MTL - One Useless Rebirth-Chapter 71 Rubbing wipe

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“Do you need to postpone the restaurant reservation at night?” Seeing him frown, Wang Boyi went to intimately.

"No." Di Qiuhe shook his head and thought about adding, "If I can't finish the job, you can let the restaurant pack a signature dish and send it to Xiaobai, lest he be alone at home. eat."

Wang Boyi nodded and understood that he was just about to turn around and give him some tea to come in. The phone rang and looked down. It was actually that Dibian, who had not contacted him for a long time, called him.

He stopped and reached the phone in front of Di Qiuhe.

Di Qiuhe looked sideways, his face relaxed and warm, and his expression faded. "He should want to inquire about my recent situation from you, and test my attitude. You answer the phone and open the public. ""

Wang Boyi took back the phone and connected the phone and chose the public release.

"Xiao Wang, Qiu He is not with you?" Dibian's voice immediately passed, and his attitude was very harmonious, completely different from the previous order.

Di Qiuhe leaned back into the sofa and picked up a magazine and opened it, ready to listen to the play.

Wang Boyi saw him very interesting and sat diagonally opposite him. He put up a posture with Dibian’s long talk and replied, “There are work today, big and young, now busy, not with me. Boss, what do you have to tell?”

Dibian was very satisfied with his respectfulness and his tone became more moderate. He continued to ask, "What kind of work did Qiuhe take, is it related to Fanda? How is his attitude towards you during this time? Didn't you avoid you or stare at you? And there is an assistant, she recently contacted Qin Li?"

Di Qiuhe hooked his lips and his face was a bit cold.

Wang Boyi glanced at him and replied, "No, the big and the young trust me very much, and I have never avoided me. The work of the big and the small today is to shoot endorsement advertisements, and it has nothing to do with Fan Da. The assistant is very honest recently. What makes people doubtful."

"This way..." Dibian responded casually, his tone suddenly changed, and asked sharply. "Since Qiuhe has never avoided you, why did you not tell me in advance about the return of Fanda? Hu Zhaowei Di has been working for decades, and finally I can become a fan of Fanda. You have been working for me for a few years. How can I trust you?"

Wang Boyi was shocked and looked at Di Qiuhe.

Di Qiuhe flipped through the magazine's movements and glanced at Wang Boyi's mobile phone screen. He paused for a few seconds, retracted his eyes and waved his hand, indicating that Wang Boyi was free to play. It didn't matter if he was dismantled. Nothing is called.

After receiving his signal, Wang Boyi was relieved of his feelings. He remembered the other party’s account when he was handed over to Shao Shaofeng for a while, and his brain turned around. It’s difficult to return. “Boss, I don’t know until this time. What is the name of the mother of the young and the young, and you have no instructions in this regard, so it is inevitable that some of the sloppy... and as far as I observe this time, the young and the young have not filmed in the border provinces in the past two months, or filmed abroad. There is no time or opportunity to contact others. The mobile phone has been kept here. I really didn't find anything wrong, so I speculated that before Fan Da and Da Shao may have no contact at all, he should secretly observe it. Big and small for a long time."

The fierce rebuttal is suspicious, the appropriate push pot has a miraculous effect, and finally ends with a speculation that can interfere with the other party's thinking, the other party will certainly be biased - the criminal, the military division, Shao Feng said.

There was a quiet moment there, it seemed to be thinking about his words, and then I no longer struggled with the question of trust and distrust. I confirmed, "Do you mean that Van Da has not met with Qiu He?"

Hearing his easing of attitude, Wang Boyi sighed in his heart and replied, "At least I haven't seen it before the big city returned to B. After returning to B city, I understand that I followed him for a long time and was too tired. I gave it to me. One week's leave, I took the work these two days before I came back. During the week of my holiday, the big and the young may have had contact with Fanda."

Di Bian counted the time when Fanda took over Daze, and he had a plan in his heart. He asked, "Is there any strange things in the autumn of the autumn, such as sudden contact with lawyers and professional managers? ?"

Is this suspected that the big and the small get a lot of property from Van Daa?

Wang Boyi took a look at Di Qiuhe, who was still idle and flipped through the magazine. He thought about it and replied, "No, there is only one driver around the big and small... Boss, I think Fanda seems to be my assistant to me." I’ve been prepared to follow the big and young people before, and I’m going to let the young and the big raise my own people.”

Dibian frowned, remembered Fanda's warning, and finally couldn't sit still. He confessed to Wang Boyi and hang up the phone and hurried out the door.

Wang Boyi put away his mobile phone and looked at Di Qiuhe.

"An assistant should also receive a call from Dibian or Qin Li." Di Qiuhe put down the magazine, ordered a magazine cover, and told him, "You go to the assistant's side and stare, don't let her talk." ”

Wang Boyi nodded and got up and went out to call the assistant.

Di Di's disgusting meal, Di Qiuhe's mood became a bit poor, I really want to hug my own puppy to heal, look at the time, more and more dissatisfied with the late photographer.

Ming knows that there are many people traveling in the B city on weekends, and there will be traffic jams in all likelihood. Why not go out early? It’s true that there is no professional ethics. It’s like his puppies. Every job is in advance and never let other staff wait.

Thinking this way, he couldn't help but take the phone out and flipped the number of He Bai.

At this point, the puppy should have woken up...

When the finger just pressed the dial button, the familiar phone ringing was faintly passed in from the outside through the door panel.

He glanced at the door and lowered his head again.

It should be coincidental that this kind of ringtone is still very popular.


The phone was hung up and the ringing of the door stopped. He jumped in his heart and looked at the door. He stopped for a few seconds. He didn’t hear the knocking of the door. He smiled and shook his head and stuffed his phone back into his pocket. The puppy got up very hard and actually pressed his phone directly.

Outside the door, He Bai muted the phone, thought about it, took back the knocking hand, turned and went downstairs to pick up a staff member, let him inform the person in charge to ask the model to change clothes, the shooting preparation began, and he Then sneak and Dada will communicate with the staff who are lighting up.

It was not long before Di Qiuhe had just put away the mobile phone. The staff came over to inform him that the photographer had arrived. The shooting can be started at any time. Please go to the locker room to change clothes and make up the makeup. He took a look at the time and saw that the photographer was not too late for a long time, and he got up and went to the locker room with the staff.

After half an hour, everything was ready. Di Qiuhe came to the scene of the villa hall with the guidance of the staff. The watch that took the endorsement was put on, and the head was lowered to let the makeup artist help him according to the current light effect. Make the final makeup adjustment.

"The watch is good." A familiar voice suddenly sounded behind the back, then the wrist was tight, the hand was grabbed backwards, the palm was scratched, and the sound was closer, with a smile, warm The breath is sprayed on the neck. "It is a person who has lost a point and is not worthy of a watch from Junjie."

Di Qiuhe's body was reflexive, and he didn't dare to look back at the moment. He wondered if he had an illusion because he missed it too much.

The staff members are all cattle owners. They know that He Bai and his boss have a good relationship. He also knows that He Bai and Di Qiuhe are brothers and brothers. The relationship is good. Seeing that He Bai suddenly came out and "attacked" Di Qiuhe, Di Di Qiu He got rid of it, and smiled in good faith. He didn't keep looking at them. The person in charge who helped Di Bai with Di Qiuhe changed the stability and calmness in front of Di Qiuhe, and took a photo with a smile.

Young people just have energy. After work, they don’t forget to make some small surprises with their friends. It’s not bad.

Di Qiuhe was returned to God by the laughter of the staff, and he did not hesitate to hold back He Bai’s hand, and the courtesy prevented the makeup artist from continuing to make up the makeup. He turned to look behind him and paused to suppress his emotions. I asked, "How are you here? Are you coming with me?"

"No." He Bai pumped back his hand and lifted the camera on his chest. Slowly, "I came to work to make money."

Di Qiuhe heard a sigh of relief and wanted to reach out and grab him. He wanted to ask him what was going on.

He Bai’s eye quickly stopped his hand, bowed his head and looked at the watch carefully, raising his voice and saying, “This watch looks more elegant. I almost know how to shoot it. Ok, everyone, everyone, put the floor-to-ceiling window out. Prepare for the light."

The staff members responded with a sigh of relief, and each of them dissipated. The makeup artist who had been stopped by Di Qiuhe saw that they had to start work, and they wandered around to help Di Qiuhe complete the final makeup and laugh at the two. Laughing, carrying the cosmetic case and retiring to other staff members.

In the twinkling of an eye, there was no one around them. He Bai raised his hand and bounced his forehead by helping Di Qiuhe to sort out the bangs. He whispered, "Is the assistant Wang said that someone is very dissatisfied with my lateness? ”

Prompt to this, Di Qiuhe no longer understands that He Bai is now out of trouble, he is stupid, and suddenly he is happy and helpless.

"Little white..." He raised his hand and touched his forehead, looking at him with a good eye, his mouth was not tilted, his heart was rolling to the end, and a thousand words became only one sentence, "I am very happy."

"Don't be happy to try, and who asked me to call my name?" He Bai raised his eyebrows and smiled and gave him a look. "In the workplace, please call me Mr. He or Teacher He, so many people look at it. The gentle and amiable Mr. Di can pay attention to it, don’t break down."

Di Qiuhe was stunned by his eyes. He wanted to hold him in his arms. But because there were too many onlookers, he couldn’t do it, so he was only slightly sticky, and his face was gentle. I can laugh, and I can't talk in the mouth. "Mr. He, I haven't had time to put in the washing pants in the morning. I haven't had time to put it in the washing machine. The things on the top are put on for a day. Can you say that you can't wash it?" ”

He Bai deliberately smirked a smirk, glanced at him, thought of something, and laughed again, shouting, "Look at how I will clean you up." After that, he no longer talks with him, and walked two steps away. , signaling the light up to the front.

The watch commercials were mostly shot in close-ups. He Bai raised his camera and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. He was dressed in a smoke-gray suit and handsomely bubbling Di Qiuhe. He slowly adjusted the aperture, pushed the lens, and suddenly raised his voice and shouted, "Autumn Crane How about going to the hot springs together at night?"

Looking at him with a gentle smile, Di Qiuhe, who looked at his debugging lens, heard a moment, his eyes changed instantly, and there was some invisibility, and the body resting relaxed stood up straight.


"The posture is just very good, the state is good, keep it."

He Bai suddenly entered the state, gestured to concentrate on the light, and then changed the position, watching the line of sight as he moved, the body leaned back to the wall of Di Qiuhe, the corner of the mouth slightly hooked, suddenly raised his hand to unlock himself Buttons on the neckline of the shirt, licking your own throat and saying, "Autumn crane, how do you have a red mark on your neck, is it bitten by insects?"

Di Qiuhe already understood that he was being played by his hot springs, but his eyes couldn’t help but drop his hand on his neck, his eyes were deep, and he remembered the intimacy of the two before going to bed last night. Looking up and touching the neck, the lips are meaningfully long. "Yes, it was bitten by a white worm."


He white pressed the shutter, moved the camera, gave him a faint look, let the lighter change his position, and then looked at Di Qiuhe. "The coat is too light, and it will cover the fine reflection of the watch dial under the light. , take off, put the shirt sleeves up."

Di Qiuhe was in a good mood, and he probably understood the routine he took today. He flashed a smile in his eyes. He took off his coat and watched his eyes fall on the camera. He slowly untied his shirt cuffs and reached for his watch. The sleeves on the other side are slowly pulling up.

Wipe and rub.

He Bai pressed the shutter and snorted in his heart.

Spicy chicken, how to play this trick is a bit thorough.

First unbuttoned the cuffs, then the neckline, and then the hair was also caught, and finally Di Qiuhe simply sat on the ground, leaning sideways on the floor-to-ceiling windows, wearing the watch's hand and holding his knees at random, 眯Looking at the camera, a trace of evil is slightly revealed, so handsome that people can not fit their legs.

"The legs are closed, so the composition of the composition will be a bit messy." He Bai took two close-ups of the watch and then stepped forward to help him adjust his posture. The hand "inadvertently" touched his thigh and leaned over and held his waist. He adjusted his posture, leaning on his side, and quickly sighed at his ear.

Di Qiuhe’s expression changed rapidly, and he wanted to hug him when he reached out.

Hebai leaned back and raised the camera.


The autumn wrist of Di Qiuhe was just in the mirror, and the icy reflection on the dial reflected his aggressive eyesight, pulling a kind of attractive attraction.

Onlookers Wang Boyi rushed out of the brain, and Di Shaohe and Mr. He did not hide some of them. Although the two did not make any intimate moves, the eyes of the eyes will be doubtful.

Staff A holds his face: "Mr. He is very good, I will really catch it."

Staff B blushes: "Mr. Di is also a professional, so quickly with the teacher He expressed the feeling that this commercial wanted."

Other onlookers: "The two teachers are good friends, so they are very good."

Wang Boyi: "..." The employees of the cattle family seem to be embarrassed.

"The station that illuminates this, highlighting his half-side face." He Bai teased a Di Qiuhe and then retreated quickly, greeted the staff who went to the light.

Di Qiuhe clenched his fists and suppressed his voice. "Little white..."

"Hands come over a little, revealing the watch." He Bai retired two steps and told him to smile purely. "Let's hurry up and take a quick meal at night, understand?"

Di Qiuhe looked sideways at the window, inhaled and adjusted the state.


The shutter suddenly sounded and he looked at it.

It was another rub.

"Well, this set of photos is finished, replace it." He Bai put down the camera, greeted the staff to come and bring Di Qiuhe to replace a suit, and he went to the sofa on the side to sit down and looked at the camera. The photos in the picture, even the eyes did not even give Di Qiuhe a.

Di Qiuhe: "..." In the heart of the puppy, what is important in his work?

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