man in white rushing towards her.

   But because the surrounding power is too large, with Rong Jinhuai's cultivation, it is inevitable that the sharp blade in the air will cut out the wounds.

   It was just a short distance, and it was already dripping with blood!

   Countless yellow spring flowers bloomed on the snow-white placket, dazzling red and flawless red.

   "Go back!" Qing Yunge was horrified when she saw him like this, "A Huai, go back quickly!"

   "Go back?" Rong Jinhuai sneered, his speed raised again, "Don't even think about it!"

  I don't know how this black hole came into being. The closer it gets, the stronger the suction it receives, and Xi is constantly pulling her.

   Qing Yunge knew that she couldn't escape, but when she chose to turn herself into the sky, she had already made a decision to die.

   She has everything done, except for him.

   The next second, she fell into a warm embrace.

   Even though the hug was **** and weak, she was held as if she had the whole world.

   "I said it before." Rong Jinhuai wrapped her tightly around her, his voice horribly hoarse, "It's not that easy to leave me!"

   This man always makes him love and hate.

   I love everything about her, but hate her for wanting to bear it alone every time.

  How dare you make him dizzy?

   "Qing Yunge, you are really capable." He sneered again, gritted his teeth in her ear and whispered, "You still want to get rid of me? Huh?"

  The blood oath of life is unsealed, but the implication is still there. As long as she is injured, even if he falls into a deep sleep, he can wake up immediately.

  Qing Yunge stared blankly at the man in white with a sullen look on his face: "A Huai..."

   "I tell you, you don't want to get rid of me in your life." Rong Jinhuai took a deep breath and hugged the person in his arms tighter, "If you want to die, die together!"

   seems to have made an oath: "You live and I live, you die and I die!"

   Hearing these eight words, Qing Yunge's body suddenly trembled, she lowered her eyes, then held his palm with her backhand, and smiled slightly: "If you have no regrets, Qing will follow!"

  Then, let's go together.

   Huangquan Jiuyou, even if you die!

  The two hugged each other and were sucked into the huge black hole together under the unwilling gaze of Xi.

   And after they entered the black hole, with a sound of "Boom", the black hole even disappeared.

  Suddenly, large snowflakes fell from the sky, and they fluttered.

   It is clearly not winter, but it is snowing.

   Every corner of the world is snowing, and soon, the snow will bury the whole world.

   At the same time, something that shocked and delighted the orcs happened.

   The seven-colored divine phoenix, the seven-colored divine phoenix, the six-star unicorn, and the dragon **** who were thought to be dead all appeared, and their appearance was no different from before.

The female head of state Yu Musheng also noticed that Shenxuan Island had returned to its original state. The 100,000 souls who had died because of Xi, including the plane guardian Yun Mu, were still living on the island, as if they didn’t remember what happened before. what.

   And in Siling College—

  The comatose King's Landing woke up suddenly. After he woke up, he slammed his elbows against the bed, and then used his strength to stand on the ground.

   Before he could completely stabilize his body, he seemed to have remembered something, covered his face, and cried bitterly: "A Ying, A Ying..."

   But when he was crying the most, a very cold voice was a little helpless: "Why are you crying, am I not fine?"

   Hearing these words, Jun Lin suddenly raised his head, and between tears, he saw a woman in black, sitting at the table in front of the bed, looking at him with raised eyebrows.

   "Ah... Ying?" Jun Lin shivered and stretched out his hand, but he didn't dare to touch the woman, "Are you still alive?"

   The next second, his hand was already held.

   In front of him, are familiar dark gray eyes: "Yes, I'm still alive."


   Outside the window, the snow was still falling.

  Many intelligent beings who had experienced the tragic battle poked their heads out and looked at the falling snow, surprised: "Ah, it's snowing."

   "We survived!"

   However, no one thought that this snow would be five years.


Five years later.

  Moonlight Forest.

   In front of the Moonlight Tree, there was a figure standing there quietly.

  Long body and jade standing, tall and straight.

   Qian Luolian slightly bent her lean waist and held a branch of the Moonlight Tree.

   In the dark green eyes, there is a light mist.

   "Five years..." He said softly, not knowing who he was talking to, "I waited another five years."

   It has been five years since the battle of the gods

   Everything is back to normal.

   The sky is blue, the sea is clear, the woods are emerald green, and the continent is peaceful.

   It’s just, two people are missing.

  Two people who no one dared to mention until now.

  Because Qian Luolian knew that once these two names were mentioned, they would not be able to bear it.

   His slender fingers caressed the branches and leaves, his eyelashes drooping, covering his pupils: "I still haven't had your wedding wine."

   "You lied to me again."

   After speaking, Qian Luolian raised her head, not wanting to let herself cry.

   His mother had told him that it was useless to cry.

   He stared at the sky for a while, until the awkwardness disappeared, and then he looked back again.

   "Do you know what day is today?"

   No one answered him, so Qian Luolian smiled slightly: "Today is the New Year of mankind, we will all go to Nanhuai City to celebrate the New Year."

   "You guys will be back, right?"

  The wind blows gently and everything is peaceful.

   "Then it's settled." Qian Luolian got up and said to herself, "If you lie to me again this time, I will be unhappy."

   However, there was no response from beginning to end.

   His figure disappeared in place, and the confusing voice was smashed into the air.

   "We, see you in Nanhuai City."


   Night is the busiest time.

   Nanhuai City is near the sea, and it is not as cold as the northern city in early January.

   And today is the most festive day of the year.

   Streets and alleys, every household is covered with red lanterns.

   At the edge of the sky, thousands of fireworks bloom, splendid and splendid, rendering the night into day.

   On the night of reunion, all families gather together, because at this time, family members who have not seen before will come back.

   However, no matter how lively other homes are, they are not as lively as Qing’s.

  Because since five years ago, every time the Qing family arrived on January 5th, people from various places would come here to celebrate the New Year.

   The name of any one of these people is enough to shock the entire Nine Clan.

  As the hosts, Qingtian and Qing Fengya stood at the door to greet these guests, while Longyu and Feng Langhuan were busy in the back kitchen.

   Xiao's house was the first to arrive, after all, it was next door.

   "Old man, you seem to be in good spirits today." Mr. Xiao patted Qingtian's shoulder hard, trying to liven up the atmosphere, "Let's two brothers make some more gestures?"

   "Fuck you!" Qing Tian rolled his eyes angrily, "You know how to fight and kill when you are a New Year's Eve. Besides, I still have Xiao Yu to accompany me, so I'm going to make a gesture with you against the tree."

   Mr. Xiao: "…"

   is really heartbreaking.

   "Okay, this old man will play by himself." He snorted, "Don't come to me then."

   Xiao Muchen followed behind his grandfather with a bitter face and walked into the Qing's house.

  After the Xiao family, the Xuanfa family, which is better than the Qing family, came one after another.

   "Grandpa Qing, Uncle Qing are good!" Su Muyan came with the Lord of Jiuyou, "This year, Jiujiu and I are here to accompany you to celebrate the New Year with you again."

   "Okay, okay." Qingtian nodded, "It's good to come."

   "Grandpa Naqing remembered to be happy for a while and drink two more glasses of wine." Su Muyan smiled, "This year will also be good."

   Hearing this, Qingtian stopped talking for a while, and the air stagnated for a moment.

   Qing Fengya, who had been silent for a while, spoke up. He smiled slightly: "Muyan, come in quickly."

  Su Muyan nodded, but after turning around, her expression turned slightly sad.

   She took a deep breath and suppressed the sour feeling in her heart.

  The matter of going to Qing's house for Chinese New Year every year was brought up by her.

   Because she knows that even after five years, some things are still indelible.

   Even though everyone held out hope—Qing Yunge and Rong Jinhuai were not dead, they were in other places and couldn’t come back for some reason.

   However, whenever I think about five years ago, I still can't help crying.

   They should be like this, but what about the families of Sister Qing and Brother Rong?

   I'm afraid it's more unbearable, right?

   If they have to face the cold air every year during the New Year, it will be unbearable, so they try to create an atmosphere where everyone is present.

  Maybe, that would be better.

  Su Muyan will remember that everything they have now is bought with life and should be cherished.

   Then came the intelligent beings of other races such as orcs, elves, feathers, etc.

   Shenfeng came hand in hand with Shenhuang, they were like the most ordinary couple, coming to a banquet.

  Liu Yuan never thought that the little girl who used to talk about becoming stronger could actually do this.

   She really became stronger, so strong that no one could look directly at her.

   She is dazzling.

  She is powerful.

   She was radiant and full of glory.

   In this world, there is no second person who can achieve her level.


   "Let's go in." Liu Yuan sighed, "Qing'er."

   Qingying naturally knew what he was thinking, and sighed, silently.

  Liuyuan and Qingying were the last guests to arrive, so Qingtian and Qingfengya also planned to close the door and enter the hall.

   But just as they were about to close their doors!

  Suddenly, two more figures came in this direction. They were obviously not in a hurry, but they seemed to be in a hurry.

   "Huh?" Qing Fengya heard footsteps, paused for a moment, then looked up...

  Eyes freeze instantly!

   "Fengya, what's the matter?" Qingtian turned around for unknown reasons, but after asking this sentence, he was completely stunned.

  That, that is...

  Under the dark night, among the thousands of lights, someone came slowly in the wind and snow.

   The red clothes are beautiful, and the white clothes are all over the world.

   After several years of vicissitudes, what I see is still the same face.

   At this moment, Qing Tian and Qing Fengya almost forgot the instinct to speak, and could only stare blankly at the two figures slowly approaching.

   Then, there was a surprised voice with a smile: "Father, grandpa, why are you standing here like a wooden man?"

   "Don't freeze your body."

   It’s still a familiar voice, it’s still a familiar tone, it’s still…

   "Smelly girl." Even the old man who had never shed a tear on the battlefield, now burst into tears, and he choked out, "Where have you been for so many years."

  Qing Fengya is not good at words, and he doesn't know how to speak at this moment. His eyes are red, and tears are overflowing from the end of his eyes: "Yunge..."

  Really... are you back?

   Really is not an illusion, not a hallucination?

   The wind and snow are long, and the east wind is bitter.

   Silent, silent.

   "Okay." Qing Yunge's already suppressed emotions surged again, she smiled, "We're back, really back."

   She raised her head, looked at the man in white beside her, tugged at his sleeve, and deliberately joked, "Look, Ah Huai, you scared both grandpa and daddy."

   "Yes, yes, it's my fault." Rong Jinhuai turned his eyes to the side of the girl in the red dress, his eyes were gentle and dazzling, and then said, "Grandpa Qing and father-in-law, may you forgive me?"

   "I'm back...really back." After a period of silence, Qingtian suddenly shouted, "My eldest lady of the Qing family is back!"

   The emotion contained in this roar shook the eardrums of the listener.

   is happy, anxious, unbelievable, ecstatic.

   "Let's go, let's go in." Under this roar, Qingtian finally showed a smile from the heart, "Today is a happy day, you can't cry, absolutely can't cry."

   He said to Qing Fengya: "Fengya, you go to your mother and grandma first and ask them to come directly to the hall."

   said to the girl in red and the man in white again, "Yunge, Jin Huai, go with grandpa."

   Hearing this, Qing Fengya smiled helplessly, but his eyes came alive.

   The four entered the mansion together, and then separated.

  As people grow old, they talk a lot. Qingtian's footsteps are breezy, and her voice is brisk: "You two haven't come back for so many years. I don't know. Every year, a group of people come to our house to celebrate the New Year, and our family is almost hungry."

   Hearing this, Qing Yunge laughed and joked with the old man: "Then grandpa didn't drive them out?"

   She could probably guess who these people were.

   His eyes warmed slightly, and his heart was full of emotions.

   "How dare you, old man." Qing Tian rolled his eyes, "Although your grandfather and I have been cultivating all these years, I have only reached the devil level. How can I be the opponent of your group of friends?"

   Qing Yunge laughed until her body trembled.

   This time, it was Rong Jinhuai who spoke, and he raised his eyebrows slightly: "Grandpa Qing, I think no matter how many people there are, grandma can handle it, right?"

   Hearing this, Qingtian coughed twice, he feigned anger, blew his beard and stared: "You're wrong, how can you demolish this old man's stage?"

   After saying that, he suddenly stopped and hummed twice: "By the way, you should bring some greetings to the old man when you come back this time, right?"

   "If not, you don't want to eat today."

   Qing Yunge shook his head amusingly.

   When her grandfather pretended to be angry, he was really cute.

   "Grandpa, you guessed it right." Qing Yunge blinked, "A Huai and I brought you a present that you have always wanted."

   "Huh?" Qing Tian was shocked, "What did this old man always want?"

   What did he always want?

   Before he could rack his brains to figure it out, he heard his granddaughter speak: "Come on, Xiao Qing, you can come out."

   Little lightly?

  Who is Xiao Qingqing?

  Qingtian tugged at a moustache and looked over suspiciously.

   Seeing this, he gasped.

  Because there was another figure in front of him, a little doll carved in pink and jade.

   The little doll looks about four or five years old, and has a pair of magnificent eyes, but to his surprise, this little doll actually has a pair of eyes.

   But this is not important, the important thing is... The little doll is simply a miniature version of his granddaughter and grandson-in-law!

   That eyebrow, that eye, that lips, that demeanor.

   His great-grandson is right!

  Qingtian rubbed his hands excitedly, squatted down, and asked kindly, "Little girl, what's your name?"

   As soon as this sentence came out, he found his great-grandson staring at him.

  Qingtian scratched his head for unknown reasons, hey, strange, why did the little baby ignore him?

   So, one old and one young, just staring at the small eyes like that.



  Qing Yunge laughed outright, she fell into Rong Jinhuai's arms with laughter, her stomach hurt from laughing.

   "Mother!" In this laughter, there was a tender voice gnashing his teeth, seemingly very angry.

   "Alright, alright, I won't laugh anymore." Qing Yunge finally stopped laughing, she patted her chest, "I'm sorry, Xiao Qing, I just couldn't hold back."

   As soon as these words came out, Qingtian saw his great-grandson's face darken again.

  What's going on here?

   "Grandpa, you made a mistake." Qing Yunge held back her smile, shaking her shoulders, "Xiao Qing is not a little girl."

   Ouch, I really laughed at her, little girl hahahaha.

   "What is it?" Qing Tian was a little confused.

  Rong Jinhuai timely helped a girl in red dress who was about to laugh again and said, "Grandpa Qing, Rong Qing is a boy."

   "Boy?!" Qing Tian was stunned, "So beautiful is actually a boy?"

  Rong Qing: "…"

   He hated the use of these two words to describe him the most in his life.

   raised his head and glanced at his mother, who was smiling happily, and his doting father, and he knew that it was useless to resist.

   "Hey boy, boy can go to the battlefield." Qingtian immediately made amends, he smiled, "Come, come to Grandpa Zeng."

  Rong looked at him lightly, motionless.

   "Go, Xiao Qingqing." Qing Yunge stopped laughing now, she coaxed, "Let your great-grandfather take a good look at you."

  Rong Qing took off his short legs.

  Qingtian was so happy now that he hugged the little doll and slipped into the hall like the wind, for fear that someone would **** him.

   "Look, even grandpa treats our precious son as a little girl." Qing Yunge sighed, a little distressed, "But I clearly think Xiao Qing is very handsome."

   She and his genes are so good, the children born must also be very good.

   "It won't happen when you grow up." Rong Jinhuai hooked his lips, "After all, children, the genders haven't been differentiated."

   "It makes sense." Qing Yunge nodded in agreement, "Xiao Qing is so handsome, he will definitely bring me a beautiful daughter-in-law back. You remember to teach him some skills."

   "Oh?" Hearing this, he raised his eyebrows lightly, "What skills does Madam deserve?"

   "Bed? Bath? Or..."

   Before he could finish speaking, Qing Yunge covered his mouth in shame: "You're too embarrassed to mention it!"

   Except for the year when she was pregnant, he would be tossed by him at the rest of the time.

   "If you don't mention it, Qingqing will naturally not mention it." Rong Jinhuai laughed silently, "Now that you're back, let's stay for a while longer."

   Hearing this sentence, Qing Yunge slowly exhaled: "Yes, we are finally back."

  After they entered that black hole five years ago, they began to wander endlessly.

   That black hole should also be part of the chaotic starry sky, but there is no plane there.

   couldn't sense where the plane of the Nine Clan World was at all.

   They were able to come back because Qing Yunge's soul, which was on the verge of collapse, reunited.

   Chaos Orb.

   The pill-like ball that I once bought at the Liuli auction is actually a Chaos Orb that contains the power of chaos.

   After absorbing the Chaos Orb, Qing Yunge once again became the Chaos Controller.

   At the same moment, Rong Jinhuai also realized this level and both broke through.

  The two Chaos Masters naturally have the ability to return to the Nine Clan World.

   But what Qing Yunge didn't expect was that she was pregnant before she fought with Xi.

   This change made them have to stop going to the world of the Nine Clan, but went to the general plane, and only came back after giving birth to the child.

   But luckily, they came back.

   And the world of the nine tribes is more prosperous than before.

   Efforts were not in vain.

   After finishing their memories, when the two walked into the hall, the chaotic noise stopped in an instant.

   Everyone's eyes converged, and they were extremely hot.

   Obviously, they had already learned from Qingtian just now that Qing Yunge and Rong Jinhuai had returned.

   "You two are finally here." Qing Tian hugged Rong Qing with one hand and waved with the other, and said happily, "Hurry up and sit down, I've told this group of people that you want to talk about where you have been in the past few years."

   "Yes, Sister Qing." Su Muyan called out, "Where did you guys go?"

   As soon as these words came out, the voices rose one after another.

   "Speak! Speak!"

   "Yes! If you don't say anything, I'll get you drunk today!"

   "Everyone is watching, you two have to seal up your cultivation before you can drink with us."

  Liuyuan and Qingying smiled and looked at the lively and powerful young people.

   That's great, this is the real New Year.

   "Wow, do you want to be so ruthless?" Qing Yunge raised her eyebrows, "You know I'm not good at drinking and want to get me drunk?"

   "It's alright, Qingqing." Rong Jinhuai was indifferent, with a small smile on his brows, "If Xiuwei is sealed, they are not my opponents either."

   As soon as these words came out, they instantly aroused public anger.

  Some people even wanted to come over, forcibly overwhelm the man in white, and pour him alcohol.

   Xiao Muchen rolled up his sleeves and prepared to start.

   "Alright, alright." At this moment, Qing Yunge laughed, "Don't try to bully him, I'll tell you where we have been in the past five years."

   These guys have not seen each other for five years, but they still look like that.

As soon as the    voice fell, the voices in the hall stopped again, and even Liuyuan and Qingying straightened up and listened carefully.

   "We went to a very wonderful place." Qing Yunge held Rong Jinhuai's hand, smiled slightly, and said in a soft voice, "That place is called—"

   "The Unreal Great Thousand."


  There are three thousand planes in the world, each of which operates, and the sum of them is called the illusory Daqian—the end

   Okay, the main text is here.

   The big wedding and a few little buns are all in the show.

   Thank you for your company along the way.

   I will send a concluding remarks in a while, with news about the extras and the new book, I hope you can read it.

   The new book is a series of this book, and the male protagonist is Rong Qing~

   On the author's homepage or search, you can see "Concubine Xiaotian: The Demon Emperor, Has Been Captured!" 》

   The total plane Unreal Daqian will be mentioned here~

   so...Xinwenqiu has collected it~

   Fight the world again!



   (end of this chapter)

Read Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert
Read My Space-Time System
Read Level 4 Human in a Ruined World
Read Cursed Immortality
ActionAdventureXianxiaMartial Arts
Read The Last Adventurer

Chapter 99

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Chapter 98

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