MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 5 The price of too much excitement

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Yalin stunned and stared at the existence in front of him. The creature that had only existed in the legend stood in its own reach!

A huge white dragon!

Its length alone is estimated to exceed 100 meters as if it were a small hill. The dragon scales of the whole body are like the whitest jade, delicate, beautiful and extremely hard. The raised forehead is comparable to a crystal-like dragon. The horns point upright at the sky, and the white dragon instigates the icy cold of the powerful dragon wings, and the air seems to freeze for it.

After watching the tiny figure under him, Bai Long slowly lowered his forehead and said with a mechanical coldness, "My master, please give an order."

Yalin gently stroked Bailong's forehead. This was the first creature he had created. A loyal people. Yalin asked with relief at the moment: "Name, do you have a name? "?

Bailong shook his head gently.

Tong Yalin patted Bai Long's forehead and said, "Can it be what I am now? It's a bit inconvenient to talk to you like this."

The huge white dragon raised his forehead again. With the white light white dragon's huge body disappeared without a trace, a tall man wearing a silver armor had kneeled down in front of Yalin with respect on one knee.

Yalin took a deep breath and looked at the mountains covered by snow and ice in the distance. With the memory of the King of the White Dragon, the former picture of the mountains slowly emerged, and the collapsed ruins were erected again. Showing its grandeur and magnificence on the evening, the white dragons flying in the sky, accompanied by the low dragon ming, make this epic scene even more amazing.

Is not any CG, nor is it to the extent that human imagination can reach, and you can reproduce the scene of this evening in reality!

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" Yalin Yangtian laughed loudly: "I really want to thank you 'Panda', this is the best surprise you gave me"!

One day I will recreate this scenery in front of me, not the flashing scenery in my mind! Yalin shook his fist vigorously and said to Bailong behind him, "Clafrigg! This is your name starting today."

Craferig nodded and said, "I understand the master, Kraferig is here to swear allegiance to you."

"Very good"! Yalin rubbed his hands vigorously and said with excitement: "Since the glory of the White Dragon clan is to be reproduced, then you and I alone are not enough, system! Summon three adult white dragons!"

"Of course it is OK, just call here"!

巨大 Three huge white dragons descended in front of Yalin, and the same mechanical and cold tone swore loyalty to the master 主人

Already in a state of enthusiasm, Yalin was preparing to continue summoning Bailong. A voice with an electronic sympathy interrupted Yalin's movements: "Let you wait for my master for a long time, and call the system assistant to greet you" !!

Summon System Assistant? correct! Yalin remembered for a moment, it seemed that 'Panda' had told himself that there was a little helper who could help, Yalin's subjective consciousness returned to the seal temple inside the mountain peak, showing a very cute Q version on the interface. Long

The shot came out, and at this moment the Q version of Xiaolong was paying respectfully to Yalin.

"You're what Panda's assistant is?"

"Yes! My master, from now on I will answer any questions about this system."

Ji Yalin tilted her head and said sarcastically, "I opened and used this system, and it's been at least half an hour now."

"Sorry my master, because the internal data of the system is huge, it takes a little time to load all the data".

"All right"! Yalin said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, if you want to explain to me that the calling system is so troublesome, let's start now, but try to say a little bit about it, I don't like people who like Rory Lorenzo."

Q version of Xiao Bailong patted his wings and said, "Follow the master! I will explain it to you now."

When Xiao Bailong was about to start speaking, Yalin gestured him to wait for a while, and then said, "Can you change the tone? Your electronic synthesis sound makes me feel uncomfortable."

"Of course, master, what tone do you want me to pronounce?"

恩 ┉┉ thought for a moment and said with a smirk, "Use a cute, cute voice"!

"Yes! Master"! A sweet and greasy loli sound came out of the Q version of Xiao Bailong.

I went for a walk ~~~ Ya Lin hit the whole body, and for a moment I just felt that the so-called cute voices of the professional voice actors that I heard before were simply scum at this moment! This is the real loli sound, without any sense of incongruity caused by deliberately imitating the loli sound. It is completely quiet in that cute feeling.

"Master! Are you satisfied with this?"

Ok! Yalin had to admit that if this voice appeared in his previous world, it is estimated that a large number of voice-controlled fans would be enthusiastic about it immediately. It is a pity that he is not the kind of voice-controlled dead house. Now, as the king of the ancient white dragon, if one of his assistants is sweet and greasy loli every day, it feels strange.

"Changing a different voice, if possible, the feeling of being as stable as possible, like a wise man who has lived from ancient times to the present, like the majesty of a dragon! By the way, change your character's image and ask for a good match The appearance of this feeling. "

"Yes! My esteemed master"! The Q version of Little White Dragon disappeared, replaced by a young man wearing a gorgeous mage robe, calm and calm face and wise eyes, with a pair of delicate gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of the nose, making people look helpless I feel awe in my heart.

Wu Yalin nodded with satisfaction and asked, "Do you have a name?"

"Nemo"! The young man nodded and said respectfully, "You can call me that."

"Very good! Nemo, now you can start explaining for me."

Nemo elegantly saluted with one hand on his shoulder: "I will first give you an overview of the energy harvesting methods required to summon life and materials. I think you have also noticed by the owner. When the system is opened, it has been shown above. For the energy you have now, the initial material energy is 1000000 (one million), and the soul energy is initially 8000┉┉ "

Nemo's voice stopped abruptly, and Nemo inquired softly after a short cold session: "Have you already called using the system, my respected master?"

Wu Yalin nodded numbly and said, "Summoned four white dragons."

When it comes to here, Yalin has slowly calmed down from the frenzy and realized that he might have made a low-level mistake! And Nemo's next words really confirmed his thoughts.

"Actually, my esteemed master, material energy can exchange for you all kinds of necessities including food, weapons, armor and everything you need, and the method of obtaining material energy is relatively simple, you only need to mine various mineral materials in this world It can be directly converted into energy, and the soul energy is used to shape the living body. This energy can not be obtained in the same way as the energy of other materials. It can be obtained automatically every day. To restore, it can be said that every bit of soul energy is very precious. "

Wu Yalin paused, completely stunned for a long time before he asked, "How much energy can be recovered in a day?"

"Soul energy recovery at this stage is 5 hours an hour and 120 hours a day."

I rely! Yalin can't help but curse ‘Panda’ playing himself, only recovering 120 points a day! How much does a train need? The adult white dragon summoned by himself needs to consume 48000 soul energy, which means that he does not need to store a little energy for more than one year before he can summon a dragon.

At this stage, Yalin recalls what Nemo said just now: "At this stage, it will recover 5 points per hour. That is to say, there is a way to increase the speed of soul energy recovery, right?"

"This is of course". Nemo lifted the glasses on his face with his hand and said, "In the future, as long as your master level increases, the speed of soul energy recovery will increase, and the creator has scattered many soul stones in all corners of the world. Finding these soul stones can also increase recovery speed. "

"But I'm afraid I'm in trouble now 亚" Yalin Gang relieved and thought of an important question.

Nemo nodded a little but reluctantly said, "Yes, my esteemed host, although I used a lot of soul energy in the beginning, the rest is still enough to build the territory, but the speed may be slow. a little".

It ’s like playing a real-time strategy game. At the beginning, Yalin did not use his own resources to make farmers, but he created a lot of high-level arms. Finally, he found that he had no resources to make the most basic farmers. But now it ’s okay, I still have the money to build a farmer. Although there are still poor 8000 soul energy left

With the help of Nemo, Yalin knew how to view his attributes:

Name: Yalin

Race: White Dragon

Profession: King of the White Dragon

Level: LV1

Experience: 1920/2000

Magic: 34000/34000

Power :? ? ?

Agile :? ? ?

Spirit :? ? ?

Wisdom :? ? ?

Physique :? ? ?

Plutonium element dominates: 0/3000

Speciality: Study of Magic [6 Mastery] Study of Engraving [5 Excellent] Soul Creation [? ] Material Creation [? 】

Special Abilities: Water and Frost Spell Immunity (Spell Immunity) Mind Control Immunity (Mind Control Immunity) Improved Poison Resistance (Improved Poison Resistance by 40% Immunity to Low Level Poisons) Immune to other 1-17 magic deaths With a deadly ice cold) Life is extremely tough (400% health increase) Elemental **** (100% increase in cast speed and effect) Soul freeze (can freeze the other soul ’s seal) Mastery in all Frost Magic Frost fields (Let the place be covered by snow Elemental Summon

I still have levels? For a fake house that has played many RPG games, Yalin is not very surprised, but from the data point of view, the body of this white dragon king is indeed scary enough. There are a lot of special abilities below. Heap, magic, and even directly immune to level 17 spells. According to the memory of the white dragon king, level 30 magic is the pinnacle of this world. For ordinary humans, level 17 magic is already a high-level wizard. The limit. Only a few big wizards can cast spells above level 17, and once it exceeds level 21 magic, it is not a realm that ordinary people can reach. Almost only the poetic existence of some bards and the legendary existence recorded in ancient books can use more than 20 levels of magic.

The King of White Dragons-Yalin believes that he is now considered to obliterate the existence of most mages. It can be said that the King of White Dragons is an outrageous master nemesis.

"I now have 1920 experience and 80 points to upgrade. Where did this experience come from? And why is it all in my property bar ????". Yalin directly raised two questions.

"The 1920 experience is obtained by the 4 adult white dragons summoned by the master. In the future, the master and you can gain experience for each creature or material summoned. The same experience can also be obtained through battles and territorial construction, and complete some of the tasks prescribed by the creator. Come on. As for the second question, since you are still in the sealed state, all attributes are invisible. The chain of the seal has a total of 13 and you can see it once the seal is lifted. "

Nemo continued to respectfully explain: "Every time you upgrade, you can get a talent point for the master. As the master of the white dragon king, you have many powerful abilities. Each talent point can strengthen these for you. ability".

Ah ha ha. Actually, he still has this hidden ability. Yalin hastily opened his own talent page. Sure enough, the countless skill branch trees are flashing a faint blue light. The talent page shows that he currently has 1 talent point.

The talent skills are mainly divided into three categories: offense and defense assistance. Yalin looked at these dazzling skills and turned to Nemo for help.

"My honorable master, what strategy are you planning now?"

"Taoguang's hidden development will never come out. En Yan will not come forward for the time being ~ ~ Yalin thought and came up with a strategic strategy for a great man in the past. In fact, Yalin also knows that he wants to be in the lead now. Without that capital.

那么 "Then I recommend that you better focus on defensive talents, with a small amount of auxiliary talents. If you want to immerse yourself in development, then please use the first talent here."

【Frost Storm Barrier】

Introduction: Large area magic can create a snowstorm in the territory as a barrier. The caster can freely adjust the size and area of ​​the snowstorm. Friendly units are not affected by the snowstorm. The range and damage of the froststorm barrier increase with the level.


[Frost Storm Barrier] Upgrade Level LV1

Special ability: rapid cooling

This ability is so great! Although Yalin believes that no one will come to this rare mountain in a short time, but he is not afraid of 10,000. And [Frost Storm Barrier] can not only create a blizzard as a barrier to prevent others from entering the territory, but more importantly, its other ability will not affect people on its own side. Think about it. If the two sides are at war, the other side will not only be attacked but also resist snow and cold, which is very advantageous for them.

Ya Lin, who is standing on the mountain, has noticed that the snow and snow in the distant sky seem to stop briefly, and then the trend is more fierce than before. Soon under the drive of his own thoughts, the snow began to change, and Yalin kept the snowstorm at a natural size and began to pay attention to a more important matter.

The construction of the territories must begin immediately! I will certainly make the white dragon clan once glory again!

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