MTL - On Her Lips-Chapter 91

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At this moment, a certain Mu family owner who was attending the meeting in Messer District suddenly received a message from his mobile phone that he had changed his name to "Evil Dog".

Mu Fei stared at the screen coldly, not expecting this little beast to wake up so early.

Last night, she was uncontrollable because of some unpleasantness, so she was cruel to the little guy, ate a lot of blood, and wrapped the bandages several times.

In order to replenish You Ran's blood in a timely manner, the back kitchen also prepared maintenance soups and food.

Why is it now to thank her for her gift or to accuse her of the "evil deeds" last night?

Although the "evil act" of biting Youran's neck was indeed a bit painful for Youran, but every time Youran was bitten, the appearance of Brown Qiu that he desperately wanted to dedicate to himself always made Mu Fei even more excited.

You Ran is her stunner and can only belong to her alone.

She didn't want others to see the little guy's expression.

Thinking like this, Mu Fei clicked on the "villain dog" interface that bit her clothes last night.

She glanced at it normally, and an indescribable photo suddenly appeared in her vision.

Her pupils trembled.

You Ran, her innocent beagle, even wearing that "bitter stopper" mask, sent this photo of abstinence and longing.

Mu Fei only glanced at it and hurriedly turned off the screen.

All she could remember in her mind was the tickled, human eyes in You Ran's photo.

She felt that she was very agitated in the extremely solemn and solemn venue.

There seemed to be a line of words that she hadn't read clearly.

Mu Fei covered his chin with his fingers awkwardly, opened the screen again, swiped the interface, and the photo and the following line of small words.

Waiting for your return, Lord, use the key to open Youran here.

Mu Fei snorted, and the tips of his fair ears turned red.

Before she had time to sigh who this little beast had learned these rhetoric from, someone beside her exaggeratedly commented on a wave of this **** sweet couple.

"You guys are playing wild, my dear." Yin Sili groaned, and looked at Mu Fei, who was covering his heart, with ambiguous eyes.

Mu Fei turned off the screen instantly and looked at Yin Sili coldly, "Don't let me force you to shut up in front of so many old guys."

"Excessive, you actually want me to wear a 'bite stopper', you," Yin Sili joked with a smile, not afraid of death at all, but she didn't say the word, afraid that the old antique Mu Fei was really angry.

Mu Fei's face was gloomy, and he asked, "What am I?"

"You... um, great beauty." Yin Sili used a folding fan to signal to the other party not to be so irritable and to calm down.

"Forget what you just saw, or I'll snap your eyeballs off to feed the red lotus."

Mu Fei glanced at the other party, and she solemnly ordered a certain Yin Sili who was close to the definition of "bad woman", knowing that she was still brooding about Yin Sili taking You Ran to the show without authorization.

Her mind became small.

"Okay, okay, I didn't see how cute and sentimental your little cutie was wearing a bite stopper. I didn't see anything, I didn't know anything." Yin Sili raised his hand to the sky I swear that she will always remember it in my heart.

Mu Fei frowned slightly, that thing was not meant to be worn by You Ran.

Here's the thing, when she placed You Ran in dormancy, she looked at the bite marks of the vicious dog on her clothes. She never thought that You Ran's teeth, which were not from the blood race, could even bite off the metal lock. .

Dare to love this beagle really has a row of steel teeth.

She was angry and annoyed, so she rummaged around when she had nothing to do. It was probably because the night was just right that she ate You Ran's blood.

That led her to pull out a pair of expensive and handsome bite stopper equipment that she had purchased for her Earls Hound. Unfortunately, as soon as the bite stopper was finished, Earls left due to illness.

That little thing also likes to bite things everywhere.

She took apart the unopened bite stopper and played with it for a while, then placed it on the table without paying attention.

She didn't even think about it when she left the house.

Until this moment, seeing You Ran, this little beast, actually wearing this pair of bite stopper equipment, bewitched her.

It was the first time she realized that it turned out that this thing was worn on a person, and it turned out to be like this—

Astringent feeling.

But only for her Yuran.

Mu Fei slowly typed a line of words, cutting off the chaotic thinking that he was tempted to.

"Take it off immediately, or go back to clean you up. 』

Until You Ran, who was holding the device tightly and thinking in his heart, unexpectedly received the text message from his sweetheart that he had been looking forward to the most.

She read these twelve words over and over again.

"How do you clean up with 'clean up', Mr. Mu Fei." You Ran couldn't help covering the bite stopper stuck in his mouth with his hands, and said to himself.

There was a blush on his face.

Then she is not good.

You Ran stared at the clean plate of red cherries on the table. She didn't seem to be hungry either, so she took a few cherries and ate them. It happened that the small cherries had the same breathing holes as the bite stopper and could be stuffed into her mouth.

So she was so dignified, wearing this cool bite stopper, and appeared in the hall downstairs.

Almost everyone was shocked when they saw the little mascot dressed in this way.

The other party wears a bite stopper that covers his lower jaw, which makes him feel different than usual.

A little more mature and abstinent temperament.

It even makes people want to go in that direction.

"My God, what the **** are you wearing?" Han Sheng looked at a certain horror person who walked into the restaurant, completely ignoring the cool look of the other party, and he broke it directly.

You Ran heard that the teacher Han Sheng, who had no aesthetics at all, said that it was a "ghost thing". She stroked her long hair and did not care about the teacher.

Han Sheng looked at the bandage on You Ran's neck, and glanced at Fang's slightly pale face.

He quickly pushed the blood-boosting food to the other side.

"You take off that **** thing to eat, kid, don't pass out of anemia." Han Sheng urged loudly with a cigar in his mouth.

You Ran said that she was not too hungry and could not eat anything for the time being.

"It's not that I'm reluctant to pick it, I'm going crazy." Han Sheng held his forehead, she hadn't seen the love that she didn't want to fall into before she fell in love.

You Ran shrugged, she said that she just ate some cherries, she was not hungry, and, "This is an adult's punishment."

Aunt Dai, who entered the room beside her, listened to You Ran's bold words with a black face.

"Don't tell what this is a 'punishment game', the master will not punish like this."

You Ran listened, and then a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"If you think about it this way, I'm the first."

"Okay, you are so presumptuous when the master is not at home. Who was kneeling in the snow and crying last night?" Aunt Dai said that she didn't see it. Interesting", then she decided to take Youran to see a psychiatrist tomorrow.

"Oh, Aunt Dai, you can't break me." You Ran immediately softened, pulling Aunt Dai's arm and shaking it straight.

Who can resist the coquetry of such a pure natural stunner.

Aunt Dai couldn't resist, and she could finally feel why the head of the family was soft-hearted to You Ran again and again.

"Okay, alright, I've already packed a basket of fresh scallops for you, are you ready to go now?" Aunt Dai changed the topic and divided the scallops that had been brought to the mansion this morning by half. put in the back basket.

Follow Xiao Youran's previous request.

"Aunt Dai, you're so kind, I'll add more fire to Mr. Dao Lei." You Ran was wearing a bite stopper, but her mouth was still so slippery. She really hoped that Aunt Dai could be with Mr. Dao Lei.

Aunt Dai, who usually treats people seriously, couldn't help blushing when she heard the little guy's words, and hurriedly blasted out Xiao Youran who was talking nonsense.

"Go early and come back early, don't wait until late." Aunt Dai urged.

"Got it, I will bring a lot of little purple flowers back, adults' favorite." You Ran sorted out her clothes, then carried the basket of Dihuatail fish on her back and prepared to go to the back mountain.

Aunt Dai and Han Sheng had no choice but to wave at Xiao Youran.

Because they heard that Xiao Youran was in the back mountain, Han Sheng guessed that it should be the Forest of Black Mist at the border of Mu's private domain. You Ran made a friend. As for what this little friend looked like, You Ran didn't know. how to describe.

Probably a beauty.

It was Youran who informed their image.

Because in You Ran's eyes, Quinn, the son of the curse, is not very scary.

She hasn't seen her old buddy for so long since she came back, so this time, she brought Quinn's favorite dillfish to bribe the monster beauty, and then went to pick some small purple flowers to honor her sweetheart.

"Little devil has grown up, I can rest assured wherever I go." Han Sheng said quietly, taking a sip of his cigar.

Aunt Dai said goodbye to the old man, "but although she is still stable, she still has to watch. After all, the age is there. As her teacher, don't just ask her to buy cigarettes for you."

"Do I have it? Isn't all of You Ran's skills taught by me!" The old man couldn't be more holy.

Aunt Dai snorted, "You Ran was not led astray by you, all because the master was wise and let Dao Lei teach him knowledge."

Han Sheng shrugged, people who fall in love are blind.

It is true that Xishi is in the eyes of the lover.


When You Ran came to her secret base, the long-lost and terrifying cliff of the Black Mist Forest, carrying a basket of the freshest Ogretail fish with ease.

She looked around.

There are no living creatures.

She took off the disguise of an ordinary person, and her eyes were gradually stained with black blood. She effortlessly lifted the 300-pound beating Dihua with one hand, took a few steps back, and then jumped up.

Jumped into this abyss.

It was not until she finally saw the most familiar Xiaoxi Hot Spring more clearly in the layers of fog, and she slowly landed and tapped the ground lightly.

"Hey, baby Quinn, I'm here with your favorite scalloped fish~"

You Ran squeezed her small voice, friendly and bewildered the monster princess who belonged to the darkness.

Theoretically, she didn't see Quinn's gender attribute in all these years, but the other party's arrogant and mischievous character from time to time looked like a spoiled little princess who couldn't speak.

Although the size of this little princess is a hell-level monster close to unknown fear, the body can also be said to be slime.

In a word, in You Ran's eyes, such abyss monsters can be called "cute".

"Quinn? Hello~" You Ran called out for a long time, but didn't call out Quinn.

Temptation failed?

Where can Quinn run to at this time...

You Ran put the fish basket on the stone steps and sat down alone.

However, just as she relaxed her vigilance and sat on the rock, the abyss monster that was still at the bottom of the water suddenly emerged from the water, and the sharp tentacles with hooked claws penetrated through You Ran at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye. Stone.

In an instant, it shattered into pieces.

"Sneak attack again, Quinn." You Ran frowned helplessly, looking at Quinn's arrogant greeting.

Really old fashioned.

At this moment, it can be called an extremely terrifying face. The jaw is cracked and there are short, dense beards with poisonous beards, which are wriggling with life.

Its forelimbs cracked into many branches, with a madness that was enough to corrode all living things, destroying the surrounding flowers and plants that had just grown.

You Ran found that the other party's jaw was still covered in blood. It seemed that the princess had just had a full meal. Smelling the smell of blood and the meat residue on the ground, it should be a coy wolf.

"Are you mad at me, Kui." You Ran walked forward without fear, and at the same time cleverly avoided Quinn and walked in front of him with tentacles enough to stun her.

Then he tapped the tip of his nose with his finger.

It should be the tip of the nose, in short, the center of the face.

You Ran did not experience any adverse reactions due to the mucus on Quinn's skin, such as corrosion of his fingers.

Only then did Quinn calm down, and he snorted coldly, his compound eyes staring at You Ran, who he hadn't seen for many days.

The tentacles of the lower jaw twitched wildly, and Quinn's mouth was probably swearing.

You Ran endured it until the other party finally stopped losing his temper, such as accepting a basket of gifts from her, and then You Ran sat next to the other party.

You Ran listened to Quinn's detailed words, which probably meant:

I have a glass heart, you shattered it, and now even a basket of **** can't coax me.

"Don't be like this, you've already eaten a basket, and you still say you can't coax it? Quinn should be reasonable as a monster, okay?" You Ran accused the other party of being unreasonable.

Quinn rolled his compound eyes, and the basket of daffodils wasn't enough for him to stick his teeth between his teeth. He lowered his eyes and looked at the fresh stuff on You Ran's mouth.

It pointed at the other's "bite stop" with its tentacles.

"This is a gift from the lord, isn't it cool?" You Ran raised her eyebrows and asked.

Quinn didn't think it was that cool, but he hadn't seen this thing before, it was relatively new, so he wanted to wear it too, so he started to use the tentacles of his lower jaw to fiddle with the buttons behind Youran's hair and right in front of it.

You Ran immediately took a step back. She refused for a good reason, "You have to use a key to open it, but the key was placed in the mansion by me."

Quinn listened with an expression of disbelief, but he knew that the black toy on the other side's face was given by Mu Fei, You Ran was sure that it was precious, and it would be bad if it was broken.

So Quinn thought of a way.

She told You Ran in detail.

You Ran refused without thinking.

God knows, the last time she did this, Quinn actually let her eat her head raw, well, she vomited when she regained consciousness.


Quinn: Someone said that he would come to play with me the next day after returning home.

You Ran: "…"

Quinn: Every time I come here, I come to pick purple flowers and play with me. It's really a wrong payment.

You Ran always felt that her coquettish skills were more powerful. I didn't expect Quinn to be more squeamish than her after not seeing him for a few days. Obviously, this is an abyss monster that eats people and doesn't spit out bones.

"Okay, but there are three chapters in the contract." You Ran finally agreed with Quinn, which sounds like a very crazy request to others.

She agrees that Quinn is parasitic in her body.

To be precise, she can use her body for Quinn and temporarily become Quinn's host.

Yeah, it sounds like an unbelievably scary thing, but it really happened.

Quinn is the son of a curse and was born trapped in the Forest of Black Mist. Its body is a bunch of indescribable abyss slime intelligences. In order to escape from the Forest of Black Mist, it often parasitizes various animals and humans. , vampires...then devoured their minds, controlled the host, and went to the outside world to visit.

However, Quinn is an undead monster with a curse after all.

There has never been any living thing that can live with Quinn for more than ten minutes, and the end result is-

Dead without a whole corpse, turned into a pool of pus.

There is only one exception.

That was You Ran. In the past two years, You Ran had fallen asleep unconsciously on Quinn's cold and sticky body.

It wasn't until she woke up to find that Quinn had melted into her entire body from her capillary holes.

It was a spooky and terrifying parasite, and at the same time wonderful.

Quinn didn't dare to stay in You Ran's body for a long time, because any life parasitized by it would disappear little by little over time, and at the same time as the parasitism, the host's consciousness would be destroyed.

However, the amazing thing is that even though Quinn is in You Ran's body, You Ran's body is still awake, which is equivalent to two personalities, who can switch wills at will.

It can even communicate normally with your dear Youran at the same time with Youran's voice, and the physical sign is that it combines with the already powerful Youran to form a more powerful existence.

In short, Quinn was allowed to occupy a certain host for more than four hours during that unrestrained parasitic activity, during which it was really active sleep.

So it ate the fresh heads of three robbers and an egg-laying python without You Ran noticing.

With Youran's body.

Of course, in the end, he was given a training session.


I thought about it before thinking about it. After all, I felt a little guilty, and I had promised that the vengeful princess would come over to play with it the next day.

If you break your promise first, then you have to contribute your body.

"No raw food, no injury, no exposure."

You Ran said three dos and don'ts, and added, "Don't get your clothes dirty."

Still a little hesitant, after all, after the parasitic community, she and Quinn have the same thoughts. To be precise, between them—

There are no secrets.

Quinn could know all the thoughts in her heart, such as coveting Lord Mufei's body. Of course, she didn't want to know how many trespassers Quinn had eaten during this time.

In the end, she took a deep breath, sat down, and hooked the other person with her hand, indicating that she was ready.

In an instant, the dark-brown giant monster melted into a strange and viscous solution, slid to Youran's side without any hindrance, and swallowed all of Youran's beautiful body in an incomprehensible and suffocating state. .

Until the dark brown mucus engulfed her whole body.

After a few seconds, the terrifying mucus silently melted into You Ran's cortex and disappeared.

Sitting on the stone steps, You Ran opened her eyes silently. Her black pupils showed the shape of three-lobed cyan compound eyes. The slender fingertips carried the venom of the body's claws, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, revealing a A dark smirk.

"Of course, I will take good care of you."

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