MTL - On Her Lips-Chapter 163

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dim room

I can only hear the soft voice that is so tender to the core. In the romantic soundtrack, the soul and flesh and blood of the listeners are rippling wave after wave.

From time to time, there are also speaking tutorials.

"And then touch here, like this... um."

The silver-haired woman sitting in front of the screen was flushed and her forehead was sweating.

She looked at the head chair of the famous in the intermixing of light and shadow—

Sandy the Stripper's Collector's Edition DVD.

The other party is really every move just right, the ultimate ecstasy.

"So that's how it is..." You Ran squeezed the pen holder and watched the movie slowly, taking note of the action points.

There should be body language, eyesight, sexual tension, seemingly non-existent provocation...

You Ran's heart was pounding as she watched this video disc. The disc that Yin Sili sent her was really R-rated, her cheeks were burning hot and her head was smoking! !

However, she is shy and shy, and the key point is to grasp, what is seduction, it turns out that this is the real seduction, she is a pure woman like Sayuri, her blood pressure is rising, and her blood is boiling.

She only has feelings for Mu Fei, it's just that she is frightened by the senses.

But she thought about it, if she learned this, Lord Mu Fei would dote on her even more.

In order to avoid the appearance of other miscellaneous things that dare to seduce her lord and use the best means, she should study more and understand more about any aspect.

You Ran decided to overcome the obstacle of psychological embarrassment and boldly learn the skills inside.

Thinking like this, she immediately patted her red face and watched it seriously.

After the film ended, she took down two pages of notes.

Even when Mr. Dao Lei taught her to study, she was not so serious and diligent, You Ran looked at the two pages full of paper, and suddenly felt a little ashamed in her heart.

After a while, she quietly found the best hidden place to hide the CD-ROM given by Yin Sili.

Then he opened the door and pretended to go out to get some air.

In private, he was observing the surrounding enemies. Well, very good, no one should have come to her.

She went downstairs and pinched her shoulders for Aunt Dai again, and by the way, she said clichés.

For example, when will Mr. Mu Fei go home today, or whether there are important people in the manor today.

Aunt Dai saw that You Ran squeezed her shoulders comfortably, and she didn't think about how the little guy asked so many questions, so she told the other party one by one.

"Miss is expected to be back in the afternoon. Why do you miss her again?"

"Yeah, the adults have been very busy recently. Even at home, there is no way to disturb her." You Ran rubbed Aunt Dai's shoulders while chatting.

Aunt Dai smiled, mainly because of the re-awakening of the Ao Ze family in the group recently, the internal personnel will be adjusted, and the business with the West Coast side will change, and there are things related to the interests of the royal family.

These all made Mu Fei a little busy.

However, Mu Fei would not tell Xiao Youran about these things, she only hoped that the other party would take good care of his body during this time and not go out to "cause trouble".

"Miss is a little busy on weekdays, don't misunderstand her, but you can't think like a child that Miss doesn't like you anymore, she can treasure you." Aunt Dai treats You Ran as if she were her own daughter. The relationship between Mu Fei and You Ran went smoothly.

"Aunt Dai, I know. In the future, I will learn more from Mr. Dao Lei, and maybe I can share some of it for the adults." You Ran thought so, which made Aunt Dai laugh.

Mu Fei won't make You Ran work hard, and she thinks You Ran is very suitable for commercials. After the last advertisement was shown, Mr. Ao Ze always praised everyone.

"By the way, did you know that your last commercial was shown?" Aunt Dai asked You Ran, assuming that this little thing didn't know.

You Ran frowned, and then he remembered the lipstick advertisement he worked with the big movie queen a long time ago.

"I don't know yet..." You Ran shook his head stupidly.

"Let me tell you, it seems that it's only been shown in the past few days. I think you, if you feel bored in the mansion after giving birth, you can continue filming. Our old man sees your performance on the screen. Kudos, I like it." Aunt Dai said that we have a big star in Mu Mansion, and it's good to think about it.

When You Ran heard the old master complimented her, she immediately became excited. She was really busy and forgot about it recently. At first, she was forced to be invited by God Kang Li to participate in the show, and then she received the advertisement. It was with the reluctant consent of Lord Mufei.

However, things seem to be going well.

"Did Mr. Ozer really praise me like that?" You Ran felt that her self-confidence came back, she thought that the advertisement she shot wouldn't make a splash.

"It's a big compliment, I'll show it to you."

Mr. Ozer thought that You Ran was really good, so when he was watching TV that day, he ordered his subordinates to record the advertisement of You Ran.

You Ran had no choice but to look at the screen image that Aunt Dai gave her, and it was actually played, and the shooting was really good.

Aunt Dai and You Ran watched together, and she felt that the temperament of the little guy was not inferior to that of the already famous actress.

You Ran looked at herself on the screen and thought of the world's top dancer's works she had watched before, and she secretly cheered, she could do it too!

So she immediately hugged Aunt Dai happily, and went upstairs immediately.

When she got back to the room, she locked the door.

After confirming that the lock is very firm, I took out the very, very private gift box sent this morning from the deepest part of the wardrobe!

A very **** and eye-catching **** pajamas! !

You Ran decided to put it on tonight and let Lord Mu Fei want to stop him!

So she opened the exquisite gift box that Yin Guigong specially selected for her, and took out the sealed bag inside.

What caught my eye were the exquisite embroidery and the partially hollowed-out half-tight low-cut suspenders... The skirt, it could be considered a skirt, but You Ran held it in her hand and gestured, this... it couldn't wrap it there at all.

Fortunately, there is another piece of silk fir that looks very high-end outside. It is **** and charming to wear with it.

You Ran touched this suit with perfect drape and gloss, and secretly gave Yin Guigong a thumbs up in his heart.

She must have lived up to expectations.



She finally learned that Mu Fei had returned to the manor

She specifically called Mr. Daowrey to ask if Mr. Mu Fei would go out again and whether there were other itineraries.

The answer from Dore's old father was: No, you can go to her as much as you want.

Listening to the old father's advice, You Ran's heart had already blossomed.

Because from now on, Master Mu Fei is hers alone.

You Ran was sitting on a chair, she smeared body lotion on her body, and then slowly put it on the semi-tight inner body of a thin fabric that could be said to be just mesh, with black graceful patterns sticking to her snow-white skin. , looks very tempting.

She blushed extremely even looking at herself, she looked in the mirror, and immediately put on her knee-length silk jacket.

She curled her hair into big waves with a curling iron, gathered her waist-length silver hair, put on cherry-colored lipstick, and pouted.


"By the way, there is also perfume." You Ran prepared one by one for the notes.

She also missed perfume, but she doesn't seem to have perfume, and she hasn't sprayed perfume for so long.

So she saw several perfumes that adults used to use, You Ran opened the bottle cap and smelled them, and felt that each one smelled good, so she chose a neutral fragrance with a little sweetness and sprayed it into the air, and then it looked like Like a flower and a butterfly, he made a circle, letting those fragrance factors land on every part of his skin.

“It smells good~”

She sniffed, feeling the sweetness in the air.

"Are you ready? My **** and super hot baby~" When You Ran was dressing up, there was no need to guess the speakerphone voice on the phone, it was her military advisor Yin Sili, who was instructing her personally.

You Ran blushed, "Don't call me that, I'm so shy."

"What are you embarrassed about! Hurry up and hold your head high, and pile your big **** on the face of Mu Fei's old guy. You have to let it go and apply what you have learned, you know!"

Yin Sili's quotations are very straightforward, but her sonorous voice conceals the nakedness and **** of the content.

"I-I see, don't say it anymore, you say I'm going to be nervous again." You Ran tidied up the chest pad in front of him, revealing a full outline.

"Okay, okay, I won't say it anymore, you hurry up and tell me the result the next day."

"the next day?"

"Yes, did Mu Fei see that he didn't **** you for a day and a night?"

"Oh, you hate to say things like this..." You Ran listened anxiously and embarrassedly, and quickly pressed the hang up button. Really, after Yin Guigong said this, her originally not nervous heart became nervous.

Just as You Ran was preparing in his room, Dao Lei interrupted Miss Dao Mufei's study to ask about certain matters.

Mu Fei asked Da Lei to call again later, and someone from her group came to her study to report some more important documents.

Dory immediately said he knew.

It is estimated that the business manager and another manager in charge of the planning department are here, isn't it arranged for tomorrow? It seems that the preparation work was reported in advance.

Dao Lei suddenly thought that Xiao Youran had asked the young lady if she had anything else to do?

But there was no problem with the little guy going to Mu Fei, so Da Lei didn't tell You Ran that there were other people in Mu Fei's study.


There is no one in the corridor on the second floor

Fit her out now.

You Ran slowly opened the door, her room was not far from Mu Fei's study.

You Ran pulled the clothes on her body, then summoned up her courage, and finally stepped out of the door. Step by step, she took a deep breath and finally came to the closed door of Mu Fei's study.

She struggled with her mind for a few seconds.

Finally knocked on the door.

The two managers who were reporting to work immediately shut up when they heard someone knocking on the door. They calmed down their tense mood and sat up straight.

The first time they reported to their group boss so closely, it was not Mr. Mu Aoze, but Mu Fei, the resolute young head of the terrifying Mu family.

Mu Fei frowned, didn't he tell Dao Lei not to disturb him? Could it be that the person who came to report the materials instructed someone to bring the water?

Mu Fei guessed and had to say one word.


The door slowly opened.

It wasn't the housemaid who was carrying the water who came in, but—

A hot woman with big silver wavy hair.

Her You Ran was just leaning on the edge of the door, leaning against the edge of the door with her body soft and boneless. Her movements were a bit... artificially touched her shoulders, rubbed her earlobe, and then pressed it tightly against her bed. The tail of her skirt was pulled.

She winked at her, and then frantically blinked her big eyes with long eyelashes.

Immediately after, the silk shirt draped over the other party fell to the ground under You Ran's force. She was lying on the door rail, with deep grooves on her chest.

Mu Fei's eyes widened, staring at the hot and funny striptease scene in astonishment.

The sound of the pen barrel falling suddenly pulled back Mu Fei's fascinated nerves.

She immediately stepped in front of the stray beagle, and quickly put the other party's torn coat over her body.

Then he turned his head, looked at the two managers sitting on the sofa inside, and threatened coldly, "Watch your eyes."

Only then did You Ran look up in a daze, what the come there are still two people sitting inside! !

They are holding the report materials in their hands, and they are bowing their heads blushing!

Ah ah ah, You Ran's head is a little dead, she is so hard performing, why are there other people inside, and looking at the two ladies in neat suits, it looks like they are reporting for work, she... Mr. Dao Lei... Hey oh my **** ah ah ah! !

She doesn't want to live anymore.

You Ran looked at Mu Fei with a bad look on his face.

Mu Fei didn't want her appearance to be seen by others again, so he hugged the worry-free beagle to the bedroom.

Enter the door, lock the button, pull the window, all in one go.

Then she threw You Ran onto the bed.

"Sir, you, you, you... listen to my explanation!" You Ran looked at Mu Fei who didn't say a word, and felt bad.

Mu Fei smelled the scent of the perfume in the room, and You Ran's **** **** dress, and abandoned the other party's pretentious and rigid movements. This stunner, You Ran, was simply challenging her endurance.

"What else do you want to explain?" Mu Fei pulled at his vertical neckline and looked at a certain Youran who was sending out invitation messages with dark eyes.

"I thought there was no one else in the room, that's why I'm like this, I'm dressed like this because"

"Because of what."

In an instant, Mu Fei, who was standing beside the bed and tried his best to restrain himself, collapsed on You Ran's scented body.

You Ran's hands were pulled to the top of her head by the opponent, unable to move, she could only see Mu Fei's sharp golden brown eyes gradually dyed red.

She was very keenly aware that Mu Fei's eyes were not right, it was a look full of desire.

You Ran swallowed her throat subconsciously, not knowing whether she was nervous or looking forward to it. In short, her forehead was sweating.

"Because Yin Guigong said that you might be indifferent, so I thought... Maybe it will increase your interest." You Ran whispered.

Frigidity? !

Mu Fei originally wanted to treat this little guy who suddenly swayed gently, but when he heard this explanation, he couldn't help sneering.

It was that Yin Sili again, You Ran listened to that dead woman again!

She clenched You Ran's wrist tightly and told this stupid little lover word by word.

"I'm cold, so this time I'll let you know what it's like to beg for mercy."

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