MTL - Omni Genius-Chapter 3174 A chaotic respite!

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Seeking a subscription, a monthly pass~~~~ The whole person seems to be abolished, and I don’t know why!


"I'm fine!"

For the kindness reminder of the nine elders, Fan Jin just nodded gently, obviously not particularly concerned about this... This hatred is obviously very stressful in his heart, and this release is completely uncontrollable. ⊥

Although he himself understands the goodwill of the nine elders, he does not suppress himself too much... Want to break through the level of the Emperor Wu, this release is necessary, and this risk is also there, but Fan Jin believes that he can overcome.

"Nine elders, then we may have a big fight..."

A little relieved, Fan Jin also reminded the nine elders around him, and now his hatred of the low strength, family strength and weakness have been dealt with almost, and the remaining few are not a big family.

Perhaps the identity of these people cannot be compared with Chen, Lu, Situ and other families, but it is only a little weaker. It has always been the best candidate for the island owner of the Five Elements Island.

Especially when several young masters of the younger generation have already fallen, they are likely to rise up. It is not necessarily impossible to become the island owner of the new generation of the Five Elements.

"Maybe you are already doing such a dream at the moment..."

Looking far into the sky, Fan Jin is also muttering to himself, but the murder in his eyes is unprecedented dignity. "Let me personally kill your dreams..."

Obviously, the background behind these people does not allow Fan Jin to stop. The time of the nine elders is not always there. He must take good care of it.

Especially as it is now, you can revenge with justification. You can also complete the task that Qin Fang left for him. How can you give up in one fell swoop?

Missed this wave, he did not know if there is such a good opportunity... After all, after several sneak attacks and slaughters by him and the nine elders, the big families in the melee seem to have realized what. The Presbyterian Church is also actively mediating, and perhaps the melee will soon be over.

This leaves more time for Fan Jin. Once the melee ends, they want to make a profit, but it is not so easy. Almost one hand may expose themselves.

A nine elder, even if it is exposed, he wants to go, no one can stop him. But Fan Jin... He is only the cultivation of the Emperor Wu, and it is almost impossible to escape.

"Wuzhou Liujia!"

Fan Jin silently recited in his heart.

This is their next hard battle... Weizhou Liujia is a very famous family in Penglai’s secret world. It used to be a big family standing at the top of Penglai. However, in recent centuries, there has not been any particularly enchanting genius. The overall strength is relatively weak, which is listed as a second-rate family.

but. The foundation of Weizhou Liujia is not weaker than the five major families of the Five Elements, and even stronger in some respects.

For example... alchemy!

Not bad. It is alchemy and refining.

The level of the alchemist in Liuzhou is the top of Penglai, and the three most powerful alchemists are ranked in the top ten in Penglai.

Only the other top-level alchemists are scattered in each family. Only the Liuzhou family in Weizhou has three unique positions, and there are several alchemy masters who are weaker than the top ten alchemists.

The level of the alchemy teacher is relatively high, so it is doomed that this family is not lacking in medicinal herbs... There are enough medicinal herbs, so the strength of the family of Liuzhou’s family may not be top. But the overall average is extremely high.

As the leader of the Liuzhou youth generation in Weizhou, Liu Yuqing is definitely a local tyrant who is completely devoid of medicinal herbs in the Qin dynasty.

Healing, restoring strength, increasing strength, etc., etc., almost the remedy, he has in his hands. But the quality may not be as exaggerated as those in the hands of Qin Fang.

After all, the Qin side itself is the top alchemy master, and there is also a collection of medicinal herbs such as the Dan dynasty, which is much more than the medicinal prescriptions collected by Penglai.

No matter what, Liu is not short of remedy.

In the face of such an opponent, if you want to get rid of Liu Yunqing, you should be very careful. If you don't get it, you may fall into the delay tactics of Liu.

As long as the arrival of the follow-up reinforcements is reached, Fan Jin and the Nine Elders will be very dangerous. To be more precise... Fan Jin is dangerous and life is very difficult.

However, this will be the last stop before the suspension of Fan Jin’s revenge journey. Before the high-level reaction of Penglai’s secrets, he is absolutely impossible to give up. Even if he knows the dangers, he still chooses to continue!

The nine elders do not care, and the strength is strong to his level. There are not many things that can make him feel dangerous and jealous. Even if things are not possible, he can still easily get out.

As for Fan Jin’s life and death, he can only see his mood...

The task that Qin Fang gave them was to disturb the Penglai secrets as much as possible, and they have already done this, and the chaos is the same. In fact, the Liu family did not change their hands, and the results did not change much. of.


In fact, Qin Fang’s full-scale impact on the Emperor’s level in the demon seas, when the nine elders with Fan Jin assassinated those enemies, the top level of Penglai’s secrets gradually stabilized.

In particular, some of the old monsters with great horror have come out of the mountains. They don't know what happened, but these old monsters have lived for so long and they are more thorough.

In addition, these people are more reluctant than anyone else, and they will not fight casually with others. This will quickly suppress the chaos.

Although there is still a certain distance from the complete subsidence, it is obvious that the little aftermath will soon be gradually weakened until it is completely suppressed...

Of course, hatred is not so easy to lift.

Either it is forcibly forced to temporarily endure, waiting for a more violent outbreak, or to pass this anger and hatred on others...

No matter what, the top level is stable, and the following is slowly becoming honest.

Perhaps because of this reason, Fan Jincai felt the urgency of the situation, had to plan to do the last action, just stopped and decided to hide.

However, the top level of Penglai’s secret environment is an armistice, but the relationship between them is far less harmonious than before... The relationship is very bad, and now it is more of a kind of hatred and old-fashioned; Some of the original relationship is good, and now there has been a very bad massacre, the instantaneous relationship has dropped to the freezing point, and even directly turned against the enemy.

Therefore, when all the powerful figures and the seniors of the Presbyterian Church in Penglai’s secret world sat down, the atmosphere was unstoppable and depressing! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!