MTL - Orcs and Hyena Orcs Are In Love with Each Other-Chapter 38 Newlyweds

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Because of Bai Ling's loud call, the busy females around came up one after another. They saw Bai Ling sitting on the ground and weeping, and they saw Yin Li looking like nothing was wrong. Their preconceived notions made them think that Yin Li was wrong.

"Yin Li, what did you do to Bai Ling?"

"Bai Ling, what's wrong with you? Is something wrong?"

If you still don't know what Bai Ling is doing, then you will underestimate Yin Li's IQ! He glanced at Bai Ling, disdain to pretend like him, "He asked me for a new way to build. I ignored him, and he sat on the ground."

"How can you say that to me?" Bai Ling's eyes widened in surprise, looking at Yin Li in disbelief, "It was you who pushed me just now."

Because Yin Li is sweeping the plants, his direction is different from that of other females. There are only Buddy, Gubei, and Lego, who are close to him. Gu Bei and others naturally help Yin Li, "Yin Li won't push him!"

At this moment, a woman came out. Her petite figure looked like a minor among a group of men and women. She timidly said, "I see, Yin Li pushed Bai Ling."

Other females saw witnesses appear, of course they started bombarding Yin Li, Yin Li knew that it was impossible to completely leave the relationship, and simply said: "I just touched him with my hand, the strength is fundamental Not enough to knock someone down."

"Tell me, what do you want." Yin Li put his hands on his chest and said impatiently.

"How can you say that...I have no intentions." Bai Ling looked at Yin Li with pitiful eyes again.

"Since you don't need anything, then I'm so grateful to you!" Yin Li was relieved. When Ling reached out his hand, he immediately retracted it. "Don't, I can't tell you if it hurts you if you touch it again."

Where did Bai Ling suffer from such anger, but he couldn't scold Yin Li in front of everyone.

"Gubei, come here." Immediately, Yin Li took a lot of fruit behind the bamboo basket in Gubei, and exchanged it with the chief wife of the tribe, Nora, for the same fruit, but he had a little of these fruits. They didn't hold it, and let Nora hand it over to Bai Ling directly. "I've never touched these fruits for you. Although I don't understand how to touch you and you'll fall, I'll investigate this matter."

"Gubei, be careful when you see Bai Ling in the future. Bai Ling is too fragile, and it will fall down if you touch it. Don't do things that make people misunderstood." Yin Li instructed Gu Bei again. road.

When he said this, those who originally wanted to help Bai Ling dare not reach out. It seems that Bai Ling was pushed down by Yin Li, and it can be seen that Yin Li is in this battle, and there may be an inside story.

Bai Ling understands everyone's scruples, but he can't say anything, but he has long resented Yin Li and the others! These people are nasty! How to mislead everyone like this!

Leguo is not worth it for Yin Li and Gubei, "What a pity! That fox was cheap!" He originally disliked Bai Ling, so he didn't see Yin Li and Gubei arguing But he still chose to believe in Yin Li.

"It's okay, he lost more than us." Yin Li disagrees, he still has so many new things to study, whoever has a good relationship with him will naturally become the first person to eat crabs. . Everyone likes this kind of good thing, because of the tribe's distribution system, he must make a contribution, but he can still take the opportunity to make that person uncomfortable.

"Go back and let Tundra pay attention." Gubei frowned when he thought that Tundra's friend Ugan was pursuing Bai Ling.

These few days, Buddy has not gone to the alopecia areata home, but he is still very interested in the new home that alopecia areata is making. "Yin Li, how is the new furniture?"

"Let's go! I'll have dinner at my house tonight, and I'll show you and Tugu!" Alopecia areata has been working at home for the past few days, and now he has made a large dining table with 6 chairs. There are also two closets, one for the living room and one for the kitchen. A small coffee table and a lounge chair are placed under the eaves. There is also a small shelf in the toilet to put debris.

Tundra also made a desk and a desk for Gubei, and put it in his small room. Now Gubei still lives with his brother's family. Gubei listened to Yin Li's suggestion and made a bamboo vase. He picked fresh flowers and put them in it every day, which made the small room feel more alive.

"Leguo, you come too! I invite you to come and have a look in my room, you will definitely like it!" Go home, but Yin Li treats him like his family, and tells him not to mind. That's why he invites friends over to the house.

"Okay!" He wanted to go to Yin Li's house to take a closer look! "Can I bring Wildhorn?" Wildhorn was his fiancé, a muscular buffalo orc.

"Of course you can." Gu Bei glanced at Yin Li and got a positive nod from the other side, he immediately hugged Le Guo's arm happily. "I'm going to let the tundra hunt a bull!"

"Oh, the tundra has bulls, so what should I bring the earth and bones?" Buddy was distressed.

"Hairtail!" Among the orcs, the anaconda orcs can easily hunt big fish, and Yin Li has been greedy for fish for a long time.

"Okay! I'll go back and bring the little snakes." The cubs are now independent at home, Buddy put the cubs at home and let them play, but the door is still closed .

"Then I'm going to talk to Mulla and Hesse." Now that the day of Mulla's production is approaching, he will send food to Hesse's house every day. It is not convenient to come to eat.

After a few people reached the foot of the mountain, they each rushed in the direction of home. Yin Li did not go home directly, but walked a little further to Hessen's home. At this time, he heard a pain in the Hessian house. That voice sounded like Mura's! He immediately thought that Mu La's belly was so big, I'm afraid she was about to give birth! "Mura!" He rushed into the other's house while calling out the other's name.

The orc society has not developed despicable thieves for the time being. Yin Li pushed away directly

At the gate, I saw Mula half lying on the kang holding her stomach, with a painful expression on her face. "Mura! It's okay! I'm looking for someone!"

Yin Li ran to Mu La's side, hurriedly wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then touched under him, and found that liquid had slipped out. He grabbed the animal skin and covered it on Mu La, then pulled out a piece of animal skin and stuffed it into Mu La's hand, "Grab this if it hurts."

After doing these things, he immediately ran outside the house and shouted: "Mura is about to give birth! Mura is about to give birth! Hurry back to Hesse!" His voice was loud enough, The people who lived nearby responded immediately. After receiving the ward, the orcs patrolling on the outskirts of the tribe split into two groups.

For females in the tribe, they always ask older females with experience in midwifery to help. One of them was a sub-orc named Erru and the other was a woman named Pengpeng, who had the most experience in delivering births among females. Erru is a sub-orc like Mura, so the orc who went to ask the old female found him immediately.

His male died prematurely, and without a mate, he has been relying on the distribution of the tribe and the rewards of midwifery to live. So someone came to invite him, and he immediately packed up the herbs and went with the orcs.

Erru's pace was not slow, when he hurried to Hesse's house. Gubei has arrived, and he is heating hot water and boiling broth in the kitchen according to Yin Li's assignment. Compared with the Asian orcs who had never been connected to Gubei, Yin Li did not dare to let Gubei take his place even if he had never had contact with a man to give birth to a child. This is to avoid embarrassment for Gubei.

After all...he was also the first time he touched the indescribable place so carefully except under his boyfriend. But the stakes are very important, so Yin Li will not shy away from anything. He cleaned the underside of Mu La with warm water and replaced the dry animal skin, but he didn't know what to do next, so he had to appease Mu La over and over again not to be afraid.

As soon as Er Ru came in, he first checked Mu La's situation and saw that he was not yet in real production, then turned around and told Yin Li to cook some hot water and broth, and learned that Yin Li had sent people Did it and was amazed, "You did a great job."

"What can I do now?"

"You helped to cook these herbs, you can wash them down." Erru handed him a pile of dry grass, Yin Li couldn't tell what it was, but he still went to the kitchen obediently. After he went out, Er Ru asked Mu La to use Hessen to open up the wooden tools under him on the wedding night. Mu La had no energy to answer, but after being pressed by Er Ru on a certain acupuncture point, he became more awake and pointed to Er Ru. place.

Erru used that sleek wooden tool to give Mula the place where she had entered the spasm, and Mula cried out in pain. And just then Hesse came back. There is no rule that males cannot enter the delivery room. He kicked open the wooden door directly, Yin Li heard someone coming back and first grabbed him to take a battle bath with hot water. Hesse was still hunting, and his body was either mud or wild beast hair. Entering the delivery room like this, don't make it more dangerous for Mura to give birth!

Hesse doesn't know why, but he will not refuse what his brother asks him to do. When he came out of a hot bath, his skin was all red, showing how high the water temperature was. He remembered Mu La in his heart, and when he arrived in the room, he immediately called Duo San's name: "Mu La!"

"Hesse!" Mulla raised her tearful eyes and saw the male who was thinking of him.

Erru saw that the big man came back, took out the wooden tool and handed it over to Hesse, "You come and help him." Under Erru's instructions, Hesse continued to open up the place for Mura. Wait until that place can be integrated into the wood and Hesse's three thick fingers, Erru told Hesse not to do it any more.

"Mulla! Work hard!" At this time, the software and hardware have been reached, and it is the time when the child is born. "Heisen, ask Yin Li to bring the broth." Erru instructed Heisen, Mula might be out of strength, it's a good thing to add some strength.

Yin Lishou was in the kitchen, he asked Gubei to go home to get some goat milk. Just when Hessen asked him to bring the broth, he quickly filled the broth and went in. Just then, "Hmm!" Mulla grabbed Hesse's muscular arm with pain. Maybe it was too much pain, he grabbed hard, Hessian also hurt, but he had to endure it.

A **** mass of flesh emerged from under Mura, "It's born!" Erru quickly took the flesh away and put it into Hessen's hand. "Put down the broth! Go and get the herbal water and hot water!" He wiped the place where Mura was stuck with blood with the hide.

Hesse stood there like a fool, motionless. Erru was used to this kind of situation, and hurriedly hurried him, "Cut it open! The cub is still inside!"

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