MTL - Orcs and Hyena Orcs Are In Love with Each Other-Chapter 28 Newlyweds

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The good news that Mu La was pregnant was not digested by Yin Li, so another one came immediately, this time Kula was pregnant. Kura had hooked up with Barry long ago, and the pregnancy was earlier. Experienced females can tell at a glance that Kula has been pregnant for five months, and will give birth in the next few days.

Yin Li fainted immediately.

Alopecia areata was frightened, he hugged Yin Li at a loss. On the contrary, Hessen was particularly eye-catching at this time, pulling the older female to see Yin Li. Now is the season when new life is concentrated, Yin Li may be pregnant.

Alopecia areata shook the person in his arms, and seeing that the person hadn't woken up, he patted Yin Li's face. "Yin Li, wake up!"

Being so tricked by him, Yin Li could not continue to faint. Yin Li woke up in a daze, and before alopecia wereata asked if there was anything wrong, he first asked, "How could Kula and Mula give birth to cubs?"

Alopecia areata was asked, why is this? "They are female."

"Female..." Yin Li always knew that there was a division between female and male in the orc language, but he thought it was simply to distinguish between people and would not change into a beast. They can only marry males. In a family of two orcs like Buddy and Tugu, after a man and a male are combined, they can only pick up cubs that others don't want to raise.

So why is it that a female can have a baby?

Before he could figure it out, the old female appeared. The old female has been walking around various houses in the tribe recently, and good news is coming out from him.

The old female was not surprised by these chaotic males. He skillfully probed Yin Li's stomach. Yin Li was suddenly uncovered and hurriedly pulled the corner of his clothes, "What is this for!"

He thought that Yin Li might be pregnant, which made him secretly overjoyed.

The old female touched and touched Yin Li's belly, which made Yin Li particularly uncomfortable. "No." He glanced at alopecia areata, especially the hyena orcs who looked ugly, small in size, and poor in ability.

Being seen by an old female like this, alopecia areata felt uncomfortable. He quickly thanked the old female and asked Hesse to help send the person away.

Alopecia areata just breathed a sigh of relief, when Yin Li patted him, "Hey! Why did he show me his belly as soon as he came?"

"See if you are pregnant with a cub." Alopecia areata explained. He found that Yin Li didn't seem to know anything about the fact that a woman was pregnant with a child. "Yin Li, why don't you seem to understand this?"

"How can I, a big man, understand the matter of having children!" Yin Li immediately remembered the news brought by Hessen, "Isn't Mu La a man? How did he get pregnant?"

"Man?" Alopecia areata has been with Yin Lili for more than three months, and he knows the meaning of many words, just think about it. "Mula is a man and a woman." Yin Li said that a 'man' is a person with the same body as a male, but here we still score male and female.

" is it possible!" Yin Li felt that his three views were shattered! Those who can't transform into beasts are females, those who can transform into beasts are males, and then there are men who have the same physical structure as him, and women who are different from him... Ah! Brains are going to explode! Why on earth can females have dolls?

Speaking of this, it's no wonder Yin Li confuses the meaning of female and male. Because the orc language is a foreign language to Earth people, and there is no mature translation system, Yin Li completely relies on his own understanding to define these words. In Yin Li's eyes, Mu La taught him to distinguish between males and females. In Yin Li's eyes, it was to distinguish males who could turn into beasts from females who couldn't. But Mula's meaning is clearly that those who give birth are females, and those who do not bear children are males. It's like saying the animal language "Duo San" to an earthling, the earthlings will not understand the meaning of "wife" in the orc world. However, in the eyes of the earth people, the close and intimate are not necessarily the real wife, but also the mistress. It was this deviation that made Yin Li misunderstood for so long.

Yin Li was muttering to himself, but the alopecia areata didn't get a response, so he got up and cleaned up the house. Because he was accustomed to the two-person world for three months, and things were piled up in the room, he felt embarrassed when Hessen appeared suddenly.

"I seem to understand..." Why people here are willing to let males marry men, not because there are fewer women, but because men who cannot become beasts in the orc world can have children! Ahhh! What about him? Can also give birth? Yin Li uncovered the belt that was tied, exposing his small belly and two small red dots, and touched it on his stomach. "I won't have it, will I?"

Alopecia areata stared at him and touched, "What's wrong?" You must know that Yin Li is the most concerned about manners among females. Could it be that Yin Li has no intentions? Alopecia areata couldn't help but stretched out his evil claws and joined Yin Li's belly-touching action.

In the end, Yin Li smashed the claws of the wiping oil. "Don't touch it!"

Yin Li is worried now, all the females here can have babies, but he can't! No... He really wasn't sure if he could. Ahhh! What the **** is going on! He really couldn't be bothered by this. "Alopecia areata, let me ask you, can females here have children?"

"Yeah." Alopecia areata nodded.

"Any young females that can't have children?"

"No." Alopecia areata shook his head.

"Really not?" Yin Li reconfirmed that, as a person who has traveled through the earth, he can't say that he has come here to eat the meat and vegetables here for a year, and he has changed from the body to the inside. people! So he still has a high chance of not being able to have children. And this matter must be told to the other side of him, and it cannot be concealed from the other side. Seeing alopecia areata shaking his head again, Yin Li was a little disappointed, "Alopecia areata, I might not be able to have children."

Alopecia areata held Yin Li's hand, "What nonsense?"

"Really." Yin Li knew that many things on Earth could not be as they were in the orc world, because the situation was different, it was normal for alopecia areata to not believe. "Men in my tribe cannot have children, only women can have children."

"But you are female!" Alopecia areata immediately retorted.

Yes! This topic can't go on! Yin Li gave up and continued to communicate with alopecia areata. He couldn't confess his biggest secret, saying that he was not from the orc world, but from the earth! I can't tell what to do if alopecia areata is treated as a monster, and then caught by the tribe leader and burned? "Forget it, forget it, let's not talk about it." Yin Li waved his hand and let the alopecia areata cook.

Alopecia areata looked suspiciously at Yin Li several times, seeing that the other party turned his back to him and didn't know why he was sulking. The only thing he seemed to be able to do was work more and talk less. Who made him the dumbest!

Yin Li packs up his mood, this is really difficult! Just don't think about it! Anyway, I really want to think about this, I can't think of a reason if I think about it! On the contrary, the fact that Mura was pregnant really had to be pondered over.

Mura was the first female to treat him so well since he came to the orc tribe. He regarded Hesse as his brother, why not Mulla? Although a man can get pregnant, it's a little awkward for him to think about it now. But that doesn't stop him from repaying Mura!

He carefully recalled the precautions that pregnant women on earth need to do: what not to eat too much, lest the fetus be too large, proper exercise, and the production will be smoother. Eat well, supplement nutrition is necessary! Thinking of this, Yin Li said to alopecia areata, "When you can hunt, go and catch the animals that have just given birth."

"Okay!" No matter what Yin Li wanted to do, alopecia areata always agreed first.

Yin Li was very satisfied with the other party's attitude, lying comfortably on the kang, watching the other party cook the broth like an uncle. It didn't take long for Yin Li to watch it any longer. According to the cooking method of alopecia areata, he definitely does not want to drink this soup! For the sake of appetite, Yin Li had to get up and grab the wooden spoon to get enough food and clothing by himself.

The alopecia areata who was pushed aside was not angry at all, but touched the back of her head and smiled foolishly.

Yin Li rolled his eyes at him. Alopecia areata is even happier, I feel that how my daughter-in-law rolls her eyes is the most beautiful.

They were happily cooking lunch, but Buddy was a little worried. Earth bones are anaconda orcs, and in addition to hibernating habits, they will shed their skins. The snake sheds its skin 2-3 times a year, and the soil bone once a year. When the spring begins, he starts to itch all over his body.

In previous years, he was itchy, and he turned into a anaconda all the way, squirming around the house. So his room is messy, and he doesn't like to clean it up. This was the single period, and it was different now. He wanted to make a mess in the room, but Buddy stopped it immediately. "What are you doing!"

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; "molt." The soil bone was particularly lazy when the weather was cold.

"What!" This is a big deal! Buddy had never touched other snake orcs. He knew about molting, but he didn't know how to deal with it. "Then what?"

Seeing Buddy panicking for himself, Tugu felt like he had eaten honey. He put the snake's head on Buddy's shoulders, which must be overwhelming for a female. Buddy also felt a little weighty. "how should I do?"

The two little snakes see that the father is acting like a spoiled child with the mother, and the earth must not be left alone! Brother Snake climbed onto Buddy, "Mother! Mother!"

As soon as the little snake cubs are dispatched, Buddy can immediately forget the earth and bones, he holds a little snake in one hand, "What's wrong? Hungry?"

The little snake brother rubbed his cheek, "Mother~" The cub's voice is always very tender, and it sounds cute when you hear it!

Little Snake's younger brother is not to be outdone, "Mother!" It is also looking for a place to rub against it.

Bone is so annoying, these two little guys! Fight with him every day for Buddy! "Buddy, are you ignoring me?" The voice contained grief, and Buddy was embarrassed. He was still talking to Tugu just now, but the cub forgot as soon as he interrupted.

Buddy put the snake on his shoulder and patted his big tongue, "Tell me, what am I going to do?"

The anaconda's tongue is very long, and the earth bone uses its forked tongue to rub Buddy's face, "Tick me. When I shed my skin, my whole body is itchy!" How uncomfortable he was, he also twisted twice, and now Buddy couldn't sit still, and the little snake brother was thrown onto the kang by surprise. Fortunately, the kang was covered with animal skins, and the little snake cub thought it was his father playing with him, and got into the animal skin in the blink of an eye.