MTL - One Useless Rebirth-Chapter 52 Fan price

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Hua Ding?

He Bai frowned, he remembered that the company name established by Di Qiuhe in the previous life was Hua Ding, and the development momentum was super-sufficient. It took only ten years to squeeze the emperor into the position of the boss of the mainland entertainment company, and the offensive was rapid. But he vaguely remembered that the Chinese tripod under the name of Di Qiuhe was not established so early... Or is this Huading not the other? Or is he remembering something wrong?

With these doubts and guesses, he gave priority to the second push message and quickly browsed it again.

He didn't know much about the stock market. The content of the push information was relatively simple and scattered. After reading it, he summed up two pieces of information: there was a big divestment from the emperor, and the emperor decided to lose the real estate in the province of C. The project was defeated by the feathers, and the losses were heavy; there were many big amnesties to invest in Huading, and then the real estate project in the province was won by Hua Ding, a small company that was not known.

There have been thousands of comments under this push message, and netizens have heatedly discussed it, and soon combined this news with the news that Dibian is about to divorce.

Netizen 1: If you don't understand, don't join in the fun. The stock market crash of the emperor is not only because of the decision-making failure and divestment. The biggest problem is that Qin Jiaran also secretly inserted a foot in the real estate project of the province, and the emperor. They are all standing opposite. The Emperor and Qin Jiaben are one family. Now they are suddenly competing. The dangerous signal that they are going to be dismantled has made the big brothers uneasy, so they have this today. That Huading was a fortune when the fortune was secretly split in the family, and the fishermen benefited.

Netizen 2: Upstairs is also half a bucket of water sloshing, can not see the situation. Although Huading Company is small, it has developed very steadily. Nowadays, Huading suddenly has a large amount of capital injection. It is obviously being looked at by a big eye, and it is going to skyrocket. One is divested, one is capitalized; one loses the project, one gets the project; one family relationship is a mess, and it is also split with the family that has been tied for many years, a low-key and stable development. This strong contrast, pigs know how to choose.

Netizen 3: You have missed a problem, and Dibian has three children. The third child is a daughter, and it is very likely that he is not his; the second son is a wife who gave him a cuckold, and there is still half of the blood of the Qin family in his body. His age is small. I don’t know if he will become the emperor and Qin in the future. The sandwich panel of the family is really unbelievable to him; the most reliable and most capable boss seems to have been forced to leave the imperial capital by Qin, but now he does not know what was forced. , actually gave up the right to inherit the emperor directly, and draw a line with Di. The three heirs, one may not be surnamed Di, one is not necessarily talented, one is capable but forced to leave, it is said that Dibian is now sick and hospitalized, the company is under the charge of the deputy director. The old helm is already in a hurry, but the heir has not yet stood up, so a company that does not see the future, it is not chaotic?

Netizen 4: All the upstairs are right. I just want to know who is the big man who has withdrawn from the capital. This is too witty. There is also, who is the person who invested in Huading, and it is not reliable.

Netizen 5: reliable, internal news, this time more than one company invested in Huading, the amount is terrible, it is like a pie in the sky, dying.

The discussion of netizens here is still sensible, and the comments under the other push news have already been blown up. The paintings are almost as hot as the eyes of He Bai.

Netizen one: ugly eight strange net red and come to the heat! Come and marry her!

Netizen 2: Divorce? I heard that the chairman of the emperor, Di Bian, is now a junior in the third place. Now that the third is overturned, is it a small four?

Netizen three: I am distressed by my family's autumn and autumn stalls, such a sly and stepmother, oh no, my family has not had such an eccentric eye and a vicious moth after the autumn and fall, joy, excitement, and flowers to celebrate!

Netizen 4: Hahahaha, Di Chunhua, the monk is not a kind of Dibian, hahahaha, think of the spectrum of the emperor Miss Xiao, who she had placed in school before, I really want to laugh. Those scums who want to enter the emperor's star, do you have a pain in your face? Does it hurt? Hahahaha.

Netizen 5: Is the network red? This broke the news of the photos taken by the hospital. It is true that in all likelihood, people have no rumors, and how horrible is it. Also, is it only me who is curious about why Dibian and Di Chunhua are hospitalized at the same time?

Netizen 6: I am a hospital care worker, secretly breaking the news. Dibian was hospitalized that night. He was not sick. He was pushed down the stairs. As for the suspect... another person lying in the hospital, you know Wild species can't believe what their own life dog jumps on. I am now super sympathetic to Di Qiuhe. As the original married son, he is a serious young master of Dijia, but he is not pleased with his labor and hard work. He is not as good as a wild species in Dibian’s heart. He should be completely disheartened when he leaves this time. Poor.


The comment turned over here, and He Bai can already be quite sure. There are absolutely water soldiers in the netizens who don’t sleep in the middle of the night. Judging from the winds of their comments, this water army is mostly on the side of Di Qiuhe... Di spicy chicken is very clever, knowing to control the direction of public opinion in advance.

He put a little bit of snacks, and he was sleepy, and he pressed his phone and closed his eyes.

Those who have not done anything are sleeping asleep safely, and those who have ghosts in their hearts are still worrying about the company's affairs in the middle of the night.

"What is going on! Why did Ozawa withdraw funds? This investment company has been a money bag of the emperor since my father's time! The Qin family should not divest the capital!" Dibian leaned back in bed After the emotional excitement, I raised my hand and rubbed my forehead, and my face became pale.

Mr. Wang was busy pressing the ringing bell on the bed and went forward to persuade him. "The chairman of the board, don't be excited, the body is tight. The company has sent people to talk to the person in charge of Osawa. We suspect that the withdrawal of Osawa should be with the emperor. It must be related to the separation of the Qin family. As long as we can clearly explain that the separation between the Emperor and the Qin family is mild and does not damage oneself, Daze should change his mind."

Dibian heard that the mood had finally stabilized, and let go of his hand and frowned. "I hope so... What is the Huading?"

"A small company, just a few years after its establishment, is very inconspicuous. This time it should be just a leak." Mr. Wang said that Liu’s deputy director had told him the guesswork, pinching a document that had just arrived, and he looked hesitant. .

Dibian saw his face sink and asked, "What else is it? Is the Qin family asking for it again? Tell them they have no door!"

"No." Wang looked at his face and whispered back. "It’s big and small... He sent a lawyer to come back and retired all the RV and money that you had given him before. There was no point, no point. Leak, all over."

Dibian fiercely tightened the quilt, his expression changed a little, his eyes were remorseful and other emotions flashed, and finally he was pressed down, and he closed his eyes and said, "Autumn crane is soft, this time it is just temper, nothing, I will marry him later."

Lawyer Wang looked at him with a certain look and sighed in his heart. The big and the poor have gone so far this way, and it seems like a temper. The chairman of the board of directors has done too much this time. The truth of the big and the young is trampled. The Qin family’s face is ugly. If it is him, he also...

Thinking of this, he took another look at Dibian, bowed his hand and pulled out an envelope from the folder and whispered. "Chairman, this is the lawyer of the big and small, I can only show you."

Dibian immediately opened his eyes and took the envelope open, but saw that it was the key to a bank safe and a list of teams.

There is a line below the list, which is obviously left by Di Qiuhe. I wrote: I have done what my father told me to do. I am sorry that I will not be able to help you again. I have already placed the business plan that you gave me last time. The safe, the key to you, the team list is also returned to you, and you have the opportunity to report again. Mr. Di, there is a chance to meet again.

Mr. Di, there is a chance to meet again...

The list fell, and Dibian’s hand shook.

Qiuhe’s so soft child, how is this time...

"The doctor is coming." Lawyer Wang picked up the list and swept to the line above. He looked up at Dibian and sighed and let him go.

The blond high doctor carefully examined Dibian and politely expressed his willingness to leave here tomorrow.

Lawyer Wang frowned and couldn’t help but say, "But my chairman has not recovered, are you again..."

"This cross-country clinic has delayed me a lot of time. If Mr. Di Qiuhe is sincere and filial, I will never postpone the domestic work." The tall doctor frowned and glanced at it. Dibian, his eyes are faintly disdainful. "It’s a pity that the son is a good son, but the father is not necessarily a good father. Mr. Dibian has been awake, and any doctors who can take care of the rest can do it. I will not continue to bother."

Lawyer Wang was not allowed to persuade.

"Let him go!" Dibian was guilty. Now he is so ironic, and he can bear it. He immediately becomes angry and screams. "There are thousands of excellent doctors in our country. It is not rare for you to disturb!"

"Hey." The tall doctor was also unbearable, and immediately ironically went back. "Excellent doctors are thousands of people. There are thousands of patients who don't understand the doctors. I am now unlucky enough to meet one. Dibian Sir, no one is nobler than us, everyone is equal, who do you want to watch the prestige? Also, kindly tell you, after Mr. Di Qiuhe went to Y, he came to me first, then pick you up. Son. I can see clearly. I heard that your life is dying. Your first son’s first reaction is not to worry, but to ask if you are dead. If you pick him up, don’t you listen to the will. Mr. Dibian, you The old saying of the state, Baishan filial piety is the first, your second son is like you, the father is not kind, the child is not filial, perfect. It is a pity that Mr. Di Qiuhe, there is such a father!"

Dibian got a headache, and he was black in front of him, and he couldn’t speak for a while.

When the tall doctor saw it, he did his best to help him with an injection massage to help him lie down. When he slowed down, he changed his mocking expression and said, "You can stop fainting and force away Di Qiu." Mr. Crane, you don’t have to have another filial son who can go to the country overnight to ask the doctor to save his life.” After finishing the record, he turned and walked away.

Di Bian's face turned red, and he wanted to refute but the word was poor, because even he himself could understand that the only son in the world who really treats his son is only Di Qiuhe, but he is...

Thinking of this, he remembered Qin Li’s threat. The feeling of depression was like finding a venting point. The subconscious mind put all the mistakes on Qin Li’s body and gnawed his teeth. “Wang, I want to be with Qin Li. Divorce! Immediately! You are going to make a statement now and take all the shameful things she has done! I want her to live like a street mouse, everyone spurns!"

Attorney Wang was somewhat tired and calmly pacified him, but he did not act because he knew that the chairman said that these are all rumors. In order to stabilize the stock of the emperor, this marriage is temporarily inseparable. It is.

The emperor and the Qin family began a long slap in the face, and the stocks of both companies began to slump.

He Bai’s Weibo slowly calmed down after a wave of concentrated information bombardment. The netizens moved their positions and ran to the official residence of the Emperor’s official squad, and the emperor’s cuckoo was forced to close the section. Time comment.

The artists of the emperor were also slightly affected by the negative news of the boss, and they all shrank their necks and did not dare to be too high-profile.

The time went to the end of October, Zheng Ya’s wedding was on schedule. The day before the wedding, He Bai accompanied him to Zheng Zhai and began to prepare for the wedding.

After preliminary communication with the groom Zheng Lei, He Bai left Niu Junjie in Zheng Zhai as his liaison, and he set off again and went to the strict house where the bride was in strict dreams to carry out formal follow-up work.

It’s a very tired and trivial wedding, and it’s also a test of the photographer’s ability to capture and react. In order to make a photo that makes the bride happy and surprised, He Bai’s brain is empty, and he hates it. The wedding precautions, turned over some of the more excellent weddings and photo albums, and even looked for Xu Ying, who has a lot of research on human photography, and asked for it... Although it ended up with a fateful escape.

Unexpectedly, for a while, Xu Ying not only did not find a new life to leave the Junchen studio, but also soft-hardened and want to renew the contract with the monarch, forced to prepare for the release of the new album, the monarch is in the air. State, within three feet of freezing all the unrelated people. He did not know the door, and then he was frozen and chilled, and shivered with Xu Ying.

Yan Jia is in the business of electrical appliances, and his family is well-off. The bride’s strict dream is the second child. There is also a big sister who insists on unmarriage.

"Mr. Xiaohe, you are just right, tonight is my single party, you can relax." Yan Meng is tall and looks classical, is a very beautiful beauty, the attitude is very gentle and friendly in the face of He Bai," I was originally prepared to invite Xiaoya, but his older brother wanted to grab me, and hardly pulled a girl from Xiaoya to attend the single party at his side, stupid."

"Mr. Zheng is afraid that my sister will come to you. I want you and my girlfriend to relax tonight. Miss Yan has found a good husband." He Bai visited her home with Yan Meng and held a party. Venue, see her words, but the expression is sweet, then she took her.

Yan Meng heard that he really smiled sweeter and smiled and muttered. "He is the one who loves the details. Xiaoya is also my girlfriend. What is wrong with it? Xiaoya is so intimate..."

After muttering, I looked a little embarrassed. It seemed to be a little embarrassing. I shifted the topic. "This time Mr. Xiaohe can come, I am very happy, thank you. The brochure of the little mermaid I bought every period, but unfortunately I can't wear it. The mermaid's clothes are very regrettable."

He Bai was very polite and thanked a few words. He looked at her body type without any traces. When she thought of the points that Xu Ying taught, she thought, "Miss Yan, would you dance?"

"Hey, how do you know? Xiaoya tells you?" Yan Meng looked at him with surprise, then nodded and said, "There is a school, but it has been abandoned for a while, and it has only been picked up some time ago."

It should be re-started after the body has recovered. He Bai guessed, and took another look at Yanjia’s beautiful villa leaning against the lake. He had an idea in his heart and asked, “Miss Yan, how many wedding dresses do you have?”

On the beautiful lakeside, the tall woman wears a knee-length tube top wedding dress, standing barefoot on the grass and dancing with music. A few steps away from her, a photographer is patiently looking for an angle.

The sky gradually dimmed, and the carefully spread lights lit up in turn, and the girls who attended the party arrived one after another. Yan Meng, who hasn’t danced for a long time, has completely relaxed his spirit. After seeing them, they are excited to invite them to dance together. The housekeeper is coming forward at the right time and holding the “friends set” that has already been prepared.

He Bai found several servants to act as temporary spectators. In his heart, he confessed to Xu Rongrong’s group photographing precautions. He took a few shots and then took the initiative to arrange the girls’ respective stations. Bit.

After taking a satisfactory photo, you will exit and no longer disturb their carnival.

The party begins with dance and ends with dance. He Bai patiently looks for the angle, captures it at the right time, and occasionally reminds the bride and girlfriend to change the position and expression, and keep pressing the shutter.

As night fell, everyone was gone.

The girls went to rest, but He Bai did not leave, but stayed to continue to capture the servants and housekeepers busy to clean up.

The next day, the bride got up early to make up, and He Bai also got up early, recording the process of the bride becoming beautiful little by little.

After the makeup was finished, the dressed bridesmaids arrived one after another, took a few photos with the bride, and then the bride’s family came in and continued to shoot, the bride’s relatives and friends arrived, patted...

After the indoor shooting, He Bai went to the floor and took pictures of the arrival of the groom's wedding car. After the filming, he quickly went upstairs and took the bride to hear the expectation of the bridegroom after arriving.

There are happy smiles everywhere, even if they are crying, they are also moved and crying with blessings.

After seeing a cold family like Di, He Bai looked at the newcomer who was about to form a new family at this time. His heart was warm and a little bit sour.

There are so many children who are loved to grow up, why is there no Di Qiuhe inside?

If Di Qiuhe finds someone who loves, will he also show such a happy smile, can he slowly come out from the coldness brought to him by the native family?

Suddenly flashed through the eyes of Di Qiuhe’s future saying that “and the lover is safe and smooth for a lifetime”, he pressed the shutter and recorded the beautiful picture of the bridegroom kissing the bride, blurring the emotions of a few days and slowly becoming clear.

He may have a good impression on Di Qiuhe, but that good feeling is not enough to shake his principle, let him go regardless of Di Qiuhe's sexuality and will, strong shake and occupy each other. If Di Qiuhe likes girls...

In the camera, the groom picked up the bride and prepared to take the person he loved to the church to promise the next life.

Outside the camera, Zheng Yaxi cried so much that Niu Junjie had some helpless handkerchiefs and wanted to wipe her tears.

He Bai put down the camera and remembered the picture of Niu Junjie's awkward holding of the child and Zheng Ya's smile. He touched his nose and felt helpless. If Di Qiuhe likes a girl, then he will annihilate that silk has not yet grown up, and honestly be a good friend of the other side.

Di Qiuhe, who died young in his life, is so pitiful. Di Qiuhe, who is only 23 years old in this life, is also very miserable. He is still not in the chaos of his already tortuous life. And Di Qiuhe looks so good, if married, the baby will definitely look good.

With a kind of great father's mentality, he took the whole wedding with him, and then worked hard for three days. Finally, before Zheng Lei and his wife went to honeymoon, they put a set of 108 photos, even the original film and editing. Together, the video was packaged and sent to Zheng Zhai to complete the job.

Three hours later, Yan Meng gave his bank account a turnover of 500,000, a total of 500,000, a zero.

He Bai, who was so tired of sleeping on the table, was immediately awakened, and counted a few on the text of the transfer, zero, and opened his mouth, busy calling Yan Meng, reminding her to turn the wrong money, and gave a zero. .

"No mistakes, now the first-line photographers are paid on time, this price is normal. Xiaohe, as your fan, I need to remind you that you are already on fire! You are giving luxury brands The photographer who took pictures with the star of the monarchy! After receiving the work, I can’t get another 23,000 yuan, and I will be jokes.” Yan Meng said bitterly, it’s changed from passers-by. The brain powder is the mother's powder. "Do you know the price of the wedding photography I was looking for? A set of photos of 200,000! He only took a day! You took two days and handed in one hundred and eight. Zhang Jingxiu photos and a clip video, a set of top three sets, 500,000 are considered to be the fan price for me to shame!"

He Bai was said to be a bit embarrassed, explaining, "But the photographer before you brought the team yourself. I only have one person. The work of makeup and lighting is busy for your domestic servant. My equipment is definitely not home." it is good……"

"But the film you shot is very good, I like it very much." Yan Meng smiled and interrupted him, as if he had been forced by his tone of voice, slowing down the voice and explaining, "Xiaohe, are you not?" I don’t know if Junchen’s album has been officially launched. The cover you gave him is now being broadcast on all major platforms, and the popularity is soaring. The entertainment circle is no more than other circles, and the value attached to the popularity is higher than the value of the work itself, so you can’t Look at your current work with the old ideas. The photographers in the entertainment and fashion circles are completely different from the photographers in the outside studio. Xiaohe, I suggest you ask an assistant to help you with the outside world. About the things you take, then get familiar with the routines and rules of the entertainment industry. You are now a wrist."

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