MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 1174 Let's go high!

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The hunting operation against the extraordinary continued for a week. Watching this killing gradually come to an end, Lelouch couldn't help but sigh. Compared with Lawrence and Phillips, and the city council ’s apparent control of the free city, What can shake the foundation of this city is the extraordinary people who have been led by Closed and Yunokia. The whole city has not been affected by daily operations under a whole week of **** clearing operations. Those ordinary people are powerful and invincible in the eyes of ordinary people. Like pigs and dogs, they were slaughtered wantonly during this time. X

There is still a huge gap of power between the transcendents, not to say that they are truly invincible when they enter the transcendent realm.

After the **** atmosphere and power fluctuations spreading in the city began to weaken, in the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce, Lelouch knew that the next free city would start a new round of games, or that the next game would not be considered a crushing game. Although neither Closed nor Yunochia directly used force to solve the other two Big Three, the hidden cards in their hands are obviously much better than Lawrence and Phillips, As mortals, Lawrence and Phillips couldn't compete with it.

It is reported that Phillips has been attracting the Transcendents recently, and even the heavy gold to attract the champion of the arena, Kelkat, but after this period of killing, it is estimated that the Transcendents in the free city will probably understand who is the true target of allegiance. Although Closide and Yunochia had never exposed themselves in this eradication at first, there may be some news coming into the ears of Phillips and others.

After knowing the existence of the enemy that he has been trying to teach, it is not known whether this big slave businessman who is hated by many people will be afraid of urinating pants.

"It's still trivial news. It seems that the identity of Yunokia and others has not been passed on."

In the merchant's study, Lelouch analyzed various kinds of information collected, including the champion of the arena, Kelkat, the recent fluctuations in the pharmaceutical market, and the news of the discovery of the crash of Hercules Chamber of Commerce's airship, but the upper area The information between the city council and the Big Three has been frequent, and there are no obvious signs that Lawrence and Phillips have softened against Gelkat. Only one report mentions that Closing seems to be in contact with the Blackstone Circle Chamber of Commerce. President Lakshmi's conflict became public. Almost 80% of the voices within the Blackstone Circle Chamber of Commerce support Closed to replace Lakshmi as the new president, but Lakshmi regarded this as an internal dispute. 捅At the city council, attempts have been made by Crosside to usurp the name and ask the council to determine the property and rights of the chamber of commerce. Regarding Lakshmi's behavior that makes outsiders feel sad and ridiculous, Lawrence and Phillips also had to hold their noses to express their support for Lakshmi, probably hope to make this matter bigger, it is best to do it once Verdict that Closside lost and resolved him once and for all.

But now everyone in the free city knows that Closside and Lakshmi are one, one who is praised as a rare genius, and the other who smells bad is almost synonymous with traitors and white-eyed wolf. If true To make such an unjust judgment that idiots can see at the request of Lawrence and Phillips, it is really a shame.

Except for the lawmakers of the Lawrence and Phillips factions, who have to speak blindly, the members of the city council standing in the Croside and neutral factions can hide as far as possible from this farce. It will be messy at that time.

Lelouch set the document aside. Lawrence and Phillips did not seem to know the true identity of Crossside, but this kind of thing is really uncontrollable. One is not necessary, the other is The small body of the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce is not qualified to compete with the other party. Besides, the enemy of the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce is still the Pharmacist Chamber of Commerce. The sale of the other new pharmacy has been significantly lowered. If you have a lot of money to play with yourself, it depends on who can't afford it first.

This price war is completely a loss of the third party. It seems that the Association of Pharmacists has recently failed to recruit, and this crude and simple method has been chosen to make up for it.

"The price of pharmacy in the next quarter will remain the same, there is no need to be led by the pharmacists 'association." Lu Luxiu smiled disdainfully, and the pharmacists' association thought too simple.

"Don't pick up?" Alisa reconfirmed: "If you do, Silverwing may lose some customers."

Lu Luxiu indicated that: "There is no need to accompany the Pharmacists Association to play a price war. We will lose some customers but gain more customers. In fact, I also want to thank the person in charge of the Pharmacists Association for making such a poor decision. This decision caused the Pharmacists Association to drop more orders for big customer service to the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce. "

"Do we choose quality to win here?" Alisa, an old businessman, reacted.

"It's true that in terms of quality, each bottle prepared by our elf pharmacist is more pure than the one they produce. According to market research, our pharmacy is more sought after than the pharmacist association. Since this is why we should Going down with them to accompany them in a price war ~ Is the quality of our medicament degraded? Is the free city medicament market saturated? "

With a sneer, Lu Luxiu said: "A penny is a penny, and the Pharmacists Association cannot always compete with us at a low price. Sooner or later, they will choose to shorten the process and reduce costs to maintain profits. From then on, the Pharmacists Association will hold With the name of cheap products, we will prove to all our customers that the medicine produced by the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce is the life-saving medicine that can really save your life at a crisis. "

For the price war, Lu Luxiu did not plan to accompany each other at the beginning. In terms of quality, the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce's potion was widely praised after its launch, especially among the mercenaries who lived the life of a knife licking blood. This paragraph Time has come that a mercenary squad used the potion of the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce to blunt the captain who had been torn by Warcraft and slammed into the dying state to rescue him from the death line, and he was more idle afterwards. People who do nothing do experiments with dogs. Two dogs are stabbed into the same injury with swords at the same time. After being poured into the medicaments of the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce and the Pharmacists Association, it is clear that the silver wing chamber of commerce has a purity of more than 80%. Healing speed is much faster. After this dog's wound has almost healed and can even stand up weakly, the other one still lies on the ground and the wound is still bleeding.

The obvious contrast made the silver wing chamber of commerce's potion a hot spot for mercenaries for a while. After all, time is the life on the battlefield. The more wounds heal, the faster they can survive, the greater the hope, because now the silver wing chamber of commerce potion In the case that the yield is not very high, these high-purity therapeutic agents have become a sought-after item in the black street. Even a bottle has been fried more than 4 times the original sale price. Not only this, but occasionally there are some The phenomenon of pricelessness has made many counterfeiters find a new way to make money, that is, to buy a treatment medicament from the Pharmacists Association and make a facelift to disguise as a medicament of the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce to make huge profits.

In addition to the therapeutic medicament, several other medicaments launched by the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce have not received too obvious market feedback for the time being. However, the legal institution under Hernojia has added a magic power to the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce. The number of orders for pharmacy orders has been more than doubled from the last purchase, which has already explained some things.

In the face of such a pleasing market, how could Lu Luxiu go to fight a price war for others to damage his own interests, and it is easy for the price to rise in the future, that is to be complained by thousands of people, which is a taboo in the market. If you ca n’t do it, do n’t do it. If the price does not rise or fall, as long as you continue to maintain the quality advantage, there is no reason for the Yinyi Chamber of Commerce to lose to the Pharmacists Association unless the other party can maintain the purity of the medicine at 80%. Above, let alone the market is not saturated yet!

In addition to the merchandise consumed by the mercenaries of the Free City every day, some countries and forces that the Free City thinks will also come to order the potions. This market is very large and is not afraid to sell them. The Pharmacists Association estimates that it is because of their own. When the world is born and the heart is out of balance, the market will keep running to find troubles when it can't finish itself, and it is intended to maintain its monopoly in this market.

The Pharmacist Association is not its own opponent, and it is not even qualified to be its own opponent.

It's not that Lelouch is proud and arrogant, but that he has occupied a favorable position from the beginning, that is, the higher level of civilization for the operation of business, that is the inherent advantage of people standing in the upper reaches of history, different worlds. The business system is still immature, because immature means that there are too many means and leaks for their current use ~ ~, and the natural advantages of standing on the upper reaches of the history can let you avoid many already Proved errors in the future.

"Why are you so unhappy when you make a lot of money? His Excellency President Lu Luxiu."

At this time, Liu Tao, the foreign trade negotiator of the Chamber of Commerce, came in with a smile, holding a large stack of orders in his hand. Obviously, the pharmaceuticals in this season had been scrambled by various chambers of commerce before the sale. Let's calculate the profit slightly and let Liu Tao I feel that the opium dealers in the original world are crying and fainting in the toilet after seeing them. The profit of these red potions is more terrible than that of drug dealers.

"Although making money is a good thing, blindly making money is not my job, and not everything in this city can be done with money." After Liu Tao put down a bunch of orders, Lu Luxiu Pick it up and take a casual look. There doesn't seem to be anything worth paying attention to.

Liberty City claims to be a paradise for the rich, but during this time Lulu Xiu felt that it was still a paradise for the supreme power supremacy. Money can buy a lot of things here, but there is no way to buy enough. Powerful, the power of mortals is too insignificant compared to the mortal. If you want to use the power of mortals to fight against the celestials at levels such as Closide, it is as if Lelouch was in the original world. It was equally difficult to fight ten Britannia empires at the same time.

At this moment, a maid walked in and hurriedly came in and said a promised password, so that Luluxiu learned that Black Dragon Rog seemed to be visiting. rw

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