MTL - Omni Genius-Chapter 3146 Directly hit the ancestral land!

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Any human beings appearing in front of it will automatically become the object of its massacre... not to mention the fact that these people are armed with weapons and have shown strong hostility towards it.

Booming ~~~

There was hardly any hesitation in the burial of Shura, and immediately the horrible killings were cast, and all these masters were killed in an instant, and all the way went straight to the inner courtyard of the family to kill them!


The burial of Shura was originally a horrific existence of murder, otherwise it would not be pursued by the entire universe, and then all exiled to the eternal void.

Nowadays, under the influence of Wu Shendan, the fierceness of the burial of Shura is completely provoked. The suffocating temperament of the genius is extremely powerful, and even those masters who fight against him are timid.

Not to mention, the burial of the tyrannical strength of the gods is far from being the best of the best in the past.

"He is... he is Situ Qingyun!"

The burial of Shura occupies the body of Situ Qingyun, which makes Situ Qingyun look very ragged and very miserable, but he is still barely able to see his appearance.

The people who are at home are not completely unknown to Situ Qingyun. For example, some of them have a good relationship with Yan Shaozhi. However, they did not have the right to confront Situ Qingyun, and immediately recognized the identity of the burial of Shura.

This call is tantamount to letting Qin Fang’s plan be completely successful.

Situ Qingyun, or Situ’s family, wants to smear the crime of killing and killing Shaozhi. It is absolutely impossible. It seems that compared with the massacre of the family and the ancestral home, the poisonous killing and Shaozhi are already small things. Now!

Booming ~~~

Almost the crushing type, the burial of Shura went all the way to the depths of the inner courtyard of the family. On the way, any living body was the object of his hunting.

His combat power is really too strong. Killing along the way, almost no decent opponents, completely sweeping the leaves, sweeping all the opponents, crushing, killing!

In just a few minutes, at least thirty or forty people in the family fell to the sacred temple of Shura, and that the half-step Wudi-level powerhouse was no less than ten.

And his slaughter is only the beginning...

Endless killing. It seems that the burial of Shura has become more horrible and bloodthirsty. The suffocating sigh of the body is full of blood and gas, which makes him like the demon of hell.



"Go to the ancestors!"

Seeing the inability to stop the burial of the Shura, those who are at home are also all kinds of screams...

Some people desperately obstructed the burial of Shura, although it was not very successful; some people were afraid of death and immediately escaped to a safe place. They might have been killed by the burial of Shura in the middle of the road; others rushed to the fastest speed. In the depths of the ancestral home, go to the real heritage of your family!

However, such an action. For the killing of the sacred Shura, there is still no influence. His footsteps are extremely firm, without any panic and confusion, and he is also moving towards the depths of his family.

"Qin Shao, he is..."

Qin Fang and Fan Jin are the planners and executors of this tragedy. Naturally, they are also on the lookout and become the outsiders of the massacre.

but. I noticed that the burial of Shura went straight to the depths of my ancestral home, instead of coming over to them. Fan Jin also felt a little strange, could not help but ask.

Compared with the attraction of the masters of the family, it seems that the strength of Qin and his Fan Jin should be more attractive... Fan Jin is also curious about how the Qin side can let the burial of Shura away from them.

"Well, keep it secret!"

Qin Fang shook his head and smiled.

Wu Shendan, this kind of thing, still does not say that it is good... It is not intended to conceal Fan Jin. But this thing is very involved, especially after determining that it can affect the horrible existence of the burial of Shura, the Qin side is even more afraid to use it.

This stuff is a big killer, and it is the kind of indiscriminate attack...

Don't look at the Qin side can now use it to deal with the burial of the gods, but in fact this control is extremely fragile. With a little bit of influence, you may lose your effect completely.

Therefore, Qin Fang is also carefully controlled...

In order to make the killing of the burial of Shura more violent, the Qin side also quietly added a little bit to the burial of the ruins, and the core is in the depths of the inner court.

Here is the ancestral home of the family, living for hundreds of thousands of years, even more distant ancestral homes, the foundation of the family is almost concentrated here...

The Five Elements Island is a rise after the chaos of the island, and the time and the bottom of it are completely incomparable with these ancestral land!

In this way, hundreds of thousands of years of ancestral land have been inherited, and a lot of treasures or resources have been accumulated. As the foundation of the family...

In addition to trying to provoke the hatred of the family and the Situ family, there is no lack of meaning to play this kind of slogan... The Qin party himself rushed in, which is basically a meat buns and dogs.

Therefore, Qin Fang found the sacred sacred sacred sacred gun... let him rampage in front, Qin Fang is sneaking and following behind!

"You let him go to the ancestral home of the family?"

When Fan Jin understood the true intentions of the Qin Dynasty, he was also shocked... As a native of Penglai, how could he not know the significance of doing so?

For hundreds of years and thousands of years, this long-standing family has not been annihilated, and in such a long history, this situation has occurred many times.

However, these great families that have been passed down for a long time are really too deep. Every time they can do this, they have paid a very painful price.

It may even hurt both sides, and then both of them are defeated by the violent end of the door...

This has led to the fact that in the past millennium, these big families have basically not changed much, unless the family is not prosperous, or the talents are dying, this is slowly falling, and then gradually risen by others. The family replaced it.

just. Some of these declining families are completely degraded. For the sake of the existence of civilians, the family heritage is exhausted, and there is nothing to fight for.

Some are slowly rising and slowly accumulating. Maybe it can be mixed very well...

For example, the Situ family belongs to the latter. It used to be an exceptionally brilliant one, but it has since fallen, and it has fallen out of the ranks of the top powerhouses.

However, it has gradually improved. Later, in recent generations, there has been a great elder who is in charge of the Presbyterian Church. The power is almost back to the top.

The only pity is that there are only five in the Five Elements. The number of top families is obviously more. Although the Situ family sees the five elements of the island, it is not easy to rob, at most, it is a small trick.

For example, the rise of Fan Jin... there is no shortage of Situ family to help in the back.

If their strategy is successful, Fan Jin even has a great hope to get rid of the island owner of the Shuisian Island Chen family. After several decades of operation, it is not so easy for Chen to want to recapture the Narcissus Island.

Of course, maybe it is because of this. In the action of framed and murdered Fan Jin, Situ Qingyun was not a participant... He had the opportunity to save and imprison the Fan Jin, who was lucky enough to survive.

Fan Jin knows that the foundation of these big families is too deep. Too strong, will be shocked by the handwriting of Qin Fang.

The family is also one of the five major families currently in charge of the Five Elements of Xiandao. Although it is the weakest of the five major families, its heritage is still not comparable to that of the ordinary martial arts family.

The depth of the foundation is absolutely beyond the imagination of the Qin side.

"You'd better be mentally prepared, maybe the facts will not develop in the direction you expected..." Although I don't want to attack the enthusiasm of the Qin side. But Fan Jin couldn't help but splash a cold water.

The strength of the burial of Shura is indeed very strong. As far as Fan Jin personally estimates, its combat power should be at the level of Emperor Wu, and may even reach the middle and late period of Emperor Wu.

This kind of combat power is placed in one of the top players in the entire Penglai secret. Those who can steadily defeat it can count in one hand.

Such a terrible fighting power, even the victory is difficult, want to kill ... seems to be more impossible?

Is this really the case?

Obviously not!

There is a tactic called man sea tactics!

If you are a strong master, if you encounter several masters who are similar in strength to him, then it is likely to be besieged to death.

The situation of the burial of Shura is like this. It actually chooses to rush into the most mysterious ancestral home of the family, and it is necessary to face the top-ranking high-ranking coffers that guard the family.

The death of the war may be its only ending!

If Qin Fang is secretly advancing at this time, once it is discovered, it is mostly a dead end... Fan Jin will pour cold water because of this.

"This may not be..."

When I heard Fan Jin’s reminder, Qin Fang put it in my heart, but I didn’t care too much about it, but mysteriously pointed to the back of the god’s funeral Shura’s back. “The real strength of this guy. It is definitely beyond your imagination!"

Without really teaching the burial of the violent fighting power of Shura, it is impossible to imagine to what extent it can be strong... The Qin side is a witness. If there are more means than him, and all kinds of secret techniques are tyrannical, he has ten lives that are buried by the gods. Shura gave the slaughter of light.

You must know that Qin Fang even took out the real dragon gods and the star stone necklaces, and almost lost his little life... The horror of the burial of Shura is also evident.

"Is it really so powerful?"

With Qin Fang’s contact for so many days, Fan Jin also had some understanding of Qin Fang. He knows that Qin Fang is not a person who likes to talk big. Since Qin Fang has said this, then the true fighting power of the burial of Shura is certain. More terrible than what he saw.

As for why he can't see it...

It depends on the strength of the opponents that the mourners now face. The strongest is only the half-step Wudi. The fighting power that the burial of Shura is now is enough to kill the opponents, so why bother all the fighting power? Show it out.

"Maybe, when the top Wudi of the family jumped out, he would really worry about it..."

As a result, Fan Jin also had a little more expectation for the performance of the burial of Shura.

The level of Emperor Wudi seems to have been the peak and the ultimate of human beings on earth. It is only a legend.

In the deep sea, there must be a strong person with such a level, but it is certain... absolutely not human, they are some deep-sea animals and old monsters that have lived for many years.

“Absolutely much stronger than you think...”

The Qin side also simply repeated this sentence, but to what extent it is so powerful, he did not elaborate, and there is no need at all.


At this moment, the burial of the gods has been deep into the inner court of the family. It is already faintly heard that there is a roar in the ancestral homeland. It seems that some strong people have been alarmed by it.

Of course, it may also be that the people of the family used to ventilate the news, let the guardians in the ancestral land jump out to protect the whole family... then the burial of Shura will also encounter real opponents.

At this time, Qin Fang naturally could not be idle, and immediately greeted Fan Jin and quickly went to the inner courtyard of the family.

Putting it in the past, Qin Fang really may not be so easy to enter... Although the family can't talk about the Longtan Tiger Cave, it is also a giant family that has been passed down for thousands of years. The master is very complicated and a little lax, it will be discovered. Then it will be shackled.

But now it is different...

The burial of Shura was all the way to kill. He almost killed all the living bodies that passed by. In such a long distance, there was no ghost shadow. Qin Fang went deep into the hinterland of the inner courtyard. What is the hindrance.


They haven't gone into too much, and Qin Fang heard a violent shock coming... The vagueness also has some kind of roar like a beast, and someone's screams.

"Hey, it looks like it’s really playing..."

"However, the people who are at home do not seem to be taking advantage of it, and it is very likely that they will be killed by the burial of the gods!"

Although Qin Fang has not arrived at the scene, but just from these screams, it is almost possible to guess the movement over there. It must be that the master of the family did not put the burial of the gods in the eyes, and then it was in the middle of it. killed.


At this time, there were several other sounds, and the front was even more violent. It seems that several top players have come out.

Undoubtedly, it is the real heritage of the family that has been forced out by the burial of the gods!

"Fast! Fast! Speed ​​up a bit, or you won't see a good show!"

Qin Fang couldn’t help but rush to get up. The speed of moving is also a bit faster. How can such an important scene be missed? (To be continued.)


Read The Duke's Passion