MTL - One Hundred Ways to Become a God-Chapter 135 This green hat is for you.

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What is the makeup photo that I want to take today is very simple, put on the set of inner service uniforms that the male three often wears in the drama, and stand in the position of the photographer under the command of the photographer. Showing the expression of the dew, the photographer waved his hand and said it was over.

Because he has been in the state online, the photographer took a very smooth shot and took dozens of shots in less than an hour.

However, these dozens of photos have to be selected later, and the most suitable one is selected. Together with the p background, there is no time to put it out.

It seems that the movie he wants to shoot today is also required to wear this dress. If you take a fixed makeup photo, you don’t have to change your clothes. Go to the make-up room and make up a little makeup, and you will be playing directly.

He only had one scene in the morning, only two shots passed, and ng was still not good because of the opponent's actress.

After filming his game, the rest of the morning is the play of Zhou Wei and Yue Zhou.

He was bored and had nowhere to go. He sat down and brushed his mobile phone, and looked up from time to time to see the situation in the field.

The assistant put a hot drink on the table and pushed him on the side. He whispered, "Mr. Su, the weather is a bit cold, I bought you a cup of cocoa."

He Wei said "thank you", took the straw out and inserted it into the small mouth on the drink lid, and slowly drank it. Cocoa is a little bit hot, flowing down the throat into the stomach, as if the entire body was dyed warm.

He just took a picture of the lake. It is still not in the summer. There is a hint of coolness in the air in the air. His physical quality is not particularly good. Although he wipes the water on his body immediately after the filming. New clothes, still feel a bit cold now.

This assistant is very careful, and he has taken all his life into consideration. He is almost all-inclusive, and he does not know how much wages Xie Shizhang gave him.

He sucked the drink in his mouth with a small mouth and kept his body curled up in the chair, looking at the situation in the field.

Yuezhou does not know what is going on today. It seems that it is not quite a state. He was originally in acting than Zhou Wei, who took the monster that didn't know how many prix trophies. Even if Zhou Wei didn't have the habit of suppressing the drama, the two sides would inevitably appear a little weak when they were playing.

Today, it has completely become a disaster. This drama was originally a small climax rival between male and male. The cross-country frequently crossed the chain and couldn’t keep up with the rhythm of Zhou Wei. Even Zhou Wei deliberately slowed down the rhythm. Take him, or not.

This scene has been ng for ten times. Even Zhou Xing, who has always been known for his patience, can't sit still. He personally took the script and talked about the half-hour drama in Yuezhou. The final result was still unsatisfactory.

No way, this scene is sloppy. In the end, I have to skip it first, and then I will shoot again when there is a state in Vietnam.

This pass was tossed down and soon arrived at noon.

Today’s drama was difficult, Zhou Zhi’s stalking did not have any appetite. He hurriedly took two meals and went to find his own male three. As a result, he found a circle without seeing the figure. He grabbed the staff of the two crews and asked. I didn't know where the person slipped. I called Su Yao directly and asked him to hide in the lounge.

Oddly, in the past, Su Yao was eating outside the crew, how to hide it so tight today.

After Zhou Dian pushed the door in, he instantly understood why he was hiding.

His male three is sitting on the sofa, slightly bent, and in front of the table are placed with crystal shrimp, fried bamboo shoots, small crispy meat... There are seven or eight roads, each one is full of color and flavor, see It makes people move their index fingers.

I don’t know how many grades I have for the box lunch.

If you eat so richly outside, you must be surrounded. According to his understanding for more than a month, Su Yao is a person who loves to be quiet and does not like to be concerned by others. He has never seen him take the initiative to talk with others. When he is not playing, he does not run away. Basically, he is watching. Someone else plays or goes back to the room to rest.

Zhou Dao closed the door and sat down on the opposite sofa, ridiculing him: "What about eating alone?"

He rubbed the shrimp in his mouth, nodded, and then invited him sincerely: "We also eat some food."

The amount of lunch that the man gave him was too high. The body's food intake was not big. He only ate one-fifth of the meal and felt that he couldn't eat it. When Zhou was coming in, he was preparing to put down the chopsticks.

"How is this good..."

Although the mouth was pushed away, but watching this table has not been passive chopsticks, the food that seduce the taste, the locusts in the belly of the week have been hooked up.

The box lunch of the crew can be said to be objective, but in any case, it cannot be compared with the meal that the hotel has carefully made, not to mention that he has not eaten enough.

However, I thought about it. When Su Yaoan was staying in the crew, there was no such good food. After going out for a while, the treatment suddenly rose. I thought that this extremely rich lunch might have been exchanged for what price. Then look at Su Yao's thin and thin body, he suddenly went down.

He shook his head, and there seemed to be a vicissitude of life in his eyes. The original refusal of refusal also suddenly strengthened: ", no, it will not fall to a junior to grab it, to I said that you are indeed too thin, you should eat more tonic."

It seems that people who work as literary and artistic work are always very sentimental and easy to get caught up in the brain... He Wei pretends that he has not found the wrong face of Zhou, put down the chopsticks and whispered: "Thank you for your concern."

After talking about the porridge next to it, I drank it in a small mouth.

Because of the long-term diet, this body has a chronic stomach. Originally, He Wei did not find it, or the day before yesterday and the man made a lot of trouble, he didn’t eat for a long time, and suddenly he felt stomach pain.

After committing the disease, the man ordered him to drink a bowl of stomach porridge after the meal, and let the assistant supervise, otherwise he would "punish" him.

I want to know the "punishment" in the man's mouth with my toes. It is definitely not something serious.

He was drinking porridge, and Zhou Dian was there to discuss with him on his own side: "The state of Vietnam is not right today. Let's take the picture of tomorrow to you today. Is there a problem?"

He Yan casually replied in the gap of drinking porridge: "I can."

Zhou Daan gratifiedly saw the man who was sipping porridge. He thought that Su Yao, the most uncomfortable after the start of the shoot, was the most worry-free, but it was a stable state that did not seem to have any big problems. Under the backdrop of Zhou Wei and Su Yao, the more they appear to be unwilling.

Su Yao’s funded group was so well-behaved and worry-free. Yuezhou took his millions of remunerations. What is the level of this play?

Not even half of the family Su Yao, let alone Zhou Wei.

He took a deep breath and stood up from the sofa and said: "Then you eat slowly, the costume has been notified, and after dinner, take a break, change clothes at half past one, I will go out first. It is."

He originally wanted to talk to Su Yao about the drama to be filmed in the afternoon. As a result, the fragrance of the house was unscrupulously seduce his tongue. This room could not stay.

He Wei holds the bowl and politely bids farewell to him: "The director walks slowly."

Zhou Dao felt that although he was out of the lounge, but the soul still stayed there, he silently remembered the aroma of the food in his mind, and determined the determination to take a good meal tonight!

He returned to the venue, opened the script to find the part to be photographed in the afternoon, looked at it carefully, and modified some details from time to time, feeling dissatisfied and crossed out the rewrite.

Preparing this play in advance is a small climax in the play, and it is also very important.

There was a flash of light in my mind, and I was faintly touching an idea. He was trying to record this idea and heard a voice screaming in his ear: "Zhou Gui, discuss things -"

The train of thought was interrupted, and after half a minute of vain, I still couldn’t remember the flash of inspiration. Zhou was dissatisfied and frowned.

He picked up his eyes and looked at the people, and he was also impatient with the tone: "What?"

It’s really a bad thing today.

The person who came from was the agent of Yuezhou. When he suddenly saw his ugly face, he realized that he was not coming, but he had to swear by his head: "It is like this. Our fans in Zhouzhou want to visit the class and ask you. Can you organize it?"

Zhou has always had a habit of filming, that is, he does not like too much exposure. In the past, investors often asked him to cooperate with the media for publicity, but this time the investor seems to have amnesia, and he did not mention it at all. - If he didn't take into account the other man's age and he was able to get his hands on the water, he would appreciate the other side.

So he completely released himself. From the time he started shooting to the present, he did not agree to any media interviews. In the whole month, only fans of Zhou Wei were allowed to explore the class.

There are many people who have won the movie in the entertainment industry, but there are not many people who have a high popularity in Yuezhou. A large part of the reason is that the exposure of Yuezhou has always been high.

After crossing the group, Yuezhou was busy with filming and lacking skills. Zhou Dao did not allow the actors to reveal too many crews on Weibo, and it was strictly forbidden to stir up the rumors between the actors. Seeing that the exposure of Yuezhou fell sharply during the period, the company There, he was asked to discuss with the crew about the fan-visiting.

At that time, let the Yuezhou convergence temper behave in a way that is easy to approach, and by the way, you can also stir up the pet powder.

However, Zhou Dian did not even consider it, and refused: "No."

The film is like this, I still want to ask him, and I don’t know who gives him confidence.

The agent also wanted to discuss: "This has been filming for a month... and then Mr. Zhou has also visited the class."

The implication is that they are all starring, you can't be more loyal to each other.

Zhou’s face was completely cold, and he said coldly: “When the performance of Yuezhou’s acting can catch up with Zhou, let me talk about it.”

The implication is: You still have to dream.

The agent ate a very soft nail, but he had to accompany him: "Sorry, I didn't think about it."

No way, in the crew, the director and the screenwriter can be said to hold the actor's life and death power, a dissatisfaction to the actor wearing small shoes to cut a few scenes, no one has to reason.

Zhou Dao was ruined by a living and a good idea. He was too lazy to care for him. He said casually: "Know it, do it well, don't think too much."


The play that is ahead of the afternoon is a group drama. This big scene is especially tormenting people. Although the main character is no problem, there is always a supporting role in the chain. He has been accompanying them to the sun and finally finished shooting. .

Originally, there was nothing wrong with this shot today. He could pat the **** back to the hotel and his own gold main wave, but when it was ready to work, it suddenly started to rain. Zhou Guide considered it for a few minutes, remembering that there was another The little climax scene in the rain, he waved at the beggar: "Come here, is there physical strength?"

He Hao nodded.

Zhou Dao gave him the script. "This is a single-player drama. It is not long. You should have no big problem with your words. Let’s take a look at the script first. If you can, we will take it."

He Wei took over the script and looked up.

Zhou Ding’s name was taken, and it was a scene in which the third man was completely shaken and decided to help the little emperor.

It was a rainy night. The little emperor, in order to stand up and stand in the face of all the slaves, could not help but say that he would smother one of his little palace women and stab him to death. The blood flow filled the whole steps. Since then, no one has dared to be disrespectful to this young emperor.

But when I returned to the palace that day, I was still stunned by Zhang Xiao’s little emperor. In a blink of an eye, another person screamed at the quilt and snorted, and did not dare to hear it. From time to time, he would stalk, and it sounded very pitiful.

He stood outside the window of rain, the rain was getting bigger and bigger, hitting him along the dripping leaves, and dyed the inner clothes that were embroidered with dark patterns on his body.

The tiny crying from the house, like a desperate little beast, made a scream in the predicament.

Like the three-year-old, he killed his companion for the first time in the training camp. He was so horrified that he couldn’t eat even the whole meal.

In this scene, the scenes of the little emperor and the male three were taken separately. The actor who played the little emperor did not come today. He wants to shoot this part of the male three standing outside the window today.

This is a purely inner drama. What He has to do is to show the transformation of the male three mentality through his eyes.

This is not a big problem for him. Under the blessing of spiritual power, his acting is stable like a sophisticated machine.

Under the infinitely close lens, he stood in the rain more and more, looking at the dark window, the eyebrows were like carving snow and ice, and the eyes of the young children in the window were cold and cold, but they were the deepest in the eyes. A secret pain and sorrow emerged quietly.

Before he started shooting, when he took the script and looked at it, Xie Shizhang gave him the manager who had everything to look up and looked at the rain in the sky, and advised him a little worried. "Mr. Su, I have already taken it in the morning. A play in the lake, and now it’s going to rain again. Is it too much? I will discuss it with Zhou’s guide and take it again in two days.”

He did not care very much: "This scene is very short, nothing."

At that time, he really felt that there would be no big problem. Although Su Yao’s body was not good, it would not faintly faint.

The result didn't know if it was because the assistant's crow's mouth was too good. After going back to the hotel this night, something went wrong.

The man pressed him on the soft big bed, and the warm lips stayed on his forehead for a few seconds. According to the man's habits, the next is the tip of the nose, the lips, the chin, and then some parts that cannot be said... but this time, He suddenly stopped there and did not move, but also kissed him several times, as if he was confirming anything.

The man got up from him and found a thermometer from the medicine cabinet in the room. After careful disinfection, he opened his mouth. "Including."

After five minutes, I took it out and looked at it: thirty-eight degrees four.

The normal body temperature measured by the oral temperature should be below 37 degrees Celsius. This temperature indicates that he is having a fever and is not low.

The man carefully wrapped him tightly with the quilt. "I called the doctor."

He struggled to stretch out his two hands and proposed: "You don't have to be so troublesome, you can't burn too much, just take some medicine."

The man refused a sigh of relief, and his tone was a rare coldness: "Shut up, I haven’t counted the rain for you."

He Wei: "..."

Looking at the man's brow that can wrinkle the flies, I don't know why, his heart suddenly flashed a little untold ignorance.

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