MTL - Omni Genius-Chapter 3119 Drowning fish!

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"What about the two owners?"

At this time, the messenger discovered that the Lord did not seem to be in the same place. Chen Zhong is here, but the owners of the two families of Chen Yuxiang and Lu Qingfeng are not...

"They went into the endless void to kill..."

The two families of Chen and Lu said at this time. △¢


Hearing this, the messenger is also a bit worried, seemingly quite helpless... Both of them are masters of the middle of the Emperor Wu, and after entering the endless void, the battle must be very fierce.

And he is just a quasi-wu emperor, although he can also enter the endless void, but he is definitely not so calm and calm...

Especially in the scuffle of the two great Emperors of the Wu Emperor, he may not have time to speak, and will be torn by the endless horror of the Netherstorm...


Zhang opened his mouth and wanted to let people enter the endless void to inform the news, but in the end this sentence swallowed back.

Those who can participate in this level of combat must at least be masters of the same level. The Emperor of the Lu family in front of the army is only the early stage of Emperor Wu, obviously not qualified.

The Lujia strong person who is qualified by Lu Jia is not closed to death, or is nourishing in the Presbyterian Church. There is no suitable candidate at all...

"Forget it, Chen Zhong, you first go back to the elders with me... Chen and Lu, the two men, each bring back! This matter will be decided by the Presbyterian Church!"

In desperation, the messenger can only let the two families temporarily extinguish the war, and their respective people are brought back to their homes, and they are not allowed to continue to kill.

And Chen Zhong, as a suspect in the Lu Yu case, he must be taken away...

As for the notice to the two owners. Naturally, there are people from the Presbyterian Church. The Presbyterian Church is composed of a group of people with the strongest secrets in Penglai. Some of them are masters of the Wudi level, and even the horror old monsters of the late Emperor Wu...

This little thing is really not a difficult thing for the Presbyterian Church.

The Presbyterian Church has issued orders, even if Chen Zhong is reluctant. But it can only be carried out, and the messenger went to the elders.

The people of the two major families, of course, were brought back by their respective leaders.

"What? Lu Yu is dead? Who killed it?"

However, on the way to the Presbyterian Temple, Chen Zhongcai knew Lu Yu’s news. The whole person was very surprised. Even if he hated Lu Yu’s bones, he would like to unload him eight. But I didn’t expect someone to preempt. One step, how can you not be surprised?

just. His reaction is to make other people feel very different, but at the same time feel too fake...

Although there is no conclusive evidence to prove that Chen Zhong is innocent, all the evidence points to Chen Zhong’s...

It is too difficult for Chen Zhong to want to clear his own relationship.


"Oh, it’s a bit of a surprise, it’s a bit of a surprise..."

The melee between Chen and Lu, in the secret environment of Penglai, has made a lot of movement. Even if most people can't board Huo Xiandao, it does not affect the delivery of the news.

and. Since Lu Yu killed Chen Rui and Chen Zhong killed Lu Yu, the news of Chen and Lu’s two major wars was unexpected.

And the strength of the two major families is quite the same, the masters of the family are like clouds, and no matter how fiercely killing, no one will think that there is anything unexpected.

It’s just that the original party of Qin Fang did not expect the plan to go so smoothly...

"It seems. The situation in Penglai has become more and more chaotic, and it is suitable for me to fish in troubled waters... The next goal is you!"

The conflicts erupted between Chen and Lu have caused the attention of almost everyone. The Presbyterian Church is also a headache...

Chen Yuxiang and Lu Qingfeng have returned from the endless void. They were all called to the Presbyterian Church, and both of them were miserable. Although no one could hold the other side, they all came back with a light injury.

And even if it is the Presbyterian Church, the two are also **** for tat, I am afraid that this matter is not so easy to end, the elders will use the power to suppress it!

At this time, for Qin Fang is the best time to start, he also quickly locked the next goal of the goal ... Accurately, it should be the next enemy of the glass.

Wuxian Island, Narcissus Island.

This is also a long-standing family in Penglai's secret world. Its strength is no less than that of Muxian Island Chenjia and Huoxian Island Lujia.

Of course, perhaps because of the relationship between the practice of water system secrets, Wu family belongs to the more peaceful family, who is not sinful...

To say that it is hard to hear is the wall grass.

Which family is tyrannical, they are biased towards which family... and have always adhered to their own territory, never participated in other power disputes, this was completely preserved, and the strength was always unswerving.

The Wu family is also quite powerful. There are several outstanding young masters, especially Wu Yingjie.

However, Qin Fang unexpectedly learned from the glass, Wu Yingjie, who once said with Chen Zhong, was degraded in an action in the previous two years.

The reason why he fell, but it has nothing to do with Chen Zhong, Lu Yu, but has a great connection with another person, there is ... Situ Qingyun.

Who is Situ Qingyun?

He is the grandson of the elders who are now the most prominent of the Presbyterian Church... and the leader of the younger generation, who can rank in the top five of Tianjiao Junjie.

The reason why Wu Yingjie fell, is said to be because Situ Qingyun’s death is not saved... This makes the small injury seriously injured. When the person is rescued, one life has been removed more than half, and eventually the injury is lost and fallen.

It seems that this incident does not seem to blame Situ Qingyun completely, but he refused to pull out his helper... and his reasons are reasonable. He was also being chased by a powerful deep sea beast. Freed up his hand to assist Wu Yingjie.

However, the hatred of Wu and Situ’s family is such a result...

It’s just that the power of Stuart’s elders is too strong. As long as he controls the Presbyterian Church one day, then Wu’s family does not want to express any dissatisfaction.

At most, it is just a little temper. For some actions of the Presbyterian Church, maintain a state of not participating and ignoring...

It’s like this time the two wars between Chen and Lu, the entire Presbyterian Church is a headache, and the Stuart elders are even more embarrassed, but the Wu family is completely out of the game!

"You want to be completely out of the way, hey, the young man will not let you rest..."

The Qin side thinks this way, and it is the murderer of the brother of Fan Ye, who is also the murderer of the brother of Wu, who also participated in the Wu family’s Wu hero. Naturally, it has become the object of Qin Fang’s killing!

Therefore, when the major families gathered in the Elders' Hall, Qin Fang quietly began to go toward the direction of Narcissus Island!

Narcissus Island is the site of the Wu family, but the Wu family has always been relatively low-key, but it does not live on the island of Huo Xian as the family of Lu, but only some people are in Narcissus Island, and the rest are in Pazhou. On the island.

There are Wu’s ancestral homes, and almost 70% of the Wu family are living in the ancestral homes or in the surrounding towns.

Of course, for this reason, the entire town is almost a Wu family, or a closer relative to the Wu family...

An outsider of the Qin side, the trade rushed into these towns, the possibility of exposure was as high as 80% or more, which is obviously not what Qin Fang hoped.

So he also thought of a little bit of a small means...

That is the fake message!

There are not many people who know about Wu Hero, but Qin Fang knows unexpectedly from Song Wei that Wu’s relationship with a person is very good.

And this person, Qin Fang just knows.


Sun Jian!

It was also one of the four Penglai masters who were sent to the outside world along with Song Wei, and Sun Jian, who was finally killed by Qin Fang!

Sun Jian’s talent is also quite enchanting, and his strength is comparable to that of Song Wei, but his headache is extremely savvy, and he is more likely to be a battalion.

While he tried his best, he got a Muxian Island and became a disciple of Muxian Island. On the other hand, he tried his best to make some other giant family members.

Wu Hero is one of Sun Jian’s hard-working friends, and the relationship between the two is very close... To what extent is intimacy? They used to fight a certain squad in the brothel!

This kind of friendship is unmatched by others...

Therefore, Qin Fang intends to use Sun Jian to catch the hero of Wu Hero.

Sun Jian has already fallen, and there are still very few people who know it. Only a few elders of the Presbyterian Church know it roughly...

Originally they planned to recover some of Song’s injuries. They focused on asking about this matter. What they didn’t expect was that they had not had time to ask, and there was a big fight between Chen and Lu, so Song Yi was also forgotten by them. Going to the side.

Naturally, there are only a handful of people who know the whole of Penglai’s secrets and know Song Song’s return, let alone know that Sun Jian has fallen.

Qin Fang is planning to use such a time difference...

Song Yu and Sun Jian are always very rivals, and because of this, each other is the most familiar. Even Song Yi knows how Sun Jian is in contact with Wu Hero...

As a result, Qin Fang became the appearance of Sun Jian. Through a middleman relationship, he invited Wu Hero to go to the Wu family to play the news of a new squad of Qifeng Building.

As for this middleman...

Qin Fang has also arranged for the abyss slaughter Zi Yan to stare at him. After he passed the news, he will deal with it in the first place.

In this case, when Wu’s hero is killed, the only evidence will disappear together. He will be the only one who has seen Sun Jian...

As for the purpose of Qin Fang, it is very simple...

He got a wooden fairy from the hands of Sun Jian. This is the symbol of the disciple of Muxian Island. As long as he lost the wood fairy in the scene of Wu’s death, he did not believe that there are several wooden houses in Muxian Island. Open your mouth and say it clearly! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Read The Duke's Passion