MTL - Orcs and Hyena Orcs Are In Love with Each Other-Chapter 2 husband selection

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Mula's speculation about Yin Li is not wrong. Yin Li comes from the earth in the 21st century, a developed age, and enjoys a convenient modern life. All 8 hours of work are spent facing the computer, and there is very little time to be outdoors 24 hours a day. Like many white-collar workers, Yin Li is also a sub-healthy young man who prefers to stay in bed rather than exercise.

Yin Li got acquainted with several sub-orcs through a few days of picking activities, and also learned from a simple conversation that the tribe he is now in is "the tribe under the mountain", which means the tribe established at the foot of the mountain . Of course, according to the pronunciation of their language, it is definitely not called "the tribe under the mountain", it should be called "Berguman Tenon", where "Bakuman" means down the mountain, and Tenon is the tribe.

Yin Li said that after speaking Chinese for 25 years, he could not accept bird transliteration!

Mu La was very enthusiastic and enthusiastically introduced various edible fruits and vegetables to Yin Li. In Yin Li's opinion, some of these fruits and vegetables are what he usually eats, and some are on the Internet before, and the rest are completely unknown to him. In terms of what can be eaten, there are still a lot of things. People here even include some Chinese medicines in the food category, but Mula also said that these "Chinese medicines" can only be eaten very little at a time.

Yin Li summed up the reasons, probably because the life here is relatively difficult, everyone is still in the lifestyle of hunting and picking, not even farming and captivity, completely relying on the sky to eat, so the food Also pay special attention. It was as if their team was in charge of picking food, and each of them had to hand in half a basket of food every day. By the way, here is a combination of tribal distribution system and private ownership. The tribe collects half of the income of the young and strong to support the elderly, and the rest is used to relieve the needy households in winter.

People here are considered adults at the age of fifteen, courtship at the age of twenty, and marriage before the age of twenty-five at the latest. Mu La asked Yin Li's age. He didn't know that the people here were all early marriages and early children, so he said it casually, but Mu La opened his mouth and forgot to speak. It was as if Mura had dragged Hesse into whispering for a while because of this matter, not knowing what to discuss. Anyway, Mulla told him later that a husband must be chosen before the next meeting.

Mu La said: "Yin Li, you want to find that big, as soon as possible!"

"That big?" Mulla wondered.

"That's big!" Mula pointed to the man in the two hugging couples in the distance. The man was tall and strong, the woman was slender, and the back looked very harmonious. "That's big!" Then he pointed to the woman, "Duo San". Afraid that Yin Li still didn't understand, Mu La pointed to another couple sitting side by side chatting, the taller one was the big one, and the thinner one was Duo San.

I was stunned, I never imagined that the orc world is more open than the earth! Same-sex couples are allowed! In order to show that he has fully understood what is big, Yin Li walked with Mu La in the square in the center of the tribe. At this point the orcs had finished their hunting, and they took their prey to find women and men who were chatting and working in the square. Like counting the number of people, Yin Li called out the tall men in the crowd, "That's big!" Then he ordered the thinner men and women, "Duosan!"

Mu La raised a smile, indicating that Yin Li understood correctly. So he mentioned to Yin Li the big thing again.

Yin Li is born gay, so naturally he will not make trouble, especially the orcs here are all tall and mighty, but they are much better than the man before him! He has been eager to find a strong attack, eight-pack abs, feel super good! Give him the perfect sense of security. "Yin Li, look, that's great!" Yin Li took Mu La's hand with both hands with eager eyes.

Yin Li only thought that there were few women here, so there would be orcs looking for men to match. As everyone knows, there are fewer women here, only one-third of the orcs, which means that only one-third of the orc males can marry women, while the remaining two-thirds are not related to physical appearance and male orcs. Different sub-orcs combine. Sub-orcs are thinner than male orcs, but they are better than women. They will not turn into beasts and can have children, but it will be more difficult than women. Women and sub-orcs are collectively referred to as females, and orcs generally refer to males.

Because women are few in number, women are allowed to stay in the tribe to do lighter work, while the demi-orcs need to go up the mountains to pick food. Going up the mountain has already escaped the tribal security circle. Although the orcs go up the mountain to clean up some threatening animals every month, how can there be a surefire way in this world?

With Yin Li's approval, Mula became a matchmaker in the orc world, and he would exchange information with other sub-orcs when picking food every day. People here do not plan to have children. Generally, a couple has at least three children. Orcs hunt for survival, and the death rate and disability rate are not low, and the female childbirth is like going through hell, and the death rate is also not low. Having 3 children may not all be able to grow up safely.

The Asian Orcs here basically have unmarried orc elder brothers or younger brothers of the right age, and it is most suitable to inquire with them. In fact, usually orcs will find a partner when they are young. In their childhood, children do not have to work and play together every day. They like whichever one they like. Parents will not use puppy love as an excuse to separate the two children. Of course, there are exceptions. Some orcs who are not strong are more difficult to find a partner. Similarly, it is difficult for an overly strong or ugly demi-orc to find a partner. Women have no such concerns.

Yin Li said that Hesse was his favorite choice. After all, Hesse was the best for him. Although Hessian was average, he was tall and strong, and his muscles were bulging. Every time Yin He had to restrain himself severely in order to suppress the claws and not knead Hesse's muscles.

Unfortunately, Hesse seems to have some relationship with Mura. According to his understanding of the orc world, Hessian is unmarried and Mura is unmarried, but Hessian comes to them for dinner every day, and there is a way .

On this day, Mu La and Yin Li talked about that big thing again. Mu La felt very sorry, the only unmarried orcs in the tribe who were willing to marry Yin Li were the hyena brothers and a snake orc who was blind in one eye. These were not good choices. Although Yin Li said that he was not beautiful, he was very attractive. Asian orcs were usually between 1.7 and 1.8 meters, while Yin Li was only 1.68 meters. This was a shortcoming. But more importantly, Yin Li is a foreign female and has no parents, which means that males who marry him cannot get help from Yin Li's family.

Although the orcs are indifferent to everyone except their partners and underage children, they will not be good people to contribute anything. However, the orc native family will still give some help to the newly married orc family, either hunting together or giving food.

Orcs hunt alone when they reach 15 years of age, and they will leave the original sound family. It is easy for orcs to support themselves when they are single, but it is difficult to take care of one more person's ration after marriage. Weaker orcs are unpopular because they can support themselves but not necessarily their wives and children.

Like Hessian, as a black bear orc, his strength is stronger than most orcs, and hunting alone is not a problem at all, even if he is not married, Hessian has the ability to divide some food for him and Yin Li eats. This is the difference between the abilities of the orcs.

The two struggled to communicate while gesturing, and finally made Yin Li understand that his future husband was not a particularly good candidate. Either a hyena orc who was relatively weak in the orcs and had to gather a group to hunt, or Looking for a snake orc who is blind in one eye and hibernates in winter.

Yin Li is a little bit blind, he is a muscle control, yes, even the weakest orcs here are all muscles. But as a "weak" earth person, he really hopes to live well, and he doesn't expect to live to the day when he can return to the earth, at least to live for a hundred years, right? However, in this world of the jungle, it is too difficult to live alone, and females must rely on males. He is willing to rely on, very willing, but not everyone!

The sub-orcs here are very powerful, they can weave bamboo products, make animal skin clothing, cook food, and pick food. And he has difficulty distinguishing food alone. His life skills were completely unlit, so he naturally didn't have the capital to get the best hunted orcs. However, it is precisely because he can't do too much, if the orcs who match are still weak orcs, you can imagine how miserable their lives will be in the future.

Yin Li has not seen the hyena orc brothers and snake orcs, he can't make a decision. Moreover, according to Mula, people here are very loyal to marriage, and they generally do not seek a second **** after losing a partner. He needs to make good decisions.

Of course Mu La could take him to peek at the unmarried orcs, but he himself was not satisfied with those orcs, so he told Yin Li about the meeting.

There are several tribes around here, including mountain tribes, grassland tribes, forest tribes that mainly rely on hunting, and sea tribes mainly fishing. In addition to hunting, the mountain tribes also produce A kind of sackcloth and linen pants that feel rougher and lighter than animal skins, forest tribes can build good-looking and easy-to-use tree houses, grassland tribes can make hard and thick iron weapons, and sea tribes can produce salt. In addition, there are some small tribes, most of which are a collection of orc races, such as bird tribes, insect tribes, and they also have their own strengths.

Every year when summer ends and autumn comes, each tribe will send people to trade at the border between the plains and the forest for a week. This is the tribal assembly. In addition to exchanging things, each tribe will send orcs who can't find the object to look for it at the meeting. If they can't find it, they can only accept the random arrangement of the tribe leader after returning to the tribe.

own favorite. For females, meeting the other half at a meeting means leaving their familiar tribe and following each other to settle in an unfamiliar tribe. Many females are reluctant to do this.

Yin Li thought about it for a while, and thought it would be a bit risky to find someone at the meeting. It is better to see how the dog orc and snake orc are like. If it is suitable, it will save Zhou Ju's fatigue. After all, there are no cars or high-speed trains in this world. To go so far, you can only rely on walking or being carried by orcs... However, there is a big hole here. If you are not your own object or relatives, orcs will not carry it!

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