MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 272 "The World: Three"

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City in the Sky, City Lord's Mansion Conference Room.

"It's the first time for me to watch Jiuqu's video with this identity and perspective," Nie Zhibo rested his chin in his hand and stared at the big screen in front of him, "It does feel a bit strange."

Just after the end of the World War III United Nations Medal Awarding Ceremony (to be precise, it was 7:00 on the first night in China after the ceremony), Jiuqu updated the third video of World Situation: "World Situation" :three".

Before that, Shang Yinhe had already greeted his friends in advance, and asked everyone to enter the White Mist dungeon in advance, squat in the Sky City together, and wait for the video to arrive.

Speaking of which, the city in the sky is very good, privacy, style, environment, these are nothing to say; it is just a little bad—

Can't get online.

In fact, in all white fog copies, there are the same settings.

People on Earth can only barely keep information with the outside world in the transfer station (that is, the castle hall) where many copies of the white fog are entered. However, as soon as you enter the inside of the copy, the mobile phone signal and WiFi signal are all gone.

Although the few friends of the Guardian Alliance are not mobile phone addicted patients or Internet addicts, but there is no way to connect to the Internet, many things become inconvenient.

Therefore, for example, when they watched the live broadcast of the United Nations Medal Ceremony before, they could only watch it outside, and they were very cautious in discussing and speaking.

However, Jiuqu's videos are different from ordinary videos that need to be watched online.

As early as the third world war, people have discovered that even in some areas where the Internet is completely disconnected, they can receive videos of Jiuqu, and even post comments and barrage on it.

At that time, the video of Jiuqu once became a channel for many intelligence exchanges and mutual support.

And a place like Sky City that cannot be connected to the outside world, of course, will not be a limitation of Jiuqu Video.

The time is still a quarter of an hour away from 7:00. Everyone sat in the conference room looking at the big screen that had nothing at the moment, and started chatting casually.

"Yinhe, is Jiuqu really coming soon?" After chatting for a while, Nie Zhibo couldn't help but ask again—and this was the third time he asked today.

In the current earth, many people are fans of Jiuqu, just to varying degrees. There are even some people who have faced miracles and can almost be called mad believers. Although Nie Zhibo is not that crazy, he can still be called a high-level fan.

In fact, most of the people in the entire Huaguo Extraordinary Things Bureau are fans of Jiuqu. Xu Shaoyang is the most enthusiastic, but the gap between many people and him is not too big, but he is more restrained.

There are some people, the more you know about them, the more shocked you will be at the miracles he has done. And Nie Zhibo, who manages and controls intelligence, can understand the truth and influence behind certain events far better than some ordinary people, and can also feel the miracle that Jiuqu has done to save the world.

It is even said that Nie Zhibo agreed to Mo Shiming's suggestion to temporarily conceal the identity of Shang Yinhe, so that he agreed to join the Guardian Alliance without hesitation. of trust and admiration.

He believes that Jiuqu is doing something to save the world; he believes that Jiuqu will not intentionally harm the interests of China; he believes that it is a glorious thing to do things for Jiuqu; he believes that he is making the most correct choice.

"Jiuqu should come..." Shang Yinhe said ambiguous, as if "I'm really not sure".

"Okay, don't have too high expectations," Nie Zhibo shrugged and comforted himself, "The bigger the expectation, the bigger the disappointment. We'd better wait and watch the video first."

"What does it feel like to watch this kind of video with someone who doesn't know the inside story?" Mu Shiming asked curiously.

"You can try it," Shang Yinhe laughed. "Just watch this video with others, and you'll know what it feels like."

- That's the refreshing feeling of rainbow farts all over the sky.

-Really, really cool.

—However, I can’t say it so bluntly, ahem, it’s detrimental...

While they were waiting, at 7:00 p.m. China time, "World Situation: III" appeared on the homepage of major video websites on time.

Obviously, Shang Yinhe and the others are almost stuck in time to open the video, and the error may not exceed 7 or 8 seconds. But it was the error of 7 or 8 seconds that made the entire video covered with barrage. :

"!! Look what I got!!"

"Cuckoo for a month, Jiuquda has actually updated the video! Celebrate with the whole world!"

"Finally there is a video to watch! If I don't watch the video of Jiuqu, I will die."

"I suspect that Jiuquda has also learned the cuckoo abilities of various up masters, but I have no evidence."

"Wait a minute, it's not quite right, brothers and sisters! Why is this video so short?"

Seeing the last barrage, Nie Zhibo, who was in charge of controlling the computer, couldn't help but swipe the mouse to check the duration of the video.

This video is only 15 minutes long?

Remind by the barrage, it seems that more and more people have discovered the problem of video length.

"Updated once a month, and the updated video is only 15 minutes long? God, is that too short?"

"How dare you say that Jiuqu is short. Your number is gone."

"I miss the days when Jiuqu was big and thick and long. At that time, I wanted to die every day. Even the days that were shorter and more frequent in the past, I can accept it, and it can make me want to die. what!"

"I suspect you are driving, but I have no proof."

"The hearse of the old driver in Qiu Mingshan is drifting, beep, beep, beep."

Seeing this barrage, Shang Yinhe couldn't help but wipe the black line on his head.

After the opening sequence, the camera cuts to Santantaria, Africa.

Mobrobro, who was standing on the podium, said solemnly to the dense crowd under the stage:

"All the way to today, the Axe Gang has completed part of his historical mission."

"However, we still have a long way to go. Santantella is still in a state of anarchic chaos, production has not resumed, order has not stabilized, and the future I envisioned has only been realized. a small part."

"We'll keep going and finish this long road!"

"—Just today, I want to announce to you:"

"The Axe Gang has officially changed its name to the African Extraordinary Committee and will officially become the official manager of Santantaria!"

This is obviously a scene full of history, but...

Probably because Africa is a little far away from China, or because the netizens in this session are not very good, the barrage of China is full of sand sculptures:

"The appearance rate of this African guy has been a little high recently."

"Wow, it turns out that this Sang... I'm sorry for the country that I didn't remember the name of. It has now officially established a country."

"It's Santantella—well, its name is a little hard to remember."

"The family is a country and home that has existed for a long time, not the founding of a country, but a change of state administrators."

"You can directly call him Axe to help the country. I always call him that, and others can understand it."

"By the way, who translated the name of the Axe Gang? Isn't the translation required to be sincere and elegant? Why is this name so unreliable?"

"The vulgar is the elegant, do you understand? The Axe Gang, what an easy-to-understand name [funny]"

After the footage of Santantella was broadcast, the video cut directly to the final battle of the African evolutionary animal and plant eradication battle.

But it was this scene switch that caused another wave of complaints.

"Why is this scene switching so perfunctory? Is it a funding issue?"

"You actually talked about funding issues in Jiuqu's video... By the way, does Jiuqu greatly need funding to make videos?"

"You guys who look at it for a long time and feel that everything is perfunctory. Jiuqu's video did not have any special effects in the scene switching."

"Jiuqu will be short of funds? If he is short of funds, as long as he makes a casual video, the funds will come in a rush?"

"Jiuqu cooking a meal video? Dude, this statement of yours is even more out of character [funny]"

In the discussion of the sand sculpture style, the originally magnificent African evolution of animals, plants and plants seems to have subtly turned into a sand sculpture style.

"How about we close the barrage?" Nie Zhibo couldn't help but turned around to ask his friends for advice.

"Don't close," Shang Yinhe said with a smile, "It's actually quite interesting."

Sand sculpture netizens are his source of joy, how can he turn off the barrage?

Fortunately, the video quality of Jiuqu is very high after all. With the gradual progress of the grand war scene, the barrage of sand sculptures has become less and less. Many people are attracted by the content of the video and begin to indulge in this scale. in a huge war.

At the end of the episode of the final battle of the African evolutionary animal and plant eradication war, a large map is released in the video.

This is a large electronic screen map of the global coalition command room.

In the beginning, this map of Africa was full of shades of red, with only a few sporadic spots remaining barely green.

In the upper right corner of the video, the start time of the war in Africa appears: May 8.

Immediately afterwards, the time in the upper right corner began to elapse rapidly, and the green color block on the African map continued to expand outward.

In the picture of the video, various text annotations continue to appear:

"On May 15th, the special elite team completed the eradication of super-evolutionary animals and plants in Africa."

"On May 19, the Chinese-National Allied Forces completed the clearing and suppression of the Libyan region."

"On May 21, the European Commonwealth team completed the clearing of the Algerian region."

"May 23rd,..."

In the exciting background music, this map, which was almost completely red, gradually became a green ocean.

Eventually, the entire map of Africa turned completely green.

A person's questioning voice came from the map: "So... the war is over?"

Another replied: "Yes, the war in Africa is over, and the third world war is over."

Mu Shiming couldn't help but look at Shang Yinhe, and he immediately heard that the voice was from Shang Yinhe.

Shang Yinhe smiled at him.

The small interaction between the two of them did not affect the playback of the video. With this completely green map as the end, the African evolutionary animal and plant scavenging war ended with a great victory for human beings, and finally came to an end.

"I'm going, just this little clip with no pictures, I actually watched it with enthusiasm. Am I alone?"

"You're not alone +1."

"You're not alone +2."

"You are not alone +10086."

The green map picture faded, and in its place was the huge emblem of the United Nations on the wall.

The camera slowly zoomed away from the badge, revealing the layout of the entire United Nations conference room.

The host solemnly announced on the stage: "The voting on the internationalization of the "Extraordinary Convention" officially begins now!"

On the big screen of the voting column in the conference room, the voting options of various countries appeared. The video speeded up here, and soon, the voting was over, and all I could see was green in favor.

The camera freezes on the voting column for a second or two, and then quickly switches to the United Nations Awards Conference.

"Everyone, as of today, the Third World War is finally over."

"This is destined to be the most memorable global war in human history. Faced with the threat of evolutionary animals and plants, we humans did not hesitate to fight, and after an epic journey, we finally won Victory..."

The Secretary-General of the United Nations announced the start of the award ceremony in a passionate tone.

It may be because the conference was just live broadcast globally yesterday, so Jiuqu did not release too many video clips, but only focused on a few awards scenes.

And among these honorable shots, of course, the shots of Shang Yinhe are indispensable.

"...In this third world war, Mr. Shang Yinhe showed his extraordinary fighting talent and extraordinary commanding talent..."

Hearing this, Mu Shiming finally couldn't help but complain: "Galaxy, I finally know why you appeared so frequently in the previous Jiuqu videos..." There is clearly a PY transaction!

"Hehe." Shang Yinhe showed a shy smile.

Then, the video entered the last and most important part.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations said with a serious face:

"Extraordinary people are actually born to protect.".

"Having extraordinary abilities, it can be used for evil, and it can be used for good."

"We need a moral constraint, a legal bottom line, and a globally accepted norm."

"Before the ceremony, it was proposed by President Mobro of Santantella, approved by the five permanent members, and more than 100 members of the UN Security Council voted in favor."

"We passed a proposal together."

"Here, I am proud to announce to the world—"

"From today, all members of the United Nations Security Council will uniformly recognize the "Supernatural Convention"!"

Jiuqu gave this "Convention of the Extraordinary" enough face.

He put all the footage of the UN Secretary-General reading the final draft of the "Extraordinary Covenant" into the video.

"Article 1, rights and obligations are equal."

"All supernatural beings, while possessing power, must undertake equal obligations..."

"...The above is the entire content of the "Transcendent Convention".

The camera stops on this scene for a second or two and slowly turns to a black screen.

"World Wind and Cloud: Three" is completely over.

"There is a total of 15 minutes of video, and a full five minutes are given to the reading of the "Convention of the Extraordinary"," Nie Zhibo closed the video and said with a smile, "It seems that Jiuqu is still very satisfied with our work. "

"Of course I'm satisfied." Behind him, a somewhat familiar voice like the sound of nature came, "You guys are doing really well."

Nie Zhibo's movements froze.

As a hidden fan of Jiuqu, and as an intelligence chief who needs to control intelligence, it is of course impossible for Nie Zhibo not to be unfamiliar with this voice.

That is the sound of the brave man speaking in some videos. It is the sound that countless people set as the ringtone, wake up alarm, and indulge in it. It is the real sound of nature and the voice of the gods.

He turned his head in disbelief, and sure enough, he saw "Jiuqu" standing at the door.

—To be precise, the "Nine Songs" with the appearance of a hero.

"Hello, meeting for the first time." With a brave face and a small cloak playing Jiuqu, he calmly watched the crowd, "I'm Jiuqu."

When in close contact, the charm of the brave is infinitely magnified, and it has a soul-stirring taste;

And his voice, just like the fragments released in the past, was a kind of blasphemous sound to describe it with the sounds of nature.

But at this moment, no one noticed

A huge sense of coercion rushing towards them suppressed their perception of this charm and abandoned their attention to the sound.

When a lion on the hunt is right in front of you, can you notice how strong the lion's body is and how beautiful the fur is?

When a handsome murderer gestures with a knife to your neck, can you still notice how handsome the murderer looks and how agile his movements are?

You'll just hold your breath and panic.

And now, facing the Guardian Alliance of Jiuqu, there is such a feeling.

This kind of coercion cannot simply be explained by the momentum in the real society.

At that moment, Nie Zhibo felt as if a herbivore met its natural enemy, or as a lower-level creature met a higher-level creature, and he even thought of Longwei in various Western legends.

—This… is this what it feels like to face the gods?

Under this momentum, even elite figures like Nie Zhibo, Mu Shiming, and Lu Yanchi were suppressed to the point of being unable to think.

Even Shang Yinhe was almost unable to breathe for a second or two.

Although this scene was actually created by him, when he really faced the demon king's cloak that exuded complete coercion, even he fell into this kind of coercion.

Some people may have forgotten that the initial attribute of the Demon King's Cloak, in addition to "Charm +30", actually has a "Dignity +30" attribute.

As the transformation of the demon king's cloak, the small cloak can maximize the effect of this majesty bonus, not to mention that Shang Yinhe used the anchor points to strengthen the majesty attribute before.

Anyway, the price of 200 anchor points plus a little majesty attribute seems to be extremely cheap now.

"The most important thing is majesty and mystery," Shang Yinhe told the little cloak at the time, "Jiuqu only needs to stand tall, show one or two sides, and say one or two words."

"There's no need for gods to approach mortals cordially," he said. "Keeping a certain distance helps you hide your identity and makes others fear you."

The little cloak nodded.

Still a little worried, Shang Yinhe continued, "It's better not to laugh. Your smile is so similar to mine, it's easy for people to notice a problem."

"Don't worry," the little cloak put away the smile on his face, his words were so meaningful, "you are me, and I am you. It is really easy for us to act."

Originally, Shang Yinhe was still a little worried, and even thought about using the [Rationalization Fog] skill to make a few more patches, but, seeing the current little cloak, he…

His mood was a little complicated.

It turned out that the little cloak has also grown to such a point.

"Are you watching the video I just posted?" In Shang Yinhe's wild thoughts, "Jiuqu" walked slowly to the side of the crowd, "I've been a little busy recently, and the content of the video clip is rather rough, so I laughed."

"It's not rough at all," Mu Shiming was the first one to come to his senses. Under the pressure of Jiuqu, he struggled to speak, "The video you edited is very good."

Jiuqu turned his attention to Mu Shiming who spoke.

At that moment, Mu Shiming thought he had sensed the universe and seen the galaxy.

He didn't even know if it was his own delusion, or a reminder from intuition, or simply reality.

It was a majestic, lasting, aloof, but with a touch of compassion.

"It's hard work, Yinhe has already told me everything." When Jiuqu spoke, the dignified and long-lasting taste faded a little, and the originally very oppressive aura became a little more restrained." I really can't get away from it recently, so please pay more attention to these things."

It is clear that Jiuqu's tone of speech is very humble, but with his amazingly charming appearance and his imposing coercion, all the words seem to have a different flavor.

Without waiting for them to say anything, "Jiuqu" waved his hand lightly: "Since this is the first time we meet, let's give you a few small gifts."

As soon as the voice fell, the evolutionary factor in the air began to violently riot, and in a posture that was absolutely contrary to common sense and almost beyond imagination, it poured into the three people present.

[ability-evolution factor release]

[Description: You can release evolution factors that slightly promote the evolution of a creature. ]

[Note: After adapting according to your ability, the evolution factor needs to be converted using live broadcast points. ]

Forced evolution, open.

In this crude empowerment, all the senses become blurred. Mu Shiming was simply controlling himself with the greatest perseverance and maintaining his sanity.

Indistinctly, you can still hear Jiuqu in a voice like the sound of nature, instructing: "Galaxy, it will take a little time for their extraordinary abilities to evolve, so please protect them.

Shang Yinhe replied solemnly: "Understood, you can rest assured."

Immediately afterwards, he lost his perception of the outside world...


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