MTL - Painting of the Nine Immortals-Chapter 2796 Want you to be buried

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In the galaxy, Zhang Chenglong's body shattered and turned into blood mist.

He is only a monk in the eighth state, unable to bear the residual spirit of the Eight Immortals, the invincible power, and the moment when the firmness of the sky was determined, he was doomed to death.

The Eight Immortal Residual Soul is almost dissipated.

The so-called burning soul borrows power at the cost of the soul flying soul, in exchange for a temporary invincible power, if not for the God of Creation, the Eight Immortal Residual Soul would have disappeared long ago.

"Get me out!"

Ling Xian was so mad that she was full of thoughts, but the thoughts appeared, the galaxy collapsed, and the two great ancestors spurted blood.

The immortal soul was scattered, and he had to rush over, even if he couldn't save, he had to stay beside Baxian.

Anger shot, boundless killing, Ling Xian shot like crazy, would rather damage a thousand, but also hurt the enemy 800!

"If you don't make way, let's die together!"

Ling Xian's eyes were red as blood, transformed into a demon king, and cracked the body of the heroic man, bleeding with seven tricks.

The ancestral ancestor of Tsing Yi was also bruised all over.

Physical, mana, soul, Lingxian are all powerful and outrageous. In the case of violence, the fairy king also has a headache!


The Yingwu man looked ugly. Although he did not want to admit it, he was really afraid.

The ancestor of Tsing Yi was also afraid.

Ling Xian is like a madman, fought hard, and is comparable to the immortal king. Even if the two are the strongest of the seven ancestors, they are cold-hearted.

"I don't want to go on the road with you." The Yingwu man forbeared the anger, took back Tian Ge, and gave way.

Seeing this, Shengyi of Tsing Yi was silent for a moment, and stood up to make way.

This made all spirits look dull, and his face was full of disbelief. Even if it was the emperor's heart, he felt a huge wave in his heart.

Those are two invincible ancestors, and they are the strongest two of the seven ancestors. It is incredible that they can make way for them.

But after thinking about it, all spirits were relieved.

Who would dare to conflict with Ling Xian when she was so strong against the sky and mad?

Not to mention the sacred ancestors, even the immortal king has to be embarrassed!

"Don't think I'm afraid of you. For your affectionate apprenticeship, I will let you send them the last trip." Yingwu man sneered, and he would not admit that he was killed. He was afraid Ling Ling would end up with himself. .

"If my teacher falls, I want you to be buried." Ling Xian's eyes flickered fiercely, one step across hundreds of kilometers, and landed in front of Baxian.

Looking at the imaginary shadow of the Eight Immortals, his eyes became red, and tears could not stop flowing: "Master ..."

"Don't be sad, kill a saintly ancestor with a corpse, I'll wait for my death." Lian Cangqiang smiled at the corner of his mouth with resentment and no remorse.

The same is true of the Seven Immortals, who love this side of the world and never die.

"I won't let you die!"

Ling Xian's eyes were red, and Baxian was his close relative. He would rather have his soul fluttered than he would be harmed.

At the moment, he looked at the God of Fortune and said, "You are an immortal elixir, there must be a way to save me!"

"Sorry, I've done my best." The woman in white turned her head and couldn't bear to see Lingxian's loss of heart and pain.

"No, there must be a way, there must be a way." Ling Xian cried two tears, crying like a child.

Strongly thrown out of Jiuxiaoyun, he calmly disappeared. He was so helpless and poor at the moment.

The green woman couldn't bear it, the **** light covered the eight immortals, but she couldn't let it stay for a long time.

The source of life doesn't work either.

Immortal medicine can heal physical injuries, but it is useless to the soul.

The Eight Immortals are scattered, and even if the four undead immortal medicine sheds their bodies, they will not be able to return to heaven.

"The moment I burned my soul, I waited."

Jimo Ruxue looked at Ling Xian earnestly and said, "I don't like the way you cry, remember, you are the last hope of the universe, and I will leave it to you to guard this world."

As the voice fell, she was like a smoky smoke, dissipating with the wind.

The seven immortals have dissipated one after another, and when they are gone, they have a nodded glance at the universe and a reluctant glance at Lingxian.

"No, don't die!"

Ling Xian yelled. If the death of Jun Xiu's man and inaction makes him sad, then the disappointment of the Eight Immortals will make him distressed.

To him, Baxian Hun San is the most painful torture and the most cruel torture.

Heaven and earth are silent, all souls are silent.

Looking at Ling Xian who was screaming in the sky, all sentient beings felt the same, her eyes were hazy.

The Eight Immortals battled the saintly ancestors with a remnant soul, and at the expense of the only bloodline, it was sad and respectable.

"Is it worth it?"

"Even if you leave a good name, it is just a tribute to the millennium."

The Yingwu man sneered and said, "Who will remember them after a thousand years?"

"You're right, few thousand years later, few people will remember them."

"But what they asked for was not Liufangbaishi, but conscience."

Ling Xian raised her head, her eyes were red as blood, and her intentions swept across all realms.

He was so mad that he hated it to the extreme. At this moment, he had only one idea, asking the heroic men and other ancestors to bury the Eight Immortals!

"Perhaps ... they still have salvation." God of fortune hesitated.

"what did you say?"

Ling Xian was excited, clinging tightly to the white woman's shoulder, and said, "Do they really have any help?"

"If there are five soul-raising treasures, they might be able to keep them alive."

The good fortune **** grass sighed softly and said, "But the five soul-raising treasures are rare in the world. It is fortunate to be one of them. It is too difficult to gather the five soul-raising treasures."

Hearing that Ling Xian stayed, blaming herself for not finding requiem.

Many years ago, Jimo Ruxue told him that he was required to find the warm soul tree, Yunhun Lake, the set iron, and the requiem.

But he only found the first three, but still did not find Requiem.

"The five soul-raising treasures, I have four, only the requiem." Ling Xian bitter, not that he did not do his best to find the requiem, but this thing is too rare, there is no cable.

"Do you have four?"

The woman in white was silent for a while and said, "Well, since you have four kinds, then I will help you."

After that, she was inexhaustible, and Yushou knot mysterious seal.

The next moment, the Eight Immortals reunited, their faces were dull, and their minds were lost.

"Fast, raise them with the soul to the highest treasure." The woman in white clenched her teeth, cold sweat, and obviously, she was extremely loaded.

Seeing this, the spiritual roots of all things, the jail flower of life, and the jail flower of grimace help to create the **** grass.

Lingxian opened the Nine Immortals map, and raised the soul of the eight immortals with the four major souls.

"Dead people, why waste energy?" Yingwu man's eyes flickered with cold electricity, Tian Ge cut off, and Xinghe shuddered.


Ling Xian roared, the moon was frozen in Tian Ge, and the fairy broke the galaxy.

The heroic man vomited blood, and it was difficult to hide the shock.

The next scene shocked him even more.


Ling Xianmei let her heart shine, killing, soul, and blood merged, forming a **** storm, breaking up the stars and rivers.

Immortal soul!

Although there is still a step away from the real immortal soul, but it has begun to gain momentum, and even the heroic men are shocked.

"You have only one step left to become an immortal soul!"

The Yingwu man was shocked, and the rest of the ancestors also changed color.

Immortal soul is one of the three most difficult paths for all ages, not to mention approaching the end.

"Tooth for tooth, eye for eye, I want you blood and blood!"

A roar broke the starry sky.

Lingxian hated madness, never destroyed the body, shook the world, and shocked the ancestors such as the heroic heroes!


There is no third chapter.