MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 284 Devil's guess

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Biologists have discovered the natural conditions that are conducive to the birth of life from inanimate matter, and even created the source of life directly in the laboratory. Miller's simulation experiment is like the first step for mortals to involve in the field of creation by gods;

Astronomers demonstrated the principle and commonality of planet formation, irrefutably established the fact that a large number of stars have planetary systems, and the Hubble telescope discovered countless new stars and planets;

People found traces of suspected life on Mars, and people confirmed the law of life evolution in their own research. Therefore, various disciplines agreed that the evolution of life should be a common event in the universe.

However, this conclusion was slapped in the face by the facts.

In the silent universe, there seems to be no trace of any non-artificial existence; countless observations have not found any evidence of the existence of aliens.

Lu Yanchi took a deep breath.

He decided to reorganize his thoughts.

First of all, one thing is certain: the facts must be true, because the facts are the foundation of everything. If theory and facts contradict, then it must be the theory and not the fact that is wrong.

Lu Yanchi pulled out a piece of scratch paper and carefully wrote down the words "theoretical error".

On the basis of the fact that the facts are correct and some theories are wrong, he began to think about a question:

What theories are at fault?

Is it organic chemistry, biosynthesis, theoretical biology, or evolutionary biology, planetary science, astrophysics?

Or, even further, these theories that people get from observing nature actually have huge loopholes at their foundations?

The sprout of human science, the foundation of human science, originates from observing nature and summarizing laws.

So, are the so-called "laws of nature" really the laws that created the universe in the first place?

What is the difference between natural and artificial?

Lu Yanchi wrote the words "natural and artificial" on the paper.

As science has advanced, the age and size of the universe has been modified many times by science on Earth. The direction of this modification is generally very similar: the age and size of the universe are always underestimated.

Recently, scientists have given another estimate of the age of the universe, this time they believe that the precise age of the universe should be 13.82 billion years old. The first generation of stars that appeared in the universe should have been around 12 billion years ago.

If the first generation of civilization appeared in the universe when the first generation of stars appeared, that is, 12 billion years ago, then what would this civilization that flourished for billions of years or even tens of billions of years actually be? appearance?

Someone in the scientific community once put forward a bold hypothesis, thinking that quasars and pulsars may be the manifestations of the activities of a powerful cosmic civilization.

However, even this exaggerated assumption seems overly simplistic. It can be found by simple calculations that if the earth continues to develop at the current rate, it will only take a few thousand years to reach the level of such extreme "astronomical engineering" activities—with the blessing of the extraordinary abilities of the spiritual system, perhaps this time may even be possible. drastically shortened.

What about thousands of years later? What will a civilization that lasts millions of times longer do and what kind of might it has?

In less than 10,000 years of human civilization development, the nature of the earth has completely changed. Conquering and transforming nature is the most proud success of human civilization;

As for the civilization that has developed for hundreds of millions of years, how far will their "conquering and transforming nature" progress?

…can those “laws of nature” that we take for granted are changed?

Lu Yanchi stared at the five words "natural and artificial" on the scratch paper, and couldn't help but fall into contemplation again:

What is the difference between the so-called "natural" and "artificial"?

Everything is made of atoms, this is nature; the speed of light is constant, this is nature; the universe is expanding, this is nature; forces are interacting, this is nature; gravitational force, this is nature…

When high-rise buildings rise from the ground, this is artificial; spaceship, this is artificial; Internet, this is artificial; clothes decoration, this is artificial; high-speed rail car, this is artificial…

If the concept of "nature" is deeply pursued, nature should be the limit that cannot be modified by man.

However, when the ability of artificial transformation has reached an unparalleled level, will those "limits that cannot be modified by humans" still be the limit?

At this time, what is the difference between the so-called "natural" and "artificial"?

The universe is already 13.82 billion years old. During such a long time, why did those pioneering civilizations not transform the so-called laws of nature?

If this is the case, then, will the universe we observe today be a universe that has been planned and transformed by other civilizations?

Lu Yanchi was stunned by his own thoughts.

This is an extremely bold conjecture, which almost completely negates the exploration of many fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, etc. by human beings over the past thousand years. It is like throwing science directly into the waste paper heap!

He looked dreadfully at the scratch paper on the table.

There are only nine words on the draft paper now, and the rest are large blanks, but in Lu Yanchi's eyes, it looks like a devil, looking at himself with a grin, seducing himself, and leading him to **** go!

- No, it can't be deduced any more, this is the devil's domain, and it is destined to make you shattered to pieces and never die!

—But, but, but! I really...I really...want to continue the game!

A successful scientist never lacks curiosity about the unknown. Curiosity is the torch that leads them to victory and the devil that leads them to hell.

Lu Yanchi sat there for a while, unable to restrain his curiosity. He seemed to be possessed by a devil, and he couldn't help but continue to write on the scratch paper.

This time, he wrote "transformation".

If some advanced civilizations really existed tens of billions of years ago, how would they transform our universe?

First, as long as the universe exists, as long as stars continue to evolve, new civilizations will inevitably emerge.

In order to protect the status of old civilizations, and to prevent new civilizations from threatening and challenging them, the transformation of the universe by those ancient civilizations must limit this situation to the greatest extent possible.

So, what kind of cosmic transformation can guarantee their status?

[Breakout of inspiration] The blessing of the extraordinary state made Lu Yanchi come to the first answer directly.

He wrote down the words "speed of light limit" on the draft paper.

Obviously, the speed of light is the most direct and easiest way to limit it.

In the existing universe, the energy required to exceed the speed of light tends to be infinite, which makes the information transfer and position movement in the universe have an insurmountable limit.

If it weren't for the occurrence of the white fog mutation, the arrival of the extraordinary era, and if it weren't for the dimensional breakthrough brought about by the extraordinary ability of space, then, even if the earth develops for tens of thousands of years, maybe it can only use its own footsteps now in the Milky Way. Inside.

Thinking of this, Lu Yanchi broke out in a cold sweat.

He couldn't help but think: What was the reason for the occurrence of the White Mist mutation?

In the scientific community and on the Internet, there have been hundreds of thousands of different explanations for the reason for the occurrence of the white fog mutation. Unfortunately, in Lu Yanchi's view, all the explanations are random thoughts without any basis. With stubborn traces.

In the past, he had never been very interested in such problems for which he could not find a reason or even any solution in a short period of time. However, now, for the first time, Lu Yanchi seriously began to think about this issue.

It's a pity that, because of no basis, even if he was in [Inspiration Burst] extraordinary state, he couldn't find the slightest clue.

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Yanchi simply gave up on this question and turned his attention to the word "transformation" on the scratch paper.

The speed limit of light is just the beginning.

On the basis of the argument that ancient civilizations transformed the universe in order to protect their own interests, the second reality with obvious traces of transformation is about to emerge.

Below the "speed of light limit", Lu Yanchi solemnly wrote the words "cosmos expansion" on the scratch paper.

The study of cosmology often encounters various phenomena that subvert imagination, and the expansion of the universe is one of them. It is known that the universe does not need any matter to support its expansion, and astronomers have proposed that the current expansion rate of the universe has far exceeded the speed of light.

These facts seem bizarre, and they are more likely to have secrets of cosmic transformation behind them.

After all, only in an ever-expanding universe can it be guaranteed that even if new civilizations emerge in an endless stream, they will never come into contact with each other and form alliances in large numbers.

Using the expanding universe to separate emerging civilizations, and using the speed of light to set up barriers, on this basis, it is unlikely that civilizations can communicate with each other, because there is no real-time and effective communication between civilizations, which makes any civilization. No other civilization can be trusted.

If a civilization wants to talk to its neighbors, the messages he gets are always out of date, from the moment they got them. For example, if you say something to a person, and you have to wait more than 8 years—the time it takes to travel back and forth between the stars closest to the sun at the speed of light—for an echo, then you can't trust him.

Therefore, there is no chance in the universe to form a confrontational group to engage in conspiracy, establish local power centers, alliances, tandem, and so on.

Civilizations that lack communication can only develop slowly in silence, trying to rely on themselves to improve the height of technology.

But even this silent and independent development seems to have some problems.

Lu Yanchi couldn't help but think of the hints in "The Extraordinary Age: Eyes From Afar", those civilization bubbles that were swallowed up by the distant eyes hanging high in the air, those civilizations that grew back after being swallowed and cleaned up...

He shook his head vigorously to shake off the despairing conjectures just thinking about it.

"This..." Looking at the scratch paper in front of him, Lu Yanchi couldn't help but smile bitterly, "This is really the devil's guess..."

He took a deep breath, picked up the paper on the table, and put it into the shredder next to him without hesitation.

With the shredding sound of "clicking, clicking", this piece of scrap paper, which contained only a few scattered words but concealed the devil's mysteries, was completely smashed into irrecoverable pieces.


The author has something to say:


1. Part of the content of this chapter comes from Stanislav Lem's "New Theory of the Creation of the Universe", which is also a bold interpretation of the Fermi paradox. It was because of this that I first got the idea to write this article.

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