MTL - On Her Lips-Chapter 89

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The tears that were gathering more and more could no longer hold in his eyes.

On a winter night, the wind was cold, and the flying snow quickly covered the swept courtyard with a ruthless white.

There seemed to be no other sound besides the whistling of the cold wind.

You Ran knelt stiffly in the snow, her body seemed to be unable to move, and her body was covered with thicker and thicker snow.

The body temperature gradually dropped.

Only her eyes were still hot, because the tears seemed to be unstoppable, and she couldn't cry no matter what.

She is still not strong enough, still fragile, still not able to be on her own as adults wish.

Obviously she took the initiative to ask for punishment, she should have been punished willingly.

Even if she freezes to death in this icy world, she shouldn't cry, and she shouldn't blame anyone.

But why is she still so sad...

Her crush is Lord Mu Fei.

My lord, she is the moon in her sky, out of reach.

She tried so hard to reach the corner of the adult's clothes, but she couldn't reach it.

Even if she hopes to leave a little trace in the hearts of adults, she will happily sleep all day and night.

But when she knew that there was a person who once lived in the heart of an adult.

And that person appeared in front of the adults again, and their conversation pierced into her chest like spikes, suffocating her until she couldn't breathe.

She has no right to intervene, she knows.

But she couldn't help it, all the unhappiness in her heart led her to abandon the You Ran appearance that adults liked on weekdays, a well-behaved, sensible, innocent You Ran.

She became extremely naive and stubborn, and asked Mu Fei carefully and stubbornly with the answer that was very important to her.

But Mu Fei's reaction made her very sad.

The adults were angry because of her disobedience and offense. This should be the first time that Mu Fei was really angry with himself in these years.

She saw the indifference and alienation of Mr. Mu Fei towards her.

My lord, she...maybe she is really disappointed with her.

If the adults don't want to look at her again, what should she do...

You Ran's eyes were red, her head was lowered, and her heart followed her body, which became colder and colder by this cold and still snowy night.

So cold.

If she really froze to death here, would the adults look at her and forgive her?

She seemed to hear the rustling of the snow through the whistling wind and snow, which gradually became clear.

Immediately afterwards, in the blurred vision that was obscured by Fei Xue, I vaguely saw a black slender shadow appearing in front of her.

You Ran stared absently at the shadow that was blocked in front of him, stunned.

She didn't dare to look up, thinking that the most familiar shadow was an illusion, and if she looked up, it would disappear.

"How long are you going to kneel?"

A few seconds later, a voice that was colder than this cold night came from overhead.

You Ran finally regained his senses, forced himself to be stronger, raised his head, and looked at the adult who was speaking.

In the cold night crippled by the blizzard, the mistress of Mu Mansion was standing in front of her.

Lord Mu Fei held a black umbrella over her head, and his golden brown eyes looked straight down at her.

Really her adult.

"grown ups…"

Her cold throat was dry, and her voice was almost unable to come out. Only a little bit of the word "adult" was clearly passed into Mu Fei's ears.

Mu Fei looked at the beagle, who was about to freeze, and the other's head, face, and body were covered with muddy snow.

Mu Fei finally sighed and squatted down to brush the snow off You Ran's head.

Just when Mu Fei's hand touched the top of her head, You Ran's grievances and sadness surged out like a dark tide, her lips trembled unbelievably, and her eyes instantly filled with tears, one tear . drop down.

Mu Fei watched You Ran shed tears silently, and she could only wipe away each other's tears with her fingertips.

At that time, she was really annoyed by You Ran's inexplicable stubbornness and escalation, but she never thought that You Ran would really kneel in the snow for so long.

In the end, she was still reluctant to keep kneeling down.

"Is it worth it? Kneeling for so long is just for a so-called response." Mu Fei asked You Ran, then wiped off the snow on the other side's face. The other side's cold skin was even colder than her fingers.

You Ran's crying red eyes stared silently at Mu Fei who was brushing the snow away for him at the moment.

She felt the warmth of Mu Fei's palm with incomparable nostalgia.

Her voice was hoarse, but she silently told Mu Fei her heartfelt, "It's worth it, but if... it makes the adults angry, it's not worth it."

Mu Fei listened to You Ran's answer, but the other party was still very obsessed with that response, and stubbornly made her feel distressed and helpless.

"Since it's worth it, why are you still crying like this?"

"Because, because You Ran thought you... don't want me anymore."

You Ran's lips twitched, and the sound was cut into pieces of sadness by the cold wind, making Mu Fei unbearable to listen to it.

She didn't want to ask any more questions.

Asking what to do further increased her unbearableness.

"Let's get up first and go back." Mu Fei held You Ran's wrist, the opponent's ice-like coldness made her not dare to exert any force.

You Ran looked at her lord with wet black eyes, as if she wasn't sure, and wanted to reconfirm whether the lord agreed to stand up.

"In your heart, do you think I'm ruthless?"

You Ran listened to Mu Fei asking himself this, nodded in a daze, and then decisively denied it.

Mu Fei looked at You Ran, she was always squatting at the same height as You Ran and talking to the other side, she could even see the little guy's frightened appearance, as if he was back when he was a child, and You Ran appeared in the mansion for the first time. scene.

She didn't want You Ran to be afraid of herself. Although she was indifferent to You Ran's rambunctious temperament on weekdays, she didn't want to see You Ran being so careful with herself.

Mu Fei said in his heart that she could treat anyone else and anything with indifference, but You Ran was the only one who would always make waves in her calm state of mind.

He should be punished, but he was reluctant to punish him, he said something harsh and became angry, but he couldn't pass the hurdle in his heart.

Mu Fei felt that she really lost her principles towards You Ran.

But, even knowing that, she still came here in the end.

When she came to You Ran, she bent down silently, and while the other party was thinking wildly, she gently hugged You Ran by the waist.

Probably, maybe a princess hug.

In short, it was the first time that she hugged an adult woman like this, so as not to make You Ran's frozen body feel uncomfortable.

She could already see that the little guy was as stiff as a frozen turkey, how could he still walk.

You Ran was held in Mu Fei's arms, and she called out in horror, "Sir!" and then looked at the face that was so close at hand with astonishment on her face.

The grown-up still had the same expressionless face.

It's just that her hands clasped her body tightly, as if treating something precious, which made You Ran have this illusion.

"Don't move around, take your umbrella."

With a soft low tone lingering in You Ran's ears, she had no choice but to hold the umbrella handle tightly and cover the top of her and Mu Fei's heads to block the rustling snow.

Mu Fei hugged You Ran and walked quickly into the central hall, which saved him from being blown by the wind and snow, and You Ran saw that he was already inside the room.

She hurriedly put away the umbrella, and then carefully stared at Master Mu Fei.

She was a little puzzled that the adults did not seem to have the will to put her down.

She saw Aunt Dai coming beside her, who smiled and took the umbrella handle that You Ran was holding in her hand, then stepped back respectfully.

You Ran originally wanted to use his eyes to ask the adults what happened? Why do you suddenly treat her like this... well, is the lord no longer angry with her, or is this the last tenderness?

You Ran's frozen head couldn't think of anything at all, she just stared at her Mu Fei stupidly and sincerely.

"Sir, are you going to throw me away...?"

She whispered.

Mu Fei's expressionless face suddenly couldn't help but smile because of the little guy in his arms.

She lowered her head slightly and stared into You Ran's wet black eyes.

"Yes, I'm going to throw you away," Mu Fei turned around, looked at Aunt Dai who was about to leave, and asked, "Ready?"

"Yes, it's all ready, Master." Aunt Dai nodded respectfully, and then gave a certain frightened beagle a look of encouragement.

You Ran didn't understand what "preparation" Mu Fei and Aunt Dai were talking about? Could it be that they were really going to kick her out of the house, so they finally left with her?

You Ran's eyes were instantly filled with anxiety and disapproval. Her restrained hands suddenly wrapped around Mu Fei's neck, "Sir, I don't want to leave you! I don't want! I don't want..."

You Ran was so anxious that he forgot to mention his honorary title.

Mu Fei was a bit dumbfounded and let the other party hug her neck tightly. This is the You Ran she knew. She even liked You Ran to hug her neck and act like a spoiled child. When she hugged the little guy tightly, the other party was obviously restrained. She didn't know what to do.

"Then guess where I'm going to throw you, and who will I give it to?" Mu Fei whispered intimidatingly in the ear of Xiao Youran, who was buried in her neck, while hugging Youran.

You Ran's messy hair stabbed at her face, and Mu Fei pressed the tip of the upturned hair with his cheek without disdain.

You Ran had already wet Mu Fei's neck with tears. She didn't feel Mr. Mu Fei's small movements at all. She just whimpered and shook her head while resting on the other's neck.

She doesn't believe that the adults want to give her to others and don't want her anymore.

"Okay, okay, don't cry anymore." Mu Fei sighed in his heart, as expected, he is not suitable for terrorizing humans.

She patted You Ran's head lightly, then opened the door and walked in.

You Ran's eyes were red from crying, but suddenly she felt a faint fragrance of flowers in the air, and her whole body was warmed by the sudden warmth.

She blinked her wet eyes and looked around.

Only then did I discover that this was the exclusive bath of Lord Mu Fei.

"Can you stand on your own?" Mu Fei walked into the clean greenhouse. She looked at the misty bath, patted You Ran's back lightly, and asked the beagle in her arms.

She wants to put You Ran down.

Only then did You Ran realize that the adult was just joking with her, a vicious joke, threatening her.

But she didn't want to blame the adults at all, because she loved Mu Fei deeply, and silently loved Mu Fei with a heart that was always passionate.

"Yes..." You Ran replied, her hands slightly loosening Mu Fei's neck.

Mu Fei kept supporting her waist until You Ran stood firmly on the hot floor before letting go.

You Ran looked at the pool of blue, warm water with lilac irises floating on it.

"Take a good bath."

In the end, Mu Fei just said this sentence in a somewhat commanding tone, covering her heart, she didn't want her Youran to catch a cold because of kneeling in the snow.

After Mu Fei finished speaking, she took a few steps back. She didn't know how to express her emotions correctly.

She was worried that You Ran would be uncomfortable here, because she had indeed been cruel to the other party before, and because of her, You Ran took the initiative to kneel in the snow for so long.

To be honest, she suddenly couldn't cope with the quiet atmosphere.

Therefore, she chose to give You Ran a quiet bathing space, but also for herself.

"grown ups."

You Ran stopped her when she was leaving.

You Ran stood on the edge of the bath, with a distance of several meters between them. You Ran looked at Mu Fei with the same sincere admiration as before.

You Ran stared at Mu Fei, and finally a long-lost smile appeared on his face, and he said with a bit of playfulness, "So, I can understand that the adults actually feel sorry for me, can You Ran just think about it?"

Mu Fei looked at the two small dimples on You Ran's face, was silent for a moment, and motioned You Ran to come to her side.

You Ran didn't expect Lord Mu Fei to let her approach, she was stunned for a moment, of course, she walked to the other side without any hesitation.

Mu Fei's icy hands gently held You Ran's cheeks warmed by the heat, and said slowly, as if making a solemn oath, smoothing out the folds that had been tormenting You Ran's heart.

"If you really can't let go of this answer, then I tell you, you are right, no one can use my bath, you are the first, what should I say, little fool."

After Mu Fei finished speaking, he was still a little obsessive-compulsive and pressed down the twisted strands of hair on top of Youran's head.

You Ran just froze like this for a long time, letting the other party smooth her long hair, and she was moved to tears.

"Aren't you going to cry again?" Mu Fei was a little distressed, what she had to say was the right one, and she was sometimes not good at expressing it, which made it even worse.

You Ran shook her head, she sniffed, her eyes hidden with affection, and she poured out, "Actually, every time I am in front of you, I always feel that I am so stupid and overwhelmed, my lord, You Ran knows that I shouldn't be so stubborn to ask questions. Yours, will you forgive me?"

"If you want me to forgive, then go take a bath. I don't want to ask a doctor for a little fool." Mu Fei raised his eyebrows and circled his fingers, signaling You Ran to quickly turn around and try her exclusive bath. The hotel's small bathtub was much more comfortable last time.

You Ran agreed with a smile in her eyes. She could only reluctantly look at the back of Lord Mu Fei's departure, then took off her clothes and jumped into the bath with the scent of Lord Mu Fei.

The warm pool water wrapped around her cold body, and the faint scent of blue herbs filled the mist-shrouded room.

You Ran stuck her head out of the water and looked at the closed door. Even after being apart for only a few minutes, she missed her Master Mu Fei so much.

The lord said fifteen minutes and she would come to see her.

She suddenly felt that these fifteen minutes were longer than kneeling in the snow.


When Mu Fei used the excuse of not wanting to trouble Aunt Dai, she refused Aunt Dai's request to hand over clothes to You Ran. Fifteen minutes later, she took a brand new pajamas that should be called You Ran. Well brought to the bathroom.

She pushed the room away, looked at the mist in the air, and walked slowly to the edge of the bath.

She looked at this pool of blue water sprinkled with irises. The water was very calm, but it was steaming softly.

But You Ran was nowhere to be seen.

Mu Fei frowned in confusion. She put down her folded clothes, looked around, and then set her eyes on the steaming water.

She thought about whether You Ran fainted in the water because of the steam?

She approached the bath and carefully observed the bottom of the water.

Mu Fei, who had thought of this worrying point, had not had time to go down to hunt for people, but the surface of the pool she was approaching began to ripple with romantic ripples, and a half jade-like figure suddenly appeared out of the water, while Mu Fei was surprised at the same time .

With a bright and warm smile, she hooked Mu Fei's neck with her mermaid-like slender arms, and then placed a kiss on Mu Fei's cheek.

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