MTL - One Useless Rebirth-Chapter 90 Criminal brother and sister

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After finishing the work, He Bai and Di Qiuhe immediately returned to the country, one at the end of the school battle, a pre-publication of the busy "Xiantu" and the summer show and TV show.

Time to go to the beginning of July, just after He Bai bid farewell to the roommates ready to go back to the villa to live a summer vacation, the Internet suddenly broke out an explosive news - Di Bian's old disease has been hospitalized for half a month! It is said that soon after the death, I have already called the lawyer to set up a will, and I will pass all the property to my second son, Di Chasong!

He Bai looked at the news and looked at it. He couldn't help but lean over the seat of the driver's seat and looked at Xu Qing, who was driving. He asked, "I went back to China, there is no news outside. Expanding the new business, went to the field to go to the inspection in person, how is the hospitalization now? How did the news come out?"

"The investigation was a fake. Suddenly serious illness was true. The news was burst out by a tabloid reporter. The reporter photographed Dibian's lawyer entering the hospital. When he was suspicious, he kept the hospital for a few days and then broke the news. "Xu Qing keeps the speed of the car stable, explained in detail, "The emperor has recently been affected by the incident of Di Chunhua buying a murderer, the stock is somewhat unstable, and Qin Li put down the company affairs to concentrate on going abroad to rescue her daughter. Now In the emperor's capital, there is only one decision maker in Dibian. In the case of his sudden serious illness, in order to stabilize the company's situation, it is normal for the deputy director of the temporary duty to use the field investigation to cover the truth.

"I can understand these..." He Bai frowned and pulled the contents of the news and said, "I am wondering how Di Di suddenly became seriously ill, and the chance of this news bursting out will not be too coincidental, just happened. When the emperor spent the influence of the Di Chunhua incident, the situation was re-stabilized... "It’s just like someone is trying to prevent the emperor from being better, and deliberately picking this time to break the news."

"This news will not be the fall of the autumn crane..." He poked the phone screen, reasonably doubted. The breaking news on the Internet has been detailed in the details of the remains of Dibian. How to see how it is like the usual contradiction of the enemy.

Xu Qing must have shaken his head. "Absolutely not, Di Shao has never made such an order."

"... Is it really just a coincidence?" He Bai became more confused.

It’s not the autumn crane... Is it a grandfather? But if it is a grandfather, then Xu Qing should know that this is right... No, the focus now should be, is Dibian really seriously ill? If it is true, why did Dibian, who was healthy and healthy for the first time, be seriously ill now? Artificial? If it is a fake, what is Dibian doing this fake news for? Exploring Qin Li?

Qin Li hurried back from abroad, looking for an excuse to send away Wang lawyer and then went to the bed and looked at Dibian, who was always unconscious. He turned to slap and gave Di Xisong a slap, and was anxious and angry. Why are you so stupid! I am trying hard to plan for who! If you can't contact me, you won't be able to contact you, Zeng Shu! Why do you want to make a prescription for Dibian! I fight until now, so that you can have both hands. Clean and worry-free life! But why are you now... Why do you want to do it yourself! Say! Who gave you the medicine! What did you give him? What is it!"

"I, I don't know... I don't know!" Di Xisong, who was scared for half a month, was on the verge of collapse. He was too scared to look at the unconscious side of the bed, licking his face. Red and swollen palm prints, red eyes, low voice, "I don't want to do this! Why can't you call it! Why! You know, he knows! The lawyer Wang who just rushed out knows! You didn't find it. He sees our eyes very strange! In order not to let him see the flaws, I have to be like a fool in this time! Mom! Is it true that whenever you have a sister, you will ignore me, I am Your son is still your tool for calculating property! I was originally the second master of the imperial capital, just because of what you did-"


Qin Li took back her hand and looked at him with tears. Her body trembled and saddened. "You shut up... Shut up! Tools? You actually think that I just use you as a tool? Di Xisong, do you want to force me to die?" ......Is it..." Speaking soft on the ground, I finally couldn’t stand the continuous blow of this time, and I cried with a sullen face.

After busy for half a month, she couldn't sleep well, and she managed to do everything well. She secretly placed her daughter in the hospital that Zeng Peizhong arranged. The result was not waiting for her to catch her breath, but she actually received news that her son had harmed Dibian. She is just a woman, a woman who has nothing to do with nothing. My father is seriously ill in bed, and her daughter has entered the mental hospital in order to hide her head. Now the only healthy and untainted son is... too tired, this life is too tired. .

The always strong and courageous mother suddenly collapsed and wept. Dishasson’s impulsive mood was slightly retreat. Without a moment, she kneel down and held her shoulder. He clumsied and comforted. "Mom, don’t cry, I am wrong, I am wrong. You don't cry, sorry, don't you cry..." He couldn't help but blink, hugged her and cried, and vented the panic and helplessness that had accumulated in my heart during this time.

The two men were crying sadly. During the period, the doctor came in to check the room. They saw that they were worried about Dibian. Although they have not found out the reason why Dibian was unconscious, they still tried to comfort them. Shake his head and go.

After leaving the doctor, Qin Li and Di Xisong both calmed down. Qin Li went to the bathroom and washed her face to make up the makeup. Then she went to the bed and pushed Dibian a few times to see him as unresponsive as a dead pig. Slightly frowning, went to the sofa and sat down, looking at the corner of the sofa, dare not look at Dibian's Di Xisong, Wen Sheng asked, "Xia Song, during the time I left, the family happened in the end What?"

Di Chasson moved to her side and held her hand, as if she had found courage, said the conversation she heard that day in detail, and then emphasized that she couldn’t contact her and Zeng Peizhong’s anxious worry, and finally said Go to the villa maid's conversation and his decision.

"What dialogue, you make it clear." Qin Li appeased his hand in the back, sifted through the background of the identity of the house servant in his mind, did not figure out who was suspicious.

Di Xisong glanced at her, and it was hard to calm down. He whispered, "Then tell me why I should turn off the phone, and there is Zeng Peizhong, is he cheating us, or how to contact him when he uses him?" Going to someone else."

"Don't say that you were Uncle, he is now wholeheartedly for our mother and child three!" Qin Li took a shot of his hand, saw his dissatisfaction, busy easing his expression, rubbing his hand, explained, "Spring The crime committed by China is a very serious fault in foreign countries. The only way to get rid of the crime is to identify the mental situation and get rid of the disease. At first I was worried... so I didn’t dare to use this method. Later, you still have a way to contact a familiar person. The hospital, I managed everything and took your sister out. But in order to get through the police, Chunhua had to stay in the hospital for a while. She was very scared. I stayed with her for a few days and confirmed the conditions of the hospital. Just because the hospital has to shield the signal for special reasons, only fixed places can access the Internet and contact with the outside world. You can't contact me because of this."

"The hospital that can't communicate with the outside world? What is the difference between this and jail." Di Xisong felt that something was wrong, but before he continued to question, Qin Li gave him a warning and blocked his words.

"Of course there is a difference! The hospital environment is very good. Some celebrities who are in poor health need to live there. The patients live in single-family villas, and there is a whole professional medical team looking at them, serving them very carefully. But just living For a while, I haven’t lived for a long time. You have never really treated you and Chunhua as your own child. Otherwise, why bother with it, don’t question it.” Qin Li explained, suddenly sighed and sighed. With a touch of emotion and embarrassment in the eyes, "You have been unhappy for Chunhua, and the poor body is getting worse. It has been comatose a few days ago. I am in contact with the assistant. You can't contact him probably because of this. His life is not much. If it wasn't for you, I used to walk with him for the last time."

Di Chasson’s eyes lit up and I was expecting to ask, “The last paragraph? Mom, you mean, he is going to...”

"Don't talk nonsense!" Qin Li interrupted his words, raised his hand and pulled his hair, and patted his hand, and analyzed it with him. "In short, in this case, some things are not discovered by Dibian. Anyway, you are about to close the net. You are too young and anxious. The Zhonglian Century is now the life-saving bodhisattva of the emperor. Even if Dibian knows the truth, he will not dare to do so. Moreover, he still has a handle in my hand. You are his pro-son... You, he wants to chase you away, you go, go straight to find you, Zeng Shu is, then when you close the net, whatever he wants, the emperor is still yours, You don't have to deal with him at all. Xia Song, you will be in charge of the two big companies in the future, but you can't be so anxious, you have to learn everything, mother and sister have to rely on you in the future. ""

When she said this, Di Xiasong immediately felt that he was open-minded, and he felt that he was too shameful to do things before he was flustered. He was busy patted his chest and promised, "Mom, you are relieved, I am already grown up, and I will become more and more in the future." Ok, make sure you and your sister have a comfortable day."

"Hey, this is the mother's good son." Qin Li touched his face with relief, and his face reappeared with a smile.

The two mothers, the filial piety, looked forward to a bright future. After a while, they remembered the business and continued to communicate.

"So what servant is breaking the mouth, what do you want to give to Dibian?" Qin Li frowned and asked, as if to prepare the two murdered servants out of the corpse.

Di Xisong also got angry and felt that he was fooled. He completely forgot the medicine he had stolen on his own initiative. He replied indignantly. "It is not the servant of Di Zhai. It was a decade ago to do Dizhai." The two sons of the old servant who had gone through the trouble, they came to help the mother to find friends, but did not find it. The kitchen king looked at them poorly and let them stay overnight. I listened to their conversation, and the medicine was theirs. They said that in their village, the daughter-in-law of a household is a stupid mother-in-law who uses this medicine to be stupid. It will not kill people, and no one will find out. I will..."

After Qin Li listened to her frown, she immediately found out that it was wrong. He grabbed his hand and asked, "You mean, you happened to hear the conversation of a pair of old maids who came to find relatives, and they happened to hear the king." The lawyer and Dibian’s conversation, in the end, coincidentally got the medicines brought by the two old servants’ descendants? All happened to be?”

"Yes, yes, it is a coincidence..." Di Xisong couldn't answer, suddenly realized what he was, his face became pale, and he said, "Mom, am I a drill? OK, OK..."

What Qin Li thought of, violently looked up at Dibian on the hospital bed, then got up and pulled up Di Xisong and pushed him out. "You go, go to D District to find Zeng Peizhong, he will protect you, go!"

Di Xisong began to panic. "Mom, Mom, what's wrong, don't scare me, what the **** is going on? I..."

"Don't ask, you leave this first, and then I will go after the D zone."


The ward door was suddenly pushed open. Wang lawyer walked in with a few policemen and pointed out, "He is Di Xia Song, and the medicine is under him."

The police did not say that they were arrested.

Qin Li stunned for a moment, seeing the police directly took out his hand and grabbed Di Xisong. When he pressed the person, he would go out and rush to stop and scream. "What are you doing! Let go of him! Let go of my son!" He didn't do anything! Let me go!"

"Ms. Qin." The police forced her to open and said with impatience. "The police have found the two peasants who have lost the poison. Now the evidence is on, please don't stop the case."

"Not me! Let me go! I don't want to wear this! Let me go!" Di Xisong struggled again and again, twisting his head and trying to ask Qin Li for help. His eyes swept over Wang, who stood on one side, and his mind flashed. Speaking, "Is it right? You led me to eavesdrop on the conversation! It is you! Whose command did you accept? Is it Dibian! Is it that he harms me!"

Lawyer Wang squinted at him and glanced at him. "The chairman is still lying in bed and he is unconscious. He doesn't even know what poison is in the middle. Who is it? Who told you, though, during the police investigation. In order to avoid stunned snakes, I did not separate you and the chairman of the board, but for the sake of insurance, this ward is equipped with a camera. Think about your performance in the ward for half a month! What is the good deny in front of the evidence? After reading it, I took a look at Qin Li and looked away from it.

The police dragged the struggling Di Xisong to leave. Qin Li chased two steps and did not catch up. The distorted side looked at Wang’s lawyer who stayed in the ward and did not follow the police. He gnashed his teeth. "Wang! I don't care. This time you were instructed by someone who ran to harm my son. If something happened to Xia Song, I want you and Dibian not to die!" After talking about hate, look at Dibian, who is still unconscious in the hospital bed. I also looked around in a ward where I didn't know where the camera was installed, and stepped on the heavy steps.

In the evening, after obtaining a poison sample and doing some treatment, Dibian, who had been in a coma for half a month, finally woke up. At the same time, Di Xisong’s news of being arrested for murdering his father was on Weibo’s headlines, and he saw a white face.

What the hell? Did Di Chasong steal an unidentified wildlife venom from two old farmers to Di Di? The purpose is to kill Dibian and inherit the inheritance of Dibian in advance?

What is the story of this dog blood? Is it serious for reporters to write this way? Now Dibian was eaten to death by Qin Li. Is Di Xisong crazy, burying himself to get this out?

"What are you looking at?" Di Qiuhe suddenly appeared, bent over and hugged him from behind, kissed his cheek on the side, and then rubbed the potato chip residue on his mouth, and asked with a smile, "again Did you eat snacks? Did you say that I have to wait for me to come back to eat?"

He Bai returned to God, some embarrassed wiped his mouth, and also kissed him one by one, and asked happily, "Is it finished with Lin Mo? Is the schedule scheduled to open?"

"The arrangement was opened. I recorded a batch of videos in advance to give them a publicity. At that time, I would also take time to do a live connection." Di Qiuhe replied, sitting around the sofa and touching him. The stomach, then dissatisfied, patted it gently. "I don’t see fat every day, I don’t want to eat snacks any more, I will eat more."

He Bai rolled his eyes and pulled his hand out. "I said that I can't eat fat. Right, have you seen the online news? Di Xisong was arrested. Dibian is not seriously ill. In fact, he was taken medicine. It is said that he was taken medicine. The poison in him contains nerve numbness and may poison his brain."

"Look, if the poison is broken, it will be poisoned. The emperor will also fall down anyway. Even if he is cured and healthy, he will not be able to return to his chairman." Di Qiuhe answered plainly. I took the tablet in his hand and put it aside, picked him up and kissed him, and said with a smile, "Go, no matter what the bad things, eat first, I bought you a snack."

He Bai actually has some other things to be curious to ask, but see that he does not want to mention these things for the time being, intimately swallowing the problem, and deliberately said as he walked to the restaurant. "Who just said that I would not allow me to eat snacks again?" You are desperately trying to buy food at home, but you are not allowed to eat, conscience?"

"Conscience was smashed by a greedy puppy." Di Qiuhe poked his face, and his mood looked pretty good. He suddenly lifted his arm and hugged him up. He said that he was satisfied. "In fact, it is still a bit heavy. Come on and continue to eat."

He Bai was so angry that he licked his hair, then pinched his nose and disliked it. "It is obviously that you are neglecting exercise and your strength is getting smaller."

Di Qiuhe looked at him deeply and didn't talk. He decided to wait for the night to prove his strength.

Three days later, the Zhonglian Century, which worked closely with the emperor, suddenly declared bankruptcy, which caused the capital chain of the emperor to break directly. The stock fell and quickly reached the edge of bankruptcy. After listening to the loss of Dibian, his condition worsened and he fell into a coma again.

On the Internet, the people who watched the melons looked at this father and son's disintegration drama, and ridiculed the detained Di Shasong and Di Chunhua who escaped legal sanctions using mental illness as "criminal brothers and sisters" and mocked whether Di Chauxon would He also learned his sister to come to a spiritual appraisal and to smear the crime of murdering his father.

In response to netizens’ guesses, Dibian’s private lawyer, Wang, suddenly issued a statement, posting all the medical reports of Di Xisong from small to large, and said that in order to prevent Di Chasong’s “bursty” mental illness, he Already applied for the neutral agency to immediately identify the physical health of Di Chasong.

The netizens are happy to take pictures, which means that they are really good at a big show. The father and son can turn their heads into a hatred. This is a lot of blood. The oh, no, the emperor is going to die, and the giants are not up.

Zone D.

Qin Li smashed the tablet to the ground, slammed the sofa with force, and then crashed and slammed onto the arm of the sofa and cried.

Zeng Peizhong, who became more and more sorrowful, leaned against the sick body and gently patted her back and comforted. "Xiao Li, don't be sad, those people on the Internet are not too big to watch the bustle. There is nothing to look at. You can rest assured, The emperor is definitely finished this time. Dibian’s body is affected by toxins. It’s definitely not good for the rest of his life. After a few years, the wind has passed, will fish out Xia Song and send him to study abroad. Something, then he was just twenty-seven years old. It’s a good time to do business. If you don’t delay, don’t be upset.”

"But I am not willing, why should my child carry the label of murderer and mental illness? Why?" Qin Li suddenly took the initiative to hug him and choked. "Peizhong, this must be the retribution that God gave me, retribution." I didn't have a good time for you, I was sorry, I am sorry, you are not good, you have to be good, you must be good, now I can only rely on you."

Zeng Peizhong’s eyes flashed a bit of disgust, but his tone was still mild, and he still had a sad regret. He sighed while appeasing her. “I don’t want to... Don’t cry, you laugh best, I like to watch you laugh. Look like."

"Everyone is old, and there is nothing to look good..." Qin Li seemed to be comforted by him. He gradually stopped crying, loosened his face and arranged his crying face, and took the initiative to help him kick his legs. Quietly asked, "How is the situation in the past few days, what does the doctor say, is it still hurting?"

"When you are with you, where will hurt, don't listen to the doctor's nonsense." Zeng Peizhong looked at her with tenderness and full of happiness.

Qin Li shyly bowed her head and pulled her hair. She said a few words of common words with him, then slowly shifted the subject, and finally hesitated, "Pei Zhong, Xia Song’s incident happened too embarrassing. The character, even if he wants to avenge me, he will not make fun of his own life. I always feel that there are other people behind this thing who are counting our mother and child... I am afraid, waiting for you to go, I will go with you. Well, without you, Xia Song is in prison, I am afraid that I will not be able to wait for the reunion with Xia Song to be killed by the wolf hiding in the dark."

"Don't talk nonsense, there is me, no one wants to harm you!" Zeng Peizhong interrupted her words, touched her face and advised him. "You can't say this stupidity in the future. You are still young, and you still have a long life." Don't be afraid, no matter who is hiding in the dark, I will help you pick them up and clean them up. You can live your peace of mind and don't think about it."

Qin Li moved to look at him, once again plunged into his arms, moved to call his name.

Zeng Peizhong had a low voice and slowly mocked the expression in the place she could not see. "Xiao Li, do you think this time is hurting you and Xia Song, is there any object of doubt?"

Qin Li, who couldn't see his expression, had no idea, and he had a sullen expression and gritted his teeth. "It must be Di Qiuhe! He has long seen that our mother and son are not pleasing to the eye! This must be him! That lawyer Wang and He has dealt with my father together, they must have been colluding together, wild seeds are wild species, they like to hide in dark places to do bad things!"

"Die Qiuhe?" Zeng Peizhong smiled and looked down at her neck skin, her eyes slid slowly like a knife. It seemed to be the best place to consider where to cut the knife. Slowly, she replied, "It turned out to be the yellow-haired boy. You are at ease, I am trying to give you a way out..." Actually, I moved my attention to the future umbrella of his daughter. This Qin Li’s heart is getting bigger and bigger.

The branch office of Huangdu began to close down one after another. Every day, the news that the industry of the emperor's industry was closed or the employees went on strike broke out, and bankruptcy was in sight.

In mid-July, when He Bai and Di Qiuhe arranged their domestic affairs and prepared to go abroad to start V&G work, Wang suddenly found the door and asked Di Qiu to ask Di Qiuhe to go to the hospital and Dibian to see the side. .

"I thought you had left with money." Di Qiuhe put the tea in front of him, and his attitude was still a gentle opening - he had learned from Hu Zhao that Wang had been bought by Fan Da.

Lawyer Wang glanced at the tablet while playing the tablet next to Di Qiuhe. He did not participate in the conversation but did not leave He Bai. He took a look at this villa living room full of family atmosphere. He was faintly aware of what he was doing and was busy converging his emotions. Honestly, "I have been doing things for the emperor for decades. Although I have not been able to hold on to the principle, I have always done this. It is to make my career in the capital perfect. Let's stop."

Di Qiuhe’s answer to him was unquestionable. He asked, “This time Di Di asked you to come over and look for me. What is the purpose?”

Lawyer Wang shook his head. "I don't know. He has been in a coma for a long time. People are a bit confused. They only want to see you, but they don't say why."

The summer sun is very strong in the afternoon, but the villa is very comfortable. Di Qiuhe suddenly remembered this time last year, he seems to have just separated from the father and son relationship with Dibian, and went to the border province alone to fight for a future without knowing the future.

Now, he has already got it, and there is a home.

"Let's see you." He said quietly, reaching out and rubbing his hair as he looked up. He looked at him gently and smiled. "Just give the father and son a full stop."

He Bai looked at his face with a smile, his nervous nerves relaxed, and he pulled his hand without a good breath and continued to play a small game.

Di Qiuhe turned to pinch his foot on the sofa, and smiled and smiled after being smashed.

Mr. Wang looked at the interaction of the two relatives, and his eyes stopped on the eyes of Di Qiuheman, who was full of love and joy. He put down the teacup and got up and said goodbye.

One day later, Di Qiuhe came to the hospital alone, pushed the door of the ward, looked at the window and turned his back to the door, sat in a wheelchair and looked at Dibian outside the window, stepped in and asked, "What do you want to say?" Let's talk."

The person in the wheelchair moved, and the hand was turned into the wheelchair and turned slowly. Looking at the cold face, but dazzling and confident Di Qiuhe, suddenly a stream of tears came out, and the voice was dumb. "Autumn Crane, you are finally willing to come see me."

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