MTL - Peerless Spirit Master-Chapter 475 The change of Fenglijian! 【2 more】

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   Chapter 475 The change of Fenglijian! 【2 more】

  The sound is clear and pleasant, like a spring.

  The words lingering between the lips and teeth bewitched the eardrums of the listeners.

   Hearing this sentence, Yin Jin's body froze suddenly.

   She looked up in disbelief, and saw a young elf with a half-open shirt jumping down from a tall tree.

   His movements were light and graceful, and he just landed in front of her.

  Yin Jin stared at him blankly, for a while, there was an urge to cry.

   Even though he hadn't seen him for a few months, he felt a sense of trance after a thousand years.

   "Why are you crying?" Qian Luolian stretched out her hand and touched Yin Jin's head, her tone was soft, but her eyes were indifferent, "My dear, Xiao Jin, give me the photo stone in your hand."

  Yin Jin came back to her senses, and then she really handed over the photo stone, but she still did not let go of Ye Ting's control.

   Qian Luolian didn't care what happened to Ye Ting at all. He injected profound energy into the photo-taking stone, and the old scene was re-displayed.

  All the elves looked up at the same time. The picture only recorded one scene - Ye Ting put a shadow elf into the field of light with his own hands, and deliberately guided him where the queen was.

   Then Ye Ting looked at the shadow elf and killed his queen with his own hands.

With a loud    "bang-", the elves recovered from the shocking scene before.

   They looked in the direction of the sound with a dazed look, and saw the charming young elf crushing the image blankly after the image was transported by the photo stone.

   His fingers slowly opened, and the powder flowed down the gap between the fingers.

   Qian Luolian slowly turned her head and looked at Ye Ting, who was also stunned there. In her dark green eyes, there was a chill to the bone.

   Suddenly, he laughed: "So, there are things I don't know."

   "No..." Ye Ting shook his head and murmured, "I didn't want to kill her."

   "Yeah, you really didn't have this idea at first." Qian Luolian smiled, "But in order to blame me, you can do anything, right?"

   The only person in this world who loves him wholeheartedly is the dead queen.

  Maybe, she never thought that her husband was the murderer who killed her.

   Qian Luolian took a light breath, closed his eyes, and still remembered what the queen had said to him.

   "Xiao Lian, your father can't see your goodness, but I can see it. You have to remember that no matter what happens in the future, I will always be your mother and queen."

   "Even if one day you are abandoned by everyone, I will stay by your side, Xiaolian."

   This day has come, but you are no longer there.

  Qian Luolian suddenly opened his eyes, he clasped Ye Ting's throat, and his soft voice was incomparable at this moment: "You really don't deserve to be a husband, nor a father, let alone a king!"

The chilling meaning of    made Ye Ting shudder.

   But immediately, he realized something and roared: "You just forgot! If it wasn't for my compassion, you would have died when you were a baby!"

   "Shut up!" Before Qian Luolian didn't react, Yin Jin's eyes first turned cold.

   She inserted the dagger into Ye Ting's open door without hesitation, without any hesitation.

   When the dagger entered his body, Ye Ting shuddered suddenly, he glanced at Yin Jin in disbelief, and a **** ho sound came out of his throat.

   Ye Ting frantically gathered wood-type profound energy and wanted to repair the wound on his back, but no matter how hard he tried, his injury was getting worse and worse, and an unfamiliar numbness swept through his body.

Although the    spirit has the same life as the sky, it will still die when it is fatally injured.

   Ye Ting could never have imagined that he was a **** rank, and he would die in the hands of a shadow elf who was not even a demon rank.

   Before his consciousness disappeared, Ye Ting seemed to have discovered something, but he had no strength to speak, and just opened his mouth.

   That short sword…

   Everything happened so fast that neither the elf guard nor the other Ye clan elves could react.

   They just stared blankly at that, King Ye Ting, who used to be high above, gradually died because of a dagger, and then turned into a faint green light that dissipated in the air.

  Yin Jin squatted down, picked up the dagger that fell to the ground, carefully took out the handkerchief, wiped the blade clean, and put it back into the scabbard.

   After finishing everything, she raised her head: "Second Highness..."

   As soon as he called out that title, Yin Jin was interrupted.

   "I knew your identity the first time I saw you when I came back." Qian Luolian folded her arms, her eyes were calm, "You don't have to explain anything to me."

  From this point of view, it was a fate that he chose Yin Jin at random.

   "But I, I..." Yin Jin wriggled her lips and looked a little panicked, "I am a shadow elf."

   Now the Highness she served has returned to normal, but she is still an ugly shadow elf.

   "Well." Qian Luolian narrowed her eyes slightly, "I know, what else?"

   What determines good and evil is never the so-called identity.

  Yin Jin was at a loss, and stammered: "I also...killed Ye Ting."

   "Not bad." Qian Luolian smiled slightly, "It's a good kill, but Xiao Jin, you still did something wrong."

   Hearing this sentence, Yin Jin's expression changed: "Second Highness..."

   "Since you are my person, then you must listen to me." The moonlight fell on the side of the young elf through the leaves, like a veil, "But this time, you didn't do it."

   "My subordinates are willing to be punished!" Yin Jin knelt down abruptly and buried his head deeply, "Just beg the Second Highness..."

   "Since I'm not obedient, then you don't have to call me Second Highness." Qian Luolian looked indifferent, "Go away, don't stay in the light domain."

   "No! No!" Hearing this, Yin Jin panicked completely, "Second Highness, please don't drive me away, don't drive me away."

   She raised her hand and grabbed the corner of the young elf's clothes, with a prayer in her eyes.

   Seeing her like this, Qian Luo pity's eyes lighted for a while, then she leaned over slightly, looked at Yin Jin and sighed softly: "Xiao Jin, I'm not driving you away, you should..."

  Suddenly, at this moment, a voice came out of the sky.

   The night wind was suddenly cold, and killing intent was slowly growing.

   Qian Luolian's eyes darkened, he just wanted to stretch out his hand to block this sudden attack, but the accident happened at this moment—

  Yin Jin also felt this extremely powerful and fierce attack. She didn't even think about it, she just crawled up on the ground and blocked her body in front of Qian Luolian.

   The next second, the sound of "chi-" was the sound of a sharp weapon passing through flesh and blood.

The    long sword hit the center of her heart, directly piercing her body.

  Yin Jin blocked this attack with her physical body. She didn't use any defensive secret techniques, and she didn't even condense her body shield.

   At this moment, she is like an ordinary person who cannot cultivate.

   Even though she knew that the source of life was rapidly draining away, Yin Jin was relieved. She smiled peacefully, as if she was finally relieved.

   Seeing this scene, Ye Ying holding the sword was stunned.

   He never thought that a shadow elf could smile so beautifully.

   But this beauty is incomparably cold, with a determination that will never return.

   "Go away." Qian Luolian's eyes instantly turned cold, and he threw Ye Ying out, who was still in a daze.

   Almost at the same time, he bent down and stretched out his hand to pull up Yin Jin, who was lying on the ground.

   But Yin Jin avoided his hand, she was still laughing: "Second Highness, I can't live anymore, you don't need to worry about me."

   Qian Luolian's expression paused for a while. For the first time, his expression made people feel terrible. He said softly, "Don't talk."

   "Actually, without this sword, I wouldn't be able to live very long." Yin Jin coughed blood and said intermittently, "In order to kill Ye Ting, I almost used up two-thirds of my life source."

   For other elves, the source of life of shadow elves is poison. Once injury is caused, it cannot be reversed.

   "I said it, don't talk." Qian Luolian's voice was indifferent, "You're not obedient, aren't you?"

   "Your Highness, I actually used you too." Yin Jin said stubbornly, "If it wasn't for you, I would not have been able to stay in Greenleaf Castle so smoothly."

   Hearing this, Qian Luolian frowned.

   When it comes to use, it is both parties, so why not?

   He picked a servant at random, and no matter who it was, he would not have any feelings, even a little compassion.

   But since Yin Jin is still his servant now, that is his person, and he will not allow others to hurt her.

   Other than that, nothing else.

"You may not know yet, I have always admired you." Yin Jin knew that he was about to die, and wanted to finish all the words, "but it is really difficult for you to get close, you completely closed your heart, don't Give us any chance."

   Even after hearing this sincere confession, the young elf's eyes were still calm, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

  His hand was attached to Yin Jin's wound, and a faint green light radiated from his palm.

   But when those green light touches the wound, it cannot heal it.

   Qian Luolian's eyes had a hint of irritability, but he still didn't take his hand away.

   At this moment, a large amount of blood began to flow from Yin Jin's lips.

  Suddenly, as if returning to the light, she stretched out her hand and grabbed his arm violently.

There was a hint of hope in   's clear eyes: "Second Highness, do you still remember the elf you rescued in the forest outside the field of light?"

   Qian Luolian looked at her, put her fingers on her cheek, said in a soft voice, "I don't remember."

The four characters    are extremely soft, but with infinite indifference.

   "It's okay..." The light in Yin Jin's eyes suddenly disappeared, she slowly put down her hand and smiled, "I'm already very happy to be your servant."

   The last four words of this sentence are very low, almost inaudible.

   Her eyes finally closed tiredly, and her head gradually sank.

  In the end, Yin Jin's body also turned into a little bit of light in the sky, but unlike other elves after death, this light point was a rare black.

   Qian Luolian stood up silently, her expression calm.

The    elves were also silent, because they could not judge the right or wrong of these things.

   After Ye Ying was able to move, all he saw was a pair of cold dark green eyes.

"elder brother-"

   To his surprise, he heard this long-lost name again.

   Qian Luolian tilted his head and smiled, he raised his chin slightly: "Are you going to kill me again just now?"

   Ye Ying's expression changed greatly: "Lian Lian, listen to my explanation, I don't want to..."

   He didn't want to kill Qian Luolian, he just wanted to stop the young elf.

  Because Ye Ying saw the scene of Ye Ting's death as soon as he came, he only acted in a moment of anger.

   That sword could not hurt his brother at all.

   "Shut up." Qian Luolian's voice was cold, "You don't need any explanation, I can see everything."

   "Lian Lian?" For some reason, Ye Ying suddenly had a hunch that he was going to lose his younger brother completely this time.

   "It's really a dirty country." Qian Luolian looked back and swept over the elves one by one, "I feel sad for you."

   After he finished speaking, he stopped looking at him, turned around and prepared to leave this place.

   "Lianlian!" Ye Ying finally became anxious, "Where are you going, Lianlian?"

   "Where he goes is none of your business."

   was also an indifferent voice, with a deadly killing intent.

  Qing Yunge came out from the other side of the tree, and beside her was a man in white alongside her.

   She sneered softly: "The degeneration of a race usually starts from the top."

   "Lian also said that you are suitable for being an elf king. Yes, you are very suitable. Your suspicious temperament is perfect for being a king."

   "I didn't..." Hearing this, Ye Ying shook his head and stepped back like a step by step. He forced a smile, "Lian Lian, I really didn't want to kill you."

   Qian Luolian walked up to Qing Yunge and Rong Jinhuai, he whispered, "I want to leave here."

   "Okay, we..." Qing Yunge just nodded, but her expression changed immediately.

  Because the Fenglijian suddenly changed at this moment.

   @The moonlight of the ancient plank road, you have called the curtain call, your villain (~ ̄▽ ̄)~



   (end of this chapter)

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