MTL - Online Game: Island War-Chapter 709 Huanghuang Island Offensive and Defensive Battle (middle)

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"what happened?"

"Energy Defense Device!"

"Nonsense, I'm not blind, who doesn't know it's an energy defense device, the key is... Huanghuang Island's energy defense device, the defense range is too far!"

"Yes! The opponent's energy defense device must be erected on the Great Wall of Haiphong, and the periphery of the skeleton wall is dozens of meters away from the Great Wall of Haiphong, right?"

"With such a long distance, we can still prevent such a dense shooting attack from us. How densely are the energy defense devices arranged on the Great Wall of Coastal Defense on Huanghuang Island..."


Thinking about it this way, it's really...

How much resources did Lei Jiu put into the Great Wall of Haiphong?

Since there are so many energy defense devices on the Great Wall of Coast Defence in front, what about the energy launch devices?

Is it the same, or even more?

It's very scary to think about it!

For a moment, the coalition forces even collectively wavered in their decision to attack Huanghuang Island.

Of course, the island owners who have survived to the present, especially the island owners who revolted against Huanghuang Island, are all determined masters.

Found that the energy weapon attack was not very effective, and immediately withdrawn this plan.

Although every time you can send troops to hang some skeletons and undead out of the defensive range of the energy defense device, and then use energy weapons to destroy them, you can avoid casualties.

However, the number of eliminations in this way is very limited each time, and the time-consuming is not short, at least one or two hours each time.

After all, with fewer troops invested, those skeletons would never jump off the wall and attack.

Once the scale of the operation is large, it will be time-consuming.

With the thickness of the skeleton wall, if you really want to do this, this invasion will be fought until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse?

It will take at least a year for Lei Jiu and his party to return to help. This premise is based on the smooth interception of the Dragon Kingdom and Shushan. If something goes wrong...

So, we still have to rely on troops to build up!

However... given that there may be more energy launchers on the opposite side than they imagined, this wave of attack, portable energy defense devices, carry three times the previous amount!

Be careful sailing the ten thousand year ship, in case there are so many energy emission devices on the other side's city wall, it will be too late to regret it later.

In addition, the air force must also cooperate with the attack. From the previous situation, if you only rely on the ground force to break through this bone wall, who knows how long it will take and how much it will cost.

Of course, the Air Force also carries miniaturized portable energy defense devices, but with the type of link defense on the ground, the Air Force carries energy defense shields for individual soldiers.

After all, at a time when fire control methods are not advanced, it is relatively easy for energy weapons to shoot at slow targets on the ground. In the face of more flexible air units, it is difficult to guarantee the hit rate of a single shot, let alone a single shot.

Therefore, relatively, the individual soldier's energy defense shield is enough to meet the defense needs in most situations.

As for the individual unfortunate...let us sincerely mourn for him...

The coalition attacked the Bone Wall for the second time, with a larger scale and more super-level investment.

Since you have chosen to fight head-to-head, naturally you have to fight for a long time with the undead? As long as the brain is not broken, this option will be ignored.

The sound of fighting outside was loud, and the Great Wall of Haiphong was also busy.

In fact, the first wave of the coalition forces has just charged, and this side should use energy cannons to wash the ground before the undead revive.

It's just that the coalition's action was fairly quick, and the intelligence isolation was done well, so the three underwater monsters didn't find it immediately.

From receiving the report to deploying the soldiers of the Great Wall of Defense in Shanghai, although the efficiency of Huanghuang Island is not low in every aspect, when the enemy's first wave of charges, the availability rate of energy cannon operators is not even one tenth. , such a quantity cannot break the energy defense carried by the enemy at all, even if it is shot, it is meaningless.

The link-type energy defense device on the Great Wall of Haiphong is different. It does not require a large number of operators. One person can be responsible for the switch of a large area.

At this moment, the gunners are quickly taking their positions, and the various legions stationed nearby are also rushing in quickly. As for the further troops, the military aircraft department is also making nervous deployments, and a large number of sword-headed silver shuttleyans leave their respective areas with the empty island. The patrol area, rushed to the front line.

After the gunners were in place, the coalition army and the skeleton army had already fought in one place, but it was inconvenient to fire, otherwise the first to hit would definitely be the friendly army.

Right now, the only one who can let go of their hands and feet is the enemy's air force in the sky.

Although the hit rate is difficult to guarantee, even if a single energy cannon hits, it may not be able to break the opponent's energy shield, but if you fight together, you can always gain something.

As for the ground, before that white line of defense collapses, it is estimated that there will not be the target of the gunners.

When the reaction furnaces of the energy emission devices are running, the traces of scattered elements and energy make the entire Great Wall of Haiphong begin to show a certain degree of spectral distortion. Some experienced coalition veterans have already judged the opponent's attack target, "All Air force units, be careful to avoid!"

Buzz buzz!

A huge amount of high-energy fluctuations, roasted and heated, shook the air, and made a low hum. When the number of such humming is too large and converging into one, it becomes a humming roar.

Around the energy launcher, there is a special cooling and shock absorption device. The situation is As the target of the energy cannon, the coalition air force is not so comfortable.

Even if they dodged or resisted a shot, the chaotic and violently flowing air disturbed by high energy was still tearing at their wings, making it impossible for them to continue to control the direction, fly, and dodge normally.

The individual soldier energy shields they carry do not have cooling and shock absorption devices. What's more, in the air at this time, it is more necessary to smooth out the chaotic and disturbed airflow.

In fact, on the coalition side, no one has tried high-density energy weapons to accumulate and shoot, and the impact on the air force is only taken for granted that a flexible air force can fly freely only by carrying individual shields.

Huanghuang Island is different. At the beginning, they used a ten thousand angel battle formation in Paradise Mountain as a guinea pig.

Even a 10,000-strong Angel Legion with a full super-order and battle formations would have difficulty escaping from the air area that was shot by energy weapons.

Once the attack starts, the chaotic and violent air disturbance in the attacked area will be more terrifying than a relatively orderly tornado. Perhaps, only flying units above the peak of super-level Lv2 have the ability to forcibly escape from it.

If you can't escape, even if you can resist one or two shots, or even four or five shots, it's meaningless. In the end, you can't get rid of the fate of being bombed and killed.

In the original ten thousand angel battle formation, the survivors were indeed basically at the peak of Lv2.

At the beginning of the second round, the coalition forces paid a heavy price for lack of corresponding experience...

: . :

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