MTL - One Useless Rebirth-Chapter 50 Danger signal

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An hour later, He Bai was taken by Di Qiuhe, standing in front of a large villa with a garden swimming pool, and the flame of hatred was ignited in his heart. He asked, "Here... yours?"

"Well, mine." Di Qiuhe looked up and accompanied him to look up at this beautiful and luxurious villa, adding, "My grandfather gave it to me."

He Baiyi, turned to look at him, "Your grandfather?"

"Yes." Di Qiuhe nodded and looked at him sideways. His expression was calm and his tone was dull. He didn't find the joy and excitement of his loved ones. He said, "My grandfather."

Like to be with him, the villa door suddenly opened, a gray-haired old man appeared in a wheelchair behind the door, and the person pushing the wheelchair was...

"Hu Zhao?!" He Baiyan eyes, shocked his face, "You, you are not the housekeeper of Di Zhai? How is it here?"

"Di Shao, Mr. He." Hu Zhaochao greeted each other with respect, then looked at He Bai and explained, "Mr. He, I have resigned from Di Zhai a few days ago, and now I am the housekeeper of Fan Zhai."

He Bai was completely paralyzed.

What is this situation? How did Di Di's confidant become a person on the side of Di Qiuhe? Both of them were still unpopular in the hospital before the Ming Dynasty!

Don't say that the two men were acting at the time, he is not jealous! Before Di Qiuhe’s alienation and defense against Hu Zhao was not a fake!

Di Qiuhe saw him as a silly, unbelievable silly man, couldn't help but lick his lips, raised his hand and poked his face, added and explained, "Hu Shu is my grandfather, I didn't know this before."

He Bai raised his hand and covered his face. The shock was slightly reduced, and his thoughts flew.

So this Huzhao is actually the person who Fan Da secretly arranged to enter the house to take care of her daughter? Then Fan Lianxiu died inexplicably, and Hu Zhao couldn't contact Fanda. He simply stayed at Di Zhai, and deliberately voted for Di Di, and continued to protect Fan Lianxiu's son, that is, Di Qiuhe?

Is the fake villain really undercover? Double-sided spy? Mission Impossible?

... It’s a big show!

He looked at Hu Zhao and looked at Di Qiuhe. Finally, he fell in sight on the old man in a wheelchair. It seems that this Vanda is not too irresponsible. Although he is going to be chic, he is still awkward. Remember to send someone to sneak a peek at the daughter, lest the daughter be bullied... although I didn’t even look at it at the end.

However, they have been standing here for a while. How can this Vanda not talk, is it really confused?

He thought like this, his eyes moved to Fanda’s face.

The old man is of medium build, and his temperament is good. He looks good and gentle, and has no expression on his face. His eyes are a little bit stunned. It seems to be a little confused.

As if he noticed his attention, the old man suddenly moved his eyes and moved his eyes away. So the dull eyes quickly had a focal length, and the eyebrows were slightly raised, and there were some sagacious and deep looks.

He Bai was shocked by the look and confused.

This Van der, is it really confused?

"Who are you?" The old man looked at him up and down, looked around, his eyes stopped on Di Qiuhe's face, then looked back at Hu Zhao and asked, "Lian Xiu? Where is she?"

He Bai blinked slightly and turned to look at the side of Di Qiuhe.

Di Qiuhe hooked his lips and then looked at Fan Da instead of Hu Zhao. "She died, and she has been dead for twenty years."

Fanda's body was shocked, his eyes looked sharply, and his anger was hidden.

Di Qiuhe met his line of sight and smiled lightly. He bent forward and helped him pull the blanket on his leg. It was like saying that today's weather is good. It is plain. "I am the son of Fan Lianxiu, called Di Qiu. Crane, I only spoke to you a few days ago, do you remember?"

Fan Da did not speak, his eyes moved with him, and he looked up and down, and finally set his sight on his eyebrows. He stopped for a few seconds, his eyes blinked for a moment, his brows were slightly loose, and he looked down at his old palms and eyes. Slowly squat for a few seconds, close your eyes and lean against the back of the chair, sigh low. "Yes, I remember, you are the autumn crane, the autumn crane of the lotus show, the lotus show went to find her mother, and stayed." You made me redeem."

Hu Zhao looked at him with concern, "Fan Shu..."

Fan Da opened his eyes and waved his hand to interrupt him. He asked, "Xiao Hu, I asked you to take the documents. Have you taken it?"

"Get it." Hu Zhao took a look at Di Qiuhe and bent down slightly so that the old man could hear his voice more clearly and slow down his voice. "According to your instructions, all of them were taken out this morning. The living room is."

"That's good." Fanda nodded and looked at Di Qiuhe, who had stood up straight, and his eyes blinked for a moment. The tone suddenly became a little bit, and the child said, "Autumn cranes, grandfather hurts you, Don't cry." After finishing the hand, Di Qiuhe's hand on his side, gently rubbing his face, his face wrinkles unfolded, like laughing.

Di Qiuhe looked down at him and had no expression on his face.

Fan Da smiled for a while and looked at the line. He fell to He Bai and shook Di Qiuhe's hand. He asked like a child, "Xiao Qiuhe, who is he? Playing with you." Children?"

Di Qiuhe took his hand back and looked back at He Bai. He calmed down to the indifferent eyebrows and softened it again. He re-stained the temperature and replied. "He is He Bai, my savior."

He Bai stepped forward and didn't hold back his eyes. Spicy chicken, this breaks the introduction.

"Savior, you must repay." Fanda slowly returned, looking at He Bai's eyes a lot of gentleness, and beckoning him. "Come, the children come over, the grandfather will show you baby."

He Bai converged his emotions and obeyed.

The door closed and several people walked into the living room.

There was a little space in the living room, and I could see that the owner had rushed in and had not had time to arrange it.

On the coffee table in front of the sofa, there are several boxes with bank seals. There are several safes under the coffee table. A little further away, a lot of carved wooden boxes are piled up and spread straight toward the stairs. There is no end.

Seeing these things, Van der has turned back to a dull sight and a little clearer.

He got up from the wheelchair under the help of Hu Zhao, slowly moved to the sofa and sat down. He smashed the box on the coffee table, took out one of the documents, and took the seal from Hu Zhao. Signature pen, after looking at Di Qiuhe, burying his head on the document and signing it with a stamp, slowly said, "Lian Xiu marries me when I marry, I want to cheer for her future child to save my wife and dowry, say to save A lot, or else, I will not forgive me for so many years, regardless of her... In this life, she has asked me such a request, I naturally want to make her satisfied..."

His voice was low and dumb, and there was some trembling in the vagueness. The signing hand was very stable.

"I have seen this world for many years, but I have not seen her well. I am sorry for her... Lian Xiu was very beautiful when she was a child, as beautiful as her mother... I did too much wrong..."

One after another, the documents prepared in different languages, all carefully signed, and then pushed all the ones in front of Di Qiuhe.

Fan Da put down the pen and looked at Di Qiuhe’s eyebrows like a mother across the file. The clear eyes were out of focus for a moment, and the face suddenly showed a childish naughty smile, slightly proud to say, “Those people are I thought I was confused, I wanted to lie to me, but they are not Lotus Show, nor are you, can't give, can't give...the autumn crane does not cry, the grandfather protects you."

Di Qiuhe looked at him and didn't talk.

He Bai looked at the smile on Fanda's face, took a slap in the mouth, and looked at the side of Di Qiuhe. It was a grandson and grandson. It looked like a smile.

The room was quiet for a few seconds.

Fanda blinked again, looked down at the palm, then went back to see Hu Zhao and asked, "Xiaohu, Lian Xiu, is the child going to get married? Are you helping me to look at her? I am afraid she is being People bully."

"Okay, Fan Shu, I promise you." Hu Zhaowen replied, took the blanket from the wheelchair and helped him cover his knees.

Fan Dawen smiled with satisfaction, and his eyes slowly became sluggish, muttering. "Girls have money to have the confidence, Lian Xiu is getting married, I have to give her a dowry, a lot of dowry..."

The sun sank and the light in the room became dim.

He Bai looked at the old man who talked to himself, and looked at the documents in front of him with a lot of documents representing wealth, but he always looked indifferent, and he felt that his heart seemed to be blocked again, which made him feel a little breathless. .

Not long after, several lawyers rushed with their assistants to keep busy with the piles of property.

Dinner is called a takeaway, Di Qiuhe said the conversation with the lawyers after using the meal, then pushed the door out and walked to the side of the white man standing next to the swing, sitting on the swing without hesitation, calling out, " Puppy, drive."

He Bai returned to God and used his ankles to position his ass, so the carved white iron backrest swing chair was raised high.


The swing swollen from the side and stood side by side of He Bai. Di Qiuhe smiled at him and said, "Puppy, can you text me every day? Even if it is just a good morning."

He Bai leaned on the swing bracket and looked at the smile between his eyebrows and did not speak.

The swing slipped back and the sight of the two men staggered.

When Di Qiuhe didn't wait for his answer, he stopped talking, relaxed his body and leaned back in the back of the chair, waiting for the swing to slowly stop.

A car drove into the yard, and several middle-aged men and women came down from the car. Hu Zhao hurriedly greeted them and invited them in.

"That is a family doctor, Hu Shu invited." The swing has stopped, and Di Qiuhe sits on it, staring at the people entering the villa, his expression is very indifferent, as if the doctors were not invited to look after his grandfather. .

He Bai followed the look and changed his position and continued to lean on the stand.

Di Qiuhe looked at him sideways and hooked his lips. "The memory of the mother is already blurred. There is basically no relationship with the grandfather. When facing Fan Da, I always have a feeling of not being true."

He Bai turned back to look at him, thought about it, sat down to him and listened quietly.

Di Qiuhe saw the curvature of the corner of his mouth deepen and turned a topic. "Hu Zhao used to be my mother's driver. After my mother died, Dibian saw him less honestly and let him be his own driver. Then step by step, in the middle of my junior high school, he finally climbed to the position of the housekeeper. At that time, Grandpa’s body was no longer working. Now, when I think about it, I can safely pass the university to leave the house, and Hu Zhaogong is indispensable."

He Bai bent down to remove the laces of a shoe and buryed it.

Di Qiuhe’s eyes moved to his white fingers and the white laces on his hands. He blinked and continued. “My grandfather lost contact with his mother in the past because he had an accident and his head was affected. He was awake for half a year. He has been confused for a few years. Because there have been too many places, so I can’t remember where my daughter lived. Then he went around and went to see all the time he had been with his grandmother. When the country looks for it and finds and invests to make money, it gradually becomes what it is now - very rich, but it is all alone."

"Puppy, you said why there is such a person, obviously have a happy family but don't cherish it at all, just wait until you lose and start to regret it."

The shoelace was not long enough, and He Bai simply removed the shoelace of the other shoe and continued to edit it.

"If it is me." Di Qiuhe looked at the laces twisted and twisted in his hand, and simply leaned on him, his head slightly side, watching him look carefully, his eyes focused, gentle, "I will definitely try my best to rely on my lover, where I will not go, and I will not die. I love him, I will give him a lot of love, and then I will return a lot of love from him instead of giving him a lot. A lot of money, then let him kill himself."

A fat bird with a tail is gradually weaving, and He Bai made the final finishing. He raised his hand on the side and just prepared to show off his own good memory. I still remember the story of the bird-making tutorial I learned as a child. I slammed into the line of Di Qiuhe's gentleness and tiredness. The heart tightened fiercely, the eyes were slightly enlarged, and all the words swallowed back to the throat.

What shifts the topic to comfort each other, what makes it easy to give gifts, what is the idea of ​​using birds and mocking birds, and suddenly all disappeared.

Di Qiuhe did not expect that he would suddenly turn his head, his eyes flicked back, and then accidentally fell on his hand, squatting, revealing a big smile, reaching for the fat-skinned bird, pulled Pulling its short tail, he asked, "Is it for me? Very cute, thank you."

The gentle eyebrows were a little bit of smile, and I was delighted to see my eyes, like a starry river.


He Bai wants to touch the camera in a reflexive way. When he feels the coat button, he thinks about it. Today he is so anxious that he forgot to bring the camera.

I forgot to bring the camera...

He grabbed it again and looked down at his empty palm, feeling a sense of ignorance.

The camera, whether it is before rebirth or after rebirth, just go out, he will definitely take the camera with him. The world under the lens is so beautiful and beautiful, beautiful scenery can be met at any time, if it is missed without a camera, how sorry it is.

He never forgot, never, but now...

Another car drove into the yard and then stopped at the door. Wang Boyi walked down from above.

"It’s almost going to the airport." Di Qiuhe was in a good mood to close up the "love gift" sent by his sweetheart. He got up with his courage and licked his soft hair and smiled. "Is it not tired to talk all the time?" You are sitting here, I will send you back to school after I have packed my bags."

He Bai looked up and watched him turn and leave, slowly tightening the empty palm.

This person... is it important to make him forget to bring a camera?

The brow wrinkled slowly, and he looked down and looked at the running shoes that had lost his shoelaces on his feet.

The camera, the shoes that are easy to walk... Because I was worried about the other party, I rushed out after receiving the call and forgot to bring the camera; because I thought of comforting each other, I removed the shoelace and compiled a childish bird for the other party, forgetting a pair of lost. The shoelaces of the shoe, how inconvenient to walk and adjust the position to find the shooting angle...

The heartbeat that suddenly sounded in the ear has gradually subsided. He looked up and looked at the sky that couldn’t see the stars in the evening. He remembered the star river that he had just seen in the eyes of Di Qiuhe, and raised his hand and pressed the place where he pressed the chest. Long, sighed: Also, because he was worried about the other side, he had already escaped several classes, including this afternoon...

Habits and principles have been broken many times, just because I am worried about a person... I have lived for two lifetimes, and he smelled dangerous for the first time.

The car ran smoothly, and He Bai raised his hand to support the window, and blinked and looked at Di Qiuhe sitting next to him, from top to bottom, from bottom to top.

After discovering the sight of his straight hook, Di Qiuhe sorted out his clothes several times without any traces. His posture was getting stiffer and stiffer. His emotions were calm, hilarious, and sorrowful. He slowly became confused, jealous, fidgety, and in his heart. Seven up and down, like a lively rabbit.

"What are you looking at?" Di Qiuhe, who pretended to see the magazine without results, looked seriously at the past and finally couldn't help but ask for a mouth, while adjusting the sitting position without any traces.

He Bai blinked, his eyes swept over the long legs that he seemed to be more straight and slender after adjusting his sitting posture. He hit a hundred percent in his heart, and then moved on the line of sight. He was determined to look at the five senses that he was handsome. Also concealed his three-inch under the navel, secluded road, "Autumn crane, do you want to take a photo of not wearing clothes?" Since the heart is confused and uncertain, then try it with a bit of urgency, It should be ok.


The magazine was torn apart, and the rabbit in Di Qiuhe’s heart smashed into the wall and died. He turned his head and frowned and looked at He Bai. He gnashed his teeth and said, “Do not shoot! You can’t think about it!” No wonder the puppy has been looking at him. It turned out to be For this! That Xu Ying actually did not give up, but also licked the puppy to be a lobbyist! court death!

Diligent Di three years old.

He used the physiological reaction to test whether the dangerous signal was accurate and the plan was aborted. He Bai sighed and sighed and looked out the window. So it really is the signal is wrong, after all, from the last life to this life this morning, his fantasy about the future partner can be all big chest soft sister, and Di Qiuhe...

He turned back and looked at Di Qiuhe's handsome face. He glanced at his wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs, then reached out and poked his chest muscles and couldn't help but sigh.

It’s hard to handle... So it’s definitely the signal is wrong, forget what to bring with the camera, people are old, bad memory is normal, if the third child has an accident at home, he should be anxious to forget...

When the brain suddenly flashed through the third generation of the daughter-in-law, the oldest three-year-old called him, and incoherently scared him into thinking that the three difficult conditions, he remembered that he hurriedly went out, the shoes were worn wrong, but Did not forget to pick up the camera bag...


It’s too much!

He raised his hand and pressed his face, and he was saddened by the review.

How can he be so excessive! The third-year-old daughter-in-law gave birth to a baby, and the third child was scared and cried. He went out and actually took the camera! Why are you so handcuffed! Although the lucky record of the third child holding the little old three and three screaming and screaming silly, but how can he take the camera with his hand! Why are you handcuffed?

Di Qiuhe was first poked by him, and then he turned back. He was sighing and frowning. He seemed to have encountered something dirty. The boy was broken and angered. "Puppy! I was yesterday. Have a bath! The beard is also shaved! Also wiped the body milk!" Very clean! Still fragrant! Feel free to make the puppies take advantage of it at any time! What do you look like!

He Bai turned back and looked at his eyes that were stunned and sparkling, his eyes narrowed, and slowly leaned back, his eyes falling on his lips.

Di Qiuhe licked his eyes and held his breath and did not dare to move. Small, puppies just have a good expression, so close, yes, what to do, what to do...

The closer they are, the closer they are, the more they breathe, the more entangled.

"Sure enough." He Bai opened, then hoes, sniffing his neck, imagining the picture of kissing, it seems not to be disgusted, brow wrinkled, back to the window, and sigh He took a breath and turned his head to look out the window.

Actually, I didn't feel resentful. I also felt that Di San was really smelling good when I was three years old... Although the danger signal is vague, the penetration seems to be quite strong... It's not good.

Di Qiuhe saw that his brow wrinkled after he smelled himself. He immediately looked away from the window and sighed. He was ashamed, angry, anxious and embarrassed. He was so stunned in the eyes of the blind man, his ears were red neck. Also red, sighing, "The hotel I stayed in last night, the bathroom in the hotel tastes bad, can only be used." So this is not his taste problem! His own toiletries are specially selected fruit flavors! The kind of fruit that the puppy loves most! Make sure that the puppies want to sip a sip of the scent!

He Baixin is experiencing the earth-shaking event of San Guan dismantling and reconstruction. He still has the heart to take care of his sensitive little boys, and the words are just arbitrarily waved, and continue to look out the window faintly, sighing from time to time.

Sure enough, you are born again.

Di Qiuhe, who sent the gas to the cotton: "..." I really want to get off the bus and find a hotel to take a shower.

The car stopped outside the Q side door, and Di Qiuhe looked at He Bai, who seemed to be ready to get off directly. The grievances and complaints in his heart were almost essentially shot out, but the face was stretched and wanted to keep himself. The last dignity.

Hey, the car door is pushed open.

When Di Qiuhe tightened his hand, he immediately threw his dignity to the cloud for nine days and said, "F, goodbye."

He Baiwen said that he turned back and saw that he hard twisted his neck and did not look at himself. He raised his eyebrows and returned to close the door and stretch his arms. "Di is three years old, come to Dad."


The magazine scrapped another page, and Di Qiuhe turned his head and shouted. "Who are you talking about? Dad? Do you have a skin?"

He Bai hugged him by the past, patted his back, and licked his hair, smiled and said, "When you shoot, I will send you a text message every day. If you open it, don't look back. You have to live. Better than those who bully you, do you know?"

The second active hug, Di Qiuhe paused for a few seconds, then quickly put down the magazine and forced him back to hug him. He buried his face in his shoulder and neck and groaned, groaning, "Hey, puppy, you are really many."

"If it hurts you, who wants so much." He Baici loved his face, took another back of his head, and then tempted his side and kissed his hair.

In the next second, he decisively pushed away Di Qiuhe and licked his nose. "What breaks the shampoo smell, it's really bad."

Di Qiuhe: "..."

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