MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 267 base

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Castle in the Sky.

As the name indicates, the copy generated by this card is a city floating in the sky.

The seemingly invisible clouds lingered between the city; the white road traverses the whole city, and various ancient and designed buildings are dotted among them. Although these buildings are slightly broken, they can still be seen from Get a glimpse of that beauty in harmony with nature. Standing in front of the railing on the edge of the city, you can even see the vast sea of ​​clouds below.

This is a uniquely designed city.

Shang Yinhe has never seen an architectural style similar to this urban design in any corner of the earth.

It uses white as the main color as a whole, and its style tends to be light and holy, and it likes to use various complicated patterns as decoration.

At first glance, it even looks a bit like a legendary paradise.

But it's also an abandoned city.

Above the city, there are few intact buildings, and almost all facilities have ceased to function. In theory, where the fountain should have been, only the dry pool is left; the giant statue on the square, now only a mutilated pedestal remains.

And now this abandoned scene is even the result of Shang Yinhe's previous partial restoration with anchor points.

You can imagine how dilapidated it would be before it was repaired.

The description of the [City in the Sky] card says, "This is a city floating in the sky, and its ruins hide the mysteries of history".

But now, Shang Yinhe observed the city and really found a lot of doubts.

His architectural style has never been seen on earth, but it is clearly very mature. You must know that if an architectural style becomes so mature, it will inevitably take a lot of time to evolve, and it will inevitably leave many traces;

His technology is not very similar to the current Earth. On the whole, it does not focus on the production of equipment. Instead, it is more like the extraordinary civilization that has developed for a long time in the extraordinary era. Those seemingly cumbersome patterns are even a bit like inscribed runes in various myths and legends.

When walking in the city, Shang Yinhe also keenly noticed a point:

There are no plants in this city.

Whether it is dead plants or plants that have become messy because they are not taken care of, these theoretically should appear in the ruins of a city, but there is no trace in this city in the sky.

"This should be the main control room of the city?"

After going around the most magnificent and conspicuous buildings in the Sky City two or three times, Shang Yinhe finally found the core room to control the city, and he began to study it with great interest.

In fact, after entering the Sky City from the dungeon entrance of Santantaria, Shang Yinhe has been in a very excited state.

At this point in time, in theory, it should already be the time for him to sleep, but he has no sleepiness.

A private base; a base of its own in the real world, free from any prying eyes and interruptions.

Just thinking about this is enough to dispel all his sleepiness; what's more, this city in the sky is simply beyond his expectations.

Anyway, the extraordinary is strong and healthy, so what's wrong with staying up all night.

After a partial restoration of the anchor points, this sky city has recovered a small part of its functions, mainly some cleaning and maintenance functions and a small part of defense functions. But there are many more functions in a broken state.

Shang Yinhe did not hesitate to summon the book of the devil, thinking excitedly:

"I'm going to fix this city with anchor points!"

However, the cold reality poured cold water on him.

If you want to repair this city, the number of anchor points required is actually in units of 100 million!

In the face of such astronomical figures, the self-proclaimed local tyrant, Shang Yinhe, seemed to instantly become a proletariat... well, maybe the middle class?

Now, Shang Yinhe, who can barely be called a wealthy man, can't afford to pay such a price.

"Forget it," he muttered helplessly, trying to convince himself, "it's enough to have the self-cleaning function, and the rest of the place will remain as it is. Incompleteness is also a kind of beauty..."

But then, Shang Yinhe got excited again.

"In order to welcome my new companion, I should rearrange the city. Well, where is the best place to start..."


Huaguo, the training ground near the superhuman base in Yongliang City.

This training ground used to be the training base for those who passed the first online extraordinary test. However, due to the establishment of Yongliang Transcendent Academy, it was naturally abandoned and returned to its original position as a training ground for transcendents.

Mu Shiming always got up early to exercise due to the habit he had developed in the army before. And his preferred training venue is this abandoned base with good facilities and free exercise.

After doing 20 space transfers in a short period of time, Mu Shiming took a breath and walked to the place where he put the water glass.

To his surprise, there was one more person in that place.

"Yinhe, why are you here?" Mu Shiming's words were both shocked and seemed to be filled with a little joy.

Shang Yinhe showed him the kind of sunny smile that both of them are very familiar with: "I guessed you were here, so I came directly to you."

Mu Shiming picked up the water glass from the ground: "Do you know that I have been choosing to exercise here recently?"

"How could I not know," Shang Yinhe's face showed a trace of nostalgia, "Remember? We are here, the first time we use space capabilities together."

Mu Shiming was silent for a while before he laughed: " could I forget?"

He seemed reluctant to talk about this topic, he took a sip of water to cover up, and then immediately asked straight to the point: "Since I still maintain my memory, it seems that my proposal last night may indeed come true. hello?"

Out of some concerns, for example, this place is too close to the superhuman base, and there are too many supernatural beings nearby, and for example, this place was originally a military base and still retains the surveillance set up by the military.

In short, Mu Shiming's question was very vague, but the meaning was very clear.

Shang Yinhe nodded. He smiled and stretched out his hand to Mu Shiming: "It's inconvenient to speak here, come, I'll take you somewhere."

Mu Shiming held it up without hesitation.

They move together in space again.


When the two let go of their hands, the expression on Mu Shiming's face was still a little disappointed, but he quickly picked up his mood: "Where is this place?"

"This is Africa, the entrance to the Baiwu dungeon in Santantaria," Shang Yinhe told him, "compared to the Huaguo Baiwu Temple, which requires registration and is tightly monitored, it is safer to enter the Baiwu dungeon from here. , and more hidden.”

Santantria had just rebuilt the country, and it was the time when everything was left to be rebuilt. There were only so many people who were trustworthy and capable. Mobrow simply didn't have many people who could be sent to monitor the White Mist dungeon around the clock. And because of the jet lag, Santantella at this time is at night, which is a good time to do some hidden things.

Shang Yinhe was all too familiar with the surveillance measures here—the surveillance here was arranged by him, how could he be unfamiliar—so he could easily bypass all surveillance.

"Africa?" Mu Shiming didn't pay attention to these points, he was just surprised by Shang Yinhe's words, "Can you move so far in space now?"

Shang Yinhe showed a mysterious smile, and he hinted vaguely: " can become so strong."

"It's still not safe to talk here," Shang Yinhe said no more, "Let's go in and talk."

"Go in?" Mu Shiming raised his eyebrows, "Where are you going in?"

"A small base," Shang Yinhe said lightly, "as long as you recite the name of Jiuqu in your heart when you enter the copy of White Mist, you can enter this small base."

In fact, the entry restrictions of the Sky City dungeon are not as simple as Shang Yinhe said.

For this private copy, Shang Yinhe set up entry conditions including two steps of identification and password identification.

In terms of identification, currently Shang Yinhe has only set up six entrants, including himself, Xiaopao, Iida, Mu Shiming, Lu Yanchi and Nie Zhibo. No other creatures are allowed to enter, not even flies. Can't fly in.

In terms of password recognition, it is very simple, just need to silently recite the two characters of nine songs.

In Shang Yinhe's settings, all intruders who pass the password identification but fail to pass the identification will be recorded and notified to him in real time.

He intentionally only said the password to set this condition, and concealed another identification condition.

After all, being defensive is a must. In case anyone wants to try to bring people directly into the city of the sky without the permission of Shang Yinhe, then he will definitely be rejected by the city of the sky, and at the same time record the information of the intruder and inform him. Merchant Galaxy.

Or, in the event that the access code to Sky City is leaked, the restriction of identification will become the last shackle of this private copy.

Even if it decides to disclose a small part of the secret, even if it decides to actually form this private alliance, Shang Yinhe still maintains due caution.

All the way to the present alone, caution has been written into Shang Yinhe's bones.

Maybe, he will never be able to completely open his heart and completely trust a person...

Just when Shang Yinhe's thoughts flew to the point where he didn't know where the sky was, Mu Shiming seemed very looking forward to it.

"Okay, then go in and talk," Mu Shiming was tickled by Shang Yinhe's suggestion. He nodded impatiently, and walked straight into the White Mist dungeon.

Shang Yinhe was not in such a hurry. He slowly closed his tail in reality, erased the traces, and followed to step into the copy of White Mist.

As soon as he entered the copy, he met Mu Shiming's shocked and unbelievable gaze.

"Here... this is what you call a 'small' base?" Looking up at this huge, magnificent and shocking city, Mu Shiming even swears, "This TMD is too 'small', right? !"

Shang Yinhe couldn't help laughing:

"Captain Mu, welcome to the city of the sky!"

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