MTL - On Her Lips-Chapter 110

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When will the rain end?

Unexpectedly, Guangming City is not always sunny every day, and there will be a few days when there are small emotions, just cry and cry.

But why did she not stop crying.

The adults woke up, and it was too late for her to be happy!

Why was she crying, when was she so vulnerable?

It's not... it's not...

Mu Fei, can't you remember her! It doesn't matter, as long as Mr. Mu Fei wakes up, everything is variable.

One day, Master Mu Fei will remember anything about her, there will be such a day!

If Mu Fei really can't remember, it doesn't matter, they still have more time to create new memories, she spent six years to let Mu Fei open up to her.

She doesn't mind spending another six years, no, she wants it faster, she doesn't want to waste any more years.

"Little devil, are you still crying?"

The unique smokey voice of Teacher Han Sheng came from behind.

You Ran lowered her head and smiled bitterly, then wiped her eyes and turned around, her eyes were obviously red from crying.

"I cried with excitement, teacher." You Ran explained his embarrassing behavior.

Han Sheng sighed, he had already regarded Xiao Youran as his own daughter, and even though he knew and saw the ability of the other party's mixed blood, he still regarded the other party as a stammering little girl.

Everyone in the mansion is like that.

He opened his arms silently, signaling the other party to cry if he wanted to.

You Ran looked at the old man in such a poor way of comforting people, and fell into the other's arms for a second, sobbing.

I cried out all the grievances and unwillingness, and all the tears fell.

"Tears can wipe my body, but snot can't, kid." Han Sheng patted the other party's back, and then joked, hoping that the little guy would not be so sad.

You Ran burst into tears, but she was still very uncomfortable.

"Teacher, do you think adults will just forget me like this..."

Han Sheng looked up at the fading rain, and the dark clouds gradually dispersed, casting a soft but bright light.

"Youran, do you know? A person's relationship won't stop just because the other party forgets you. I know your always-forward temperament won't stop there, so let's think about the good side now, your My lord, she is awake now, don't have to wait for the illusory hundred years, she has already woken up and is alive in front of you, even if she doesn't remember you, but you can't stand still, I believe you know what to do, good boy."

For the first time, Han Sheng abandoned his rambunctious temperament that had nothing to do with him, so he softly comforted You Ran with the tone of an elder. Over the years, You Ran's changes were all in his eyes.

She really did her best to the lady and the mansion.

Probably, no one in this world loves Mu Fei more than her.

The little guy deserves everything Mu Fei has done for him.

Fortunately, everyone is fine.

"It's the first time I feel that you are a teacher..." You Ran wiped away her tears while listening to Han Sheng's rare teaching method, and said something seriously.

Han Sheng immediately raised his fist in an attempt to attack the opponent, "Little devil, you are still teasing me for coming."

However, You Ran is agile, and Han Sheng can't hit her for a long time.

"It's alright, it's alright, just don't cry. We are all working in the back. Yin Guigong has been in the ward telling the young lady about these days. Don't worry."

Han Sheng patted You Ran on the back and walked out of the courtyard.

"It's finally clearing up."

You Ran heard Han Sheng's leisurely muttering, and then he looked up at the sky. Sure enough, the rain stopped and the light came out.

She snorted and wiped away the tears on her face. How could a vampire like the clear sky so much, and sure enough, the teacher would be the least comforting person.


When Youran came to Mu Fei's ward again

It's the afternoon of the second day

It happened that she saw Dr. Lian Zhuo, so she asked about the situation of Mr. Mu Fei at the moment.

"The recovery is pretty good. I have to say that the recovery power of pure blood is better than that of ordinary blood. Now the scars on the face are almost eliminated, except for some deeper ones on the body that have not been completely eliminated." Lian Zhuo Looking at his own record report, he talked to You Ran about Mu Fei's situation.

"The doctor, can she still remember about me, sir?" You Ran heard that Mu Fei's body was slowly recovering and let go of her heart stone, but she still cared about the disappearance of her memory. superior.

Is there any room for improvement.

Lian Zhuo shook his head, it was the first time he had encountered such a situation.

Listening to Dao Lei, that kind of potion was given to the barbarians, so there is no way to prepare an antidote.

After all, the blood race in the barbarian land has been isolated from the outside world for too long, and the ban on one drug has been lost for many years.

"Good boy, you might as well ask the witch, maybe she has a way." Lian Zhuo didn't believe the old witch, but the other party was able to wake up Mu Fei, indicating that Sakya should not be underestimated.

You Ran was suddenly depressed to the extreme, because she had already asked Granny Saga, and she didn't have that ability either.

The barbarian potion is forbidden to the outside world. As long as you don't know the recipe, there is no solution.

It is because there is no solution that it is listed as a banned drug, and it is forever forbidden to mix and reappear.

That kind of potion actually has a name called "Mingyou".

The purpose is to bury the sad, sad, and painful memory that I most hope to forget in the underworld, never mention it again, and never cry again.

But Mu Fei used it on the memory that needs to be cherished the most. This is her own choice, in order to protect her beagle forever.

She didn't think about the assumption that she would be rescued, she was already ready to die.


"...This is probably the whole process I'm talking about."

In the ward

After Yin Sili, your company who still likes to hold a steel fan, finished speaking, his gray-gold eyes looked at his old friend Mu Fei, who was sitting on the hospital bed and recovered soon.

She did not follow the brief speech that Mu Fei asked, but tried to tell in detail what happened during this time, everything she knew.

Including Mu Fei herself willing to take all the guilt for Youran, and how her little fool rescued her home.

Although she didn't see the tragic war scene with her own eyes, the tragic scene where she challenged those murderous soldiers alone, but she did.

I saw how You Ran, who was covered in blood and scarred that night, hugged Mu Fei and brought it here.

She tried her best to protect her sweetheart carefully, even if she was really about to lose it.

Mu Fei held the cold tea in her hand. After listening to what Yin Sili told her, she was silent for a long time.

Her pale face was even more haggard because she had not fully recovered.

Because he hasn't sucked human blood for a long time, because he has been blocked by silver for a long time, and because of some punishments he suffered in the dark prison.

Acupuncture, silver water washing, torture device for forced awakening.

"I remember everything, the people and things I met, everything in the past seven hundred years, except... You Ran, I really can't remember anything about her."

Mu Fei looked at the vortex in the black tea and opened his mouth slowly.

Yin Sili opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say, because she just caught a glimpse of a figure passing by the door.

You Ran, she probably heard it all.

Hearing this sentence, she must be very sad.

"Then do you remember the reason why you voluntarily shouldered those things?" Yin Sili was a guide, she wanted Mu Fei to gradually have a little bit of Youran's shadow, even a little bit.

"I only know that in order to protect someone and her, I decided to take this risk, even if I don't exist anymore."

"Darling, that person is You Ran, you brought her home six years ago, and then slowly grew up, now she is eighteen years old, she loves you very much, probably the most loved person in the world That's it." Yin Sili didn't want to hide You Ran's feelings at all, because everyone could see that You Ran had sacrificed his life for Mu Fei.

She wasn't exaggerating at all, really.

"You Ran..." Mu Fei silently called You Ran's name.

And You Ran, who was silently leaning on the wall to eavesdrop at the door, heard the long-lost call, and tears filled her eyes instantly. She leaned her back against the wall and silently wiped away her tears.

Mu Fei finally shook his head. In her memory, the name was unfamiliar.

And the appearance of the silver-haired woman was also the first time she had seen it.

She really hopes that she can remember the precious memory that she lost. She knows that Yin Sili will not lie to her. The girl she wants to protect is You Ran, but she can't think of anything about her. Woke up.

"It's okay, you're lucky to wake up, take your time, and your little guy is very powerful. After she brought her back, neither the royal family nor Xijie officially issued a hunting order. I think the 'catastrophe' first Enough for them to breathe, You Ran is really awesome!"

Yin Sili raised her eyebrows and said proudly, if she hadn't known that Mu Fei had just woken up and needed a good rest, she could really have touted Xiao Youran in front of Mu Fei!

Mu Fei snorted after hearing this. She really didn't expect that she would swear to protect a half-breed who the royal family had always denounced as a "xenogeneic".

She felt incredible, she thought her feelings were indifferent, at least not the kind of thought that would equate her life with another person.

So, over the past six years,

How did she and You Ran have such a fateful bond...

They can be loyal to each other.

until life, until death.

Mu Fei wanted to know the hidden answer.

"I also really want to recall those good memories, and I want to make my memory complete." Mu Fei said.

You Ran hid all her breath, even if she burst into tears at the moment, she could not let Mu Fei discover her existence.

When she heard Mu Fei want to remember those beautiful things, You Ran suddenly felt that there was hope and light in front of her. She was worried that Mu Fei had forgotten about herself, and she didn't even want to think about her. of everything, that is the worst.


Mu Fei still wanted to remember her, even if the other party was unfamiliar with him now, wouldn't there be hope for hard work?

How could she just give up.

It's not too late.

She took a deep breath, wiped away the last tears, and then turned her head slightly to look at the figure far away in the ward.

Glancing deeply at her dear Princess Her Royal Highness,

Then left silently.

For several days, Mu Fei did not see the servant Youran again.

She privately thought it was because of her alienating behavior that made the other party sad. After all, when You Ran came to visit her the next day, the other party accidentally touched her hand.

She also avoided it reflexively, she didn't like being touched by others.

You Ran's expression at that time probably seemed to be about to cry.

So, since then, she never saw You Ran when she was awake at night.

In order to regain her energy faster, during the day, she is in a deep sleep state.

What Mu Fei didn't know was that at four o'clock in the afternoon, there was always someone who would put a bunch of purple flowers on the head of her bed to promote her sleep.

She did not cross the boundary again, and did not approach any more, but just stood two meters away from the bed and stared at Mu Fei silently.

just left.

She has persisted like this for a week. Except for picking flowers to give to her sweetheart, she spent the rest of the time sewing the fox mask.

Granny Sakya told her that the best way to find good memories is to reenact the pictures from the past.

She didn't want to repeat those memories that made adults unhappy, so she thought of the first time she danced with Mu Fei at the masquerade ball held in Yin Guigong's mansion.

It was the ball where she danced hand in hand with her princess, Her Royal Highness;

It was at that dance that she realized that the princess she was in love with was a perfect angel who could dance;

It was at that dance that she told Mu Fei that she missed her for the first time.

You Ran felt that that scene should perhaps leave a shadow in the heart of Mr. Mu Fei, because it was a very beautiful scene in You Ran's heart, so she hoped that the adult would remember some, even a little bit.

She sewed the fox mask with her own imagination and memory. She took a picture of the finished product in her hand. There was no way. This was the seventh mask she had sewed, and it was very similar.

At least worthy of the fingers punctured by needle and thread.

That night, with the help of Dr. Lian Zhuo, You Ran found a larger open room to practice first.

She was afraid that her dance steps would be unfamiliar and that something would go wrong.

She opened the soft dance music of the banquet that Yin Guigong found for herself, and put it on the gramophone.

Slowly, the light dance music of that day drifted into the room.

You Ran couldn't help but follow the pace of the day when he jumped up to the music.

With the melodious music coming, Mu Fei, who woke up from the dream, heard the music from nowhere, and slowly lifted the thin blanket.

For some reason, she felt that she liked this song inexplicably.

So gentle and familiar.

I seem to have heard it somewhere.

She was attracted by this tune, she just put on a thin coat, stepped on the sparse shadow stone steps by the beautiful moonlight, followed the sound to another mansion in the backyard, standing there door.

She turned her head slightly, just in time to see that in the spacious and bright room, a woman with slightly thin clothes was dancing gracefully with her back to her.

She held the door with her hand and tried to get closer to see it more clearly, but she made a crunching sound when she stepped on the floor.

The dancing woman suddenly stopped and turned her head to look at her.

Their eyes were facing each other, and the air was filled with the soft and gentle fragrance of flowers, the scent of her pillow.

Only then did Mu Fei know that the person who stuffed purple flowers under his pillow was the woman in front of him every time.

You Ran never expected that Mu Fei would come suddenly. She panted and looked at the beautiful adult at the door, and swallowed nervously.

Will the adults leave immediately?

You Ran's always-intelligent brain was stagnant, because she was not ready, and her fox mask had not been brought, it was just that she came to rehearse quietly...

How to do?

"Why don't you jump?" Mu Fei stood at the door and was the first to break the awkward silence.

You Ran bowed his head bewilderedly, and explained embarrassingly, "Sir, I, I"

"I really like this song, I feel like I haven't heard it for a long time," Mu Fei looked at the spacious venue and suddenly became interested.

After all, staying in bed for a long time has made her old bones rigid.

"Do you want to dance this dance with me?"

She just saw You Ran's dance steps and felt that it was okay, so she asked this question casually.

It was this casual question that made the silver-haired girl, who was originally uneasy, looked up at her in astonishment.

Mu Fei found that the eyes of the other party looking at him were shining brightly.

Those twinkling eyes told her silently: she wanted, very much.

"I only dance female steps." Mu Fei kindly explained in advance.

"It's alright, I'll dance the men's step."

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