MTL - On Her Lips-Chapter 145

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several days in a row

The continuous drizzle has started to fall again in the northern Saya district

Even after winter, it is still much colder than the Guangming City where I stayed a few days ago.

The people living in Tamblyn Manor, another hidden residence of the old man, always felt that the atmosphere was a little subtle recently.

Subtle embarrassment.

This is probably still from that evening a few days ago.

On that day, everyone was happy that the half-blooded Mu Fei's sweetheart, You Ran, was able to get pregnant, so they informed You Ran when they were excited, and encouraged You Ran to tell Mu Fei who didn't know it yet.

Everyone wanted to see the lady's reaction.

Especially the owner of the home, Oze, because he is very happy that he can hold his granddaughter.

The result surprised everyone that Mu Fei was not only unhappy, but his reaction was extremely cold. Those words were really hurtful, and they hurt Youran.

"So, are they sleeping in separate beds now?"

The old man sitting in the living room suddenly asked another question that he cared about after reading the handwritten letters from various families handed over by his subordinates.

The Shadow Servant Gaien, who was reporting his work behind him, raised his eyebrows. Obviously, this sudden question made him a little confused except for the hidden mission of eradicating assassination.

Did the old man mean the young lady and You Ran?

"It should be, these days the waiter said that they are not in the same room, and the lady has been taking a nap in the study." The butler Dao Lei, who was waiting respectfully, said softly, which made Gaien relieved.

Fortunately, I didn't ask him about such private family matters, otherwise he would stutter again.

After listening, Ozer took off his glasses, and closed the blood book written by some families who were on the wrong team through his various "gentle" means, and he handed the booklet to Gaien behind him.

"Just do as I said, go with a few other people, don't go too far." Ozeluo mentioned the strong innocence, male Gaien, and attacked those families who had already recognized the situation. lighter.

After Gaien nodded obediently, he disappeared in the next second.

Ao Ze sighed, obviously, at this moment things at home are more annoying to him than outside.

His precious daughter was inexplicably alienated from You Ran because of the child's problems.

"Is there any misunderstanding? I don't think Xiao Fei should be someone who doesn't like children. Normal people are too happy to hear that the person they like will be pregnant with their children. Why would Xiao Fei react so strangely." Ze propped his chin, completely unable to understand the current situation.

Dao Lei stood behind Ao Ze and listened, his face was also a little solemn, he was more distressed by the little guy who regarded himself as his own.

The little guy was heartbroken because he was slapped in the head coldly by Mu Fei that day.

He didn't know whether You Ran had approached Mu Fei later, he only knew that the little guy's expression was sad even if he wanted to cry or not.

"Han Sheng said that You Ran has been eating very little these days. I guess they haven't... Reconciled, maybe, um." Dao Lei was a little worried, but he still said this, hoping that the old man could find some way to help Help his poor little daughter-in-law.

Ao Ze lowered his eyes and stared at the black tea in the cup in his hand, and suddenly felt that it was not good at all.

He frowned slightly in confusion. Although Mu Fei was his biological daughter, he didn't know what his precious daughter was thinking.

It stands to reason that it is such a joy that a sweetheart can give birth to a child of the same bloodline as him. Why did Mu Fei behave so calmly, no, it was too cold.

Although Mu Fei is usually deserted, but as his daughter, he knows that Mu Fei is not a completely cold lover, otherwise the other party would not even give up his life for that little guy.

"Well... I think I really should have a good talk with her." Ao Ze pondered for a moment, still thinking that there must be something unclear about it, his old father should ask.


"You Ran is down."

Suddenly, Da Lei reminded Ozer in a low voice, and sure enough, a lonely and lonely figure slowly walked down the escalator in the attic.

The other party's eyes were always downcast, long silver hair was draped over her shoulders, but she was wearing a slightly thin white shirt, which made her look a little haggard and low.

"You Ran." Ao Ze sat in the living room on the first floor and took the initiative to greet the little guy who was not paying attention when walking up the stairs.

Sure enough, the other party was stunned for a moment, then hurried to Ao Ze's side, bowed slightly politely, and said to Ao Ze and Dao Lei, "Good morning."

Dao Lei could see from You Ran's still out of focus eyes that this little thing must have cried again last night.


Oze waved his hand, and the waiter of the manor immediately brought up a beautiful tray and presented it. This is the food that Oze specially instructed the back kitchen to make to replenish You Ran's physical strength.

You Ran stood aside, looking at the delicate desserts on the dining table, she scratched her head a little embarrassedly, "Mr. Ozer, these..."

"Come on, You Ran, how much to eat. I heard Da Lei said that you have eaten very little recently. Why is the food in the manor not to your taste?" After drinking a cup of blood, it was obvious that in order to let You Ran eat some food, he prepared himself to serve her with her.

You Ran quickly shook her hand, an embarrassed smile appeared on her pale face, "No, really not, the food in the manor is very delicious, You Ran didn't think that way."

"That's great, this is the human breakfast that I specially asked the chef to learn, you can try it." Ao Ze pushed the plate of fresh porridge in front of You Ran, motioning for the little guy to try it.

You Ran looked at the nutritious porridge that seemed to be rich in ingredients. There were shrimps, clams, mushrooms, etc. in it. It smelled very fragrant and made people appetite.

"Thank you, Mr. Ao Ze!" You Ran sincerely thanked the old man sitting in the first seat, and then scooped and drank the porridge with a small spoon.

Ozer was relieved when he watched the little guy finally pick up the spoon.

To be honest, he still likes this girl quite a bit. He thinks You Ran is really good. He is so considerate and kind to Mu Fei and everyone in the Mu residence.

He is looking forward to it, when will You Ran call him "Sir Father"?

Ozer thought to himself like this, but did not notice that the girl sitting on the other side of the dining table had other uncomfortable reactions.

When You Ran swallowed her first mouthful of delicious porridge, she felt that this bowl of porridge was very delicious.

It's just that when she took the second sip again, the faint discomfort caused her to frown slightly, but she didn't want to go against the good intentions of Mr. Ao Ze, so she continued to eat.

Then came the third scoop, the fourth scoop…

When she tried to swallow again, she found that her body was doing a very strong rejection reaction, and the porridge she just swallowed was so nauseating that she wanted to vomit immediately.

She stood up instantly, the chair behind her swept across the floor and made a very sharp, piercing sound, especially under everyone's astonished eyes, she rushed into the bathroom on the first floor.

She was so embarrassed that she forgot to close the bathroom door.

She lay there, retching uncomfortably.

When Aunt Dai heard that, she hurried to the bathroom. She saw You Ran was retching and coughing uncontrollably, and her cheeks were flushed.

Aunt Dai immediately walked behind You Ran and gently stroked You Ran's back, "It's okay, You Ran, it's okay..."

You Ran heard Aunt Dai's voice, and as the other party comforted her, her nausea gradually eased, until she couldn't vomit any more before she really eased.

Her whole body was in a cold sweat, because of this sudden incident, when Aunt Dai stroked You Ran's back, she could feel the cold and dampness on her hands.

The little guy's reaction... it's really not right.

Aunt Dai didn't dare to delay, and immediately slowly helped You Ran, who was a little collapsed, out of the bathroom.

You Ran looked at everyone in the mansion with a worried look on her face. She opened her mouth and wanted to apologize to everyone, especially Mr. Ao Ze. She even vomited after drinking porridge. This is simply disrespectful to Mr. Ao Ze. !

"Mr. Ozer, I..."

Ao Ze waved his hand, motioning You Ran to stop talking.

The little guy's face was really white and scary at the moment.

"Hurry up and help You Ran into the house, I have already notified the doctor." Ao Ze asked Aunt Dai to do so.

After hearing this, You Ran immediately wanted to explain that she didn't need the mansion to make such a fuss to find a doctor, she didn't want to trouble anyone. "I'm ok."

"You don't look like you're okay."

Ten minutes later, Dr. Xiao Li came in a hurry.

Fortunately, when Mr. Ao Ze, the helm of the Mu family, called him, he happened to be nearby, otherwise it would be really impossible for him to arrive at Tamblin Manor within ten minutes.

Xiao Li auscultated You Ran's various signs and checked You Ran with special instruments.

When he got the final result, he looked at You Ran lying down with a little wonder.

The girl in front of her who had been treated in her clinic, the child brought by Mu Fei, all symptoms at this moment indicate that this little guy...

Xiao Li stared at You Ran for a few seconds, then pulled away the assistant behind him. He wanted to talk to You Ran alone to find out.

When the assistant closed the door, Xiao Li packed up the equipment, and he could feel You Ran's nervous eyes following him.

Xiao Li finally took off the stethoscope, thought about it, and asked, "You Ran, do you know?"

"Boom boom boom-"

Xiao Li just wanted to talk to the child, but an uncomfortable knock on the door interrupted his voice.

He had to get up and open the door, and standing at the door was the noble mistress in black, Mu Fei.

"Diagnosed?" A cold voice came from the door into You Ran's room.

The girl sitting on the couch heard the long-lost familiar voice and stood up immediately. She wanted to walk up to Mu Fei and ask Mu Fei, what did she mean?

These few days, even though they were living under the same manor, Mr. Mu Fei was really no longer close to her like a stranger, physically and in life.

The other party locked himself in the study, probably to avoid her.

You Ran really wanted to ask, what did she do wrong? Lord Mu Fei would be so repulsive that she might have children with her.

You Ran raised her head cautiously, and she could only see Mu Fei's weak white jaw through the curtain. She didn't dare to go forward to question him, so she could only stand quietly in her room, and she didn't want to step into her. The voice of Murphy in the room.

"Okay, Your Excellency." Xiao Li replied.

Obviously, he understood what Mu Fei meant, and the other party wanted him to talk to her alone.

So, Xiao Li turned back and said to You Ran in a slightly comforting way, "Don't worry, you're fine."

Then he walked out of You Ran's door.

You Ran looked at the closed door, and Mu Fei never came in to say a word to her.


In the inner room on the first floor

Under the candlelight, the woman in the black shirt could not see the expression on her face.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure, You Ran is pregnant."

The man informed the hostess of the mansion who was sitting opposite him about his diagnosis. He could probably sense the relationship between Mu Fei and the little guy, but he didn't expect the little guy to be able to get pregnant. But I didn't expect it to be possible.

"To be honest, I didn't expect it, it's just a miracle, I'm happy for you, I wanted to ask your one in the room, but I'm afraid she can't bear such a surprise, but fortunately you interrupted I am, haha."

When Dr. Xiao Li said this, he thought his friend Mu Fei should be happy.

It's just that the woman sitting at the other end did not show any joyful expression. Her eyes were lowered, as if focused on a certain place, and she was in a trance for a long time, and her fingers even twitched unconsciously.

After a long time, she raised her head, suppressed the sadness and reluctance in her eyes, and said calmly, "If I say, I don't want to keep this child."

"What... what?" Xiao Li thought he had heard it wrong.

"I don't want this child to be born, I need you to find a way."

At this moment, You Ran, who was leaning against the door with all his breath away, was completely stunned when he heard the words coming from the gap in the door. Then, big drops of tears fell silently from the black eye sockets.

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