MTL - Orcs and Hyena Orcs Are In Love with Each Other-Chapter 105 Tribes

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On the second day of the tribal celebration, the orcs of the grassland tribe, bird tribe, and eagle tribe began to prepare for their return journey. Of course, before they go out, they still need to do two things. One is to accept the generous gifts from the Tianchi tribe. They are all the items sold by the tribe that Yin Li mentioned yesterday. , on the earth in the 21st century, these things are like the catalogues given by merchants.

Another thing is that the tribe leader and the orcs have purchased additional goods according to their own needs. Females love dyed sackcloth, dyed silk cloth and all kinds of trendy jewelry. They are reluctant to put them down when they hold them in their hands. Then they turn to look at their respective sizes with pleading eyes, and the beasts have to deduct the items they want to keep for trading sweet wine. To meet the needs of each of the three.

Since returning from the meeting place, everyone has stepped up the production speed and accumulated a batch of finished products, and this celebration has just consumed everyone's output since this time, in exchange for the Tianchi tribe now needs of sticky water, lack of nuts, corn, etc. Before everyone thought why they should trade with people from other tribes outside the assembly, but now they understand a little bit, if they need something produced by their own tribe, they can produce it themselves at any time, and things like sticky water are not good to wait. The annual meeting, or every time I go to the grassland tribe to purchase.

As the bird tribe orcs said, "Let me go back and let Duo San take a look. If he likes these dyed cloths, I will trade again."

Their products are attractive enough and the publicity is in place, they will not be restricted by the meeting place, but can form a mutual relationship with other tribes all year round.

Before parting, some orcs found Barry. They came from three tribes who came to watch the ceremony. What they wanted to tell Barry was that they wanted to join the Tianchi tribe.

The task of accepting new members is in charge of Barry. In fact, this is the work of the clan leader, but who makes their clan leader a ruthless and lazy orc! The prosperity and development of the tribe was handed over to Yin Li and Wu Xingyu, and the diplomatic and internal management of the tribe was handed over to Barry, who had the most demeanor of the tribe leader.

Yin Li and Wu Xingyu also discussed this matter privately. They both agree with the saying that 'no one is perfect', so they are not prepared to let Tianyu follow in the footsteps of other tribes and become the tribe's sexist . Now they are responsible for the management of different parts of the tribe. When the tribe grows, the management personnel will be further increased. What they hope is that the Tianchi tribe can develop healthily and will not become an object under the control of one person.

The development of the tribe also requires the efforts of all their members, but time will not wait for anyone, and the autumn will come to an end in a blink of an eye. Before winter, the orcs from the three tribes all came to the Tianchi tribe again, some to exchange items, and some to bring their families.

Yin Li and Gubei were responsible for sorting out these orders. In order to facilitate the calculation, Yin Li also taught Gubei Arabic numerals. However, Gubei was not very sensitive to these numbers, so Yin Li had no choice but to The next best thing was to use a simpler way of drawing orthographic numbers to calculate the number, but Gu Bei quickly learned it. Their orcs are responsible for the inspection of shipments, and in a tacit understanding between their partners, they can always complete these things quickly and accurately.

Barry, Hesse, and their duo are busy with the new tribe members. The Tianchi tribe recruits new members, not hunting ability but human character. Barry is like a natural leader. Although he is very hygienic, he can quickly mingle with other orcs. Spy on each other's habits in speech and behavior. Hessian has no such expertise. He is responsible for finding their future residence for the new members who have passed the review. One place after another is marked with black wooden strips by the orcs, thinking that this and that place is owned, and now The black wooden bar has been inserted as far as it is close to the hot spring pool. Kula and Mula worked together to settle the new members' families, including females, old orcs, and cubs. Seeing the sudden increase of so many cubs in the tribe, they no longer had to worry about their children only going to the breeding area. play.

Wu Xingyu has become the person who organizes everything. He seems to be the tribe leader of this tribe. If the people below have any problems that cannot be solved, they will find him as soon as possible.

In addition to some of the more conventional preparations for winter, there are also some such as cellars that can store ice and food, holiday huts should be built around the hot spring pool, and the breeding area should be covered The shacks for animals to spend the winter safely, orc teams going to forest tribes to dig coal for winter use, etc., are arranged by the tribes.

The most surprising thing for the new members is that Yin Li actually announced the method of pickling sauerkraut, sour bamboo shoots and sugar-pickled fruits, which is one of the stable incomes in the tribe. Yin Li's idea is to give others some sweetness. Anyway, he still holds the recipe of thirteen spices and five-spice powder that even Wu Xingyu doesn't know, not to mention that so many orcs can't just rely on vegetables supplied by a greenhouse to survive the winter!

Speaking of growing vegetables in greenhouses, Yin Li made a very strange three-layer shelf for alopecia areata before winter, and after placing it on the ground, the planting area on the ground increased by three times. Each shelf is a particularly large elongated flowerpot, filled with soil, a small pipe is placed next to the shelf, and a small water outlet is smashed at fifteen centimeters apart. Pour water from the small tube inlet, and the small outlet will bring plenty of water to the plants in the pot.

Yin Li's idea is to hope that the products of the greenhouse will not only meet the food needs of the tribe members, but also sell them to other tribes. Of course, this year, the tribe has a large population and the greenhouse area is small. It can't be done, let's see how it goes next year.

Next year...the days he has come to another world are getting longer and longer. With his lover, friends and career here, he will also start to imagine the future development here, instead of recalling the earth thing.

It's amazing! Yin Li sat on the newly-made rocking chair for alopecia areata, and swayed with his feet. A tea table with fresh fruits and sweet milk was placed within reach by the alopecia areata. Still, it's a good day!

"No good! No good!" Li Er's voice came from the yard, "Yin Li! Alopecia areata! Gu Bei fainted!"

"What?" Yin Li just took a sip of sweet milk, and was frightened by Li'er's words, spewing it out, and a small part of it choked into the air pipe, causing him to keep coughing.

Alopecia areata was very anxious and ran out of the studio, "What happened to Gubei?"

"I don't know, I've already sent someone to see the old orc." Li Er ran out of breath, and before he could recover, he answered the question about alopecia areata first.

Yin Lishun got angry and said to alopecia areata, "Let's go and have a look." This damned orc world doesn't even have a doctor! I hope nothing happens to Gubei!

Everyone in the tribe, except those who joined later who are not familiar with Gubei, most of the other orcs are from the tribes at the foot of the mountain. When they heard something happened to Gubei, they hurried to visit the Tundra home. For a time, the yard in the tundra was full of orcs, and there were quite a few in the house. Alopecia areata is Gubei's older brother, so everyone consciously made room for Yin Li and Alopecia areata to enter.

On the way here, Yin Li and alopecia areata also reflected that he should not be so lazy and pushed things to Gubei to do. "Isn't Gubei tired?"

"Gubei is an adult female, he won't let himself get tired, it has nothing to do with you, don't worry." Alopecia areata reassured Yin Li, but in fact he was also confused , Gubei is his only relative here, and he is very afraid of Gubei's serious illness.

After entering the master bedroom, Yin Li saw Tundra, Lego, Mulla and two old females. Instead of worry and sadness on their faces, they were full of joy and smiles , especially Tundra, like a fool, holding Gubei's hand and talking non-stop. And Gubei has also woken up. He is also very happy. As soon as he sees alopecia areata, he immediately announces the good news to his brother, "Brother, I have a child!"

It is! No wonder everyone doesn't look a little sad! Yin Li breathed a sigh of relief, as long as nothing happened. "Great! Congratulations, Gubei!"

"Ah?" The new brother-in-law seemed very puzzled, and alopecia areata suspected that there was something wrong with his ears, "What did you say?"

Yin Li looked at him dumbfounded and felt ridiculous, and said, "Gubei said he is pregnant with a cub!"

"Really? It's great!" It seems that only after Yin Li said that, alopecia areata really absorbed and understood the meaning of Gubei dialect, but it doesn't matter, the blessing still arrives as scheduled.

The good news quickly spread to the outside of the yard, and quickly let all tribe members know. This may be the first child after the tribe was formed! Tian Yu, a lazy man, also asked Wu Xingyu to bring blessings and gifts—a milk-producing sheep baa. Wu Xingyu joked that the gift he had prepared was a bit too advanced. When Wu Xingyu's cub was born, it was estimated that the sheep would no longer produce milk.

The future of the tribe needs children, and only children can inherit the future of the tribe! This will surely become a highlight in the history of Tianchi tribe.

When the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, alopecia areata is still happily talking to Yin Li about the Gubei cubs. As an uncle, he must plan various matters for his future nephew. What kind of baby cradle, wooden cabinets for things, he intends to take them all, completely to squeeze the tundra as the child's father.

Yin Li also talked to him with joy at first, but later, Yin Li thought of himself. Mu La and Kula, who were married at the same age as him, have given birth to cubs for half a year, and Gubei, who married a year later, is now pregnant with a child, but what about him?

Yin Li still remembers what he said to alopecia areata. He said he couldn't have a baby, and alopecia areata said it didn't matter.

But does it really matter? Seeing alopecia areata so eager for new life, Yin Li's heart tightened.

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