MTL - Part-Time Taoist Priest-Chapter 90 Abortion

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Chapter 90 The Scorpion Ghost

Hai Guanchao got off work a little later today because Zheng Minmin brought her child to the clinic, which Fang Fang discovered.

"It seems to come to you," Fang Fang looked at the sea, "I will give you a yin eye."

Hai Guanchao Ren Fang gave him a yin eye. Once again, there was a long-haired female ghost standing at the door, and a young boy with a bare buttocks at his feet. Some thin bodies were blue-white and black. Almost occupied the entire eyelids, when you saw it, the sea legs were soft.

"...even, good evening." Hai Guanchao said hello from calmly.

Zheng Minmin also said hello to the sea and the tide of the sea. Although their mother and son lived nearby, there is nothing that would not be easy to go to. It is always bad to have more contact between the living and the femininity. She feels the tide of the sea. The kindness, of course, will not harm him.

This time, Zheng Minmin came to ask some questions about the child. Hai Guanchao asked the fear.

After Zheng Minmin left, the sea view was still a shock. The child was a ghost baby. Although he knew that they would not harm himself, it was too scary to look at.

I don’t know how others look at the sea, but this young kid, he looks at the most awkward.

Hai Guanchao closed the door and went back, because now the residence is also ample, he and Fang Wei did not live together, and after the farewell to Fang Hao, the sea view tide continues to climb.

The music of the square dance did not know when it had stopped. This place had already passed the embarrassing time. The night wind blew in from the outer corridor and the window, bringing a touch of coolness.


I don't know where it is, there is a whining voice of a child, full of grievances and grievances, which makes people feel excited.

Who is playing the child? The thought in the sea view tide flashed, but he soon felt that it was wrong. This crying... was too miserable, and it was like depression, not the kind of crying, but the whispering, intermittent.

Another night wind blew, causing a goose bump in the hands of the sea.

What is even more frightening is that he carefully discerned it, and the voice seems to be appearing not far from him.

The cold sweat almost came out, and the sea watched the tide and thought of Xie Lingya’s experience of telling them that they were ruining the outside. In the Niangniang Temple, the plastic doll took him and refused to leave...

Also, Xie Lingya said that places like monasteries and Taoist temples are safe inside at night, but they are not necessarily outside. It doesn't mean that there are demons and ghosts who dare to let go in front of the gods, but there are ghosts that want to be reconciled, hope to get super-degree, peek at the dolls, etc., and may be left out. Especially when it comes to practice and festivals, there are more. For example, Zheng Minmin did not ask for help at the entrance of the temple.

When I thought of Zheng Minmin and thought of the eyes of her son, Black Hole, the sea face was very pale, and she climbed up a little floor with a slight trembling. She decided to go to the room of Xie Lingya and find him strong and courageous.

By the way, now go to the Xie Lingya room, will you encounter the long hanging, if it is not to lick the dog's eyes... no matter what, this time can be considered so much.

As soon as the sea watched the tide, he stepped up. When he turned to the floor, he saw the end of the corridor. A little girl in a yellow dress and red shoes squatted on the stone fence. She was very tall, so she had two feet off the ground. Ten centimeters...

From her mouth, she made a faint cry, as if she heard the movement halfway, she looked up and revealed a pale face.

"I X--" Haiguan tide slammed back a few steps, almost fell down the steps, but fortunately grabbed the handrail.

The heart is tightening, the breathing is accelerating, and the sea watching tide is about to yell. The door of Xie Lingya is open, and the person has come out from inside. He has a peach tree branch in his hand and knocks on his hand: "Give it to you." How is the wind still not finished, go back and write homework."

Sea view tide: "???"

After seeing Xie Lingya, the sea-viewing tide suddenly came to mind, and the ghost could appear in the view. However, this little devil has never seen him, where is it? Today, Teacher Xie is not going out to attend the wedding. Where else is there to catch a kid?

Xie Lingya turned around and saw the other side of the sea, and raised his hand and said hello.

The sea gaze stunned and came over, only to see the little devil squint and reluctantly entered the room - Shi Changhang is also inside.

"Who is this?" Hai Guanchao asked. "I am **** scared to death, crying in the middle of the night."

Xie Ling is happy, "Whoever made you come back late, did not introduce you, this is a pen fairy, called Sha Rui, give me a trick at the wedding during the day, and slip back to educate."

At this time, I saw it again. Sure enough, Sharui wrote a test paper with tears on the table. Shi Chang sat down and looked at it. When she saw the wrong place, she told her to stop and tell her the topic.

Sea view tide: "..."

The sea tide is chilling, is this education method?

"Write it well, don't let it go after you finish writing." Xie Lingya said by the door.

Small pen: "..."

She suddenly sobbed, and could not resist, the committee continued to play drafts, and hate to look at Xie Lingya from time to time.

Shi Changhang hanged his finger on the table, "concentrate."

Hai Guanchao looked at it for a while and said: "Xiao Xie is going to play..."

Xie Lingya is very proud, take out all the set of Olympiad papers in the bag. "That is, you see, all the subjects have, from the third grade to the sixth grade. Let's purify the ghosts, we must also talk about methods, we must not blindly focus on intimidation. I also need to educate. I spend money to buy paper ingots, it is better to buy a set of test papers, right? Little fools, you have to do a good job, after you finish writing, you can ensure that your mind is purified and suddenly sublimated."

Sha Rui: "..."

Sea view tide: "..."

Hai Guanchao always felt that he was calling "stupid" or "sand". He looked at his eyes and twitched his mouth. "Then you continue, this family of three looks very warm."

Xie Lingya smiled and said: "Isn't the master left to enjoy the fun of family?"

Hai Guanchao: "...I thank you, no."

Hai Guanchao looked at it again and suddenly felt that his point of fear of the devil disappeared.


Shari cried and said, "Brother, let me go, I will not be confused anymore."

She can't go out of her view now, but she has to be written by Shantou. She only feels that she is not as good as death, and she is not happy to be a ghost.

Xie Lingya: "No, my brother gave you the opportunity. Now I have bought the test papers. I can't do it."

Shanglu Shen gloating: "Hey, hahaha..."

The child originally liked this kind of whispering, but after being laughed at, he was not happy. He thought that the bad guy’s friend and the bad guy’s ear whispering are also bad...

Xie Lingya saw that Shi Chang suspends the formula of Sha Rui column, and feels more satisfied with the brothers. "If you have a teacher with a long hanging brother, make up the class, you will sneer."

Sharui buried her head more, and even the top of her head was exuding an unhappy atmosphere.

Shi Chang’s suspense was a glance at Xie Lingya’s unclear meaning.

Xie Lingya’s heart was moved. He thought that when he was a long-term hang, he listened to him and called his brother to be “the animal's big hair”. He laughed and sighed in the heart, and went over to bite his ear.

Shi Chang sued the pencil in his hand and grabbed Xie Lingya’s back neck, covering his lips.

Xie Lingya was caught off guard, and the body stepped back a little, but soon he held the long shoulders of his hand and opened his lips slightly, spitting out a little tongue and tangling with him. The other hand was accurately pressed on the head of the sand that was curious to look up.

"Oh..." Shari twisted a few times and didn't get rid of the clutches of Xie Lingya. He simply headed to the table and squatted there.

Xie Lingya had a quick breathing, and he was separated for a long while. He looked at Shi Changhang with a wet look, only to see him bow his head and kiss him.

At this time, Xie Lingya released his hand and smashed the sand. "Little cute and little baby stared at the little silly to write homework, and adults have something to do."

Shari pouted and reluctantly wrote the test paper under the supervision of two ears. The papers are hard enough, and they have to listen to the sacred gods, which is no less than the worst punishment in the world.


Xie Lingya was mad at the pen and wrote a few days of writing papers. She wrote that she cried and admit her mistake every day. She vowed to be a good ghost, and she hated it with a bit of hatred. Xie Lingya was discretionary.

"I will send you back, and the remaining test papers will be sent to you, and go back and continue to work hard." Xie Lingya folded the willow branches, bent up and made a simple basket, and then burned.

After burning this wicker basket, she appeared in the hands of Sharu. She cried and laughed and gathered the remaining papers, put them into the wicker basket, slowly piled them out, and when they were holding them, they stood up. Almost able to cover her face, but also wronged to say: "Thank you thank the teacher."

"Let's go." Xie Lingya sat in satisfaction with Sharu, and she was especially kind enough to send her back.

Shari would dare to resist, holding the big basket filled with papers, and he also followed the Xie Lingya.

Xie Lingya took the bus and walked. When passing by, Shari suddenly hid behind him.

Xie Lingya looked up and saw that he was an old acquaintance, Ning Wanqi and Cheng Hao. Moreover, Ning Wanzhen is still in a state of separation from the soul, and he does not know how Cheng Hao saw him. However, it is not surprising to think that Ning Wanzhen has been doing this for a long time.

It’s no wonder that Shari is afraid of these two people. Ning Wanxi is impermanent, there is a chain of locks on his hands, and Cheng Hao does not have to say, the police are upright.

"Why are you, have you handled the case together?" Xie Lingya asked.

"Xie teacher?" Ning Wanqi floated over, and also looked at the sand behind the Xie Lingya, I felt very strange, how to hold a lot of paper, but she obviously hides, he only answers Xie Lingya, "Not a case, Cheng Hao helped me find someone, not right, looking for a ghost."

"Isn't there a ghost lost?" Xie Lingya was surprised.

"No, no, look for civil servants." Ning Wanqi looked complicated and said, "Ready to find the right ghost to go to work. Before this fainting, he was with Cheng Hao. He came out to help out."

He himself was forced to hire, or is a soul, so it is inevitable that he will feel hurt when he speaks.

Xie Lingya is interested in authenticity: "Which civil servant is looking for, is it impermanent?"

Ning Wanqi sighed. "If the life is impermanent, it is better to find it. The sinister now lacks an abortion ghost and assigns it to me, so I can find a suitable one."

Xie Lingya confusedly said: "What is an abortion ghost?"

This is a compilation of the local government. He did not have a bad job there, nor did he see the relevant classics.

Ning Wanxi explained: "I didn't know that this abortion ghost was to give a ghost to the face."

"... pinching your face?" Xie Lingya looked complicated and authentic. "You don't mean a facelift. The business of the prefecture is so wide now, and it can be done in the next life."

Ning Wanhao: "..."

Ning Wanqi: "I don't think so. I heard that before the reincarnation of the ghosts, the appearance of the afterlife is over, it is necessary to reincarnation. Of course, some people do not need to change their tires. I heard that there are also people who are pinching. For example, it is the accumulation of yin and the yin of the genitals, so the appearance of the person may change slowly with the encounter."

As a result, Xie Lingya can understand, no wonder it is called "abortion" ghost.

Shari listened to her fascination and her neck stretched. I thought it was a young age and a beautiful heart.

"Then you are looking for a suitable abortion ghost? Have you found it?" Xie Lingya asked.

"...No." Ning Wanqi’s shoulder collapsed. "This an abortion ghost seems to be mainly to the face of the good and the good, so before the arrival of Wang Got, I want to find an aesthetic standard, so I I just ran here."

The civil servants of the local government have been changing for a long time. It is quite old-fashioned to look at the aesthetics of those aboriginal ghosts.

Xie Lingya saw it, isn't it, there is a plastic surgery hospital next to this place.

Xie Ling is happy, this is a professional counterpart. "Why, is there no suitable candidate for this place? Or is it that the lifespan is still long and can't go down for a while?"

"No," Ning Wanqi said in a difficult way. "We ran a few hospitals and looked at their surgical cases. They were all European-style big eyelids, high noses and sharp chins. They couldn't tell each other. You said This kind of please go down and put those who are yin and yin to be like that. Is it reward or punishment?"

Xie Lingya: "..."

Ning Wan sighed and sighed. "The quality of medical beauty in Shuyang is really not good. I think that the big cities in the whole world are still quite special. I want it, but unfortunately... Oh, I am very upset now."

Xie Lingya feels funny. "You are not going into a misunderstanding. Whoever says 'plastic ghosts' must find a cosmetic doctor. Can you go to the Academy of Fine Arts to find a good-looking painter and sculptor? They are beautiful, face structure. Also understand."

Ning Wan’s head seemed to light up a light bulb. “Yes, right, you can go to the Academy of Fine Arts!”

Ning Wanqi quickly thanked Lingya.

Sharu listened to all, and looked up at her face: "When you are a woman, can I have a baby, can I make me a little magic fairy?"

Everyone: "..."

Xie Lingya contemplates: "You study hard. Maybe the adult of the Yin Shi feels that you are very embarrassed, and you agree to pinch you into a little magic fairy."

Shari nodded hard, lifted the basket up, put it on the head, and ran it. "Thank you don't have to send it, I will study now-"

Xie Lingya: "..."


After a few days, Xie Lingya met Ning Wanyu near the school, but it was a bit far away. Ning Wanyi left, he was not taken seriously. Looking back, I thought about how Ning Wanqi came to their school, wouldn’t find it, and find the people in their school. There are also art departments in Jidong College.

When Xie Lingya thought about it, he asked Professor Zhu about it. Professor Zhu thought about it: "There is an old professor named Bai in the art department. It has been indulged for a long time. I heard that I lived in the affiliated hospital recently. He is hospitalized every year. There is no filial son in front of the bed for a long time. This year, the children are not taken care of by the hospital. Instead, the students go to work harder."

Xie Lingya did not know how. After the class was finished, he went to the affiliated hospital.

The more I work on this line, the more complicated I feel about the hospital. After all, it is full of life and death, and there are many ghosts.

It is reasonable to say that even if Xie Lingya is a relative of the city, the person who has a bad relationship must not go out beforehand. Of course, if you know it for other reasons, or if you don't know it, it's fine if you don't preach it.

Xie Lingya had made an idea for Ning Wanqi, guessing that Ning Wanzhen might want to slap the soul of the old professor. He listened to what Professor Zhu said, and he felt it, and he went to see it.

Xie Lingya did not know that Professor Bai Lao lived there, swayed for a while in the inpatient department, and asked a nurse to ask him. The nurse looked at him like a professor of Bai Lao, and told him.

Professor Bai Lao did not live in any intensive care unit. In the ordinary single ward, when Xie Lingya entered, there was only one person in him, and he was lying in bed and reading a picture book.

"Little Hu, don't be busy..." Professor Bai Lao looked up and stopped. "Classmate, who are you looking for?"

Xie Lingya smiled. "Are you a professor of Bai? I am a student of Jidong College. I like your work very much. I heard that you are hospitalized here, take the liberty to visit and bother."

Professor Bai Lao is very approachable. He listened to him saying that he liked his work. He was very happy and asked him to come and sit down.

Xie Lingya couldn't be 100% sure that he was Professor Bai, but after seeing him, seeing his yin and showing his anger, he knew that even if Ning Wanqi was not looking for him, I am afraid that his life would be dying.

However, Professor Bai Lao should be dead at the end of his life. Although there are old diseases, it has nothing to do with it. The physical reaction is not big. I am afraid that the doctors do not know that the life of Professor Bai Lao is in this two days. Life and death impermanence.

But looking at it now, Professor Bai’s spirit is not bad. He talked with Xie Lingya a few times. He listened to Xie Lingya’s saying that his portrait was well painted and he laughed. “If it’s not allowed now, I really want you to give it. I am a model, you guy, the temperament is very good."

“Thank you Professor Bai, Professor Bai, can I take the initiative to ask for your draft?” Xie Lingya asked tentatively.

Professor Bai Lao did not think about it. "It can be, you can give me a manuscript, but my paintings are at home, waiting for me to leave the hospital..." He said, suddenly suddenly, his face showed a complex look.

Professor Bai Lao is seventy-three this year. He is on the shack. He has suffered a lot of crimes when he was young. He actually has a kind of hunch in the midst of it. This hospitalization may not be able to go back.

"Oh... I will call and let my daughter take it." Professor Bai sighed, took the phone out and called the child.

Xie Lingya even said that he was in trouble. He also talked with Professor Bai Lao. At this time, a young man came back. He was a student of Professor Bai Lao. He just went to the cafeteria to take soup.

Professor Bai Lao couldn’t drink a few mouthfuls of soup, plus he had just talked about the day, and his spirit was not good. He slowly lay down and asked: "Xiaohu, Xiao Xie, you said, after the death of the person - what is it?" What about it? I, still want to paint, I don’t know if there is such a condition in the underworld."

Xiao Hu is very uncomfortable. When a person dies, he will be a hundred. But where can he say it and comfort: "Professor, don't think so much, you will get better, then let's go to sketch together, last time you didn't say it, Want to paint a picture of the city center?"

Professor Bai Lao nodded.

Xie Lingya is straightforward: "Professor Bai, there are conditions for painting in the underworld, and gentlemen like you, they must arrange the positions related to painting. You see that you are now retired, and you have to be like us below. Keep going to work and busy."

Xiao Hu secretly screamed at Xie Lingya.

Professor Bai Lao is very happy. He sighs and says: "This is all right..."

Xie Lingya looked back and Ning Wanzhen was already standing at the door.

His eyes are also a bit surprised, and it seems that he does not understand why Xie Lingya is here.

Xie Lingya changed his face and stood up and looked around at the door. He only listened to the sound of high-heeled shoes on the ground. A woman with hot curls took a roll of paper and walked over. Xie Lingya entered the ward at a glance, "Dad."

Professor Bai Lao showed a happy appearance. "Xiao Juan is here. You give the painting to the young man. He is my... what, fan."

Bai Juan handed the painting to Xie Lingya and sat down at the bed. "Dad, is this soup not finished? You don't have a good face. Would you like to drink more?"

"Nothing, let's talk, you can't come to see me." Professor White holds his daughter's hand, some vague.

Bai Juan’s face was not very good-looking, and her eyes were wet. Indeed, there was no filial son in front of the bed. The old man was sick for a long time, and he did not like to be vulnerable in front of her.

Now listening to my father's voice, Bai Juan suddenly felt very embarrassed, but also a little strange feeling, Dad generally does not speak like this, "I am staying here to accompany you tonight, I will come more ... Dad."

Professor Bai Lao smiled and said: "Your mother went early, I used to work hard, but fortunately you are particularly independent and capable..."

He began to confuse the past, Bai Juan held his father's hand and listened carefully.

Xie Lingya saw that Ning Wanxi couldn’t stop watching the time. When he couldn’t wait any longer, he took out the chain of locks.

Professor Bai Lao said and said, his head was like a sleep.

Bai Juan also felt a loose hand. After waiting for three or five seconds, he suddenly reacted. "Dad, Dad?!"

Xiao Hu also rushed to call the doctor and nurse, but it was already a lack of surgery.

- Professor Bai Lao is dead at the end of his life.

Bai Juan didn't make a sound, she didn't come to the hospital during this time. It was really filial, and the father walked so suddenly. He wanted to think that it wasn't that Dad suddenly let her send the painting, I am afraid that even the last side would not be seen.


No one noticed that Xie Lingya didn't know when he had left. Afterwards, Bai Juan remembered, and only thought that the students whose names were not known had quietly left when they chatted before them.

When Ning Wanzhen took Professor Bai’s departure, Xie Lingya stood on the side of the cloister and gave him a farewell to him.

Since then, Professor Bai Lao is the youngest and latest abortion ghost of the Yin Shi.

Professor Bai’s soul reveals a little like a sense of enlightenment. He also nodded to Xie Lingya with a smile. “Thank you, boy.”

Xie Lingya watched the two people, suddenly remembered something, stopped them, and asked seriously, "I want to ask you, Father, have you seen "XXXX Little Magic Fairy"?"

Professor Bai Lao stayed, "...What is that?"

"Nothing," Ning Wanzheng continued to leave Professor Bai Lao. "Only some people bully primary school students."