MTL - Orcs and Hyena Orcs Are In Love with Each Other-Chapter 9 husband selection

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That night, Yin Li showed his skills and captured a lot of orcs, but very few of them could really taste delicious food. Many females turned away from Yin Li's attitude in the past, and enthusiastically gathered around Yin Li to ask questions, just to learn this skill. Yin Li is not stupid Bai Tian or Bai Lianhua. He is usually able to speak well, but now he keeps his mouth shut and doesn't say a word.

Women have the highest status among females, they are used to being sought after by males, and at the same time they enjoy the unconditional concessions of sub-orcs. Yin Li told them to be shriveled, and they naturally left in anger, cursing and displeased.

Asian orcs often suffer from the cold faces of women, and they are not uncomfortable with Yin Li's treatment of Dao, not to mention that very few of them really speak coldly to Yin Li, most of them treat Yin Li coldly Li was neither too eager nor indifferent, while Gubei was one of the few Asian orcs who had friendship with Yin Li in this gathering.

Yin Li can keep a straight face to others, and shows a smile to Gu Bei, who is friendly to him, and even teaches him what spices do and how to control their weight. The other demi-orcs listened carefully and quickly learned.

"Yin Li is amazing!" Gu Bei did not hesitate to praise him, but he was looking forward to Yin Li being his sister-in-law!

Yin Li smiled back, took out a large leaf and wrapped a piece of barbecue, and handed it to Gubei, "Take it back and eat it."

"How good is this?" Gubei thought that he would not be rewarded for his merits, but he didn't know that Yin Li gave it to alopecia areata with his hand, in order to repay the alopecia areata two days ago for his relief. Yin Li was reluctant to talk to alopecia areata directly, for fear that others would misunderstand his relationship with alopecia areata. Now he has a bit of a crush on Buddy, and Buddy comes to him from time to time, which makes it difficult to talk to other orcs.

Yes, Yin Li and Hessen both thought that Buddy came to eat every night because they liked Yin Li. Yin Li couldn't say anything, but he felt that Buddy was a rare 'companion'. In the orc world, sub-orcs were counted as females, and the combination of sub-orcs and orcs was justifiable, which was completely different from the male-male love in the minds of earth people. Yet miraculously, Buddy gave him a kind of feeling.

Aside from this weird feeling, Buddy is a rare good object, different from ordinary males, especially loves cleanliness, works carefully and carefully, and has the same hobby as Yin Li :eat. Yin Li and Buddy really wanted to chat very happily.

Yin Li thought she had found a rare match.

But I don't know, in Buddy's view, Yin Li is a good 'girlfriend'. Buddy now comes to the temporary resting place of the tribe under the mountain every day to find Yin Li and Hessen for dinner, but this is only an activity in the first half of the night. In the second half of the night, he will bring the food he made to find earth bones, which have become rare. Knowing his secrets will not alienate his good friend. Buddy cared so much about what his friend said about his craft, and he didn't know why.

The earth bones hid by the rare stream to sleep in as usual. The sun in the early autumn afternoon was not as hot as the summer, and the water temperature was just right. The anaconda prototypes formed from the ossification of the soil were spread out in the middle of the creek, where the depth was such that the water level did not reach the back.

This leisure was interrupted by a tall orc. The man was holding two huge eggs in his hands. He seemed to be very familiar with soil bones. He stepped directly into the slow-flowing stream, and the water splashed for a while. Earth Bone sensitively learned that someone was coming through the turbulent stream, he rolled over lazily, and his big round eyes stared at the visitor.

The person who came was his brother with the same mother and father, and he was the culprit who caused the loss of vision in his left eye. Tugu's elder brother is the most capable in the family, so he is a man of his own. He has always been used to being domineering, and he just kicked the prototype of his younger brother.

The bones hurt, and quickly changed back to human form in the stream, he covered his left waist and abdomen, "Is something wrong?"

"Brother, I heard that you haven't found Duo San." The man was taller than Tugu, and when Tugu stood up, he was ten centimeters shorter than him.

"So what?" The long arm of the earth bone picked up the animal hide next to it and tied it.

The visitor showed Tugu the two eggs he was holding, "You're such a thin and blind orc, I'm afraid you won't be able to find Duosan in the future. As a brother, naturally you can't No one will take care of you when you are old. Your sister-in-law just gave birth to an egg, so let's raise these two for you." After speaking, he threw the egg to his younger brother nonchalantly.

Of course Tugu didn't want his brother's so-called good intentions, but after all, these were two lives, he immediately caught the egg firmly, "I don't lack these!" The brittle eggshell revealed The warm heat, Tugu was afraid that the body temperature that had just been soaked in water would not be enough, and he was even more afraid that he would become a dead egg if he was separated from the human egg.

The man walked back smartly, raising his hand and shaking it a few times. "Come on, stubborn temper, keep it for your retirement."

Tugu knew that his brother was always a decision that no one could say, so he had to hold the egg carefully and return to the tribe below the mountain as soon as possible.

Anaconda pups are ovoviviparous. Compared with viviparity, oviparity requires the least amount of nutrients to be absorbed from the female's body and spends a short time in the female's stomach. All in all, oviparity does little harm to females, and females can recover more quickly after giving birth. Because of this, orc cubs born by viviparous generally only have one to three babies, while egg-born orc cubs can go to three to ten.

Ovoviviparity is somewhat different from oviparity. Ovoviviparous orc cubs are nearly complete when they are born. The real ovoviviparous animals in nature are born without an eggshell but with an egg membrane. After the membrane is removed, the young is completely born.

The ovoviviparity in the orc world is a bit different. The cubs are born with eggshells, but the hatching of the cubs is nearing the end. But this chance is very small.

Anaconda is a big family, just because the reproduction of anaconda is not difficult. The reason why Tugu left his parents' tribe was because of his ill-tempered brother, and because the tribe was overpopulated. Tugu moved to the mountain tribe with his brothers who were born in the same group, and he was the only unmarried brother.

But this did not prevent him from guessing the intention of his brother's actions, probably because the sister-in-law laid too many eggs, and they couldn't afford it.

Tugu does not like to deal with people, even his brothers and sisters rarely interact. But he is not a cold-blooded orc, and in the face of two new lives, he can't throw it away at will. The earth bone found the soft animal skin and wrapped the two eggs. After casually dealing with lunch, he imagined the prototype and took a rest around the two eggs.

Waiting for the leopard orc who likes to wear female clothes and has a particularly long-winded mouth.

Hessen was very fond of this younger brother who had recently recognized him. Yin Li said that he wanted to fry something, so he prepared a stone pot and a long wool sheep with a lot of fat. Buddy, who came to eat again, brought the eggs that Yin Li called for. After putting down the things, he quickly rushed to help Hessen dissect the sheep. He performed novel cooking skills that were not found in the orc world.

"Zi" sound, this is the temperature just right. Yin Li turned the mutton over in the stone bowl and covered it with egg yolk. He regretted that there was no flour to make the leather coat, and then he picked up the mutton and threw it into the frying pan. As soon as the mutton and the oil came into contact, a wonderful chemical reaction occurred. The aroma is doubled. All the beastmen who were eating did not hesitate to put down the meat in their hands, sniffled, and the beast pupils stared at the stove in front of Yin Li.

Hesse's sharp eyes glanced in all directions. Those orcs turned around like quails, silently eating 'glutinous food'.

Alopecia areata, like other orcs, did not dare to look directly at Hessen, but after Hessen withdrew his gaze, he immediately refocused on Yin Li. The barbecue cooked by Yin Li that his younger brother brought back rekindled his hope. Perhaps Yin Li did not have a bad impression of him at all. It's just that Buddy is indeed a good orc, and he is afraid that Yin Li prefers the powerful Buddy.

After a few days of getting along, Yin Li has come to understand that Buddy loves to eat, but he loves to cook by himself. So after Yin Li fried the first pot of mutton, he got up and gave way to Buddy. Buddy shyly moved to the female-only stove. He carefully copied Yin Ligang's movements. Before doing each step, he would recall whether there were any mistakes, so he did it very slowly. However, the effect is gratifying, and his product does not belong to Yin Li at all.

Dinner ended happily as usual. Yin Li welcomes Buddy, who was carrying private work, to leave the mountain tribe's temporary residence.

Buddy turned around suddenly when he was halfway, and walked back to the tribe under the mountain from the other direction, but this time he was not looking for Yin Li, but the bones.

Buddy always sees a big snake nesting in a secluded corner, and understands that his new friend is an otaku who is not keen on getting along with people. The snake head of the earth bone lifted up the moment Buddy approached, and Buddy's fear of snakes slowly disappeared after touching the earth bone. "I'm bringing new food today!" Buddy smiled and waved the big leaves on his hands at Tugu.

The earth bone didn't crawl towards him as usual, Buddy was a little curious, "What? Too full?" He approached the big snake and carefully observed his state.

The earth bone wiggled its tail, revealing the two tightly wrapped snake eggs in the middle.

"What kind of egg is this! Is it delicious?" Buddy thought it was an egg caught by earth bones, he leaned in front of the egg and found that the egg was wrapped in animal skin, "Why? Want to wrap it in animal skin? Are you afraid of breaking it?" He stretched out his fingers and knocked on the egg.

Tugu was taken aback and turned into a human shape in a panic. Males can understand the animal language spoken when the animal is in the form of a beast. He hurriedly said: "This is a snake egg, my brother's, he asked me to raise it." Tugu picked up the egg, fearing that the snake egg would lose its temperature when it was separated from the human being, but his prototype is a cold-blooded animal, so it is better to give the egg to it. buddy. "You hold me."

"Huh? Huh!" Buddy looked a little confused. As soon as he heard that it was an orc egg, his attitude became more respectful, and it was a snake cub from the same clan as his friend. He couldn't help but imagine that after the egg hatched, two little snakes would circle around him, like this Thinking about it, the fear of snakes is already gone. "Hey, you said if these two little cubs would be female or male." He likes females himself.

"It's hard to say." Tugu hadn't eaten dinner yet, and the fried mutton brought by Buddy was just right for his taste. He took out the beef he had hunted in the morning from under the tree beside the quilt, and ate it in big mouthfuls. "We'll find out soon."

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