MTL - Painting of the Nine Immortals-Chapter 2787 The ancestor was born

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Big Dipper, Western Region.

In the cemetery, Xiao Zi sat cross-legged, bathed in divine light, and magnificent.

She dangled with chaos, flowing the divine light, and she was in shock for nine days, and her power suppressed all realms.


As early as seven years ago, Xiao Zi set foot in the realm of the gods, but only because the five elements sealed the magic array, she waited here.

At this moment, the five tombs shook, making Xiao Zi open her eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, the tomb of God was shattered, and the shadow of the world emerged.

One, two, three ... Six figures came out slowly, immortal, and invincible.

Saint Zuo!

Without exception, they are all invincible nine days, the ancestors who swept across all realms!

The western region collapsed, the world collapsed, Xiao Zi was frightened, and the gods and spirits penetrated the world, barely blocking the power of the six ancestors.

She is already a deity, and she is not inferior to her ancestors, but she has six enemies!

Unless she is the king of God, she will be destroyed when she meets you!


Gou Chen Xing, God Wang Shan.

The sea gods sighed softly, looking at the mysterious seal, and said, "This day is finally here."

The words fell, and God Wangshan exploded, the rocks turned into powder, and drifted with the wind.

In the smoke of the sky, a heroic man appeared, and Shengwei trembled for nine days.

He was wearing the armor, holding Tian Ge, suppressing all the heavens, and swallowing the universe.

"Thirty thousand years, today, the blood washed the universe!" Yingwu man Tian Ge swept away, destroyed eight wastelands, bombarded the sea gods.

As he died, he sighed, sighing for the universe.

The birth of the ancestor is bound to be bloody, I do n’t know how many souls will die.


"So big, what happened?"

"Is it the birth of Supreme?"

"Unless it is a treasure of the same level as the source of the gods, there can be no such great movements, and I hope it is not a curse."

Hearing two loud noises, the world was buzzing and wondering.

The same is true of Lingxian.

The universe is endless and the stars are separated by hundreds of kilometers. Therefore, he does not know where the loud noise originated.

The next moment, he knew it, and everyone in the world knew it.

The seven shadows of the world are standing in the galaxy, and the world is connected by law. Even the bright moon in the bright sun cannot match it.

Therefore, all beings in the universe see it.

The mighty Xiehe ravaged Xinghe, and even made all spirits tremble and fell to the ground.

"Sacred ancestors! Seven Supreme ancestors!"

"Heavenly universe! Seven sages are born, who can stop them?"

"Illusions must be hallucinations. How could there be seven invincible ancestors?"

Everyone was apprehensive, and the timid person collapsed to the ground, terrified.

Ling Xian was also numb with scalp, terrified.

He was accustomed to the strong winds and waves, and even if he was an enemy of the invincible sacred ancestor, he could calmly regard it, but he was difficult to calm down.

If there were only two sages, he would not be worried at all, even if Xiao Zi and Wuwei had not become gods, the universe would be safe and sound.

But there are seven ancestors, seven invincible!

Even if it is placed in the sanctuary, the seven ancestors can not be ignored. It is easy to destroy several continents, let alone the universe?

"I was wrong. The five elements sealed the devil, not six, but six."

Ling Xian smiled bitterly. He was not a man who gave up lightly. It can be seen that at the moment of the seven ancestors, he had no fighting spirit and was desperate.

Any invincible person can smash the stars and destroy all beings with one thought.

In the era when the immortals fell and the heavens collapsed, what did the universe use to resist the seven invincibles?

Even if Lingxian becomes a god, Xiaozi and Wuwei become gods, don't even try to kill the seven ancestors!

"Unexpectedly, the five elements sealed the devil to suppress the six ancestors ..."

Ling Xian lost his soul, and he knew for a long time that the ancestors who suppressed the five elements would be born.

But he never dreamed, not one, but six.

Lingxian is desperate, and all the universe is desperate.

An ancestor can sweep the universe and kill all souls, let alone seven?

It is not an exaggeration to say that even if all people are united in one mind and everyone is committed, there is no chance of winning!

"Seven ancestors ..." The man in white looked ugly, and was usually calm and calm, and had long been thrown out of the clouds.

The crowd was also panicked and cold.

Shengzu is so terrible, even if it is hundreds of kilometers apart, he is still scared and wants to kneel to the ground.

"Now do you still want the source of the gods?"

Ling Xian sighed. The stronger the strength, the greater the responsibility. In the case of the birth of the seven ancestors, whoever becomes a **** must confront the seven ancestors.

Any invincible person respects the existence of an era, and the invincible peers are not enough to describe the fighting power of the ancestors.

Not to mention a pair of seven, fighting alone, may not win!

Hearing Lingxian's words, the man in white was silent.

For him, becoming a **** is not a break, so he wants the source of the gods.

But at this moment, he gave up.

Whoever gets the source of the gods will have to fight against the ancestor, and no matter how arrogant he is, he doesn't think he can fight with one enemy!

That is the strongest ancestor of the Nine Kingdoms. The nine extreme realms come together to break the nine realms, and create a taboo method that is unique to you!

Looking at the two realms of ancient times, no one can kill the seven ancestors on their own, except for the Celestial King.

"Silent just doesn't want it." Ling Xian laughed, showing coldness and irony.

The man in white was furious and retorted intentionally, but he couldn't explain why.

The universe rises and falls, everyone has a responsibility, and between responsibility and life, he chose the latter.

Jian Ji and Qin Ji were also silent.

Fighting the seven ancestors with one's own strength is equivalent to a rabbit provoking the lion king, which is no different from finding death!

"Who do you want to either?" Ling Xianxing's eyes were deep, and he looked around the audience. Everyone lowered his head and didn't dare to look at him.

Before, the source of the gods was the supreme treasure, and even if they broke their heads, they were willing.

But at the moment, the source of the gods is hot potato, unless anyone wants to betray the universe, otherwise no one wants it.

"I want."

Lin Canghai looked earnestly and said, "Leave the source of the gods to me. I am willing to fight for you and protect the universe."

"Let me do it."

Ling Xian sighed, although Lin Canghai was a swordless body, but he was only added to the eight extreme realms. How could he win against the sacred ancestors who had a good foundation?

Looking at the universe, only two people become gods and can fight against the strongest ancestor.

One is a man in white and the other is Ling Xian.

The former counseled, and had no courage to fight the Seven Great Ancestors, and the latter had a firm conviction and could not be shaken.

Despair is only temporary, Lingxian will never be afraid, and never give up!

What about the seven ancestors? What if there is no odds?

Ling Xian is not afraid, if there is no hope, kill hope, if there is no way to live, kill the way of birth!

"I ..." Lin Canghai wanted to stop talking. He knew that he had become a god, but wasting the source of the gods, he couldn't control the overall situation.

"No need to say much."

"My responsibility, no matter what, I have to take it."

Ling Xian stood up and looked at the seven shadows of the world, killing the sky and sweeping the world.


There is no third chapter. The ancestor was born. I have to think about the plot behind.

Read The Duke's Passion