MTL - Orcs and Hyena Orcs Are In Love with Each Other-Chapter 93 Tribes

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"It's great, we have three new partners!" Gubei was really happy that the little sheep who had been with them on their long journeys could finally settle down and live with their peers.

However...the tundra that accompanied Gubei to the breeding area was not as optimistic as Gubei. He found some strange marks on the specially raised guardrail yesterday, and there was even the smell of strange sheep in the air . He looked around carefully and found that in addition to the prints of the four sheep, there was a set of larger hoof prints, "Gubei, a sheep broke in last night."

"Oh my God! Could it be the big ram from yesterday?" Gu Bei was worried about what would happen to the sheep that were not stronger than the strong sheep, so he carefully wiped the little ram's body, and then looked at it again. The other three sheep were the same, "Maybe it just made a mistake."

"Let's take a look." I hope this will not become the harem of the strong sheep, and the tundra looks around to see if the fence can be raised a little higher.

Tunyuan Dekong and Yin Li together to see if the new sheep are adapting to the new environment, they happened to see four sheep grazing together intimately and happily. "It's quite harmonious. I thought the male and female would make trouble when tied together."

"It's very harmonious, it just feels like you and me."

"What do you mean?"

"It's all good three."

Tundra felt helpless to Yin Li's remarks, but at the same time he sighed that the little ram may be a born little curvy sheep. "Lambs may naturally love rams. Shall we grab another ram's moustache to breed ewes?"

"Ah, who said it wasn't? Let's wait a few more days to see, maybe it can make three ewes get pregnant. People always have a glimmer of hope." Yin Li said in his heart I agree with Wu Xingyu's words, but after all, he watched the little ram grow up, and always hoped that the little ram could reproduce, but they were all good sheep who couldn't jump over railings!

Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned, until a few days later, the ewes entered estrus one after another, even if they stayed in a familiar place, they still showed anxiety, dull eyes, loss of appetite, and calling from time to time. According to alopecia areata, this is the estrus period, but on the other hand, the little ram still seems to live indifferently.

Gubei has also encountered hungry, thirsty, intolerant and resistant ewes in turn sniffing the little ram's **** or kissing the little ram's neck intimately, but the little ram not only raised In addition to being at a loss and desperate to avoid, he simply doesn't know how to relieve the ewes' desire. Since the railing was reinforced by the tundra again, looking at the firmness and height, even the giraffes couldn't get over it. After that, everyone never found any trace of the strange sheep in the sheepfold, and only saw some hoof prints lingering outside the railing.

"Why don't you lower the height of the railings, the rams can't get in, you can't leave this group of ewes and leave them like this?" He also vowed to brag about Haikou, and he would definitely let Buddy report the lamb cubs, but now the ewes are ready to owe only the rams, but the little rams that have been raised for so long are useless!

"This... this ram came in, not necessarily who it is." Alopecia areata stagnated for a while, and finally expressed his inner worries.

Then everyone was silent.

In the end, the tundra did not lower the fence, but went up the mountain and found another ram. This ram is also young and strong in the group of sheep, but there is a saying that 'the sea was difficult, Except Wushan is not a cloud', after seeing the strong sheep and the gray ram, looking back to see this young ram is really a bit unsatisfactory, after all, it is qualified.

I thought this disposal was the most entrusted, but that night, the breeding area was very lively. First, there was the sound of heavy objects collapsing, then the screaming of sheep and horses, and the orc who was awakened by the commotion turned over from the bed. "What's wrong?" Buddy slept in a daze. Xu was used to being protected and was not alert. He noticed that Tugu suddenly got up before asking.

"Sleep a little longer, I'll take a look." Tugu helped Duo three cover the animal skin quilt, but when he went out to the door, he saw two orcs carrying torches to the breeding area Go, and carefully identify it, it should be clear and bright.

"What happened?" Alopecia areata walked to Tugu, "Let's go take a look too?" He followed Tundra and Yongke.

Finally, there are two orcs left in the residential area, alopecia areata and earth bones go to the breeding area.

Liang Qi was more familiar with the horses, and he was the first to comfort the frightened horse. Li Er lit a few more torches to illuminate the breeding area, and then he could see that only half of the towering fence was left standing, and the remaining half was stacked on the ground. "Liangqi! Look! The sheepfold has collapsed!"

"What?" The alopecia areata behind heard Li'er's words and ran over immediately. He inserted the torch into the ground and began to clear the wooden slats that prevented them from entering the sheepfold.

Tugu squinted at the inside of the sheepfold, three ewes were huddled to one side, the little ram was blocked by another ram, and there was obviously a sheep in the middle of the rotten wood pile figure. He looked at the location, and quickly cleared a path leading to the crushed strong sheep, "It should be the ghost of this sheep."

So everyone knows who the culprit is! This strong sheep doesn't know if it's coveting a ewes or a little ram, anyway, it finally couldn't hold back its temper and broke into the private sheepfold tonight. "I think it's interesting." After Tugu rescued the strong sheep, the sheep ignored the wounds on his body and called out to the ram on the other side threateningly. The two rams were clearly fighting for something, and the four males present always thought it would not be the three ewes hiding in the corner.

I can't believe they have raised a sheep! Simply a goat fan!

No matter how the plot develops, this ruin seems to be a sheepfold that still needs to be cleaned up. If it is to be restored to its original state, it will be a matter of tomorrow morning. Now let's rescue the sheep first.

The three ewes came out first, and they didn't seem to have any interest in the farce of two rams grabbing a small ram, which was not as safe as a resting place. The leader of the horse herd rarely causes trouble, so Liang Qi simply threw the three ewes to the horse herd.

The headache is that the remaining three rams do not know what to do. The little ram actually wanted to follow the beastman who had raised it for so long out of the wooden fence, but an ignorant ram stood in the way, preventing him from going out! The little ram was bleating so pitifully.

No, alopecia areata can only go directly to the besieged place, the sheep are also close to him, he picks up the sheep, the ram beside him wants to use the horns to turn against the beastman , Probably bewitched by the beauty, obviously when they were caught by them, he was still so cowardly that his hair trembled. Alopecia areata pushed the ram aside with one foot and walked out with the little ram in his arms.

around it.

It's a pity that the little ram did nothing about it. Alopecia areata took the little ram directly to the backyard of the house, where there was an open space, and it was planned to keep the vegetables for the little ram to stay overnight.

Thinking of the warm bed, the orc immediately threw away the two rams and went back to sleep, who cares about it!

Back to the house, Tugu deliberately lightened his pace to avoid waking Buddy, maybe Buddy didn't really fall asleep after leaving Tugu, Buddy rubbed his eyes twice, "What's the matter? ?"

"It's fine, let's go to sleep." Hey! What a headache! Tugu has a bad hunch that if this farce is allowed to develop, it is estimated that Buddy will have to wait a long time to report the lamb!

"Okay." Buddy, who received the answer, rested comfortably in the skeleton's arms, adjusted his posture, and fell asleep comfortably.

Only the next morning did all the Tianchi tribe know what happened last night that was more exciting than a soap opera. Yin Li muttered while nibbling on the fruit, "I can't believe that the orc world would have such twists and turns."

"Alas, the story of this animal world is inferior to the love story of human beings." Wu Xingyu sighed.

The strong sheep slipped away last night. Everyone is happy that there is one less object to solve.

The remaining rams are piped together with three ewes, the sheep pen is rebuilt, the little rams will not return to the breeding area for a while, and the tundra does not need to make the railings much stronger . Just like when he was a tribe at the foot of the mountain, the little ram was raised by Yin Li as usual, and he couldn't be without orcs around him 24 hours a day.

The peaceful breeding area once again welcomed new partners. Maybe the horse herds lived too comfortably here, so that this peaceful and calm attitude quickly spread to the sheep pen virally. When the sheep could not see the beautiful little ram, he began to court the remaining three ewes. Yin Li felt that this was a good situation, so it would be better to take this opportunity to add other animals to the breeding area.

Alopecia areata quickly brought eight adult rabbits, twelve young rabbits, thirteen females and seven males, two pairs of male and female pheasants, five eggs, and cows to the breeding area. One with one mother cub. The nests of rabbits and pheasants are different from those of cattle, sheep and horses, and some wooden boxes have to be made carefully. It took two days for the tundra to take care of these. There are more animals, and more food needs to be prepared. In the past, Liang Qi and Gu Bei were in charge. Now it seems that more manpower is needed, so Xue Li went in to help.

Buddy was sitting in front of the earthen kiln burning the fire and rubbing the clay, and inadvertently looked up and saw that the dense forests on the mountains in the distance were now a lot sparser. It will grow up in a few years. Slowly pulling his eyes back to his side, the greenery between the mountains and fields has obviously decreased a lot. After removing the trees, the dwarf grass and weeds depicting the green tone of the earth are bald on one side and bald on the other. Buddy is very worried again.

It seems that picking weeds will have to go further afield.

Yin Li has a different opinion on this. They are raising lazy animals like this. You must know that cows, sheep and horses can dare to go out to graze and then come back to sleep. Only pheasants and rabbits are small and not good-looking. The tube still needs good care.