MTL - Online Game: Island War-Chapter 743 A long way to go (finale)

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"Information Chapter - Revenge of the Undead (Invasion of the Skeleton World) - Completed

Information - The Burning Crusade (Invasion of the Hell World) - Completed

The total number of player island owners is less than 100 - confirmed!

The final data chapter Zerg's Recovery (Zerg World Invasion) opening conditions are confirmed!

The ownership of the key to locate the access to the Zerg world belongs to player Jiuxiao, please confirm whether to open the Zerg world! "

Seeing that the default option of the system was counting down 10 seconds, Lei Jiu felt a little flustered since he entered the game for the first time. Both intuition and rational analysis told him that if he chose "yes", those Zerg who recovered from the stone would eat up all his efforts.

Is this the way of the system?

Because he won too early, the remaining three hundred years are garbage time. This situation is not allowed by the system, so it intends to cheat and forcibly release the Zerg nuclear Pinghuang Huangdao and the central sea area?

A major cleanup to start all over again?

After hesitating for a while, seeing that the ten-second countdown was about to end, Lei Jiu chose "No!"

"Player Jiuxiao refuses to open the final dungeon, which will cause unknowable changes to the game. Please confirm the player Jiuxiao again whether to open the Zerg World. If you choose 'No' again, the player will be responsible for the consequences!"


Is the system threatening him?

It's funny, the game progresses like this, blame him?

Bear the consequences yourself?

It seems that if the Zerg world is opened, the consequences will not be borne by him.

Only the power of the players and island owners is left, is it enough for the Zerg to plug their teeth? With the ability of the Zerg's violent soldiers, the less than a hundred player islands in the central sea area are enough to create a Zerg army that drowns the deserted island, not to mention how many food resources are bred in this vast ocean.

If the Zerg, like the demons, don't like water and can't enter the sea, it's okay to say, then Lei Jiu has more or less confidence to survive.

But as I said before, the Zerg in the Zerg world have adaptability that amazes the saints. They can even turn into a stone when there is no food to eat. What else can't they do?

To say that the game has the last 50 years, let him persist for 50 years or something, he can still fight, but there are more than 300 years before the game is over, and the strength of the adventurer player is far from the peak, how could he possibly Can you stop?

Defense with energy cannons?

Fang Cai Lei Jiu said that he can last for 50 years, which is the result of calculating the energy cannon.

And it is the element crystal loss calculated according to the current energy cannon density of Huanghuang Island.

With the total amount of various energy crystals in Huanghuang Island, it can maintain full operation consumption for more than 40 years under the circumstance of being surrounded by groups. If you get some more in the future, you can really get it in 50 years, but no matter how much, he will not be able to. promise.

If you choose "yes", it can be predicted that more than 90% will be finished.

The overall strength of the Skeleton World, the Hell World and the Zerg World seems to be gradually increasing.

Not to mention the Zerg World, even if it is the Skeleton World, if you concentrate the power of the entire world and flock to Huanghuang Island in a rush, it will be enough to raze Huanghuang Island to the ground.

Even if Ai Luomeng cooperates with Jiuge and their Four Elephants Battle Formation to hold on forever, how many people can they keep?

What's more, even if Jiuge and the others can save their lives in the sea of ​​bones, it means that the stronger Zerg world has no way to deal with the Four Elephants.

In addition, the system actually threatened directly this time, which completely stirred up Lei Jiu's anger.

No matter which one you choose, it is estimated that it is basically a death. In this case, Lei Jiu directly chooses the one that makes the system unhappy, "No!"

"Ding! Because player Jiuxiao refused to start the recovery of the third information chapter Zerg, the game process was stagnant, and now all players' wealth values ​​will be settled."

"Wealth value settlement..."

"After the settlement, players can inquire by themselves!"

"The game is stagnant due to player Jiuxiao, and 10% of Jiuxiao's wealth value will be divided and used to compensate the island owner players who have perished in the last 20 years. Please check the specific weighted value by yourself.

The game is stagnant due to player Jiuxiao, and 10% of Jiuxiao's wealth value will be divided and used to compensate all adventurer players. Please check the specific weighted value by yourself.

The game is stagnant due to player Jiuxiao, and 70% of Jiuxiao's wealth value will be divided and taken out as a reward for the easter egg game.

The rules of the easter egg game are as follows:

All players enter the world maze, and there are 100 million easter eggs in the maze. 20% of the game's total reward will be randomly allocated to these 100 million easter eggs. Players who find the easter eggs can open them to obtain a certain wealth value.

According to the number of easter eggs found, there will be a leaderboard, the first place will get 10% of the total wealth value, the second place 8%, the third place 5%, and the fourth to tenth place 1%.

Players who find more than 10 easter eggs can participate in the ultimate big easter egg vote.

According to the voting results, the winner of the ultimate Easter egg will be selected, who will receive 50% of the wealth value of the remaining game rewards.

According to the system settlement results, the wealth value of player Jiuxiao is about 89 billion, accounting for 62% of the total wealth of all players today, of which 90%, or 80 billion, will be divided as compensation and egg game rewards.

Wealth is re-settling..."

"After the re-settlement is completed, players can check the latest wealth value by themselves!"

"Two hours later, the world labyrinth will open, so stay tuned!"

After a series of system prompts, countless players cheered loudly, only Lei Jiu stood there for a while, then gnashed his teeth: "System, you are ruthless!"

If he chooses "Yes", 90% will not survive. If he chooses "No", he will directly steal 90% of his wealth.

This is his personal property, which is sacred and inviolable. Why do you want to rob it? The system is amazing!

No, he has to stop loss!

Since it is a maze, encountering monsters is a normal routine. Lei Jiu only hopes that the stronger the monsters in the maze, the better. It is best to be so strong that only he can beat it himself, then the best!

Anyway, he had to get the first place in the number of Easter eggs.

Just when Lei Jiu was thinking about stopping his losses as much as possible, the players finally got free from the cheers and started their own preparations.

For the player forces affiliated to Huanghuang Island, such as Yexuan Wild Hunting Group, Molecular Formula, Shuibo Liangshan, etc., they are among the few who are not very happy after hearing the news.

Although their personal wealth has indeed increased, the overall wealth of the group concentrated around Lei Jiu has shrunk dramatically.

However, no matter what, trying to strive for as much as possible in the subsequent easter egg games is what it should be.

After that...let's talk about it later.


I don't know what happened to Lei Jiu. How could such a system notification suddenly appear?

Most of the adventurers on the entire Huanghuang Island actually chose to mix with Lei Jiu in the future, but when this system announcement came out, the players' minds suddenly changed.

Lei Jiu's wealth accounted for 62% of the total wealth of all players, and the system took away 90%. That is to say, the remaining wealth in Lei Jiu's hand only accounted for 6% of the player's total wealth.

Although this number is still huge, from today onwards, the person with the most wealth will no longer be Lei Jiu, but the guy who will get the ultimate easter egg, 62%*70*50%, 21.7% of the player's total wealth, Lei Jiu Ninety-one falls, it is estimated that no one can surpass it, and I don’t know who will be so lucky.

Everyone wants to be themselves, but it seems unlikely.

1 out of 10 million players...

Lei Jiu's close people, Shen Baiye, Su Xiaoxuan, Li Wuhui, etc., and even the women who have not been able to get their wish so far, are quite worried for Lei Jiu at this time. , as much as possible to stop losses for this group.

only one exception...

"Hahaha, hahaha, haha..."

"Sister, do you want to laugh until the world labyrinth opens?" Li Wuhui looked at Li Yuying speechlessly, "You are so happy to see the boss unlucky?"

"Bah! I'm happy because I finally saw an opportunity!"

"what chance?"

"As long as I get the ultimate easter egg, then I have enough strength to take care of Lei Jiu. It seems that even the system thinks that Lei Jiu is mine in the end!"

"What? You haven't given up on this idea? Let's not talk about it, where did you get your confidence to be hit by the ultimate easter egg?"

Li Yuying calmly took out a mirror, "Mirror mirror, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?"

"It's you, Master!" A crisp female voice replied.

"See, I also have the goods in my hand. Hurry up and inform Shen Baiye and let him tell everyone on our side that if there is an option of the most beautiful person, you must choose it, don't hesitate!" Li Yuying He raised the mirror in his hand and said.

Li Wuhui blinked, this, can this work?

"Don't go soon!"

"Okay!" Li Wuhui felt that instead of waiting for the trial to come, he might as well give it a shot. Of course, he will discuss it with Shen Baiye.


There are indeed monsters in the world labyrinth, which is exactly what Lei Jiu expected, but the strength of the monsters disappointed Lei Jiu very much.

In his opinion, a monster of this level basically can't stop a few people, at most delaying it for a while.

It can give him a little more time advantage in this spike, but it is not enough to ensure that he can get the first place in the rankings.

I don't want to do so much anymore, let's go all out to kill first, go all out...


After staying in the world labyrinth for about three or four hours, Lei Jiu suddenly noticed the change in the scenery around him, and he had been moved out of the labyrinth.

What catches the eye is a person who is like a mountain and a sea, and there is no end in sight.

To his surprise, acquaintances were basically sent to him, and he didn't know how the system judged them.

In the sky, the virtual image of the leaderboard hangs high, and Lei Jiu once again tops the list.

Although this is only a small part of the meat he was cut off, but taking back a little is a little! Unable to reason with the system, he could only roll up his sleeves and fight for himself!

Before Lei Jiu could talk to his friends, the virtual voting dialog box of the system popped up:

Please choose one of the following four to vote.

The system will choose the winner of the ultimate Easter egg based on the one with the most votes.

A. The most handsome man

B. The most beautiful person

C. the richest man

D. The second person

Please choose within ten seconds, otherwise it will be regarded as a waiver!


Hearing someone next to him shouting, B, the second one, everyone chose the second one, Lei Jiu looked up and saw that it was Li Yuying.

He tilted his head in confusion, and Lei Jiu's fingers landed on option D.

Li Wuhui did discuss options with Shen Baiye, but he didn't talk to Lei Jiu.

Ten seconds passed quickly, and the virtual influence in the sky showed the number of votes. Option D topped the list with more than 70% of the votes, and both A and C received less than 3% of the votes. Look at the votes of option B. It has reached 20%, which is estimated to be the result of Shen Baiye's efforts.

Looking at these four options, I have to sigh the beauty of human nature!

Everyone expects charcoal in the snow, not icing on the cake!

I hope that the second person among the players will receive the warmth and help of huge wealth.

At this moment, a beam of light descended from the sky and swept through the crowd. It was obviously the winner of the scan. Everyone was wondering, who would be designated as the second person on the entire spaceship by the system.

Huan Huan!

After a random sweep, the beam of light finally settled on Lei Jiu, and at the same time, Lei Jiu's virtual image was also shot into the sky.

"Congratulations to volunteer Lei Jiu No. CHI2222222, the game name is Jiuxiao, who won the ultimate big egg reward!"

The players in the field were in an uproar.

"I wipe!"

"real or fake!"


"Isn't this going back again? He is number one in the rankings, and in the end the big easter egg is also his!"

"Why is Jiuxiao Island Lord the second?"

"You stupid, didn't you listen to the system, the number CHI2222222, 2,222,222, a total of 10 million players, who has more than two?"

"Hey hey! I would have known better not to choose this one!"

"No one expected this!"

Lei Jiu's friends were also stunned for a moment, then turned to Lei Jiu and smiled, "Captain, it's time to wake up!"

After being stunned for a moment, Lei Jiu suddenly said, "Yeah, it's time to wake up!"


Opening his eyes and looking at the transparent glass cover in front of him, Lei Jiu pressed a button on his hand, the cover opened automatically, and Lei Jiu got up and left the game room.

Outside, his crew was already waiting for him.

"Damn it, this time the captain has a bumper harvest! Can't you be more aggressive?" said a beautiful woman who looked exactly like the heroine in the game.

"You're so embarrassed to say that, with a group of you helping the captain, the three of us are all alone, how can we win?" The person who spoke, looked at his face, it was the majestic and majestic in the game, standing beside him , It was Li Shaotian and Qinglian who were bloodied. They didn't speak, but they clearly agreed with their expressions!

"Hey~! Anyway, I'm satisfied, no matter what, I did become the captain's girlfriend!"

"Li Yuying, is that a good setting? In the game, you didn't become the captain's girlfriend for a day!" The woman turned back in dissatisfaction.

"Ha! I wasted an opportunity to specify the rules. In the generated game, I became the captain's girlfriend. The 'Earth Center' is also true. The pay is so great, and the reward is too little!

However, hehe, no matter what, it's her girlfriend, she's stronger than you, Su Mei! "

"The captain and I are legal husband and wife!"

Facing the woman, oh, it was Su Mei's counterattack, Li Yuying felt a little embarrassed, "Hey! It's a big miscalculation. I didn't expect someone to be so shameless. When specifying the rules of game generation, it was decided that you must have marriage experience. Why didn't I think of it! Ah~ah~!"

"Humph! With my assistance, it is a matter of course for the captain to climb to the top. You two women with long hair and short knowledge will not help you at all..."

"Shut up, you are a middle schooler!" *2!


"Okay, okay! It's just because interstellar voyages are too boring, each person specifies two generation or calculation rules, and it's just a game evolved from the 'geocentric'. What's there to contend for? If you have the ability, you can get it. In reality!"

"Sister Xiaoxuan, with Shen Baiye, you won't have a backache while standing and talking!"

"That's right, it's not like you don't know, the captain is more difficult to solve in reality than in the game!"

Lei Jiu was secretly setting a thumbs up for the second number that he left behind. Hearing that, he couldn't help touching his chin, "Me? Is there any?"

"Of course!" *N

Lei Jiu shrugged, then slapped twice, "Okay, our exploration ship 'Earth Center' has reached the target star field, next, we have to determine whether there is a suspected higher civilization here!

Everyone wake up, don't sleep anymore after sleeping for so long! What are you... looking at me like that? "

Seeing everyone quiet down and staring at himself with a smile, Lei Jiu was a little confused, but suddenly, he felt so reassured and warm!

"Captain! After sleeping for so long, stop sleeping! It's you who should wake up!" *N

Suddenly woke up, as far as the eyes can see, it is darkness, only a little bit of light flickers in the far and unreachable position.

His feet suddenly lit up, and a burly warrior with a pale face stepped forward, "Great Emperor Yaojia, you are awake!"

Lei Jiu rubbed his head, "Hmm~! It's Luo Zheng! How long have I slept?"

"In less than 650 years, we are still far from our destination!"

"So! How's the progress on Magnus' side?" Lei Jiu's eyes swept down, and at his feet was an incomparably huge skeleton battleship, moving quietly in the universe.

In the middle of the skeleton battleship, there is a part of the mixed structure of metal and space glass, with a few vague writing on it, which seems to be "Geocentric exploration spacecraft".

Through the glass, you can see that there are several rows of crystal coffins inside. Inside the crystal coffins are the faces that are most familiar to him.

A game is a dream. No wonder he always has a relationship with the undead in the game. It turns out that Yaojia, the **** of death, is also his number...

He is Lei Jiu, the former captain of the Geocentric exploration spaceship, and the current undead emperor Yaojia!

"Magnus's perfect resurrection technique has a success rate of 90%." The warrior called Luo Zheng lowered his head and replied.

"90%? Let's work hard to improve it. Anyway, time doesn't mean much to us. It will take a long, long time to return to Earth, the former home planet of mankind!"


"Anything else?"

"Why is the emperor obsessed with resurrecting his crew members as human beings? You have the strength to directly transform them into the highest-ranking undead, without losing sight, hearing and other senses, and you will gain immortality, no matter how you look at it, it is shorter than life The body is stronger!"

"I can't make choices for them, even if I am their captain. Back then, when I brought them out as human beings, I should give them a chance to continue being human!"

"At the time when the two major forces in the star field were fighting in the starry sky, your crew members, including you, were affected and died. This is not your responsibility, you are right! What's more, you also destroyed those two forces, I have avenged them!"

"It's different! I don't have much to do right now. It's nice to have the opportunity to see them again and give them a chance to choose!"


"Luo Zheng!"

"Subordinates are here!"

"You have appeared in my dream!"

"It's an honor for my subordinates..."

"You're so boring..."


......................................End of book ......................................................


High-speed text hand-playing online game: Island War Chapter List

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