MTL - Omni Genius-Chapter 3166 Devil's Seas!

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To kill Ling Tianxiao's plan, for Qin Fang personally, it must be very difficult, but with a nine elders, it is very easy. "

However, if you want to drag Lingjia into the scuffle, it is also necessary for the Qin side to plan well, and there is no accident in it.

However, everything went very smoothly.

Ling Tianxiao was successfully killed by them. Lingjia’s living strength was protected as much as possible, and then it was planted... Fan Jin’s “Yuan Ling Huo” can be regarded as a pen of God.

Lujia, Arsenal, is now in a difficult position with Chen. It should have been the most unlikely to make a strong opponent at this time...

However, the emergence of Yuan Linghuo exposed the true identity of the murderer.

As for why Huo Xiandao wants to sneak attack and kill Ling Tianxiao, no one knows this... perhaps because Lingjia and Chen’s family are closer.

As for the news disclosed by Fan Jin, a real-powered elder of Lu’s family married a woman from the Lingjia Department, and the two were barely considered to be in-laws. It is also normal to have close relationships.

Of course, the Penglai secret is so big. There are some in-laws between the major families. It is actually a very normal thing. Generally, there is no such thing as this.

At some special times, it can be used by people with a heart, so it is very easy to be compared with people. Qin Fang is naturally the idea of ​​playing...

Because the real-powered elder of Lu’s family is the master of practicing Yuanling’s fire...

As for the mysterious identity, you can easily kill the mysterious master of Ling Tianxiao in the late Wu Di, but few people know that he is the nine elders of Tian Yunzong. He only thinks that he is an old monster of Lujia.

Lu Jia has such an old monster. This news is no longer a secret. The Penglai secret master who is almost enough to know the identity knows this news. It’s just that no one has actually seen it.

However, the so-called hole does not come from the wind. Since this news is well known, even if it is a fake, it should be impossible to go where...

The Qin side has used this point to sue the crime of killing Ling Tianxiao. Completely planted on the head of Lujia of Huoxian Island... This black pot is very large, and Lujia is so pitted by Qin Fang that it is difficult to die!

"Lu Jia, is Lu Jiagan's..."

"Yuan Linghuo, who else besides Lujia?"

"Is Lu Jia crazy? There is fierce fighting with Chen Jiazheng. There is a dare to do this to Lingjia, but also kill Ling Tianxiao..."

"Hey~~ Didn't you see the mysterious man who just shot? Even Ling Tianxiao, the late Emperor of the Wu Emperor, can kill, it must be the old monster that Lujia can't hide..."

"It’s also true, only the old monsters dare to do this!"

"Right. Lujia has such an old monster, you said... Does Lingjia have such an old monster? After all, Lingjia is also one of the five major families, and the foundation is very deep!"

"This is hard to say, maybe, maybe not... just like the family, how terrible strength and foundation, isn't it almost killed?"

After the Qin party, they completed the task of planting. When I returned to the restaurant to rest, the various rumors outside were also boiling. Various speeches and news are constantly spreading.

Some of these messages are true, but some are fake. If the fake is true, who can fully distinguish it? But the more this is the case, the smoother the plan for Qin Fang to disturb this drowning...

Just like this time. The news that Ling Tianxiao was killed was just spread out. The elders’ hall could not be calmed down. Immediately, a top-ranking elder led the elite guards of the elders to gallop.

The elder is not only amazing, but also very high in status. It is almost second only to Stuart elders. But at the moment, his face is ugly to the extreme.

Leading the people carefully asked the witnesses of the **** case, and the masters who survived the Ling family, got a message that made him feel very tricky.

Although his heart is full of doubts...

Even his first feeling is... this is planting! Lujiao Lujiao is certainly not a murderer. It is someone who deliberately put this black pot on the Lujia.

However, this is only his personal guess. There is absolutely no evidence to support this speculation... As far as the news and evidence are currently available, Lu’s suspicion is the biggest.

At least hundreds of people witnessed Yuan Linghuo...

This elder is also a high-level figure in Penglai's secret world. He knows a lot about the secrets of each family. Yuan Linghuo is a rare secret technique. It is basically the township of Huoxian Island, and Huoxiangdao. It has been held by the Lu family for hundreds of years, and it is impossible to pass it out.

This is the only spiritual fire, and Lu Jia basically has no possibility of clearing the charges.

On the contrary, the strength is close to the mysterious power of the Emperor Wu, the elder's reaction is flat, the news should be true... He had the honor of meeting the old monster of Lujia in previous years!

Although the old monster had been shut down for decades, and wholeheartedly attacked the semi-holy level, and did not leave the retreat for decades, but now Chen and Lu are both in this way, afraid of these old Monsters can't be calm, it's normal to sneak out for the family!

There is even news that not only the old monsters of Lu’s family may have been dispatched, but even the old monster of Chen’s family has already appeared unwillingly, but it has not been done for a while.

"The autumn of trouble..."

However, Lu Jia’s old monster killed Ling Tianxiao from Ling’s family and directly provoked a big event. I am afraid that the old monsters may jump out and make trouble.

At the thought of those old monsters whose strength has reached the peak of Emperor Wu, the big move that may be made... The elder can't help but have a headache.

"Everyone listens to the order and immediately strengthens the defense throughout Penglai. Once any changes are discovered, report immediately..."

No matter what, it is such a thing, and he can't do anything. It was also an immediate and strict order, and the entire Penglai mystery was followed by tension.

"Qin Shao, what do we do next?"

Such a scene naturally fell into the eyes of Qin Fang, Fan Jin could not help but curious to ask... looks like the whole time. There is nothing wrong with them.

However, he was a bit unwilling to wait to watch the play while he was not doing anything. This is the question.

"We? Of course we have something to do, and it is still very important..."

The Qin side is obviously already in the chest, and he does not care what he said. His eyes are also thinking about how to fly slowly in the distance. It seems to be thinking of something.

"whats the matter?"

This is even more so that Fan Jin is curious, and can't help but come together.

"Open the devil's waters..."

Qin Fang returned to return to God. Looking at Fan Jin with a smile, this gives the answer slowly.


When I heard the answer from Qin Fang, Fan Jin was not good. He almost screamed and exclaimed. His eyes were even round and he looked at Qin Fang incredulously.

Although the nine elders did not scream, but his surprised expression, and strange eyes. He also betrayed his emotions at the moment, and it is not so calm.

"Qin Shao. You... are you kidding?"

Fan Jin was a bit stupid. He couldn't believe it. He thought about it. He didn't dare to think in this direction. He suddenly heard it. He felt bad for the whole person.

"Devil's Sea. Devil's Waters... Do you know what it means to open the Devil's Seas?"

The expression was a little stiff, the eyes were full of fear, and the face was a bit whitish. Fan Jin, the mighty master of the martial arts, was scared to hear this name. It can be seen how terrible the reputation of the Devil's Sea.

It is precisely because of this that Fan Jin will repeatedly confirm again and again.

"Actually, it’s not as terrible as you think..."

Obviously, Qin Fang still knows about the devil's sea area, and knows what it means for the people in Penglai's secret environment. However, this does not affect the decision of the Qin side, or even has no room for negotiation.

"As long as we can control the situation, the devil's waters are not threatening to the vast majority of Penglai's secrets. Only our enemies will be unlucky..."

However, Fan Jin also said that he is also his own, and the nine elders also showed some concern, Qin Fang is also an easy explanation.

Originally he did not want to reveal too much...

Too much disclosure, Fan Jin may be delusional, then there may be some unnecessary impact on the next action, which is not what Qin is willing to see.

However, it is necessary to settle the military heart, and Qin Fang can only say this.


Fan Jin smiled bitterly. "The existence of the devil's sea, which one is not the most wicked, the control of the evil... Once opened, the whole Penglai secrets may be ruined!"

"He is right. The danger and power of the devil's waters are far more terrible than you think. I want to control humans... not that no one wants to do this, but all without fail, and still Put your own life together!"

The nine elders on the side couldn’t help but add one more sentence.

Don't look at the fighting power of his Emperor Wudi. In the whole Penglai secret, in addition to the other eight elders of Tianyun, he is invincible...

Even the old monsters of the big family also have the strength of the Emperor Wudi, and they are still not his opponents. Even he can pick the old monsters like the second and the third.

However, in the face of the terrible demon sea, the nine elders have no chance of winning, and even the possibility of catching their own lives is as high as 80% or more...

From this you can imagine what kind of existence of the demon sea!

"I naturally know this..."

Qin Fang smiled and did not give up because of the supplement of the nine elders. Instead, the smile was even more splendid. "Because I know the terrible waters of the demon, I have to use it more..."

"Ask, in addition to the horrors of the Devil's Sea, who else can keep these powerful masters who shovel the Penglai secret? Nine elders... Is it only you?"

Qin Fang was also a slap in the face of the nine elders, and he couldn’t speak without a word.

Because the nine elders can't refute.

He alone may be able to defeat any one of those high-handed people, but he is also a human being, not a god... When several big families are forced to rush, they will inevitably join forces to attack, so the nine elders can no longer resist.

The most crucial point is that these people are not only attacking the nine elders, but also attacking Qin Fang and Fan Jin. The strength of Qin and Fan Jin can not be compared with the nine elders. Once they are besieged by the Emperor Wu, it is definitely dead. of,

When Qin Fang died, the nine elders also had to die...

In this way, the nine elders can’t speak at all...

"Oh, okay, let me pass you a little bit..."

Seeing the weird expression of Fan Jin and Jiu Elder, Qin Fang added with a smile. "I dare to open the devil's waters. There are also some reliances. I can guarantee that the horrible existence in the demon sea will not work for us. And even listen to our command..."

"And, I didn't intend to release the monsters in the demon sea. At most, I would only release two or three of them, enough to use it..."

"If you don't believe it, let's go to the Devil's Sea and try it out... When you feel that you still can't, then I will give up!"

However, despite the repeated explanations and guarantees of Qin Fang, Fan Jin and the Nine Elders still have no confidence, and Qin Fang can only give back a little.

However, it is not difficult to see from the confident expression of Qin Fang that his concession is only a verbal resignation, and most of his mind has already made a decision.

Moreover, he is certainly quite sure about this action...


See the Qin side saying that Fan Jin and the Nine Elders are also not well opposed. They can only helplessly agree. This is also a way to do it. One of them is Qin’s younger brother, follow-up, and one is Qin’s servant. There is no possibility of rejection at all.

Since they can't resist, and the Qin side has already retreated, they can't force anything.

If it is said that Tianlong Yunhai and Tianyunzong are the holy places of Penglai's secret environment, then the demon sea area is the forbidden land of Penglai's secret environment...

Here is a secret place that has been completely banned. The periphery is blessed with a very horrible ban, and the power of this big squad is almost second only to the big island of Penglai. and

In the devil's sea, it is the sturdy super sea beast that has appeared in Penglai's secret world over the years, or the devil of strength...

The devil here is not just a super sea beast, it can also be a human!

What kind of human beings?

Basically, they are against the ban on the Penglai secrets. They have cultivated the terrorists who are very devastated and mad. Most of them have created the kind of infinite killing.

Of course, although the strength of such a strong human being is very strong, it is thrown into the devil's seas, and it is basically swallowed up by those fierce super-sea beasts, and few can survive. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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