MTL - Orcs and Hyena Orcs Are In Love with Each Other-Chapter 109 Tribes

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Yin Li became more and more in pain. Alopecia areata had come to him. Seeing him sweating from the pain, his heart tightened, "Don't be afraid, I'll take you to see the old female." They There is no doctor here, and if you are sick you can only rely on the experience of the old orcs.

Yin Li's stomach was throbbing and throbbing, and sometimes he calmed down and thought it was all right, and the next moment he would suddenly throb. , "Alopecia areata, stomach, it hurts!"

"Don't worry! It'll be fine! I'm here!" Alopecia areata has been soothing him, while massaging his abdomen with a big palm.

He looked at Yin Li's hard work, and he was worried. Yin Li was the only 'compatriot' he was here! "Yin Li forbearance, I have sent someone to find the old female."

Buddy hurriedly went to the kitchen and filled a cup of hot water. I heard that drinking hot water can relieve pain, "Would you like some hot water?"

Everyone was revolving around Yin Li, but Gubei was a little thoughtful. He climbed on the tundra's arm and said, "Why is Yin Li's situation so similar to me that day?"

"What day?"

"It's..." Gubei thought for a while and then shook his head, "Maybe I guessed wrong." After all, alopecia areata had already told him about Yin Li's infertility, and wished him not to Mention this matter in front of Yin Li, lest Yin Li be sad.

"Don't worry, it will be fine." Tundra thought Gubei was worried about Yin Li, so he thought more, "There is nothing that needs your help here, you have to be obedient, you know? "


. In his opinion, this is probably the most correct decision he has ever made in his life. Although this is a new tribe, everything is so well organized, and the old orcs are here to do what they can and be respected accordingly.

In addition to helping to take care of the sick sub-orcs in the tribe, his main task is to feed the small animals in the breeding area, which is a very easy job. However, even so, he can enter a super beautiful house like all the orcs in the tribe, and eat softly stewed beast meat every day. The days are so good!

Erru is very grateful to Yin Li, Tianyu and others. Without them, he would have to starve in the winter of the mountain tribe! At the same time, he also cherished the qualification to live here, so as soon as Tugu arrived at his house to explain the situation, he immediately packed up and followed Tugu to Yin Li's house.

The matter of Yin Li has been brought back to the room by the alopecia areata, and everyone consciously made room for the air to circulate in the room. Erru was invited to the master bedroom, and saw that Yin Li seemed to have calmed down a bit, his face was still pale, but he didn't frown at the beginning. Mu La was always by Yin Li's side and knew his situation best. Now that Erru Lai came, he naturally wanted to tell each other one by one.

Erru had a guess in his heart, and after he checked Yin Li, the guess came true. He couldn't help showing a happy expression, "This is good news!" He pretended to be mysterious and stopped here, but he saw the other people's faces bewildered, "Yin Li is pregnant with a cub! Congratulations Yin Li, alopecia areata!"

"What!" Alopecia areata was stunned, he never imagined such a result, but began to plan for the worst, thinking that if it was a difficult disease, then he would even be After traveling the north and south continents, he must find a cure for Yin Li. The surprise came too suddenly, and alopecia areata was unacceptable for a while.

Yin Li, who was lying flat, was also very surprised. He was just thinking that this damned orc world doesn't even have a doctor. You must know that his body is not as rich as the local orcs. If something goes wrong, you really can only sit back and wait! Dozens of diseases that could not be overcome in the 21st century flew through his mind, but he did not stop at the option of 'pregnancy'. "real?"

"You were in so much pain just now. It must have been overworked recently." That was the case in Gubei last time. Erru knew that Yin Li's position in the Tianchi tribe was extraordinary, and there were many things to be busy with, but in front of the cub, these should be pushed aside, "You have to pay attention to your body, don't work too hard for the time being, fortunately It's winter, and you just can't do as many things as you want. Just wait until the baby is born."

Seeing that the two of them were obviously no longer in the situation, he had to turn his head and explain some points to Mu La, and the person who came here, Mu La actually knew this very well, but he still listened carefully again. once again. Hessen was very happy that the younger brother he recognized was pregnant, and immediately took over the position of master, announced the good news, and asked everyone to continue to gather without restraint. This could be regarded as a celebratory banquet.

Buddy heard that Yin Li was pregnant with a cub, and was especially happy for his friend. Of course, he also had his own frustrations. After all, he would not have his own children in his life. Perhaps feeling his loneliness, Tugu and the two little snake cubs surrounded them one after another. This is their most important relative!

Alopecia areata once told Li'er that he would go back to the Hyena tribe in the spring and summer to adopt a hyena cub. But now that Yin Li has broken the child, he immediately thought that there is no need to go back for alopecia areata. At first he thought that he and Liang Qi happened to be with Yin Li and alopecia areata, but now his mind has changed. There is only Liangqi among the sea animal orcs in the Tianchi tribe. Liangqi doesn't know how lonely he is! Why don't they go to the sea tribe and adopt a sea animal orc there next year. "Wait next year, let's go to the Dahai tribe and find a cub just like you, okay?"

"Okay, then go to the hyena tribe and find someone just like you." Liangqi wants to accompany his lover for the rest of his life, and the appearance of the cub can add a touch of splendor to their lives. "In the future, I can let them train the horse."


This winter, because of the good news that Yin Li is pregnant, everyone is always immersed in an atmosphere of joy.

Alopecia areata directly regarded Yin Li as a glass doll, detained Yin Li on the kang all day and all night, and refused to let Yin Li's feet fall to the ground. Yin Li became more and more lazy after getting pregnant. At first, it was caused by alopecia areata. When he got bored later, he began to promote the concept of scientific pregnancy in the 21st century. Pregnant women should exercise properly, otherwise they will not have the motivation to have children, and they should not eat too fat, otherwise the children will not be born.

Alopecia areata knows that Yin Li has a lot of crooked ideas, and also has many concepts advanced in the orc world. Listening to Yin Li’s words, Alopecia areata immediately believed, and even became a supporter of the scientific concept of pregnancy. , Every day, he regularly and quantitatively urges Yin Li to slip, and he has to pay special attention to eating. He must pay attention to a balanced diet.

In comparison, Wu Xingyu has been busy this winter. He didn't know how the females gave birth to babies in the past, but since Yin Li was pregnant, it is possible for him to get pregnant himself, so we need to pay more attention to this matter. The most important thing now is to vacate a room as much as possible as a delivery room and a ward. The interior of the room should be regularly cleaned and sterilized. The personnel entering and leaving should pay more attention to hygiene, as well as vinegar for disinfection, silk cloth for dressing, etc. , he was all ready. For this reason, he also specially consulted Erru, who said that the chrysanthemum will automatically expand when the female gives birth, so there is no need to worry. Wu Xingyu didn't force the National People's Congress to burn iron ore in winter to make a scalpel and surgical scissors.

Wu Xingyu was busy with the delivery room, so he met Gubei to give birth. With the delivery room, production became safer, and Gubei recovered better than Mula, Kula, and others. There are always milk-producing animals in the breeding area, and the cubs in Gubei drink fresh goat milk for the first meal. The little wolf cub couldn't open his eyes yet, but his nose shrugged, almost stabbing it into the bowl without the adults paying attention. Tundra didn't turn into a silly dad when it came to her cub, but did her due diligence to stop the cub's behavior in a timely manner.

Wu Xingyu watched the production process of Gubei all the way, and when he went back, he began to strictly prohibit Tianyu from making trouble inside him. It's so scary! Expansion so big! Ahhh! Will there be a big hole after giving birth? Leaky **** or something?

Tian Yu is very sad about this! It's obvious that you can't have a baby! Why is Yin Li pregnant now! When you are pregnant, you are pregnant. Actually, Wu Xingyu is afraid of having a baby with him! Oh my god! Holding your lover but only sleeping with adjectives, not verbs, what kind of new punishment is this?

When the ice on the Spring River melted, Yin Li's child was born. Maybe because Yin Li is relatively petite, he was like a disaster movie when he gave birth. Alopecia areata was so anxious outside the delivery room that he almost demolished the house. Inside Yin Li was screaming so loudly that the whole tribe of orcs woke up because of his cry, and the cubs also cried along with Yin Li. Oh, the kind that can't be coaxed well.

The parents of the cubs don't dare to blame Yin Li for anything, so they can only sincerely pray to the beast gods to let Yin Li end the pain soon!

Maybe it was because the crowd was powerful, and the beast **** really did what they wanted, and the voice in the delivery room quickly dropped. Yin Li finally ran out of energy and gave birth to the child. Yin Li's last sentence before fainting was: "I will never give birth again!"

Alopecia areata after the delivery room heard it really, and quickly responded: "No more! No more!"

Tian Yu heard such a shocking production process for the first time, and he was also afraid. Maybe Yin Li and Wu Xingyu, two females from afar, are indeed not suitable for giving birth. After Wu Xingyu comes out, he will immediately Confession: "Xingyu, we won't have children anymore!"

"I'm afraid you will hurt."

This may be the most beautiful love story he has ever heard. "Tianyu, thank you." It was precisely because of the other party's concern about putting himself in his shoes that Wu Xingyu once again thought about whether a child could be born. "Or, let's just leave it to our fate. If the baby comes, I will give birth." Gubei's current cub can run and jump. If people on earth see it, they must think that Gubei has raised a little wolf dog, but only Here the orcs know that is the future of their tribe. Maybe Wu Xingyu couldn't accept this idea at first, but after a period of contact, he understood that although the shape is different, a child is a child. He also slightly looked forward to what his and Tianyu's cub would be like.

Yin Li gave birth to a female cub this time, or a female female. Before the age of three, she still looked like a little hyena, and she will change into a human shape later. After Yin Li woke up, on the one hand, he was very happy that his cub was a female. He had seen the destructive power of male cubs from Mu La and Kula's house, so he probably couldn't deal with it. On the other hand, he cherishes the puppy's current form even more, and when the child grows up, he will no longer have the appearance of a puppy!

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