MTL - Part-Time Taoist Priest-Chapter 112 Fanfufu and everyday

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One day, Xie Lingya and Shi Changhang went to the streets together and were stopped by several people. They said that they were doing a plan, they wanted to find some couples, and they had the same **** and had several problems.

Xie Lingya said that I did not expect you to be so spiritual, can recognize that we are lovers, then I will cooperate.

The questions asked by the planning party are mainly about how much the couples will be honest with each other, whether they confide in the innermost thoughts, and also test the understanding.

The planner first asked them how many exchanges they usually have.

Xie Lingya smiled and said that his boyfriend did not like to talk, and there was not much communication.

But after some testing, the tacit index of these two is very high, the planners are drunk, saying that you are not.

Xie Lingya: "No, we all rely on God."

Just kidding, but the planner’s problem is actually not right here. At the beginning, they had a lot of thoughts. Xie Lingya had to rely on guessing, a piece of ellipsis, but this was gradually improved, so that the length of communication compared with other couples may not be so much. But it does not mean that you don't understand each other, and you really have a tacit understanding of the heart. This is born and killed, and the average couple can't learn.

The planning party tangledly took out the stationery: "This is intended to give couples who have not had enough contradictions to communicate, let them communicate in this original, distance-sensitive way, and write down their own ideas. You are in this situation... I am not I know I should have sent it."

Xie Lingya took the stationery and said, "Thank you."

He gave one of them to Chang. "Well, you can't ‘write and stop’.”

Shi Changhang: "..."


The next day, when Shi Chang suspended eating breakfast, he quietly took out an envelope to Xie Lingya.

"What?" Xie Lingya read the book late last night, his eyelids were swollen, and he looked at the stuff.

Shi Changhang: "...?"

Unbelievable, Xie Lingya forgot this thing.

"Oh, I remembered it!" Xie Lingya looked at his face and finally returned to God. "Don't look at me like this, I also wrote it!"

It is not enough to compare a long piece of paper, and a few sheets of paper are posted on the back. Xie Lingya took out a thin piece of stationery and everyone opened it.

The letter of the long hanging:

Lingya, a thousand words, I do not know how to start from the beginning. After all, you sometimes understand what I mean by mistake, but in general, we know each other.

You and I have known each other for a few years, and I sometimes remember that in the past, my heart was not calm. I learned from childhood and I don't like many words. When I met for the first time, you looked at me in the crowd. I also remembered your appearance inexplicably. I recognized you very soon.

Your talent is amazing, your speech makes you laugh, you can be speechless, and you have a subtle and aggressive feeling - perhaps just for me, because I sometimes don't know how to talk to you. When I met a few times ago, I was somewhat at a loss. You may not see this.

Remembering your thoughts carefully, in fact, I am speculating about you, it seems that you are faintly thinking that you are very interesting. As early as we met for the second time, when I was in the car, I misunderstood your thoughts. But then you invited me to live in the Poyang view, but I didn't care, even the ghosts agreed.

When I go back on vacation, my parents will feel that I have changed a little. I didn't notice it at the time. I think it should be right now.

It is possible to use a letter letter, it is better to talk, write this, I also think more.

I have always sought a balance between the rules of society and my own principles. However, the word saving is too big, just do your best. So when I don't consciously pay attention to you, I think I feel the subtle thoughts with you. In particular, I saw that you are observing the Taoist priests while reading the book and preparing for the exam. When we go to the field to sacrifice the soul, when you surpass the soul of thousands of years ago, you have no hesitation. You said that in order to win the prize, I grabbed the hill, but I was hurt by another sword. But I should not be as smiling as you are. You are very ferocious sometimes, sometimes very gentle. Every time you are as close to me, I think a lot. I think why do you like me as a boring person? Are you also sharing the commonality of us? But you do not care about the consequences, do not think about it, how should I respond? I am a little embarrassed.

Do I have any complaints about you?

Maybe a little.

Not only do you always make me embarrassed. In fact, I have been concerned about the housing market in Fuyang, because your property seems to be in the county, and the Taoist temple will sooner or later be handed over to the successor. If you buy it early, you won't be able to see a good property in a hurry. Only later, considering that you have to expand the Taoist Temple, I am hesitant to spend money. If you hesitate, you will know that you are not interested in me.

I am very helpless. Everything is tangible and all-inclusive. I have not tangled too many things that are attracted to you, but I don’t know that I have misunderstood from beginning to end. I was at the same time for the first time in more than 20 years. I don’t know where it is wrong. I don’t know why you are doing this to me. Even if I know that it’s not your fault, I can’t stop my heart and want to blame you. Why is it so cute that my heart is lost. Until now, from the personal feelings, I still want to judge that I am not at fault at that time, you always look at me, so close to me, stay with me, say something strange to me, if I have Wrong, then you have a bit of unintentional mistakes.

Fortunately, in the end, there was no danger. No one believed or even thought about our relationship. Some people on the street today recognized our relationship at a glance. This is also a tacit understanding. This letter will stop here, we still have more time to explore what is wrong.

Finally, I want to be honest. I always say that Shanglu Shen was broken by the Thunder, but then I thought about it carefully, maybe it was influenced by the master's subconscious. But this is just some of my conjecture.


Xie Lingya's letter:

Drew a simple little priest, and a line of words: brother, face me!

The author has something to say: Some people say that they have to write a long way to go. I said that the 200,000 words may not be written. Just describe it in this way. Fanwai also ends here.