MTL - On Her Lips-Chapter 159

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On the cloudy and rainy day, layers of fog rose again over Lingshaye City.

When You Ran, who had just washed her hair, was about to dry her hair, she suddenly remembered the ringtone of her cell phone.

is an unfamiliar number.

You Ran thought it was some kind of harassing call and didn't answer, but the second time the number called again.

She pondered for a moment, then pressed the answer button with her water-stained hand.

She listened to the request on the phone, which was obviously a lot of courage, and after thinking for a few seconds, she responded to the female voice on the other end of the phone.

"it is good."

After You Ran got dressed, she walked down the stairs and looked at Aunt Dai who was busy, but she didn't see Mrs. Mu Fei and the old master. She had planned to inform Mr. Dai of her whereabouts.

"Aunt Dai, have you seen the adults?"

Since everyone in the family found out that You Ran is pregnant, everyone in the manor has been very careful and overly worried about You Ran.

"You, you... how can you slide down the escalator! Do you know it's dangerous? You are now"

"What I know, what I know, I'm just as precious as cherishing animals right now, well, Aunt Dai." You Ran took the reprimand that Aunt Dai was about to start very naughty.

She just sat and slipped down the escalator on the second floor. In the past, when Mu Fei was not at home, she often did this without seeing Aunt Dai talking about her, but now, even if she made a big move, no one in the mansion would do it. You can yell at her.

Could it be that when you are pregnant, you are restricted so much? It is extremely aggrieved.

Aunt Dai had an old face with a cold face, whitening this little worry.

You Ran also understood that although the manor was cold-hearted, they were all elders who were hard-mouthed and soft-hearted.

"Aunt Dai, do you know where the adults are?"

"What are you doing?"

Aunt Dai squinted, the lady and the master explained before going out, asking You Ran to rest at home and not run around.

"I have to go out, I want to tell the adults, but the adults are not there."

"Where to go?" Aunt Dai was instructing her work, and when she heard that You Ran was going out, she immediately turned around and looked at each other.

"A coffee shop on Guiling Avenue downtown."

"Oh..." Aunt Dai looked at You Ran so calmly, thinking that the other party couldn't do it behind her back. Well, other stupid things like dating a bad woman, but You Ran didn't have this idea, who Know what the other person thinks.

The little guy is so simple-minded, but you must keep an eye on it.

"Cough cough!" Aunt Dai coughed deliberately and winked at the nearby domestic servants, who all understood that they would retreat.

"Youran, it's not Aunt Dai who talks too much. Sometimes the lady is busy and sometimes she can't accompany you. You should pay more attention when you go out or something." Aunt Dai tried her best to remind Youran to be careful.

Don't trust anyone easily.

You Ran smiled and took Aunt Dai's arm, "Are you afraid that I will be deceived by others? Aunt Dai, in this world, only adults can deceive me. Do you think it is possible for others?"

"Okay, okay, in short, you must pay attention to safety when you go out. If you have anything, you should contact your family immediately, you know?" Aunt Dai stroked Xiao Youran's hair, no matter what, even if You Ran is an adult, she is still the one who gave birth to a baby. In her heart, she is still a child.

But she believed that You Ran was always doing the right thing, even though he was walking on the muddy roads that were ambiguous as humans and blood clans, at least the little guy kept his heart from start to finish.


"You actually want me to kill the savior?"

"She's my mortal enemy, don't you think it's very exciting to think that that **** woman never thought you would stab her in the heart with a silver knife?"

"I can't do this, God doesn't allow me to do this, I can't do it!"

"If you kill her, I'll let you go. I promise, as long as you stick this little thing into her heart, your sister will always be safe in the future, and she will never be kidnapped and sent to filth again. The prostitute's house."

"So you know all this, no, it's you, it's you who arranged this...?"

What Cambers got was a cold snort and a generous confession that Cambers didn't care about at all.

Xiwa asked Campbells why she treated her sister like that like crazy. Campbells was very impatient and gave her a slap in the face.

And this slap in the face completely extinguished the last shred of fantasy in Xi'an's heart for Campbells.

Her face was beaten very painfully, and she also recognized the reality.

She thought that after a long time, she would be able to touch this uncertain love and person, maybe love and people are not counted, but Camberci just regarded her as a substitute for a woman who looked exactly like her, a person who could vent her desires Tool of.

She has almost destroyed her, and now even her sister is going to do it ruthlessly.

Campbells is a devil, she deserves hell!

She knelt down on the cold floor, tightly holding the short blade that Cambers had given her, she knew that it was made of special silver and vampire-feared materials. The silver-haired woman should be the one that Cambers has always avoided, and the only mortal enemy that Cambers fears.

That person should also be blood.

Xihua clenched the dagger tightly, and she wished she could use the short blade in her hand to insert it into Camberci's chest, but she knew that she had no such ability at all.

"My poor little one, I said you don't mess with me, I won't even hit you." Cambers saw that she had been beaten to the ground by herself, she didn't want her things to be useless, she still needed This woman is going to kill that **** alien!

Camberci then helped her up and rubbed the other person's blushing cheeks slightly, "Hey, what are you thinking about? Can you help me with this?"

Xiwei was straightened by the other side's jaw, and she was facing Camberci's gray-gold horror eyes. She finally pursed her lips and nodded.

"I will send someone to protect you secretly and deal with that abominable alien species for you at a critical time. Of course, your task is to insert that gadget into her heart."

Hearing Camberci's gentle instructions, Xihua knew that the other party did not send someone to protect her, but secretly spied on her.

She was silently warning her not to play any tricks or try to escape.


The roar of the car rang out one after another

A thin woman wrapped in a gray coat stood in the middle of the road in horror.

The gloomy gray rain was falling, and she was pulled back to her tense nerves by the terrifying sound of car horns.

She didn't know whether to move forward or backward, and stood in the middle of the road at a loss.

"Are you OK!"

A slightly worried female voice pulled her from her almost collapsed mood. Xihua was pulled forward by a strong hand, and she quickly used a large black umbrella to cover her from the wind and rain until they ran to it. Safe zone for traffic.

And behind them is the Guiling Cafe where the women have an appointment to meet.

"Just now, thank you."

After they were seated, Xi Yan lowered her eyes and said thanks. She was wrapped in a gray coat. Although she had light makeup on her face, the unnatural redness of the woman's face made You Ran see it at a glance. come out.

The other's face was artificially injured.

You Ran looked at each other silently for a while, until the waiter came over and asked them what they needed.

Xihua asked Youran what she wanted to eat, and she treated her.

You Ran said that they could chat for a while, and they weren't very hungry, so they just ordered two cups of coffee in the end.

Obviously, Xi Wei's behavior was very unnatural. She was restless and looked up at the outside through the screen window from time to time.

Even wringing his fingers nervously, then putting it down again.

"Honey, if you have any difficulties, you can tell me, I"

"You Ran!"

Suddenly, the woman who had always been silent suddenly called out You Ran's name. She excitedly held You Ran's hand and asked her with a trembling voice, "...You, do you think I'm pretty?"

You Ran was stunned for a moment. When she was about to push him away, a very small piece of paper was tucked into her palm.

She immediately understood what was going on. She was about to speak, and she could guess when she saw Xihua's eyes. They were being watched from the window, and they were also being monitored.

The listener was probably hidden on Xi'an.

You Ran took advantage of the situation and approached some Xi Yan calmly, and put the note in her hand in her hand. She didn't even have to look down to see what was written on the note.

(Cambers wants me to kill you with that dagger)

She was astonished to perceive a name she knew all too well.


It's actually Campbells, no wonder...

She thought that all these coincidences were probably just real coincidences. She didn't know how to help her when she was tortured by her other half, but now that she thought that it was the **** woman who carried out these atrocities, it was all a lot easier.

Before, she even went to the private domain of the Camber family to look for this Camberci, but she came back without success, and Camberci hid in a place she couldn't see.

You Ran sneered, forcing himself to keep a very calm look, and then smilingly responded to the Xiu who was injured by Campbells, "You are indeed very beautiful, and you look very similar to someone I know."

"Her character must be different from mine." Xi Yan mocked herself, she no longer knew whether she was a human or a ghost.

As long as Campbells was by her side, she was in **** all day.

"I know that you used to be a very talented painter. Your hands should not be bound by these negative emotions and lost your brush. I have seen the paintings you painted, some of them are gentle and graceful, and some are majestic, you have to believe yourself."

You Ran said this, holding up Xi Yan's hand, the other party obviously has a calloused hand, and shouldn't be tortured and humiliated.

(It's time for you to get a good night's sleep, Hope, and when you wake up, it will all come to an end.)

Suddenly, the voice of You Ran came out of nowhere in my mind, but the other party wasn't saying this.

And what she told her in her mind, only she could hear it, and the people monitoring them would not hear it.

Xihua widened her eyes in shock and looked at You Ran, You Ran just gave her a soothing look.

"I know, I've always wanted to believe in myself..." Xi Yan spoke to You Ran like this.

(what are you going to do?)

You Ran asked this sentence in his mind.

"That's good, I don't want to watch you sink in forever. Your sister said you look good when you smile. You have to smile more."

(Camp to me, okay? If you believe me.)

In the end, after being silent for a few seconds, Xi Yan firmly smiled at You Ran.

They chatted a lot, chatting like ordinary friends, and the chats were clueless and messy, causing the subordinates who were listening to them to frown in dissatisfaction.

until the clock hit ten

Obviously, the two of them were very close, and from time to time there was an intimate demeanor. Obviously, You Ran was attracted by Xiyi, who looked exactly like Mu Fei.

However, with the passage of time bit by bit, Xi Yan still did not make a move.

The subordinate who was listening to them ordered that Xiu must do something.

At this moment, a rude big truck roared near the window, and a row of high-level delivery trucks stopped by the window, blocking the large French window facing out.

It is a chain truck that transports fresh coffee beans, and the stop of the truck obstructs the observation of the watchers. They have a blind spot for vision. The leader immediately stepped forward to negotiate, and the driver did not dare to stay. Time is gone.

In the gap of dozens of seconds, I thought nothing would happen, but—

I saw Xi Yan suddenly stood up, stood up in embarrassment, grabbed her purse and left the cafe with shame and anger, leaving You Ran to sit there quietly.

And Camber's subordinates who were watching them across the road saw that the woman ran out like this, and they immediately drove after them.

In an unmanned alley in front, this disobedient mistress was stopped.

"Master asked you to kill that woman, what are you doing here!" The leading subordinate dragged the thin woman's wrist angrily.

"She, she just took me lightly, I don't want to..." Xi Yan complained angrily, and then she was not forgiven by these people.

They threw her into the carriage, and immediately informed Campbells of the other party's actions.

The person on the other end of the phone ordered coldly, "Bring it back."

Soon, the black vehicle stopped at the door of a very secluded residence with surveillance areas everywhere.

Xiwei was too scared to get out of the car. In the end, she was dragged out of the car by Camberci's subordinates. Even though it was pouring rain outside, they pushed her to the front without pity and walked to the forest on foot. In the cold villa.

Everyone knew that this unfortunate human woman was about to be beaten again.

Xihua shivered and protected her arms, letting the rain wet her face, but did not dare to go in.

She seemed to know what she was about to face, resisting and trying to escape, there was only endless fear on her face.

Until the very cold and laughing voice came out, ordering her to come in immediately, and then the door opened on its own.

Xi Yan took a deep breath and slowly stepped into this cold house.

The next second, her neck was tightly choked by a cold hand.

"You disappoint me dear."

Xihua was so mercilessly strangled by Cambers, her face gradually turned purple, and her eyes were filled with physiological tears.

And a strange scene appeared, suddenly from the gap where Camberci's white phalanx was strangling his neck.

A large number of terrifying insects with black wings and circular arthropods drilled out from Xixi's neck, and then more and more, showing a trend of fast climbing, surging out.

The dense terrifying bugs climbed up Camberci's arm, and the sharp arthropods formed a needle stick, which plunged into Camberci's beautiful arm, which forced Camberci to withdraw his arm immediately. She swung hard to get those disgusting bugs away, but her arms were already covered with bubbling abscesses.

"Honey said that every day with you is like living in hell."

The haggard woman who was crying bitterly suddenly opened her mouth. She wiped her just injured neck with her hand, then walked to the door step by step and locked the door.

A click.

Then he turned around silently, "You tortured the woman who loved you so badly, but she said that she must give you an account if she couldn't complete the task, so I'll give you an account for her."

Every time Xiu took a step, the floor under her feet quickly corroded. Gradually, the entire land seemed to be floating on a black magma with thick smoke, and below that, there were countless skeletons composed of dead souls. Call.

Xi Ma crouched down and gradually changed her appearance, revealing her silver hair.

She looked at Campbells, who was bleeding out of pus from her arm, and smiled and expressed the kindest friendliness:

"Cambers, welcome to hell."

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