MTL - Orcs and Hyena Orcs Are In Love with Each Other-Chapter 86 Honeymoon

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Seeing this, Yin Li couldn't help but marvel, "Oh my God, they are a special group of orcs!" The other tribes who come to receive them are usually young males, and there are very few of them. Elder orcs from other tribes can be seen. The elderly in the tribe live with their sons, not many, and more are supported by the tribe. There are reasons why males are only willing to live with their own Duosan, and it also indicates that in the hearts of these orcs, their partners are the most important people in their hearts.

This is of course not wrong. The first half of life is dependent on parents, and the second half is only accompanied by a partner. But living in a country that promotes filial piety, Yin Li believes that supporting the elderly is something that should be done. It is of course necessary to gather all the power of the fall to provide the old orc with three meals to satisfy, but if the old man is accompanied by his relatives, the happiness of the soul is the satisfaction that cannot be replaced by meat.

of. Yin Li didn't think there was any problem before he met Yong Ke. Isn't this normal? As long as one of the brothers takes care of the parents.

But seeing that Yongke needs to find a new tribe, he is also worried that the people of the new tribe will not accept his old mother. Look at Shirley's younger brother, he is quite young orc, the nephew can't carry his mother down the mountain, so he will carry it himself. And Shirley's nephew is also good, but in a word, the breath has not calmed down and flew up in a hurry.

Maybe, after the new tribe is built, everyone's life will be better. Alopecia areata and Gubei can go to the Hyena tribe to find their parents, and Buddy can bring their father and brothers. Tundra doesn't need to feel sad for betraying the mountain tribe anymore, they can go back to the mountain tribe and take over like-minded orcs!

"Alopecia areata, I want to establish a new tribe soon!" Thinking that after the new tribe is established, their new friends will be able to get together, Yin Li couldn't help but burst into tears. "We're not going to the Forest Tribe! No more wasting time! Autumn celebrations are taking place in our new tribe!"

The focus of alopecia areata is not Yin Li's content, "Yin Li, why are you crying?"

"I'm crying? That's because I miss Hesse and Mulla too much." I miss my parents who are still on Earth. I don't know that I have suddenly crossed into the orc world, and I don't know that on Earth What happened to the people he knew... Yin Li wiped his tears, "Let's quickly build a new tribe and gather everyone!"

"Okay! Don't cry, I promise you. I will help you."

Yin Li sniffed and sucked back the snot that was about to stay. The sound of the sniffing was so loud that all the partners around him could hear it. Gubei was the first to care: "Yin Li, what's wrong with you?"

"What happened?" Li Er asked.

"It's okay, he just suddenly thinks of Hessen and the others." Yin Li said that he missed Hessen, but alopecia areata felt more than that. He distracted and glanced at Shirley who was quietly packing up. , maybe Yin Li misses his parents. Yin Li didn't say where his parents were, only said that he came from a far away place and couldn't go back. "Good! We will have a new tribe soon."

Since Yin Li was in a bad mood, he and Alopecia areata replaced Gubei and Tundra in the afternoon and stayed to clean up the spices and fruits. In the morning, Yin Li and the others went to see the red clay, and the viscosity was not very good, so they had to find the clay again.

After all, Cang Falcon is not too young, so I went with them in the morning and went with someone else in the afternoon. Cang Falcon is very good at chatting with people. When he cooperated with Alopecia areata to pick fruits, he learned from Alopecia areata that they originally planned to travel through various tribes and then find a good place to establish a new tribe. He said to alopecia areata, "Then you really should go to the bird tribe to see, their orcs are particularly good-looking, both male and female, only a little faster than the orcs of the mermaid tribe. They love beautiful things, their territory There is a large field of flowers, with beautiful flowers blooming in alternating seasons. Females are very happy to go to their tribe.” His females were from the bird tribe, and his demi-orc brother exaggeratedly praised it as a place to visit the bird tribe. The land of the Beast God's favor. Eagle tribe and bird tribe have been friends for generations, Cang Falcon has obtained good things from Yin Li, and naturally hopes that Yin Li can go to the bird tribe and bring the gospel there.

"Really? Sounds like a good place." Yin Li likes to walk around in alopecia areata, but he probably won't be able to do it recently. It will probably take next year. "I think Yin Li will like it, and will find someone who likes to visit in the future."

"Isn't it possible recently?" Cang Falcon thought that Yin Li and their journey had not stopped. They received new things from Yin Li, but they didn't know whether they should turn around and tell the Bird Tribe. This is so embarrassing for the Cang Falcon, so they mentioned the Bird Tribe to Alopecia areata.

"Falcon, is there anything you want to say?"

"Uh...that's it, the Eagle Tribe and the Bird Tribe have always communicated with each other. Now the Eagle Tribe has obtained such a useful thing from you, and the Bird Tribe has no idea about it. I feel sorry for myself, so I hope you can teach the orcs of the Bird Tribe as well." Cang Falcon was embarrassed for making excessive demands, "I'll just say so..."

"You can directly tell the people of the bird tribe about the production methods of clay and earthen kang. Several large tribes have long known this knowledge."

"Really! Thank you so much!" Cang Falcon added: "I believe that at that time, the bird tribe will also be very grateful to you and offer you their sincere gratitude."

"Don't be too polite." Cang Falcon always mentioned the words 'thank you' and 'repayment', showing her sincere gratitude, Alopecia areata looked back and thought that Tianyu went to several places as a son of God. After the big tribe spreads new ways of making things, it doesn't seem to have any gifts when they come back? Is it the people who don't take their contribution seriously at all? Or is it because Tian Yu claimed that this was a gift from the beast god, so everyone who believed that he was favored by the beast **** saved this step?

Because the falcon is too modest, it reflects that other tribes are 'not grateful enough' in their attitude. Alopecia areata didn't care about this before, but when I think about it from this angle today, I feel that people from other tribes don't seem to be worthy of deep friendship.

A Yin Li thinks that the people of the Eagle tribe are respectful and polite, and they can communicate with each other, while a bald spot thinks that the people of the Eagle tribe are of noble character and worth interacting with. After that, with their favorable impression of the Eagle Tribe, they tend to make decisions that are beneficial to the Eagle Tribe, and this Little Eagle Tribe gradually developed.

The falcon does not know the cause that is planted today, and the fruit that will grow and grow strong tomorrow. Being polite and friendly to people from other tribes is the way of survival for their small tribes. It is precisely because of the good character of being kind to others that they have made friends with many small tribes, and the small tribes watch and help each other to safeguard their own interests. Not threatened by large tribes.

When dinner was about to start, Shirley's nephew suddenly came down with Duosan on his back. There were also five orcs with them, three of them with their respective females, and two of them carrying large animal skin bags. Cang Falcon asked them to unload the bag, "This is the wood knot and fungus that I want to give you."

The fungus and mushroom should be stored for a long time and should be dried first. The dried fungus and mushrooms are light in weight, and it takes a lot to fill such a large animal skin bag. It can be said that Cang Falcon's 'sincerity' is quite sufficient.

Yin Li opened a bag and checked it. The contents were in good condition. They were obviously cleaned carefully, and they were very careful when putting them in. "So much, do you still have enough to eat?"

"Don't worry." The falcon and people put things under the shade of the tree. The four females of the Eagle tribe are wrapped in thick white silk cocoons, which should be worn directly for convenience. On the body. Cang Falcon told them to take them off and learn to make 'hot pot' with Shirley. "This is the skin that the great white worm sheds."

Yin Li touched the silk with human body temperature, and it felt much softer than he thought. "Very good." After he finished speaking, he put it down and let them deal with alopecia areata, and he was going to teach people to make hot pot!

The hot pot is divided into spicy and non-spicy hot pots. The spicy hot pot is mainly chili, with the fat of the beast, ginger, garlic, pepper, pepper, and honey. If he can make bean paste, cooking wine... it will be better if he adds a little. How rich the idea is, how skinny the reality is!

Yin Limimi smiled and told several females who were choked to tears by the hot peppers to stop asking him what is doubanjiang and cooking wine, "If one day the beast **** asks me a dream again, I will ask again How does he make delicious bean paste and cooking wine. And now... just ignore them for now."

The non-spicy soup base can be boiled water and two scallions and **** slices, just fine. "If there is corn, put two slices in it, and the soup will become sweet."

A female looked up and cast a suspicious glance at him.

Yin Li smiled dignifiedly, "Don't ask me what corn is, oh, this is what the beast **** told me, the mysterious thing, I'm still looking for it!"

"If you have tomatoes, you can also make a tomato soup base, which is sweet and sour." After speaking, Yin Li patted his mouth, this is my mouth! "The more complex clear soup base can usually be drunk alone, which is good for the body. A piece of animal bone or a chicken, boil for a while, it is nutritious and delicious."

Xue Li didn't have so many problems, Yin Li didn't want to say that either he really didn't know, or people didn't want to say, they should be content if they knew this fresh way of eating. Shirley listened to Yin Li's instructions and started making dipping sauces.

This hot pot meal is fresh for everyone. Those who like spicy can be said to be completely addicted to the spicy soup. The leaves of the vegetables you eat are put into the spicy soup base for a while, and they will always be praised by males after they are sandwiched. The clear soup on the other side is suitable for males and most females who can't eat spicy food. Although it is clear soup, the dipping sauce has a taste, and the thickness can be adjusted by itself, which has a kind of customized beauty.

The only fly in the ointment is probably...they don't use chopsticks well.

Cang Falcon can imagine that in winter, they eat such a hot pot in a warm Tukang, and the days are not too beautiful!

Read The Duke's Passion