MTL - On Her Lips-Chapter 105

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It's extremely cold here.

tin ring

The highest court of the blood clan, one of the three major institutions that coexist with the royal family.

Once ranked above the royal family, he has the highest judicial power.

However, now that the royal family has grown stronger and stronger, the imperial power has already penetrated the upper levels of each court.

Therefore, the royal family also indirectly has the honor and ruling power of the trial area.

The inside of the black dark prison marked with the number "12" at the moment.

There are blood prisoners who are about to be executed.

There is no day and night.

Some are just miserable screams and unbearable pain.

It's a never-ending mental and physical torture.

And in the deepest part of this heavily guarded dark prison No. 12, a prisoner classified as a severe punishment was sent today.

Before being escorted over, those crazy death row prisoners who had slashed countless blood with their hands had heard that this blood race was once a great noble.

As for why they were sent to this No. 12 death row dark prison.

No one can know the reason for this.

When the aristocrat sent it, his entire body was tightly covered with a special gray cloth, which was sealed and transported.

That kind of fabric is not designed to give the other person an intimate shade from the sun.

But the inner layer is densely covered with pure silver powder. Those fine powders have been specially developed and built to cover the skin of any blood race, and they will bite the skin like countless ants and erode the core of the bone. .

This is the most brutal way of escorting.

To use it on an aristocrat is to humiliate to the extreme.

What crime did she commit?

From having no honor to fall into such an unbearable dark prison, any prisoner in dark prison No. 12 is very curious.

Nobles are the most advantageous status class under the royal family. As long as they are loyal to the royal family, they can never worry about it.

Those death-row prisoners who had long been mad and insane watched the nobleman who used to be a high-ranking member turn into the same fate as their prisoners, and some only had crazy ridicule and endless pride.

It was not until the pushed roller reached the end of the dark prison that the screeching roller stopped the harsh sound.

The nobleman was rudely pulled from the shelf by the two guards. Even though her body was wrapped in cloth, they thought that the one who was escorted inside was the former unattainable Patriarch of Mu Mansion.

Their hands couldn't stand it, and they touched it savagely and profanely.

Even the nobleman there remained awake.

"Have you touched enough, children?"

A sweet and tender voice spread like a spring breeze to this dark and gloomy prison No. 12.

All the guards who heard the voice stood stiffly and straight, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

And the death row inmates in the first prison were even more silent in horror, as if they were convicted of madness before.

She is His Royal Highness Celie of the Royal Family, the younger sister of Grand Duke Celin, and her favorite is the torture of prisoners.

Even though she has a delicate baby face, her methods are cruel and ruthless, whether it is for her own people or outsiders.

No mercy.

"I'm asking if you've touched enough!" Celie grabbed the neck of the guard who was too frightened to speak, and broke the other's neck in the next second.

The body was then thrown aside.

"It's all clear. This is a distinguished guest from the No. 12 Dark Prison, the Duke of Mu's House. He was sent here because he disobeyed the royal family, but in any case, he is a distinguished guest and should not be neglected."

Celie's clear voice entered the ears of everyone in this dark prison, and everyone thought that the other party was really saving the nobleman's last face before saying such a statement.

However, she changed her words.

He ordered the inquisitors who followed him to lift the gray fabrics that had already worked, allowing the tormented former duke to breathe and breathe the breath of death.

"Only I can judge her."

The gray fabric finally stopped covering her body, and Mu Fei's face was revealed when the fabric was torn apart.

Compared with the beauty of Mu's house under the heavy rain that night, Mu Fei's face at this moment is really...

"Look at this poor little face, it must be hurt so badly by the silver." Sai Li raised Mu Fei's chin with her fingertips.

Looking at the appearance of the blood seeping from the white cheeks, the silver powder corrodes.

The wound will always open, and then the blood dripping is such an endless cycle. In short, this way of suffering is a great torture for the nobles who have not experienced the pain of skin and flesh.

But the woman in front of her was determined and stubborn.

He even stared at her coldly with those golden red eyes.

There was still that mocking smile on the corners of his mouth, even after such torture.

As if she was silently resisting her, fighting against the royal family.

Sally is troubled, and she petitions herself to deal with the scandal that has engulfed the royal family for many years.

If she handles it well, she is considered to have made a great contribution in the royal family, and her prestige will increase even more, and as a result, she encounters an idiot who will not let go.

This mutinous thing.

The other party didn't say anything about where the alien was placed.

"How many times have you asked, my answer is still the same." Mu Fei looked at the royal family member calmly with cold eyes, but she still turned her face away, not wanting the other party's dirty hand to touch her.

Celie snorted, "Even if everyone else thinks that the alien species will be burned to death by that fire, because no one can solve the poison in it, I'm still a little worried, after all, I've always been cautious."

Mu Fei was tied to a special-specification torture device covered with silver, and her body had already lost the pain from these silver objects, because it was too painful.

She had forgotten how painful it was.

Only the scorching scars of the torture tools that were bound to the hands showed how hurtful these sharp tools were.

"You won't get the answer you want from me, Your Highness." Mu Fei glanced at his stretched wrist, his face still so calm.

As if the pain wasn't on her.

Celie grabbed Mu Fei's wet hair and raised it slightly, "Mu Fei, why are you so confused? If your father hadn't fallen asleep, he would definitely not have agreed with you to make such a stupid decision."

Mu Fei was forced to look at the respected Highness Sally. In her memory, You Ran, who she would protect in her death, no longer knew what she looked like.

It's just that, subconsciously, every cell in her body is helping her remember the only decision to stick to.

You must be fine.

Live well.

"His Royal Highness, can I, a dying person, ask you a question? For the sake of my family's loyalty to the royal family." Mu Fei raised her head slightly, she was tortured to the point where she could only speak softly.

Sally looked at the face of the other party that was always as usual, and Mu Fei was not moved by the torture tool.

What a monster.

"Okay, you can ask." Celie let go of the other party's hair and looked at the other party's question in a leisurely manner.

"If the so-called 'xenogeneic' is really based on blood, you should be her aunt. If I say, that child has been pitiful since childhood and was often bullied. She was picked up by me when she was twelve years old. , The little guy is kind-hearted, very polite, and can endure hardships. Everyone in the mansion loves her. She could have stayed in the mansion all her life like this, and would not pose a threat to you at all. It's such a 'different species', you In view of my imminent execution, let her go, okay..."

Sally looked at Mu Fei, who didn't cry or shout even when tortured by the torture tool, but at this moment she was crying and begging her, she suddenly felt extremely ridiculous.

"How touching. It's very touching that you, as the master of one party, willingly died for the mere 'Xenogeneic'." Sally sneered and listened to this stupid question, giggling like she heard a big joke. nonstop.

Mu Fei twitched the corners of his mouth and shook his head sarcastically, "Yes, how can a royal family like you understand people's hearts?"

Sally looked coldly at this arrogant woman for a moment, and the other party's words were full of contempt for her and the royal family.

"The news of your death will come soon. Just tomorrow, I will show everyone you sheltered that their former owner was burned to the point that there were no ashes left."

Celie coldly issued her own judgment, and she wanted to let all the blood clans know the fate of defying the royal family.


"She's dying, her physical signs are completely confused, obviously, I can't save her, she's giving up on living..."

"Please save her!"

"I'm trying my best, but this kid..."

The clock in the ward has pointed to six o'clock at night, and the rescue that lasted more than two hours continued.

As for the weak woman lying on the hospital bed, her emaciated skin was full of thin tubes. Even though she tried her best to pull her away from the **** of death, the originally strong child never looked back. Go to the other side.

She didn't want to live in a world without Mufei.

Since she knew all the things that happened because of her, Lord Mu Fei has taken all the guilt for her, all the guilt.

It turned out that it was a mistake for her to live. She should not have lived. She affected everyone and her adults in her life. The adults also died because of her.

When she knew the news, she felt that the sky was about to fall, her world seemed to be drained of air, she was like a dying person, she couldn't breathe at all, and was about to suffocate.

She felt that countless sharp knives had been stabbed into her heart, and she was broken into pieces. People were not like people, and ghosts were not like ghosts.

She was really dying of pain.

If she died like this, could she reunite with the adults in another world?

The adults will be very lonely there alone, she must accompany her.

She thought so, so she didn't want to live at all.

It's too hard for her to live...

After more than three hours of rescue, the people here finally pulled her back from the hand of death.

To prevent her from short-circuiting herself, her arms were tied to the bed frame.

Both Dole and Mr. Han Sheng came to visit her, but she couldn't speak a word because her voice was hoarse.

Her body, which was slowly recovering, was pulled open again by her self-defeating pull.

She is now like a broken product that has been scattered by wind and rain, and it is all scattered with a little movement.

She stared blankly at the white ceiling, hearing only the ticking of the clock.

Even after the tears had dried up, water would still seep from the corners of her eyes, grazing the scars on her face.

She was like a puppet that was no longer popular.

Lying in bed, waiting to die.

As a breeze blew, a person suddenly stood beside her.

She still stared blankly at the ceiling, unshakable, as if there was nothing in this world worth her care anymore.

The woman standing looked at the lifeless person on the hospital bed, and then raised her head to look at the most dazzling sunlight in the Kansas area. She decisively pulled down all the curtains, blocking all the light in the room.

Then she took off her black cloak.

"Your mother was not as cowardly as you back then." After the woman said this, she stretched out her hand to hold You Ran's wrist, feeling the weak pulse of the other party.

The poison developed by the Campbell family, any blood race will die if burned by this poison.

You Ran has survived until now, all because of the blood of the black witch in her body and the monster dormant in her body.

"In order to protect you back then, even if your mother was besieged to a desperate situation, she sacrificed herself to protect you with her last strength, You Ran."

When the woman lying on the bed heard her name being called, she finally turned her eyes slightly and looked at the woman in the black cloak beside her.

Lian forced emperor.

Isn't she from the Lian family? The Lian family is loyal to the royal family.

You Ran didn't want to think about whether this woman was an enemy or a friend, but the other party mentioned her mother, yes, she had never seen her mother, but why did she cry again.

You Ran felt that she was sorry for many people, because of her, her mother died, and because of her, her adults also died.

She is a disaster.

Silent for a long time.

"Mu Fei is still alive, but she won't live long." Lian Pudi finally told this fact to the despairing child.

After the woman lying in the hospital bed heard the announcement, she slowly opened her eyes and looked at the woman who suddenly gave her hope.

Her lips trembled unbelievably, and she needed to know if the other party was lying to her!

She stared at Lian Pudi's eyes.

In the end, she knew that the other party was not lying to her!

"Ah... big... lord..." Her eyes were instantly filled with tears, and her lips twitched to ask, but she couldn't make a sound at all.

She wants to save Mu Fei, she wants to save Mu Fei! She wants to save Mu Fei!

Emperor Lian Pu stared at You Ran who was so anxious and at a loss, and the hopeful eyes of the other party had already told her what she needed to do at the moment.

"What do you want to do with your body? Could it be that you are going to save Mu Fei? You don't even have the determination to survive." Lian Pudi stimulated the other party coldly.

"I... want to... save... her" You Ran roared with all her might, her voice was hoarse.

Emperor Lian Pu looked at the other party and seemed to see the appearance of You Ran's mother again. She did not expect that the other party's temperament was very similar to hers.

Don't be afraid to die for the ones you love.

"Actually, the heart in your body is only half, that was separated by witchcraft in order to hide your bloodline from your mother. She originally hoped that you would live as an ordinary person for the rest of your life, not to be exposed, not to be hunted down. , but she didn't expect that you still followed in her footsteps," Lian Pudi said slowly, and then pointed to the position of his heart.

"The other half of the heart is stored with me. If you think about it, I can return it to you now, provided you think about it yourself." After finishing speaking, Emperor Lian Pu opened his scarlet eyes and waited for You Ran Answer.

Such a decision has only one outcome.

You Ran's location will be revealed in an instant, and the hidden identity will no longer exist.

You Ran will face the crusade of the whole blood clan, of course, if she is strong and courageous enough, she can also take the initiative to go.

It all depends on You Ran.

After all, the blood of the already extinct black witch is something that the blood clan and even many creatures fear and hate, because they are too powerful, not to mention, especially the children of the black witch and the royal family.

Emperor Lian Pu's hand was grabbed suddenly, and a stream of consciousness like a black swamp invaded into Emperor Lian Pu's mind like a giant python.

Just to convey a message-

She doesn't care what she becomes,

Even if it is irreversible, she has long been irreversible.

She just needs to save Mu Fei.

Emperor Lian Pu stared at You Ran for a long time, and finally began to recite the ancient incantation silently. In an instant, the sun-drenched sky in the Kansas area slowly formed countless black terror vortexes.

It swept the city of light like a storm.

Emperor Lian Pu pierced his heart with sharp fingertips.

In an instant, blood dripped down the black skin.

The blood merged into a dark star pattern as if being summoned, and the windows of the room were instantly closed and plunged into darkness.

Only the beating heart, in this dark room, produced a **** call.

The original hospital bed had already been pulled six feet underground by the vines that pierced through the surface, and the half heart that was handed over was on Youran's body in the center of the star.

In an instant, countless pairs of skeleton-like skeleton hands that emerged from the ground were pulling the girl frantically.

They want to annihilate her, they want to drag her into hell, they want to live with her as a demon.

Everything in the room began to slowly corrode. The girl hanging on the wall showed a crying face of a demon because of the corrosion, and then melted into a pool of black magma, spreading everywhere.

In an instant, You Ran was swallowed into this endless abyss.

Just when Emperor Lianqiu frowned as he looked at the underground abyss and began to worry,

A hand full of black sticky and liquid suddenly stretched out from the abyss, and then the whole person stood up from the terrifying black abyss.

Her body was covered with terrifying black magma, which was still bubbling hot on her body.

With her back to Emperor Lian Pui, she slightly raised her broken arm that had been fused by the magma, and her eyes full of black bloodshot innocently looked at her body that was beginning to be glued by the magma.

Her head rotated 180 degrees, looking at Emperor Lian Pu.

Then, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.


"His Royal Highness, according to the report of the subordinates, there is a strange phenomenon in the Kansas area, but there is no clue in the investigation again, and the subordinate guesses that it may be related to the 'Xenogeneic'..."

Her Highness Sally, who had just finished the death penalty from the tin ring, listened to her subordinate's report with a headache. She had a gloomy face and was in a bad mood. After all, she was in the dark prison on the 12th.

In Xijie's felon venue, although she felt the pleasure of stepping on Mu Fei's dignity under her feet, she was very unhappy that the other party refused to reveal half a word and that annoying arrogant look.

So she was too lazy to listen to her subordinates reporting such undetermined news. She took out her gloves and slapped the other side, "Don't guess, I need the exact result."

The subordinates who followed immediately lowered their heads and did not dare to make a sound.

"Go home." After she gave an order, no one dared to say another word.

In the dark and cold night, Xi Jie was nervously preparing for a grand death penalty feast.

To be held tomorrow, at this feast, she will burn the death row prisoner who despised the royal family in front of everyone. No noble has ever suffered such a humiliating punishment for so long.

Who made that woman so uncooperative.

Celie looked at the cold night and smiled smugly.

When she returned to her royal outer palace, it was already late at night.

Although her mansion is not in the royal family, but next to the royal family, there are many servants in her mansion, and they all know her temperament.

She actually listened to the melodious music of the gramophone coming from her bedroom, frowning in displeasure.

Who doesn't want to live anymore.

The loud high-heeled shoes stepped on the smooth floor, walked to the door of his bedroom step by step, and then slammed the door open.

A tall, black-clothed woman was leaning against the gramophone with her back to her.

The long silver hair that reached the waist of the other party was scattered freely, and it was particularly dazzling in the moonlight of this dark night.

With one hand, she repositioned the gramophone's speed-adjusting needle, and then, the previously soft music began to rush and even carry an eerily sharp inflection.

She turned around slowly, raised her bloodshot eyes, and a gentle but penetrating smile hung on the corner of her mouth, staring at Celie who was returning home.

"good evening,

my dear aunt. "

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