MTL - Painting of the Nine Immortals-Chapter 11 I have a way

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"Get San Miao Baolian."

The sound of refining the sky sounded in Lingxian's heart.

Ling Xian nodded. Although he didn't know the magical use of Sanmiao Baolian, since Master opened his mouth, he would definitely try his best to get it.

"Okay, I'm willing to try." He looked at Lin Qingyi and said, "Will you leave now?"

"Yeah." Lin Qingyilian walked to Ling Xian and said earnestly: "The city owner Qianjin is in danger now, and I have had a few relationships with her, and I can say that it is a gentleman's relationship. If there is a way, return Please master must rescue her. "

"For the sake of the Sanmiao Baolian, I will try my best, but you'd better not hold too much hope." Ling Xian dare not to envy, said modestly.

"Master, you are too modest. My grandfather told me when he came back from the city ’s mansion in the morning. The city ’s gold is the venom of a nine-pin monster and two-headed poisonous snake. No one in the city can produce high-quality detoxification dan. According to my speculation, if there is a detoxification medicament with a efficacy of more than 70%, there should be no problem. "Lin Qingyi has enough confidence in him, and when she wants to come, It is absolutely a piece of cake to refining a panacea that is 80% medicinal, and refining a 70% medicinal detoxification.

"Try your best." Ling Xian shamed, not expecting that this beautiful woman would admire herself so much. But his own ability is clear, he can only refine one kind of elixir, that is, Ningqi Dan, what detoxification Dan, he does not even know Danfang.

However, he was not at all worried that he would be helpless when he arrived at the city's main government house, because he was wearing a flame of evil spirits, but it was all the strange poisonous nemesis in the world. As long as he used it properly, let alone the poison of the Jiupin monster, even if it was a Yipin monster. Poisonous, he was not afraid.

"By the way, Tsing Yi doesn't know your master's name? Why haven't you heard that there is a fourth alchemist in Qingcheng, and that the mastery of Dao is still so high." Lin Qingyi flanked beside him, very curious about him.

"The name is just a code name, and I'm not from Qingcheng, passing by here." Ling Xian said lightly.

The reason why he wore a bucket hat and was veiled was that he didn't want to be recognized. If it was the ninth grade alchemy master, it would be nothing, but it would only be good for him, but if it was a fourteen year old alchemist who was still a waste of practice two days ago, it would be a bit shocking.

The biggest possibility is that you suddenly get a rare treasure, and the novels of Xiuxian World for people's entertainment are all written like this.

In fact, this is indeed the case, so Ling Xian can only be low-key and not dare to be too public. Once the city is full of storms, everyone knows that there will surely be strong men that he can't compete with at the moment to take him away and kill people. Ruin.

"Since the master refused to disclose, Tsing Yi is no longer reluctant." Lin Qingyi was a little disappointed.

"It's getting late, let's go quickly." Ling Xian shifted the topic.

Lin Qingyi's heart moved, and suddenly there was a sound of horseshoes in the distance.

As if there was a flash of lightning, in the blink of an eye, a tall white horse flashed in front of the two.

The white horse stood upright, without a trace of variegated body, but on the four hoofs, there was a ray of red hair, just like the four blooming flames, which is the fastest speed of the nine-pin monster beast BMW.

Behind the white horse, there is a beautifully decorated carriage tied with an engraved picture of dragons and phoenixes. The carvings are superb and lifelike.

"Xiao Bai, it's going to be hard for you." Lin Qingyi Lian stepped slightly and walked forward and patted her huge skull.

With a hissing sound, White Horse seemed to enjoy her touch very much, and there was a touch of humane mildness in her pupils.

"Miss Lin is really amazing. It is really envious to own and tame a stepping BMW." Ling Xian was a little surprised. This horse was born with amazing speed and fierce temper. It is the best mount among the nine monsters. It is also the most difficult to tame mount.

"I came here by chance. At that time, I needed flames for alchemy, but I didn't want to use the most common geocentric fire. I ran to the Qianshan Forest to look for the fire monsters. Bai, I brought it back. "Lin Qingyi smiled softly," Master, please get in the carriage. "

Ling Xian nodded, opened the curtain and walked in.

I saw that the space in the entire compartment was not very large. There were two benches, covered with soft tiger skin, and a scent of fragrance unique to a woman's house came out.

Ling Xian sat down on the bench on the left, then closed her eyes, absorbed the heaven and earth aura, and pacified the injuries in her body.

Lin Qingyi followed and sat on the bench on the right, with a wave of Yushou, BMW Tayan hissed, and ran towards the city's main government at lightning speed.

The subtle fragrance floats and the bright moon is about to come out. The two are close at hand, and each other can feel each other's warm breathing.

At first Lin Qingyi was able to keep calm. She was a demure woman, but as time passed, her heart could not be calm anymore.

She is very aware of her charm. In ordinary days, those who are dedicated to her can line up from the east to the west of the city, and still stand in two rows. Even those old people who are almost old can not bear to face her. Just look at her. But at this moment, the two were in a separate space, and the person in front of him could practice calmly, ignoring her completely, which made her a little bit frustrated and angry.

"Listening to the sound is like a teenager, but the technique of alchemy is very old-fashioned. What kind of person is he?" Lin Qingyi looked at Ling Xian curiously, and tried to reach out his hand to pry him away, but in the end he could not bear Living.

"Why are you curious about me?"

The bland voice, no ridicule, no anger, was a shock to her.

Ling Xian slowly opened her eyes and stared at Lin Qingyi's cheeky face.

With a red face, Lin Qingyi was silent for a while, but admitted frankly: "Yes, Tsing Yi is really curious about the look of the master."

"What a bad old man is," Ling Xian said lightly.

There was a gloom in Qiu Shui's eyes, and Lin Qingyi showed a happy face. Is he really a bad old man?


BMW Tayan made a long beep and stopped in front of a magnificent palace.

Two majestic stone lions stood on each side, and two guards in armor stood meticulously in front of the door, staring sharply at the stopped carriage.

Ling Xian got out of the carriage first, Lin Qingyi followed closely behind her, and her jade hand gently stroked the white horse's soft hair, and said softly, "Xiao Bai, you must wait for me here and don't run around."

Having said that, she stepped up to the guard guarding the city's main government.

"I'm Lin Qingyi. This is the master I invited. Your city owner should have explained it."

The two guards apparently knew her, and a little awe and admiration flashed in their eyes, saying respectfully: "Yes, Master Lin, please, this master, please."

Master Lin?

Ling Xian was a little puzzled. She seemed to be respected. Is there any other status besides Miss Lin?

Following Lin Qingyi's entrance to the gate, a pretty girl greeted her, worshiped respectfully, and led the way.

Walking on the marble-paved path, Lingxian curiously looked at the luxurious buildings of the city's main government building. I saw here the strange flowers blooming, the rockery is full of trees, and the pavilions are everywhere. It is beautiful and magnificent.

After a while, the three came to the main hall, the girl-in-law quietly retreated, Lin Qingyi was about to knock on the door, but heard a sad voice in the low voice.

"Masters, isn't the girl's poison really unsolved?"

A middle-aged man sits on the main seat above the main hall. He is wearing a wide black robe, his knife-like face reveals a trace of sadness, two sword eyebrows flew into the slant, a pair of tiger eyes are full of energy, there is no anger The power of self-respect.

He is Ye Xiaotian, the founder of Qingcheng, and the only monk in the foundation period.

Below him are sitting more than a dozen alchemists, some of them are old men, some are old men with gray hair. At the moment when he heard what he said, they were all silent, could not say anything, and there was no pride before him. Disdainful and spirited.

They have already tried many methods and deployed a lot of antidote, but without exception, in the face of the strange poison in the body of the city owner, let alone eradication, even temporary suppression is impossible. Had it not been controlled by the monstrous mana of the monks in the foundation period, I am afraid that the woman who had been rumored to have fallen into shame on the moon would have already disappeared.

Ye Xiaotianhu saw a trace of resentment and helplessness in his eyes, watching the monks from the master Dan Dao below, Shen said: "Everyone is a well-known Dan Dao master, can't even the poison of the nine grade monsters be solved? What? "

This is very polite. It sounds like a question, but in fact it is a statement.

State a fact.

Some people's faces are not so good. As Ye Xiaotian said, they are all well-known alchemists, and they are high on the weekdays and have an extremely respected status. They have never experienced such runs. However, there is no way to refute, because they really can not solve the strange poison in the city's Qianjin.

What's more, sitting above is a strong foundation builder, and when it is sad and sad, in case anyone feels unhappy, slap it down, they can't carry them together.

These people all came from Sanmiao Baolian, but they didn't want to get any good, but gave away their lives.

For a long time, a young man of about twenty-five or six stood up and said, "Yecheng Lord, the poison of the double-headed snake is not the venom of the ordinary double-headed snake, but the venom of the double-headed king snake. This poison is comparable to the Qipin monster. Only poisons of more than six grades have the effect, or Qipinjiedu of 70% is effective. "

"A good six-pin detoxification dan, a good Qipin detoxification, why don't you tell me to prepare the coffin directly?" Ye Xiaotian smiled sneer, he knew very well that the two were harder than the other, in his capacity Status, trying to get the same is ascending to the sky.

"The last time I asked, who has a way? As long as someone can detoxify the little girl, the owner of the city is willing to offer all my possessions."

As soon as this remark was made, everyone was fierce and his breathing was a little faint, and all the possessions of a strong baseman were quite amazing.

They really wanted it, but they couldn't get it.

Because they really didn't have any way, even the proud young man remained silent.

However, just as Ye Xiaotian was desperate, with a squeak, the hall was suddenly pushed away from the outside, and a ray of soft moonlight fell down, like a hint of hope.

"I have a way."

The dull voice suddenly passed into the ears of everyone, breaking the previous atmosphere of silence, Ling Xian walked calmly into the main hall, but the words of strong self-confidence were hidden in the dullness, which made everyone look sideways again into the strange silence.

Needle drop can be heard.