MTL - Palace Full of Delicacies-Chapter 119 Fish soup

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The Emperor Tai and the Emperor Wang saw that their elder brother was beaten and stopped at the same three feet. He did not mean to go forward.

Yong Wang slammed a string of grilled fish, watching the national division even hit the five brothers several times, and then murderously look over, this reflects what happened, "Twenty-one ..." said With these three words, I don’t know what to say, just watching my brother smile.

The Guoshi quietly watched the brave king for a moment, coveted, and seemed to sigh, and then he raised his hand and slap him. "Don't think that you can be stupid!"

The king smirked and whispered: "He is not equipped."

Nine-prince, who was thick and thick, was still very happy to be beaten by his younger brother. He touched the head of the call and held the fish in his hand to the front of the national division. "Hungry, eat fish."

The national teacher looked at the dark, yellow and yellow grilled fish with a disappointment, and did not mean to pick it up.

When the emperor saw it, he walked over and called the brave king to slap, "How do you bake the fish again!"

The prince of the Prince who was hanging on the grandfather’s body smelled the smell of the fish, and suddenly Mimi called.

From the last night, the emperor was injured to the boat in the morning. I haven’t eaten anything for a long time. The adults can still hold it, but the children can’t stand it.

"Mi, Mi Wei!" The golden kitten paced back and forth on the shoulders of the Emperor.

"What happened to this child?" Taishang Huang smashed the small ball and looked at it.

"Want to pee?"

The brothers looked at each other and put the grandson on the ground. The kitten did not have a tendency to pee. He stumbled and ran to the foot of Su Yu, glaring at his clothes and screaming at his head.

Su Yu quickly hugged the child and held it in the palm of his hand. He saw the little ball and kept licking his mouth. "This child is hungry."

Yong Wang quickly handed over the fish, "give him food."

When the small hairball smelled the scent, it was necessary to stretch the claws and smash it. Su Yu shook his head and comfortably touched the golden hair. "The prince is still small and can't eat this."

"Mi Mi..." When the Prince called for a while, he had no strength, and he squatted at his fingertips in Su Yu’s palm.

"You have to get a pot and stew a fish soup." Su Yu was distressed and turned to the emperor for help.

His Majesty’s gaze for the stupid slaves was very useful, and he turned to look at the emperor. “Is there a pot?”

The Emperor Taishang snorted, "Will you stew?"

The father and son looked at each other coldly.

"The Qishang Emperor, the fish soup of His Royal Highness, has always been stewed by Yin Xian Niang." Wang Gonggong quickly came out round.

"Yes..." Taishang Emperor no longer cares about the annoying son, with the uncles and uncles, staring at Su Yu.

Su Yu swallowed his mouth and whispered, "Where is the pot... Where?"

"Old nine, go to the pot!" The king took a shot of the nine emperors.

"Oh!" Yong Wang responded, turned and hurriedly ran towards the hillside, and soon ran back again. "Seven brothers, the pot is embedded in the stone wall, can't move."

Su Yu: "..."

Wang Wang laughed twice. "I forgot."

There is a stone cave in the middle of the mountain. When the weather is bad, a few cat grandfathers live here. When the weather is good, just find a sunny place to sleep all day.

The stone cave looks quite spacious, and the inside is not as transparent as imagined. It is a strange stone, and there is a stone carving stove not far from the hole. This stove and the pot are one-piece, but it is carved out of a whole piece of stone. There are many stoves, ash stoves and bellows. The stone pot is smooth and round, and there are some pots and pots on the top. The twists and turns are not very good-looking, but there is no such thing as the exquisite workmanship of this stove.

"It's a good craft." Su Yu touched the magic stove and couldn't help but sigh.

The lord of Zhongwang smiled embarrassedly. "The craftsmanship of the table is not allowed. I laughed."

Su Yu looked at the past with surprise. This stove is actually a loyal king? Look at the look of other cat uncles, all of them look like they are taken for granted. Tai Shang Huang looked at the miracle of his elder brother and even some disgusted. I want to come too. A noble prince is not good at playing chess and paintings, poetry and poetry, nor is it a battle to kill the enemy and the court. It is such a practical skill that some can’t say.

There was a stone-carved jar on the stove, which contained a lot of white powder. Su Yu saw it at a glance. It was sea salt, and the lid was opened. The stone pot also had a layer of white salt. Suddenly, there is no seasoning on the island. This pot is estimated to be used to cook salt.

The uncle of the thick road moved a bucket of clear water and handed him a stone scoop. Su Yu picked up his sleeves and brushed the pot.

King Jing did not know when he had already smashed out, and when Su Yu brushed the pot, he had already returned with a few lively sea fish.

After the Emperor’s last reward to Su Yu for a scale knife, he was keen to send him all kinds of beautiful knives. Today, he went to the scale knife, the fish knife, the chopper, and the three delicate knives embedded with gems. Hanging firmly in the waist of Su Yu, wearing a string, it is very beautiful.

After removing the knives, Su Yuzhen was on the side of the bucket at the entrance of the cave. He took a stone as a chopping block and took the fish that Jing Wang handed over. He quickly stunned, opened the smashed belly, went to the scales, and the action was flowing. Stagnation. A fat sea fish, quickly packed up the white tender fish, because it is for the children to eat, can not have a little fishbone, Su Yu simply licked the fish head, the knife flexibly flipped at the fingertips, quickly ticked on the fish The bones were stabbed, and the technique became almost a virtual shadow. Then, suddenly, the hand was thrown into the bucket. The original fish was suddenly scattered like a white peony.

After killing five fish, Su Yu poured out the squid water to get up and found that everyone was standing behind him.

Because the hole is narrow, many people can't stand, most of them become cats, sitting on the stone, with a few big eyes like glass, watching him in a blink of an eye. Although the big cats have lived on the desert island for a long time, it may be because there is no shortage of fish to eat, and there is no worries. The fur grows shiny and smooth, and Su Yu looks at a lot of hair **** and feels itchy. But thinking of these are elders, can only cough and cough.

"The daughter-in-law is so fascinating." Wu Bo sighed.

Because Jiu Shu had to help Su Yu to raise water, he did not become a cat. The tall and strong big man was also tied with a group of hair balls. I didn’t know what to say, and nodded with the fifth brother.

The white-eyed king of the right ear poked his brother with his tail. "It's quite good here."

The white gold of the left ear was too loud, and "it was barely able to enter the eye."

Wang Wang squinted at him, licked his mouth and lifted his claws to pat the small hair ball at the top of his head. "The kid is good for oral administration."

"Mi Mi!" He squatted under the grandfather's head, and did not know if he understood it.

"Let the grandson climb to the top of his head, what kind of system?" Taishang Huang looked at the little hairball that was almost integrated with the head of the big golden cat, could not help but teach.

The little hairball was not afraid at all, and stretched his claws to scratch the white ear of the Emperor.

His Majesty the Emperor still maintained the human form, and went up to the side of Su Yu, who seemed to inadvertently take him behind him, and smashed the group and did not repair it.

Su Yu didn't know what the big cat and kitten were saying. He blinked and threw the fish in his hand into the pot.

Jing Wang is still very good at selecting ingredients. This kind of sea fish is fresh and tender. The stewed soup is very good. It doesn't need too much excipients. It can be imported with a little salt.

The **** cat handed over the fish and went to the woods and didn't know what to do.

The royal family of Ling Wang originally wanted to play with him, but he was held by the other **** and yellow cat, and turned his head, and he was on the cat face of the loyalty of His Royal Highness, "Seventeen, brother. Tell a story."

Zhongwang is the father of Wang and is also a black and yellow fur. It is more yellow than black. The irregular black markings are like a black rose, which makes him look like a small leopard. It looks like a spot. His Royal Highness King Ling is also much more powerful. Therefore, although the two cats look almost the same, Ling Wang is still like a kitten compared with his brother.

Hearing the five brothers to tell him a story, the head of His Royal Highness King Shake was turned into a rattle.

"You don't want to know how your brothers have been through these years?" The big cat like a leopard couldn't help but lift the claws and take over the unwilling brother. Looking up at a dark cloud floating in the sky, brewing for a while. As a result of the road, a hind paw still naturally stepped on the brother's tail.

The national teacher crossed the top of the big cat squeezing and yawned gracefully.

"Twenty-one, sleepy?" The king smashed his head and poured the prince's hat on his head to the top of the emperor's head. He became a human figure. "There is a bed inside, you go to rest." But the pet brother has become a habit, and he will subconsciously go to make a bed when he sees him yawning.

The national teacher took a look at his elder brother. After a while, a white big cat slammed onto the shoulder of the king. Last night, I used a lot of mana to dispel the dark clouds and brought in the moonlight. On this road, I used blood to find people. He was already very tired. When he heard his brother’s words, he didn’t want to leave.

The soft, silky white hairs sweep the neck, and the prince of the king squats to the younger brother and walks deep into the cave.

There is a huge stone bed in the depths of the cave. It is said that the bed is not exact. It is like a large pool with a very shallow edge. It is covered with thick hay. Above the hay, it is a soft and clean animal skin. It is not a A whole piece, but several kinds of animal skins are put together. On such a small island, there are not many beasts, and it is estimated that they have been taken by several cats to make mattresses.

The white big cat jumped down on the cushion, stepped on it, found a white bear skin, and slowly lay down.

Wang Wang looked at the bed and couldn't help but turn into a golden big cat. He licked his younger brother's head. "Sleep, I will call you for a while."

The national teacher picked up his beautiful eyes and let him linger for a while, waited for a long while, and went to sleep in a confused way. He found that the tongue with the barb was still squatting, stretching his claws, and slapping the past. .

The king of the king slumbered his brother and returned to his brother's side.

"Is it beaten again?" Taishang said in a cool and cool manner, the ceremonial squatting motionless, letting the golden ball on his head hold his ear and bite.

昊王甩甩 tail, ignore him.

The fish soup should be stewed for a while, and Su Yu went to the woods to pick up the lemongrass. There is no onion. This kind of lemon grass can also be used for seasoning. In fact, there is not much taste, and it is green and green.

There are some wild fruits on the tree, and the green and red squatting looks pretty good. I don’t know what it is. Su Yu looked up and looked at it for a long while, and the golden shadow appeared in front of him. The emperor’s majesty had jumped to the treetop and licked a fruit. , and drankly, then, snorted.

"Whether the wound still hurts?" Su Yu was nervous and pulled his clothes to see.

"Nothing!" The emperor's ears were a little red.

"In the face of the elders, I don’t know how to be shameful."

"In the face of the junior, the younger brother is on the cushion, do you know the shame?" The king of the king glanced down at the big golden cat that was pressed against him.

"Xiaoshun brothers, the righteousness of the heavens." Taishanghuang pillowed his brother's belly, took the Prince's Highness, and shook his tail leisurely.

"Hey, how much more are you than me? Is there a time for a finger?" The king of the king took a bite from the emperor's ear.

His Royal Highness looked at the twins who were about to fight, and looked at the seventeenth brother who was on the floor holding his ear to listen to the story of the five brothers. He did not join any of the brothers’ emotional exchange meeting and silently squatted on the stove. Add firewood to the side of the table.

Su Yu took the citronella back, cut it into small pieces, and threw it into the soup pot. The fresh flavor of the fish soup was suddenly stimulated.

"Mi!" The arch suddenly raised two small ears under the grandfather's belly under the grandfather's belly. The long story of Zhongwang came to an abrupt end, and the younger brother came in.

When Su Yu unveiled the soup pot and turned around, a group of big cats did not know when they had become human figures, and they were holding a stone bowl that they did not know where they came from.

The dark clouds on the horizon are getting denser and denser. When it is not long, there is a light rain on the island.

"The weather on this sea is always cloudy and uncertain." Tai Shang Huang took over the soup that Su Yu handed over, and did not find a margin to say a word.

Su Yu stunned. I don’t know why Taishang suddenly said this to him. He had to add a sentence. "Yes, it’s only a clear sky."

The emperor snorted and passed the stone bowl.

The emperor pulled down Su Yu and saw him still confused. He whispered, "Nothing to find." He said, he took the spoon from Su Yu’s hand and threw it into the pot. He kindly allowed you. Drinking a soup made by a stupid slave has done its best, whoever wants to drink himself, why let the stupid slaves give you soup!

Su Yu understood the meaning of the uncle of the cat, and smiled to pick up a small bowl and hugged the Prince's Temple.

There was a cold fish outside, sitting in a shelter from the rain, holding a bowl of warm hot soup, which made the island so many years of wild, gave birth to a few tears of impulse. The mouth of the delicious fish soup has not tasted delicious for many years.

The cats and grandfathers naturally can't cook, and the elder brothers can't count on them. One of them is the lord of the brave king, but this brave and uncommon hand is always helpless in the face of the sea fish and shrimps that are alive and kicking. Not much progress, the fish soup that was cooked was not forgotten to cause the bitterness, that is, the fire was too boiled into fried fish.

Tai Shang Huang also had to feel a word, it is good to have a daughter-in-law.

Without a spoon, the Prince's Highness squatted in the bowl for a long time, and the face of the fish soup paste, did not drink a few mouths, grievances and looked up at Su Yu.

Su Yu looked around, braved the rain and ran out to fold a thin bamboo branch, cut two ends into a simple straw, and sucked some fish soup to stay in the bamboo tube, and then fed to the kitten.

This method is really effective, the little golden ball holds the bamboo tube, and it tastes sweet.

After the Emperor drank a bowl and drank a bowl, he saw that Su Yu had been feeding the child before he went out and wet his hair. He frowned, took a soup, looked at him, and handed the bowl in his hand. "You can't finish it."

Su Yu looked up at him and smiled. "I can't drink it." As I said, I took the rest of the soup with a few mouthfuls.

The emperor took a look at them and snorted.

The Emperor looked down at his father and smiled.

The author has something to say: Small theater:

"Brother love is worth a bowl of fish soup"

Uncle Seven: Baby, sleep, good food, brother called you.

National Teacher: (whistling...)

Uncle seven: Hey, the fish soup is good, come back to a bowl.

Small fish: Seven uncle, have you forgotten something?

Uncle seven: Hey? Oh, yes, forgot to put salt!

Guoshi: (silently claws)

Uncle seven: Hey!

The stupid bird has a net, 2333

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Anan threw a mine

Anan threw a mine

Anan threw a mine

Anan threw a mine

Anan threw a mine

Anan threw a mine

Anan threw a mine

Anan threw a mine

Anan threw a mine

●→坨←● Throw a mine

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This is not a matter of throwing a mine.

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Thank you for the mines, grenades, rockets, and 586585 local diving bombs. The deepest torpedoes that love the local cats of the cat family ~~ Emma, ​​everyone is so enthusiastic, do you want a limited edition? Today, the story of the imitation leopard form Wubo Daxie, with the ears of the seventeen uncles will be better ~ ~ another set of stone tools will be given immediately ~~2k

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