MTL - Palace Full of Delicacies-Chapter 138 Extra big cat

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When the big cat was born, Anjia had not started to fight the world, just a seemingly ordinary merchant family.

Miss Chen’s father is a scholar. The mother died young. After she married a mother, she was a mean. She always wanted to marry her to a big family to make a fuss and exchange some money for her husband’s study. This year's township test, Master Chen took a young man to Danyang to take the exam, Anjia is very famous in Danyang City, and his family's wealth is second to none. The rules of his family are also a strange thing in Danyang City.

I heard that this family has always been a wife, and only a room, whoever gave birth to a child, who is a wife. Such a weird family, a daughter with a head and a face, naturally refuses to marry, but can’t help but have money, even if it is Nayong, the amount of money paid is more than that of ordinary people, and if this woman becomes a wife, There will be another dowry for her family.

After listening to the news, Hou Niang moved her mind.

After a few months, I was released, and Master Chen was in the middle of the game. On the other side of the city, the high road is far away. The single-fee Chen family can’t afford it, and now it’s not good at the middle of the road. If you want to be a gold-plated title, you don’t have to do it in advance, and even if you get it, you have to get a good job. Need a lot of money to give gifts.

Therefore, Miss Chen was carried into the home with a small sedan with tears, and married the son of Anjia. Fortunately, the son was very handsome, and except for his temper, he was not bad for her. A year later, she gave birth to a hair ball and was scared. When she woke up, she became a wife and became a housewife.

Five years later, Chen, who is already the mother of three children, was pregnant again, but this time she was extremely worried. It was because she was pregnant with a cat, and she was basically unremarkable. This fetus is no different from ordinary people.

"I don't make sense..." The Anjia Zongzi scratched his head. If a woman can give birth to a noble child, she will not reproduce the future. What is the birth of this child?

The husband and wife are worried. There has never been such a thing. If you have a son, let him be separated from his brothers. It is really unbearable. Worried for a few months, the child was born.

"How, what happened?" Zongzi frowned and asked Wen Po, if it was a child, why didn't he hear the cry of the child?

"This..." The stable woman who signed the blood contract was embarrassed, and took a nap. The brothers of the family also rushed to look at the past and both jumped.

But see the shackles, wrapped in a furry little tiger of the size of an ordinary baby!

"Little uncle, this child..." Zongzi holds the child and looks at the handsome young man with silver hair.

"Hey!" The little uncle who had the blood of Bai Ze’s eyes widened his eyes. "This is a rare blood of the millennium!"

An family is happy, the purer blood, means the higher the mana, the world is going to be chaotic, with such a child, the license to change one or two.

"Big head, see what good things I brought." The five-year-old brother ran into the house with a flower hydrangea and handed it to the big cat.

"Big brother, how can he still remain an adult?" The second brother touched his head and was very confused.

"When he is full, he will do it." The long brother buried his face in the younger brother's fur and smiled.

However, by the time of the age, the cat has only become a bigger cat.

"Maybe the pure blood grows slow, and it is estimated to be better next year." The father picked him up from a pile of things that caught Zhou. The big cat licked his head and didn't understand what his father was upset about. He was happy to take big claws. His face.

In the second year, the larger cats became bigger cats.

In the third year, the bigger cat continued to grow bigger, still a cat.

Year after year, the eldest brother and the crown, the wife and the son, the big hair ball has been five feet tall, can not be changed, can not speak.

"You can't go out and show people killing you as a monster." The mother looked at him slyly.

"Big head, don't be sad, what brother do you want to buy for you." The elder brother buried his face in his fur.

"Four brothers, are you still looking like this?" The younger brother of Baifa looked at him with a pair of glasses.

The big cat buried his face in his paw and didn't talk.

"This can't be done. If you grow up, you won't be able to stop." Father sighed and sent him to Bezhuang by the sea.

The servant could not understand his words, he played on the beach every day.

The brothers came back to see him occasionally. "Big head, you can eat more, maybe you can become a person."

"Big head, Anjia has lived in Danyang for three generations, and he has to move, and his father decided to move to the land."

"Big head, my father passed away, come back with me."

Year after year, he only returned to his home when his parents passed away, rushed to the road at night, and slept in the daytime, fearing to be seen. Later, the elder brother passed away, and the younger generation of the family gradually forgot the uncle.

The blood of the slave is also old, and the big cat lives on the other side of the beach. He catches the fish himself. On this day, there are a few strange fish in the sea. He chased the fish and went to the deep sea. Jinguang wrapped his feet and walked on the waves. After chasing the fish for seven days and seven nights, an island appeared in front of him. There were groups of monks singing around the island, and he saw him fleeing in horror.

The island is far from the shore, and even the fishermen will not be close. There are no noisy people here. There is no servant who will use it as a monster. It is very comfortable.

Until one day, a few kittens appeared near the island...

"Later?" The golden kitten crouched on the top of the big cat and asked curiously.

"I know!" The black and yellow Emperor's eldest son raised his claws. "The five grandfathers have said."

"How can you believe in the words of the five grandfathers!" The little black hair ball jumped to the top of the big cat's head, biting the elder brother's sip, and was immediately slap by the prince.

The big cat lifted his claws and caught the fallen three emperors. He took a sip. "How come you didn't see the queen today?"

"Dad said that you should eat well today." Twin chubby cats sing.

Arctic Palace.

"What are you doing?" After the approval of the memorial, the emperor could not find Su Yu, swayed to the kitchen, and saw the busy figure in front of the stove was immediately posted.

"Fish cake." Su Yu put the dough in the handle with the mold into the steamer. In addition to the fish, there are a variety of precious ingredients. After frying, mix with the noodles and steam.

Nine large steamers, one in each steamer, each of which has a different shape. Wait until all of them are steamed, put them together and turn them into a complete circle. Brush the thick sauce and sprinkle the crispy shrimp on the surface. The fish cake will become.

The National Teacher read through the classics and found the birth of the Emperor Zuzu. Today is exactly the birthday of the three hundred-year-old Emperor Zuzu. To celebrate, the princes from all over the country have also come over.

The imperial dining room was very busy on this day, and the Haitang Palace was filled with all kinds of delicacies. When the cake made by the Queen's Empress was put on the table, it would be open.

The freshly baked cake exudes a seductive scent and is full of a tub.

The Emperor Tai took a look at the cake, and a slap in the face of the hand that Zhao Wang tried to reach out. "Today is the uncle of the ancestors, naturally the uncle will eat the first bite."

The big cat was a little embarrassed. The two front paws stepped on each other, opened their mouths, bit the cake, and swallowed it.

Taishanghuang: "..."


After licking his mouth, the big cat made a slap, "Oh..." Suddenly, a dazzling golden light flashed.

The emperor squinted his eyes and quickly caught Su’s eyes. The light was too glaring, and if it suddenly looked at it, it would cause pain for a long time.

The crowd suddenly exclaimed, and Su Yu curiously opened the hand of the emperor and suddenly widened his eyes.

The big cat with a height of one foot has disappeared. Instead, it is a small doll wearing a tiger skin apron. The doll grows white and tender, and the lotus is beautiful. The eyes are beautiful, and the twin eyes are round and round. Standing at the same place at a loss.

"Huang Zushu?" The emperor squatted and asked, tentatively.

"Oh, yes, it is me..." The little doll replied with a milky voice, and some of his embarrassed fingers twisted his fingers. "It turns out that I can become a human!"

Uncle Huang can change people. This is a big event. The national teacher solemnly recorded it in the books of the family.

The days to come...

The Queen of the Soviet Union killed the fish at the stove. He felt that someone had licked his clothes and turned his head. He saw the Emperor Wu, who was wearing a tiger-skin apron, looked up at his head and said with a soft and soft voice: I want to eat salmon."

"Yes, Emperor Zuzu." Su Yu smiled and smashed the head of Emperor Huang.

"Don't, don't touch my head," the little doll hid. "Twenty-one said, I am an elder, I have to be a little elder."

"Huang Zushu!" The three emperors ran over and hugged the little doll. "The grandmother just made a clockwork mouse, let's play."

"I am going to go." The little doll was pulled. When he just walked out of the kitchen, he fell a little, and a golden light flashed. He suddenly became a big cat, and pressed the three emperors under his body.

The three emperors were hit by such a sudden, suddenly turned into a black kitten, struggling to drill out, three or two down to the big cat's head, looked up at his head, "Hey!"

The big cat stood up, shook the hair, stepped onto the roof and jumped lightly between the roofs of the palace.

The emperor who was taking the prince’s spirit on the ridge of the prince, looked at the huge ball of hair that jumped. "What is this?"

His Royal Highness slammed his ears, "Hsu is what Grandma has done."

The emperor snorted and snorted. "Nothing." Then, he turned and jumped on the back of Emperor Zuo. I don't know what it is. I should have a look before the stupid can cook.

The author has something to say: the full text is finished

Thank you for accompanying me through the first half of the year~ The new text will probably open in the New Year, and the adults can collect the columns and know when they open the new text~

The mobile phone party's adults return to the catalog page, and the author's name will be able to enter the column collection~

If you are interested in the situation, if the environment allows it to be opened, you will be notified in time, what?

x threw a mine

x threw a mine

Cool summer pomelo throws a mine

Cool summer pomelo throws a grenade

Cool summer pomelo throws a mine

Cool summer pomelo throws a mine

Cool summer pomelo throws a mine

Cool summer pomelo throws a mine

Cool summer pomelo throws a rocket

He threw a mine

Prettying2006 threw a mine

Prettying2006 threw a mine

Prettying2006 threw a mine

Ten waters moved and threw a grenade

Aunt throws a mine

Hey, threw a grenade

Airline threw a mine

Old k threw a mine

Aptx4869 threw a mine

Bub threw a mine

Stop the team not too hard! Threw a mine

Stop the team not too hard! Threw a rocket

Oda secret throws a mine

Flying across the sea to eat, drink, and play, throwing a rocket

Threw a mine for me

Two sleeps threw a mine

I’m a little lazy and threw a mine.

Ai's flower threw a mine

Waiting in the wind, throwing a mine

Three no throws a mine

Dante’s donkey threw a mine

Xiaoya threw a mine

Throw a mine

Cool summer pomelo throws a grenade

A fish that does not cry, throws a grenade

曦小律 threw a rocket

Lonely shadow threw a mine

Rain fell across the river and threw a mine

Rain fell across the river and threw a mine

The eucalyptus tree in the hometown threw a mine

The dust traces throw a mine

Threw a mine in September

The pig threw a mine

Going through the tortoise and throwing a mine

(づ_ど) threw a rocket

咩xuxu threw a mine

Yaki threw a mine

Qingyang threw a mine

Qingyang threw a mine

The fish threw a mine

Moonlight, like water, throws a mine

Moonlight, like water, throws a mine

Throwing a mine

Senia threw a mine

Cherry Xiaowei threw a mine

White-bearded grandmother threw a mine

Xiaohei is a tangled procrastination throwing a mine

Threw a grenade in the summer after drunk

11 threw a mine

A box throws a mine

Just got people and thrown a mine

Fuyu Qinghuan threw a mine

Increase or decrease non-jade throws a grenade

Thank you for the mines, grenades, rockets of the adults~~ Ending the big show, giving the big plush mat, the three generations of the golden cat grandfather simulation doll, the Jingwang brand clockwork mouse, the chubby hand warmer, the emperor's furry gloves, and the full version Huang Shuzhen paper ~ ~ first come first served, after the delivery ~ 嗷呜 ~ ~

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