MTL - Palace Full of Delicacies-Chapter 113 Teacher

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Thousands of soldiers fought **** battles, the scales of the turtle shells and the scales of the tigers, and the sound of the tigers screamed.

One of the most heroic is the King of Kings, a black man in the waves, holding two silver-colored harpoons, and bowing left and right. One stroke and one style is crisp and neat, there is no trace of extra movements, and the fish is falling, like a killer in the dark night, traveling through the fish, wherever it passes, the scales are not left.

Although the tiger cub is fierce, after all, it is small and has only a pair of fangs. It can hurt people but it is very difficult to kill. After a long time, it was killed in seven or eighty-eight, and several scorpions that had been slamming into the hull were shot. The remaining tiger cubs gave birth to retreat, no longer jumping on the boat, trying to sneak back into the sea.

Where King King will give them this opportunity, act decisively and quickly cast a net. The tigers that ran away were mostly caught up and piled up on the deck.

"Hey..." The tiger cub in the net is screaming at the end of the snake, as if it were hundreds of ducks. There are two cockroaches that are not dead, and "哞-", a scorpion, the King of King who just jumped on the boat almost fell.

The Emperor’s majesty shot the fish head with impatience, and the screaming screaming screamed and died.

"Emperor and slow!" Ling Wang threw down the silver gun in his hand, and rushed to stop the action of the emperor. He touched a face, and he did not know whether it was sweat or sea water. He said urgently, "This stuff is big, killing. If you die, it will not be placed, and it will soon be broken."

The implication is that this fish is not new when it dies. How can it be eaten after two days?

The emperor squatted slightly, looked up at the pile of tiger cubs, kicked the King of the King, "moving the fish to another ship."

"The emperor, the minister has just killed countless enemies, you don't want to reward it, but also punch and kick!" King King throws the harpoon on the ground, picks up black wide sleeves, and a deputy can kill and can't humiliate with the emperor. Stance.

The emperor slammed the palm of his hand on the head of King Jing, "Less Luo!" After playing, he began to explain the next arrangement.

The aftermath was handed over to King Jing, and the peacekeeper was handed over to Ling Wang. Wang Gonggong went to the servant of the bottom cabin to clean the ship, and Gao Peng sent the monk to the national division for interrogation. This sea monster nest is very dangerous. It is impossible for a monk to not know it and must be examined. As for the emperor's own squatting, he took off his smudged cover with a fish scale and astringency, and turned his hand back to the room with ease. He had more important things to do, and he had to look at stupid slaves and stupid sons.

When entering the house, Su Yu was sitting on the edge of the bed with a painful head, only to look at the outside and still did not feel it. Only then did he find that the back of the head was quite painful, and he even drummed a big bag.

"What's wrong?" The emperor squatted and frowned. He walked over in two or two steps and looked at him condescendingly.

"Nothing, just fell a bit, and got to the end," Su Yu put down his hand, stood up and looked at the emperor. "Is there any injury... oh..." The words didn't finish, the emperor's majesty was strong. The hand was attached to his head, and he encountered a big bag, and suddenly he got a cold breath.

"It's stupid!" The Emperor suddenly fell cold and his voice was a little bigger. "Let you hide in bed, what are you doing!"

The Emperor’s Majesty was really angry. He slammed Su’s neck and kept his neck. What was still to be said, the voice of Lu Guogong’s son came out from the door. “The emperor’s emperor, the national teacher called Xianxian to kill the fish.”

The cockroaches that resurrected in the winter, after the death, can not rot in the frozen sea, but the water will quickly break down. The two cockroaches who were shot by the emperor and shot by the archers should be dealt with as soon as possible.

Su Yu looked at the emperor, and the man snorted and ignored him. He blinked and went to the kitchen.

A lame foot is as big as a buffalo. Su Yu took a fish knife and crossed it for a long while, finally found a place to cut the knife. Fortunately, although it looks like a cow, meat or fish, it is not laborious to cut it. It’s just that the two wings are a little laborious and require internal strength to be cut. The internal strength in the wristband has been exhausted, and I want to find the emperor to fill it up. I think of the attitude of the emperor’s squatting, and I suddenly turned this idea off.

The uncle of the cat is still on the air, but it is also awkward, but it is not that he wants to get to the head. Su Yu sighed and lifted his feet to find two princes. I found a circle and didn't find it. I had to go to the national division.

"I, I only know this road..." Just walked to the front of the hall and heard the voice of the monk shivering.

The national teacher sat in the main position of the hall and drank slowly with a cup of tea. The monk who had left the water turned his legs and squatted on the ground, swearing that she had absolutely no harm to their minds.

"The road in the sea is poor and obstructed. This seat knows," Guoshi took another sip. The cold scorpion quietly looked at the beautiful monk dressed in tulle. "When I came across the sea, I must have been this." Let's go."

The monks heard the words, and the slender body suddenly shook.

The national teacher raised his hand and held the white chin, forcing her to look at herself.

Like the glazed beauty, with irresistible temptation, it seems to extend an invisible net. Once it touches it, it will sink into it without any resistance, and it is difficult to break free.

"Can there be another way to the island?" The voice of the National Teacher began to become near and far.

"I only know this one..." The swearing man said that the sea is full of danger. Not far from here are two deep trenches. The trenches are too deep and deep, and there are hidden things that are horrible, their family's People have been walking this sea, and dare not approach the two sides.

The national teacher slightly frowned, not far from the bottom of the sea, he could perceive some of it. It is indeed a darkness that is deep and bottomless, and the darkness is very long, and the border cannot be found. That trench, at least for half a month. And the sea people on the other side are not familiar with it, maybe there is something worse.

The island is in the vicinity of the sea where the monks live. The monks are actually not willing to take these fierce cats. The situation is stronger than the fish. Under the control of the fascination, they can only lead the way honestly. She did not deliberately take them to the road of death, nor did she have the ability, but did not remind the cats, and secretly thought that if they turned over the boat in the sea monster nest, she could escape to the sea.

The Chinese teacher took out the chart and let the monks identify the location of several sea monsters' nests, which is still similar to the previous ones. However, the charts are different from the real seas, and the memory of the monks is not accurate.

The brows of Mei Ruogong's strokes are slightly raised, and the national division is somewhat worried. The more you go to the depths of the sea, the more types of sea monsters will be, and the larger the body size will be. Moreover, 睚眦 has not yet appeared. What happened to Taishanghuang in the past, it is still unclear. I thought that this monk could find a birth path, but now it seems to be dangerous.

"Uncle Huang..." Su Yu screamed and called back the wisdom of the national teacher.

The national teacher came back to God and let go of his head. The monk who lost control again fell to the ground again, and made a "squeaky" noise.

Su Yu felt the head hurt when he heard the voice.

After listening to the purpose of Su Yu to find him, the national teacher looked at him eccentrically, but did not say anything, only told him to leave a whole one, and to sacrifice the heavens at night.

Su Yu returned to the kitchen with a full-brimmed wristband, peeling off the bones that were crushed to death, and cutting the wings with their huge tails. Suddenly realized that this sea monster is an snake tail, it is estimated to be a close relative. These days, I have learned a lot about how to eat sea monsters. He found that the taste of food is similar. It is like this kind of snake tail. It is estimated to be similar to snake meat, but it will be tenderer than ordinary snake meat. After all, after all. This is still a fish.

The bag on the head was busy in the kitchen for one afternoon, and the time when the emergency needs to be handled was properly handled, which was equivalent to killing two cows and a dozen fish. Su Yu was too tired to speak. A small pot of fish soup was stewed on the stove. It was the dinner of His Royal Highness, and the rest was really unmovable.

Carrying a small bowl and dragging heavy steps back to the main house, Su Yu opened the door and suddenly was shocked by the sight in front of him.

But the original wooden floor in the room has been filled with large cushions, and the thick cushions are almost flush with the low bed. The furniture that was originally set on the floor and the walls was sharpened and the edges were carefully wrapped in animal skin. The golden big cat was kneeling in the middle of the cushion, and impatiently pushed a small ball of hair trying to drill under his belly.

Su Yu saw this scene, suddenly no pain in his waist, put down the soup bowl in his hand, rushed over in three or two steps, and threw himself down on the thick cushion, holding a large one and two small **** In my arms, I made a roll on the spot.

"Stupid slave!" The emperor struggled when he stood up. When Su Yu turned over, he squirmed and squeezed out, licking the messy hair and raising his hand to give him a slap.

"Mi..." His Royal Highness stunned his head and learned to give Su Yu a slap.

Soft meat with a milky scent on the face, Su Yu spread his limbs, and stretched out happily.

"Reverse!" The golden big cat suddenly slammed into the chest of Su Yu, and gave a small ball to the palm of his hand. He straightened the prince down from the chest of Su Yu.

"呜咪..." The little hairball fell and slammed his head.

“What is this?” Su Yu was shocked and reached out to hold the child up.

The emperor's majesty turned into a human figure and picked up the prince. "The young age will dare to start with the mother, and it will be reversed in the future!"

"He knows what to play," said Su Yu, sitting up and watching the father's neck squatting, pitifully shrinking the four-clawed little hairball, and suddenly felt distressed, raising his hand and robbing the child, suddenly He stunned, "Wait, what did you just say? Mother, mother?"

The author has something to say: Small theater:

Attack: It was stupid enough to get to the end!

Small fish: qaq I don't want to

Attack: The craftsman of the shipbuilding was smashed to feed the fish!

Wang Gonggong: The emperor is angry, the old slave is laying the mat

Attack: Yin Xian will pick you up again!

Wang Gonggong: ... the emperor is really confused

Heead7 threw a mine

Heead7 threw a mine

Heead7 threw a mine

Throw throws a mine

He threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a shallow water bomb

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Ouyang Chendi threw a mine

Keve threw a mine

i is not a lone ranger throwing a mine

The other side of the goblin throws a mine

喵小鱼! Throw a mine

Cool summer pomelo throws a grenade

Grinding throws a mine

Forgot to throw a mine

Old k threw a rocket

Thii threw a rocket

Silently threw a mine

Three no throws a mine

Darknight threw a mine

Throw a mine tomorrow tomorrow

Summer solstice. I have not thrown a mine.

Summer solstice. I have not thrown a mine.

Summer solstice. I have not thrown a mine.

Thank you for the mines, grenades, rockets, and the diving bombs of Ouyang Chendi adults and the screen screens _(:3∠)_Love to lift your friendly hands and save your prince, Prince Edward, who is repaired by the father. With a bubble of tears, you need the comfort of the kiss and the tiger touch, Mi Xiao ~~2k