MTL - Old Enemy Became Sweet and Sticky-Chapter 47

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Shao Xian reached out to pick it up, and accidentally touched Fu Baizhou's hand again.

He didn't hide this time, he naturally took it and held the villain in his palm.

"Let me eat?"

Fu Baizhou couldn't help laughing, "Well, let's eat."

Under the orange light, the man's face was handsome, and his eyes were full of tenderness, as if there was only a young man holding a chocolate villain in his eyes.

Zhou Mengyuan couldn't help but stop while eating, and kept shouting in her heart.

Together! get together!

Shao Xian instantly showed his face, and his eyes completed the shape of a crescent moon. He scooped the little man's head down with a small spoon and put it into his mouth without hesitation.

The chocolate melted in the mouth, delicate and silky, he couldn't help but praise: "It's so sweet."

Fu Baizhou watched him eat.

The head is eaten first, then the arms, followed by the torso.

After he ate the whole villain, a moist lychee appeared in front of him.

Chocolate is too greasy, Shao Xian naturally took someone's hand and took a bite of the lychee meat.

The juice is full, sweet and refreshing.

It's like going back in time.

"After the cake is finished, you must have some dinner, right?" Qian Wenjie dropped the small spoon and excitedly took out a few bottles of wine.

Zhao Siqin echoed: "Come here, all sit down. But what's the point of just drinking?"

"You mean playing games?" Qian Wenjie's eyes lit up, "What is good to play?"

Seeing that the two of them wanted to do something, Zhou Mengyuan immediately raised her hand and suggested, "Truth or Dare!"

This game is old fashioned, but very useful!

Besides, she knew that she had prepared some props for the party today!

She finished her proposal, lest everyone would not like it, so she secretly played with Zhu Manluo.

I wish Man Luo would understand, then nodded and agreed: "I agree."

As soon as she opened her mouth, Qian Wenjie immediately slapped the table, "That's it!"

Shao Xian didn't play much, so he didn't care much about the games he played, and others had no objection.

Zhou Mengyuan took out a small jar from her bag like a conjuration.

"Here is the big adventure I prepared, if anyone is unwilling to tell the truth, they must choose one of them and complete the things written above, otherwise they will punish themselves with a glass of wine !"

She poured the origami in the jar on the table as she said, "No one can be fooled!"

Qian Wenjie filled everyone with a glass of wine, emptied the bottle, and placed it in the center of the table.

"Who will come first?"

"Me!" Zhou Mengyuan quickly took the initiative.

She stared at the other six, thinking about who should play first.

In the end, her eyes were fixed on Shao Xian.

She turned the bottle gently, thinking to herself, it must be Shao Xian!

Unfortunately, things backfired, and the wine bottle slowly stopped in front of Zhu Man Luo.

Zhou Mengyuan asked with a smile: "What to choose?"

I wish Manro doesn't like to drink or take big risks.


The two are friends anyway, so Zhou Mengyuan probably won't make things difficult for her.

Sure enough, Zhou Mengyuan didn't plan to embarrass her, she just asked lightly, "Have you ever been in love?"

As soon as this question came out, Qian Wenjie suddenly became excited.

Zhu Man Luo shook his head, "No."

Qian Wenjie was both happy and disappointed.

The next step is Zhu Man Luo spinning the bottle.

She didn't want to target anyone, so she turned around at will. After a few turns, the bottle mouth pointed to Du Ze.

"I drink." Du Ze said, without waiting for other people to react, he raised his glass and drank it.

Zhao Siqin: "..." I feel distressed and sad.

Qian Wenjie laughed, stretched out his hand to turn the bottle, and several people's eyes fell on the mouth of the bottle, wondering who would end up with it.

"Ah, it's Shao Xian!" Zhou Mengyuan suddenly whispered.

Shao Xian smiled lightly, he had never played this before and thought it was quite interesting. He had already been chosen for truth and drinking just now, so he reached for the origami on the table.

"I'll choose a big adventure."

Zhou Mengyuan's eyes suddenly glowed strongly.

She prepared the origami, of course she knew what was inside!

She stared at Shao Xian's hand, her heartbeat was much faster than Shao Xian's.

Shao Xian took one, opened it, and was stunned.

"What is what?" Qian Wenjie hurriedly looked closer.

Shao Xian smiled helplessly and announced the content on the paper.

"Choose one of the players... kiss!" Qian Wenjie's first reaction was to hide.

According to her obvious personality, she will definitely not choose a girl.

Among the boys, Xianxian and Xianxian are the most familiar, and Xianxian might choose him.

He wants to keep his innocence and fall in love with Manro!

Zhao Siqin also moved a bit to the side, indicating that he did not participate.

As for Du Ze, he had a drink and was already a little drunk. He was leaning on the sofa, his eyes were blurred and he looked at the table, not knowing what he was thinking.

Shao Xian couldn't help laughing.

He held the note and looked slightly sideways at Fu Baizhou.

Fu Baizhou was also looking at him.

"Do me a favor?" Shao Xian said with a smile.

Before Fu Baizhou could respond, Shao Xian hooked the back of his neck, leaned in and quickly touched his lips.

Sweep away.

Fu Baizhou was stunned, looking at Shao Xian in disbelief.

followed by jumping up vigorously.

One after another, the sound was resonant.

Not only him, but others were also stunned by Shao Xian's heroism.

"Xianxian," Qian Wenjie's expression looked a little silly, "Why are you..."

"Ahaha," Zhao Siqin was the first to react, covering Qian Wenjie's mouth, "Okay, Shao Xian's big adventure is over, I'll turn the bottle next!"

Qian Wenjie struggled, although he was a little confused as to why Shao Xian chose to kiss his lips, but in a strange atmosphere, he chose to shut up.

Shao Xian noticed the strangeness, but he remained calm, suppressing the agitation in his heart, watching the bottle turn around.

Zhao Siqin was very lucky, and the mouth of the bottle pointed directly at Fu Baizhou.

He showed a mean smile and was about to ask when he heard Fu Baizhou say, "Great adventure."

Zhao Siqin smiles brighter, it seems that someone has fallen in love with the game of big adventure.

Fu Baizhou took out a piece of paper, opened it and placed it on the table.

"Among the players, choose a person and say 'I'm pregnant with your child', puff ha ha ha ha ha!"

Zhao Siqin smiled and fell on the sofa.

The rest laughed schadenfreude.

Fu Baizhou faced Shao Xian and said in the fastest and most mechanical voice: "I am pregnant with your child."

Shao Xian: "..." Hearing this sentence from a certain mouth is really strange.


Zhao Siqin and Qian Wenjie laughed like crazy.

Zhou Mengyuan once again likes her wit!

Playing until ten o'clock in the evening, Shao Xian said, "I'll be here today, go back early."

He drank a little wine, his cheeks were a little red, and his eyes were a little blurred.

"I've been drinking, how can I go back?" Qian Wenjie asked.

"I didn't drink." Fu Baizhou fixedly looked at Shao Xian, "I'll take you back."

He has never been drinking, but even if he wants to, Shao Xian will not agree.

Stomach is bad, of course not drinking.

"What about us?" Zhao Siqin asked.

Shao Xian smiled, "There are many rooms at home, so I will spend the night with me first tonight."

No one objected.

After returning to Shao Xian's house, they arranged their own rooms, leaving only Shao Xian and Fu Baizhou in the living room.

"How's it going?"

Shao Xian leaned against the sofa and said lazily, "You are so close to us today, won't Fu Cong know?"

"Don't worry, it's fine." Fu Baizhou's voice was soft, as if to appease Shao Xian's restlessness.

Shao Xian stared at him quietly for a moment, then suddenly got up and said: "The quilt is not enough, only four rooms can be accommodated, you..."

"I can sleep on the sofa." Fu Baizhou said immediately.

Shao Xian: "...Or if I go to sleep with the crayons, you sleep in my room."

He got up and left.

The wrist was suddenly held, and the callus on the man's palm made him a little uncomfortable, but it made his heart instantly calm down.

"I..." Fu Baizhou paused and said in a difficult tone, "Can I sleep with you?"

Shao Xian turned his head, his eyes slightly curved, and said with a smile: "Yes."

The two walked upstairs together.

Fu Baizhou has been holding Shao Xian's wrist, he is not willing to let go, but he does not dare to hold it too tightly, for fear of hurting Shao Xian.

The layout of the room is almost the same as the room in Shao's house.

Warm and beautiful.

"I'll take a shower first, and you'll take a shower later."

Shao Xian said, took out two sets of pajamas, left one set for Fu Baizhou, and carried the clothes and towels into the bathroom.

Fu Baizhou picked up the clothes and sniffed lightly.

It's Shao Xian's body, so good.

Shao Xian lay in bed after taking a shower. The temperature of the air conditioner in the bedroom was set a little low. He thought that Chen Baizhou's physique was cold, so he turned it up a little.

Nestled in the quilt, listening to the faint sound of water in the bathroom, Shao Xian gradually felt a little sleepy.

I am really tired today, and it is normal to feel sleepy after drinking and taking a shower.

He originally wanted to wait for Fu Baizhou to come out before sleeping, but he waited left and right, and Fu Baizhou just didn't come out.

Why take a bath for so long?

With this confusion, Shao Xian finally fell asleep in a daze.

After a while, Fu Baizhou came out of the bathroom with a body of water vapor. With the soft wall lamp light, he stood beside the bed and watched Shao Xian quietly.

The young man on the bed was clearly asleep.

Fu Baizhou suddenly reached out and touched his lips.

A few hours ago, Shao Xian had just kissed here, and he would probably never forget that feeling for the rest of his life.

But just after that moment, the cage that had been forged in his heart for a long time collapsed.

A trapped beast broke free from its shackles, roaring frantically with red eyes, as if something had to be done to make it a little more peaceful.

Fu Baizhou greedily looked at the sleeping Shao Xian.

He squatted down slowly, half-knelt beside the bed, and leaned over cautiously and approached the young man little by little.

It's not right, he understands.

But he couldn't help it, and he didn't want to bear it any longer.

The lips were printed on the corner of Shao Xian's cool lips, and there was no further movement.

Just this level of touch made him feel the tremor in his soul.

The hand he held on the edge of the bed trembled, and then again.

Shao Xian breathed on the side of his face, a little warm and itchy, he wanted to hug the young man tightly in his arms and kiss him wantonly.

But Shao Xian fell asleep.

Don't startle him.

Fu Baizhou almost used up all his self-control before letting go of Shao Xian and went to lie down on the other side.

The bed is large, several times the size of a single bed in a high school dorm.

He left enough space to keep himself as far away as possible.