MTL - Palace Full of Delicacies-Chapter 132 Sea otter

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"Huang Zushu, the royal dining room made some food, you go downstairs to try it." Su Yu could not help but reach out and touched the chin that the big cat leaned up.

"Hey?" Uncle Huang opened his eyes and looked at him lazily.

The national teacher came down from the fur belly and swept the crowd. "And go on, the seat will change clothes."

"Would you like to change it for you?" Wang Wang smiled and took a head from the fifth floor.

The national teacher slowly walked over, lifted his foot and stepped on the elder brother's head.

Yu Wang quickly retracted his head and went straight to the third floor along the silk. The voice came from far away. "I am laughing, haha."

The national teacher looked up at the other people in the house.

The emperor turned and walked away, and Su Yu swallowed his mouth and quickly followed the emperor.

The big cat saw a few people slamming down, curious, and then jumped down.

"Hey!" The huge head was gone, but the body was stuck upstairs and waved his front paws.

"Hey, it’s so big!" The Queen Mother stood on the second floor and looked up at the furry pile. She smiled and raised the big rat in her hand. "Uncle Huang, come down."

"Hey!" The big cat looked more anxious.

Guo Yiyi changed his clothes and grabbed the tail of the big cat with one hand.

"Hey?" The big cat thought of going back, twisting the huge body, and finally pulled out his head. He rubbed his head, pushed the large window with his claws open, slammed out and jumped lightly along the outer layer of the high platform. He jumped down the second floor and drilled in.

Ling Wang and Su Wang have not seen for many days, they are sitting at the window and pushing each other.

Yesterday I heard that the emperor returned, and they rushed back from the Beijing suburbs. As a result, they were beaten by their elders. The reason is that the longer they are, the older they are, but they are not old. Su Wang Highness think the first time, there is a very good brother, was hit after such a brother can beat his brother.

"Let's go back to the border soon. Six brothers and seven brothers will come to you for a while, and there will be no birthday." Ling Wang bite the ear of Su Wang.

The **** and white cat pushed the younger brother away and called him back.

Just talking, suddenly a shadow cover came over, huge hair groups appeared instantly, such as playing polo, the two hair **** were hit down.

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The big cat didn't seem to notice it, jumped in and squatted on the ground, pressing the two hairballs underneath.

"I have seen Emperor Wu." The crowd went forward.

When the big cats saw so many people, some did not know, and they could not help but shrink back.

The Queen Mother looked at a pair of apricots, and looked at Huang Zushu with his eyes wide open. The big mouse in his hand was handed over. This was done to climb the frame for the great emperor. I heard about Emperor Zuzu yesterday, and I first used it to honor it. Elders.

Uncle Huang squinted and blinked, Zhang mouth bit the big mouse, rushed to the back of the pillar to hide, curiously holding the cloth mouse to look back and forth. The pillars of Anguo Tower are not too thin, but the big cats are behind, and they will overflow. The two large ears of hair are still exposed at the ends of the pillars. At first glance, it is like a pillar with a circle of hair.

"Seventeen uncle, is it okay?" Su Yu squatted down, worriedly watching the two cats on the ground.

The whole king of Ling Wang was only attached to the carpet, and His Royal Highness was placed with him.

"Get up." Ling Wang patted the carpet with his claws.

Su Wang shook his head, and shook his four claws and tried to stand up.

"The Seven Brothers are coming!" The golden big cat descended from the sky and slammed into the two younger brothers.

His Royal Highness Prince is very familiar with this game. He ran along the table and jumped into the grandfather's body.

The Emperor looked down at the uncles and brothers who had become a mess, and exchanged a disgusted look with the Emperor.

The national teacher walked downstairs. The soft robes slowly dragged on the black gold ladder, swung wide sleeves, sat on the soft couch, and smashed the chubby cat who was still struggling to eat the fish.

"Mi!" There was only the eldest son left on the table, and I looked around in disbelief.

Su Yu reached out and took his son up to his arms. Several of the troubled cats came to see the national teacher and then consciously divided them. They sat down honestly and finally settled down.

"The seal of the seal has been down, there is no blood slave in the harem, all released," the national teacher looked up to Su Yu, "you can have a favorite palace, change the day to find a blood deed. ”

When I live in the palace, I have to have a close-knit person to serve, like Wang Gonggong and Lin Aunt.

Su Yu scratched his head and scratched his head. Since he entered the palace, he did not live in the Nightingale Palace for a few days. He moved to the Arctic Palace. The palace people around him were waiting to serve the emperor, and nothing was worth his confession. It is also said that Wang Jiagong is the most intimate.

"No," the Emperor sat down on the soft couch of the National Teacher. "He still lives in the Arctic Palace."

"Ah?" Su Yu blinked.

"Which body system!" Taishang emperor screamed, the empress should live in the palace, how can he live with the emperor?

"There is no embarrassment in the harem, no one, what are you afraid of?" The emperor took a look at his father and he was not so tired.

I remembered that she was sent to the pastoral king of the northwestern fief and the king of the animal husbandry in the palace. The emperor coughed and slammed the queen, and there was some guilty conscience.

The Queen Mother seemed to be ignorant, still looking at the burrs behind the pillars with enthusiasm, trying to touch it.

The Queen does not intend to live in the Central Palace, so there is no need to re-finish it, just to re-arrange the Arctic Palace.

The newly-launched Su Queen was thus deprived of the right to live alone in the first house. She had to stay with the cat uncle in the Arctic Palace every day, serving the emperor for three meals, bathing and changing clothes, and warm claws.

The Zhonggong does not have to be trimmed, and the Ministry of Construction focuses on building a palace to protect the country.

Although the palace has many palaces, it is suitable for a big cat with a height of one foot, but it is not one and can only be rebuilt.

Changing the palace is not a trivial matter. It takes a month to build it. At this month, the big cat still lives in the Anguo Tower.

As a protector of the country, Huang Zushu should naturally live in the front hall like the national teacher.

There is a small lake in the front hall near the Imperial Garden. The Emperor of the Upper Emperor will dig deep and digging deep, and circle several palaces around him. The new palace is called Haitang Palace.

There is a kitchen in this palace, and there is a special cook to cook food for the beasts every day.

King Jing has fished the sea monsters that can be fished in the east coast, and sent a brain into the palace. When the Haitang Palace was completed, these sea monsters also entered the palace, and the right to be the relocation of King Wang to Emperor Zuzu.

The guards carried the various sea monsters 66 and continued into the Haitang Palace. Su Yu looked at the squid that was screaming and screaming. He worried that this thing would affect the rest of the ancestors.

"You can see it when you go in." The emperor who had just finished the memorial had stretched his knees and affixed to Su Yu without bones, letting him drag himself in.

In addition to the palace gate, the Haitang Palace looks like it is the same as other palaces. It is a palace without a hole.

The wide lake is sparkling, and the shores around it are full of sand dug from the sea. The guards threw the sea monsters in the cage into the air. It’s also strange to say that those noisy sea monsters, if they enter this Haitang Palace, will be as screaming as they are.

When the guards put the strange fish out, they left and left, leaving only the guards to lead Gao Peng to the door.

Su Yu dragged the emperor to go inside, and carefully looked at it.

Several palace rooms have been demolished and the beams have been raised. There is no furniture in the main hall, it is covered with cushions, and the beams are covered with silk. The ground in the temple was sunken and filled with soft sand, which was sprinkled with pearl powder and spices.

"Hey!" Su Yu is looking at his head and looking into the temple, and is hitting the big cat from the probe.

The big cat was shocked and stepped back a few steps. He quietly pulled the sand with his hind legs and buried the golden pointed things behind him. Then rushed out of the temple, rushed to the lake, to see the sea monsters that just appeared.

A squid flew out of the water and suddenly saw a large ball of hair squatting on the water. The wings stiffened in the air and straight into the water, never coming out again.

"This is delicious, I have eaten this." The black and yellow Zhongwang Dianwang squatted by the water and pointed to the fish in the water to explain.

A group of wild cats and sons left the king and circled the loyal king, listening to him talking about the deep sea monsters and the desert island adventure.

"But the big fish jumped out of the water, and the fangs were three feet long, and they rushed toward a group of heroic cats. As the big brother of the cats, Ben Wang was inescapable to rush to the front..."

Su Yu took a slap in the mouth, after the seal of the ceremony, several emperors were rushed back to the station.

Su Wang and Ling Wang escaped to return to the northwest and the desert.

The king who did not want to go was forced to go by his own twin brother, but he still pity him, sent several clockwork mice, and finally could cross the son.

"Old, it is not easy to follow his son's life." The king said with a sad heart, he had already lost two clockwork mice when he saw that he had not boarded the ship. I hope the rest can only reach the East China Sea. Long sighed and took away a full cook.

Yong Wang also has a fiefdom, in the northeast of Da'an. The Queen Mother prepared him a pile of plush blankets, thick cotton coats, and a hollow cloth mouse that could be used as a warm claw furnace. "That..." scratched his head, didn't know what to say, and turned away.

Only the loyalty king and the two fathers and sons, relying on the unwillingness to go, the reason is that the eldest son’s age is coming, they have to wait for Zhou Li.

The eldest son was born in September, and now only June...

Su Yu turned to look at the other side of the Prince who was playing with the sand under the Crown Prince Zhao, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, and turned his eyes to the group of books to listen to, and fixed his eyes, from the head of the black and yellow head of the king, really holding a A small hair ball with a similar color. The eldest son of the eldest son, holding one of his father’s ears, listened with gusto, and from time to time he also inserted Mimi. 2k novel reading network