MTL - Orcs and Hyena Orcs Are In Love with Each Other-Chapter 43 Newlyweds

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The new dishes were highly praised by the three of them. As for the males, the potato cakes, French fries and steamed pork with taro flour were still very good. Yin Li guessed that males prefer fried food, while females are more likely to develop a favorable impression of food with added vegetarian dishes, and pay attention to a balanced diet just like him.

The females happily gathered together to talk about this and that, the topic was far enough away, and incidentally, they mentioned the honeymoon that Yin Li said before. Yin Li has been planning to go on his honeymoon for a long time, but there is always one thing or another that stops his new steps. He said: "When Mu La is out of confinement, he will set off!" If he drags it on, it will enter the summer. He heard from Alopecia areata that the summer in the orc world is very hot, and he does not want to travel every day at the hottest time. According to his meaning, autumn is also very suitable for travel, but after autumn comes the cold winter, and the orcs need to store food to survive the severe cold.

"Call me at that time, Tugu and I can travel anytime." Buddy has long wanted to go back to the grassland tribe to see, he and Tugu are orcs, even if they are alone Travel safety and hunting are not a problem, but it's a bit too boring, and I heard that Yin Li is going on a honeymoon, so I waited until now.

"I will never forget you!" Yin Li stuffed him with a piece of taro, and it was definitely a good thing to travel with Buddy and Tugu. Both of them are males with good ability. Participate, travel will be safer.

"Gubei, do you want to go with the tundra?" Gubei has now settled with the tundra, which is equivalent to having a free and compliant gray wolf car. Yin Li knew that Gubei was also eager to see other places, otherwise he would not have let his brother take him to the rally last year.

"'s not good, I don't have that big or three relationship with him." Gubei's face flushed, "We just...just made a decision."

"That's a couple!" Lego touched his friend with his shoulder, "Could it be that you still want to find other males?"

"Your mouth!" Gubei stretched out his hand and pretended to hit someone, but Le Guo laughed and avoided him.

"What is there to worry about, let's go together! This is called an early honeymoon, anyway, you will get married this fall!" Yin Li encouraged the other party to travel together with more people. A partner won't be so boring.

"Yin Li, can Ye Jiao and I go there?" Le Guo was also very moved. He had never even been to the rally. assembly. But he has been in the tribe since he was born and grew up, and he has never seen the scenery outside the tribe, so he is looking forward to going out for a walk.

"Of course you can!" Yin Li clapped his hands and made good friends, "It's so lively! That's it."

"Hey, it's a pity that my cub is still young, and Mula just gave birth to a cub, otherwise we will definitely go together!" Kula and Yin Li have a very good relationship now, so He showed his true temperament directly in front of Yin Li and the others.

"Even if your cub grows up, you can't go! Barry will become the chief of the tribe, how can you, the wife of the chief of the tribe, run around?" Yin Li had no scruples. Laugh at each other casually.

A tribal chief is on the throne. "Okay! You're still making fun of me!"

Several females and a male with three identities on their shoulders whispered and laughed loudly, and finally the males who were talking loudly couldn't help but be curious. Tugu is the most shameless, holding two little snake cubs and rubbing against Duo San, "What are you talking about?"

"Don't let you big idiots know about it!" Buddy wanted to push the soil away, but this guy's prototype was heavy and powerful, so Buddy couldn't push the other party away, instead he called him that muddy People take advantage.

"What do you know?" Buddy was so angry that he laughed like a pup, "Don't drill! I don't have milk!"

"I don't eat milk, I eat..." The earth bone raised his head and bit on Buddy's neck, he used his teeth to grind the white skin, "Leopard." Deliberately lowering his voice, he heard a blush on Buddy's face.

"Go away!" Buddy still remembers being surrounded by people, I really don't understand how this guy can be so shameless!


"Tsk tsk!" The females teased them with tone particles.

The males are straight, giving the phrase of appreciation directly: "Amazing!"

"True male!"

Barry doesn’t like to eat fruits and vegetables, and naturally he doesn’t like to eat rhizomes. . Kula felt it firsthand. Females don't eat much, but today he ate less than usual, but he didn't feel hungry at all, but fuller. "Yin Li, what are these, I eat less than usual, but I am fuller than usual!"

Yin Li carefully explained the benefits of these rhizomes to him. In his opinion, vegetables and meat are just non-staple foods, and only starchy foods are staple foods. Gubei complements the appearance of these plants. Kula was amazed: "This is a good thing! Yin Li, I plan to tell this to the tribe leader, what do you think?"

If it was a living tool, Yin Li would want to hide it, but this is food, he understands that the orcs in the orc world are difficult to survive, one of which is that there are too few types of food. When there is no more food in winter, the orcs will choose to become a prototype and enter a pseudo hibernation state, using sleep to avoid consuming physical energy, what a pitiful behavior. "Yeah. These plants last a long time and are great for winter storage."

"Oh my God! Really? That's great!" Kula hurriedly told Barry the good news. They were equivalent to the bridge between Yin Li's family and the tribe leader. With their participation, Yin Li did not need to officially report his new discovery to the tribe chief, Yin Li was very satisfied.

The planting of rhizomes is simpler and the yield is considerable. Yin Li thought about digging some and putting them at home, letting them germinate naturally, and then planting them in blocks.

The dishes that Yin Li and the others make today are all made by directly eating three kinds of rhizomes, but when he was on Earth, he heard of 'taro flour, potato flour', and also 'tomato flour' Potato flour', he wants to make vermicelli, because for Chinese people, life without staple food is incomplete!

As for how to make 'powder', the only thing Yin Li knows is to grind first... Then add water and cut into strips, maybe that's it? In order to turn this thing upside down, Yin Li also ordered alopecia areata to get him a stone grinder, but Yin Li just painted the appearance of a stone grinder on the sand. Thanks to his godly painter, he did it four times without a single time. success.

Alopecia areata already wanted to give up very much, but Yin Li refused. He also whined at the alopecia areata, "Alopecia areata, help me make it! As long as you make it, I will give it to you..." Yin Li He opened his mouth and took the fingers of the alopecia areata, and swallowed a few times, suggesting some kind of stimulating activity at night.

Alopecia areata was agitated, and the following almost stood up and saluted in front of Father Sun. "Okay!" In order to enjoy the service of Yin Li Xiaozui, he gave it his all!

Of course, he is not fighting alone, because Yin Li has made many contributions to the tribe. share of strength. In the end, they experienced ninety-nine-eighty-one hardships. They verified the saying that three cobblers are better than one Zhuge Liang with real portrayals, and completed the first stone mill in the orc world. Simply congratulations!

With the stone mill, it is more convenient, the alopecia areata is milled day and night, and the stone mill is turned around every day, because their family has contributed three kinds of edible food, and the tribal elder waved his hand , until the summer, the alopecia areata family does not have to contribute anything. The income from alopecia areata can be used for two days at home, so Yin Li arranged it very well for him, one day hunting with Hessen and the others, and the other day grinding at home.

The so-called practice brings true knowledge, Yin Li slowly figured out the skills of grinding powder during the actual operation, just remember to add water! Otherwise, dry grinding taro granules and sweet potato granules, the grinding disc will not turn! Poor alopecia areata foolishly exerted all her strength, but she couldn't push it completely, and Yin Li gave him a "why are you so incompetent" look of contempt.

After grinding out the slurry, as long as it is filtered and heated, it can actually be made into powder. Yin Li used this method to make sweet potato flour, taro flour, and potato flour, and finally smiled and pushed the taro flour and potato flour to the three livestock in the family for dinner. It's really unpalatable! Or sweet potato flour is more normal... Maybe too much water is added, the taste of Yin Li's flour is similar to water.

In the second production, Yin Mechanic was smart. Instead of cooking the powder directly with the slurry, he put it aside for rest. Viscous Slurry. He divided half of it and dried it directly, which made it into a granular powder, which can be used after packing. What's even better is that these can be boiled into a paste and eaten by the cubs. All three cubs like it. This directly led to Buddy joining the team of the turntable, because both of his cubs like to eat gooey! With a loving mother's heart, he couldn't refuse! For this alopecia areata expressed incomparable gratitude and endless joy.

Another way to eat is to make it into powder, but this time the powder will not break as easily as last time, and the taste is too soft. Everyone loves this novelty food. Yin Li also hung up the unfinished vermicelli to dry, which can be stored for a longer time after drying.

With Yin Li's various eating methods, his love for taro, sweet potato and potato has spread from their small circle of friends. Everyone gave up this kind of food because they didn't know how to eat it, and now they have learned such a wonderful cooking technique, it must not be wasted any more!

It is conceivable that in order to obtain food, everyone can use all their milk-feeding powers, and the consequences are small pits and big pits one by one on the mountain, it is simply not too much! If the rhizomes that have been seeded can express their feelings, they will definitely shout: "God, thief! Who am I offending!"

Yin Li sneezed, "Ah! Who is thinking about me?"

Alopecia areata hugged the little female in his arms, "It must be me! Who else could it be?" He reached out and rubbed Yin Li's lips, "Remember what you promised me before?" This bad female, when he was asked to do a stone mill, he was bitten on his finger, but now that the stone mill is done, the rest of the promises have not been fulfilled!

Yin Li quickly wanted to understand what alopecia areata was implying. He was extremely ashamed and struggled to return to the animal skin quilt. In the end, he lost force to the orcs, and was so aggrieved that his hands were caught. Alopecia areata wouldn't let this lying bad female go. She licked people from her forehead to her toes, and finally slapped her mouth unsatisfactorily, "Not bad."

"Do you want a face!" Yin Li was so provoked that he shouted out an exclamation with a question sentence, and this idiot actually grabbed him and wouldn't let go! Is this... a kind of domestic violence?

"Say, keep your promise?"


"Huh?" Alopecia areata continued to lick.

Yin Li surrendered: "Let go, I... I'll do it."