MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 259 "Extraordinary Earth"

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"Simple and rude, with high fault tolerance." After reading the battle plan carefully, Shang Yinhe closed the document with satisfaction, "Good job, just follow this plan."

Just as Shang Yinhe commented, this battle plan does seem very simple, but in such a large-scale joint operation, the side that has the advantage to fight against the enemy without wisdom, choose to be upright and use force to suppress people. King's way. Sun Tzu said in the Art of War, "Ten are to surround them, five are to attack them, and twice are to fight them", but it is the same.

"Okay," the adjutant responded simply, "then I will arrange a battle meeting immediately."

"Go," Shang Yinhe ordered, "this meeting should be sooner rather than later, and it must be held tomorrow at the latest."

"Understood." After agreeing, as if thinking of something, the adjutant asked casually, "By the way, sir, do you want to give this battle a meaningful name?"

"Name," Shang Yinhe's interest suddenly rose, "Well, yes, this final battle really should have a name of a battle plan, so that it looks compelling, um..."

After thinking for a while, Shang Yinhe decided: "Then, let's name this battle the 'Endgame'!"

The adjutant was taken aback. He was a little embarrassed when he heard the sentence "This is the only way to make it look compelling", and when he heard the name of this battle plan, his head was full of black lines. Copyright issue, sir."

Shang Yinhe raised his eyebrows and asked with a half-smile, "I don't seem to understand what you said?"

"It's nothing." The adjutant looked solemn, pretending that he didn't say anything just now. He lowered his head and honestly wrote the words "Endgame" on the printed campaign plan.


Just as the name of the battle "Endgame" indicates, this war, which originated from the slaughter of the juveniles of the divine tree and brought together the forces of all countries in the world, has finally come to an end.

And this battle can also be called a victory. According to the battle plan, each country carried out the clearing and advancing step by step on their own battlefields, and the command room kept hearing good news from various units.

"Report, the Huaguo Allied Force has completed the clearing and suppression of the Sudan region, and the first phase of the Huaguo detachment has been completed."

"Report, the European Commonwealth team has completed the clearing and suppression of the Zambia region, and the first phase of the European team's mission has been completed."

"Report, the Maoxiong team has completed the clearing and suppression of the Zambia region, and the first phase of the Maoxiong team's mission has been completed."

On the large map on the electronic screen in the command room, the entire map of Africa has almost completely become a green ocean, with only a few small red spots dotted on it, which looks quite dazzling.

"Tell Zhu Jiamu not to worry," Shang Yinhe frowned slightly, "their team's mission is originally the heaviest among the coalition forces, and there is no need to compete with other teams for speed."

"Your opinion has been conveyed," the adjutant quickly finished the message and gave a small rant, "However, I think that after so many habit formation, the competition among the coalition forces is now very serious. , Zhu Jiamu, their progress is so backward, it is impossible not to be in a hurry."

Yes, just as the adjutant complained, the coalition forces of various countries operate in separate theaters, regularly report combat progress to each other, and conduct regular combat progress communication meetings... These measures have brought about a strong competition atmosphere in the coalition forces.

This kind of atmosphere is a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing is that it can effectively supervise the progress of the coalition forces of various countries, and it also helps Shang Yinhe to take control of the entire coalition army; the bad thing is that the competition that is too hasty is likely to bring more casualties. Of course, this is one thing where the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, but it does not mean that the disadvantages do not exist.

In this hurried competition atmosphere, the last few small red spots on the map in the command room finally disappeared.

Now, the entire map of Africa is completely green.

When the news of the last coalition came, when the last red spot faded, staring at the big map on the wall, the adjutant couldn't help but ask this question:

"So... the war is over?"

"Yes," Shang Yinhe walked to his adjutant's side and looked at the green-eyed map together with the others in the command room, "The war of suppression in Africa is over, and the Third World War is over."

After this battle, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, the Middle East, and Africa, the territories that once belonged to human beings, will be brought under the control of human beings again.

Wild evolved animals and plants will lose their last nests and can only exist as creatures domesticated by humans;

There will no longer be wild areas with high concentrations of evolutionary factors that can promote the evolution of animals and plants beyond the safe range. That is to say, those super-evolved animals and plants that may exist have lost the possibility of pure wild evolution.

The adjutant was stunned for a while, and slowly, an excited expression appeared on his face: "Ah..."

He "ah" for a long time before finally saying: "The Third World War is finally over, and human society will finally get back on track..."

"On the right track." Shang Yinhe chewed the word and couldn't help showing a helpless smile.

- What do you think is the "right track" of human society?


At the same time as the "Endgame" campaign was going on, Huaguo, Yongliang City in the northwest, was the best film and television hall in the city.

On the promotional screen of this film and television hall, the trailer for "The Extraordinary Earth" is playing.

"What do you think of the extraordinary?" The sun under the red flag is extremely bright, and the smile that reflects Shang Yinhe is also divine, "I want to hear your opinion first..."

The camera melts into this sunny smile, and then the video flashes through a series of exploding clips in a montage. The cool extraordinary ability, the real feeling of punching to the flesh, the cleverly composed and dynamic battle, and the special effects that are definitely more than 50 cents, presented a hearty audio-visual feast to all the audience in front of the video.

After these cool shots, the face of the brave prosperous beauty appeared on the camera. He stood on the top of the high-rise building and cast his eyes far away.

The camera makes a dislocation comparison here, just right to cross the gaze of the hero looking up and the gaze of the hero, which has a meaningful sense of implication.

Then came a series of montage shots. High-tech spaceships in the shape of assembly lines, human society in disasters, and those extraordinary people who bravely stood up to defend their homes.

"I am an extraordinary person, and I will guard my homeland!"

After these powerful words, the picture of the video shattered, and a few big words with a sense of technology were reassembled:

"The times are changing, the situation is intertwined, and it's all in "The Extraordinary Earth"!"

"The Extraordinary Earth, meet you on June 21, the summer solstice!"

It was not until after watching the trailer that was played on the big screen at the entrance of the theater that Zhang Zhenzhen's roommate moved her steps reluctantly.

"Watching this trailer again, it's still shocking," Zhang Zhenzhen's roommate said a bit ecstatically, ravaging the movie tickets in his hand, "Shang Yinhe smiled really warmly; the hero's role is completely invisible to CG. traces; and those doomsday disasters, high-tech ships, outer space universes, and even the plot of the original book, oh my god, I can't wait any longer!"

"There's still half an hour before the movie starts, just wait patiently," Zhang Zhenzhen patted her roommate's shoulder, but she couldn't hold back her amazement and sighed, "Speaking of which, it's unimaginable that our country The level of the sci-fi blockbuster has actually reached this point!"

"That's right! When I saw the first trailer, I was shocked," Zhang Zhenzhen's roommate said immediately, "This level of production has even exceeded the level of Hollywood blockbusters, right?"

After a pause, she couldn't help but add a sentence worriedly: "Uh, don't be the kind of scumbag whose trailer is very cool, the main film is terrible, and the trailer contains all the highlights of the main film. …”

"To be honest, I'm also a little worried," Zhang Zhenzhen shrugged. "Okay, but today is the premiere. After watching it, we'll know if the trailer is a hoax."

With a little nervousness, two little girls who came to watch the premiere of "The Extraordinary Earth" followed the crowd into the cinema.

There are really many people watching the premiere this time. After the catastrophe, people are in great need of spiritual entertainment, but new movies and TV series on the market are extremely rare. This time, it is rare to have a big-production, big-publicity movie. The trailer still looks so cool. The original novel is a well-known novel recently. For the reasons of supporting domestic production, entertaining oneself, and supporting the original novel, many people All chose to participate in the zero-point premiere.

The film "The Extraordinary Earth" was born out of a novel called "Thanksgiving China" National Competition Call for Papers. Its author is a great **** who writes hard science fiction in the real world. He has always been known for his rich imagination and grand scenes. He is a banner of hard science fiction in China.

However, it is worth mentioning that the update speed of this author was originally very slow. Halfway through the novel, it just caught up with many major events in society, such as evolutionary animal and plant wars, colorful miracles, and the third world war. , what a distant eye civilization. He integrated many deeds into this novel, mixed with exquisite plot and his imagination of the future, and wrote the journey of the extraordinary era from the unveiling, to the rise, and then to the sea of ​​stars, in one go and hearty.

As someone who has read the original book, Zhang Zhenzhen has high expectations for this movie.

Of course, the original work of this novel has not been written, or it has not been released. Anyway, the public serialized version is only the first half (here, Zhang Zhenzhen must express extreme indignation at the author's writing speed!), the plot of the movie It is said that there has also been a substantial adaptation.

Although it is said that the original author was deeply involved in the adaptation of the script, Zhang Zhenzhen was still uneasy.

Movies and TV series whose original works are amazing and whose adaptations are terrible, is there still a lack of cases in Huaguo?

The familiar dragon-shaped title appeared on the big screen. Zhang Zhenzhen put on 3D glasses, put aside those slightly messy thoughts, and immersed herself in the movie.

The opening of the film seems quite ordinary. The male protagonist, who works as an ordinary teaching teacher in a remote village, normally packs up his things and starts to go home on a bicycle.

Just as the wheels of the bicycle rolled, the indiscernible white mist gradually floated up, and slowly, the white mist became thicker and thicker...

"This is the white fog mutation," Zhang Zhenzhen heard someone next door sigh in a low voice, "God, I'm just like him, I've experienced all of this myself, it's the feeling that the white fog suddenly surfaced..."

The white fog that suddenly appeared, the mutant spirits in the white fog, and the hero who single-handedly challenged the mutants of High Swan Castle.

As soon as the movie opens, it subtly cuts all the stories that have actually happened in the world into its own plot, which also brings a different feeling to the moviegoers.

"Looking at the White Mist Mutation now, it really feels like a long, long time ago," Zhang Zhenzhen couldn't help thinking in her heart, "However, it's only been more than half a year... I can only say that in the past six months, it really happened. So many stories."

The plot progresses gradually. The male protagonist has changed from an ordinary teaching teacher to a challenge clearer of the White Mist dungeon, and slowly he has become a super-strength superhuman.

And those things that have happened in the past six months are also subtly reproduced in the plot of the movie one by one. Between these familiar events, the male protagonist has gradually grown from an ordinary person who was involuntarily involved in the whirlpool of the times into a hero who can dance with the times.

Times make heroes, heroes make times, and the story of the male protagonist seems to be a story that every ordinary person in this world can do. Anyone can become an extraordinary person through the challenge of the White Mist dungeon; anyone can become a strong person through the battle with evolved animals and plants...Isn't it?

In the second half of the film, Jiuqu warned the invasion of advanced civilization in the video "Eye from afar" (this is simply copying reality), and the whole world entered a state of intense war preparations.

The warships of alien civilizations that can't see the end come through the wormhole, mighty and see no end, the earth civilization in front of them is like a tiny ant in front of an elephant.

Together with many extraordinary people, the male protagonist stood up bravely.

"What price are you willing to pay to protect the earth?"

"I have everything."

Together they swore under the blue sky:

"I am an extraordinary person, and I will guard my homeland!"

Fighting wits, fighting back, sacrifice, fighting, dedication, death, victory.

In the end, the assassination team headed by the male protagonist successfully held the top commander of the alien civilization team in a clever and incredible way and found the lifeline of this alien civilization.

"We're just a little civilization, we just want to have room to live, that's all."

After negotiation, the earthlings regained the space for the development of civilization.

At the end of the film, the traffic is busy, the years are quiet, people live a peaceful and peaceful life, and all disasters are gone.

This peaceful scene drew a perfect ending to this movie with huge imagination and shocking special effects.

This is really a very immersive story.

The male protagonist is just an ordinary person; and now the vast majority of extraordinary people in the world are also ordinary people; those who are waiting to challenge the copy of White Mist are also ordinary people.

The things that the male protagonist encountered, the mutation of the white fog, the threat of evolutionary animals and plants, the third world war, and even the invasion of advanced civilizations in the end, are all things that most people in this world have encountered and are about to encounter. s story.

And the choices and tortures faced by the male protagonist are exactly the choices and tortures that all those extraordinary people, and ordinary people who are about to become extraordinary people, will encounter.

"Are you willing to protect your home?"

"Are you willing to sacrifice your life to protect your homeland?"

"Are you willing to become an extraordinary person and protect your homeland at the cost of your life?"

"I am an extraordinary person, and I will guard my homeland!"

I don't know why, but this kind of plot actually made Zhang Zhenzhen's eyes gradually redden.

She couldn't help but think of the stories on the front lines of the battlefield, of Mobuluo's speech, of Shang Yinhe's oath, of the turmoil of the extraordinary...


Two hours later, the film came to an end. The flow of people poured out from the various cinema halls and converged again.

Zhang Zhenzhen glanced at random and found that it seemed that all the theaters were playing "The Extraordinary Earth".

"Mom, I want to be an extraordinary person too!" A little boy next to Zhang Zhenzhen hummed and said loudly, showing a white crane and wings, "I want to be a hero, and I want to protect my home!"

This sentence caused a chuckle from the people around.

"Then you have to study hard," the little boy's mother said solemnly, "you must study hard, in order to pass the online extraordinary test in the future, and then be able to truly become an extraordinary person."

"Do you want to study hard?" The little boy opened his eyes in surprise.

"That's right," the little boy's mother said solemnly, "if you don't study well, you can't become an extraordinary person. Baby, should you get up early tomorrow and finish your math homework?"

"Well, then I know, I will do it..." The little boy answered honestly with a sad face.

This conversation caused a burst of laughter from the people around, and Zhang Zhenzhen even laughed out the dimples on her face.

Her eyes were still red, with some traces of tears. The feeling of laughing with tears is quite an inexplicable feeling.

The conversations of the people around her finally made her recover from the shock of the movie. She pushed her roommate next to her: "What do you think of the movie?"

Zhang Zhenzhen's roommate's eyes were also red, and she was still in a slightly dazed state of shock. Regarding this question, he almost gave the highest evaluation without thinking: "It's amazing! It's unimaginable, this is actually a movie made by our country!"

"It's burning, bloody, tearful, substituting, the special effects are great, and it's super positive, this movie is awesome!" Zhang Zhenzhen's roommate pointed to the advantages of the movie with fingers, "What's even better is , Huaguo is the earliest zero-point screening in the world, that is to say, we are the first batch of people in the world to see this movie, which makes me feel better!"

"It's a matter of course," Zhang Zhenzhen said. "After all, this is a movie produced by Huaguo. Huaguo's original novel, Huaguo's script, Huaguo's actors, Huaguo's director, and even the special effects are all made by Huaguo. The national team did it themselves.”

"The trailer is really not a lie," Zhang Zhenzhen was still in a state of excitement, "I want to give this film a high score on the Internet! I want to give everyone Amway this film! A good movie deserves all People look at it, not to mention that this is actually a good domestic movie!"

When it was said and done, Zhang Zhenzhen's roommate immediately took out his mobile phone, opened a special movie evaluation app, and began to write a short movie review enthusiastically.

Zhang Zhenzhen laughed, and followed her roommate to open the movie review app and wrote a short review.

Zhang Zhenzhen actually has a small habit, that is, after watching a movie, open the relevant APP or webpage or Zhihu to search for relevant information about the movie.

In particular, if the movie is a good movie, she is more eager to know the behind-the-scenes footage, related stories, hidden easter eggs, and unnoticed details.

"Wow," while browsing, Zhang Zhenzhen couldn't help exclaiming, "The production time of this movie only took half a year, and the special effects production time was only two months. A movie that will revolutionize the industry's special effects blockbuster production process'!"

"Doesn't that mean," Zhang Zhenzhen's roommate's eyes lit up, "our country's film industry can finally overtake cars in corners, and can try to make those special effects blockbusters?"

"That's right, and speaking of it, since the change in High Swan Castle, there have been very few TV dramas and blockbusters on the market, that is to say, they have only recovered recently," Zhang Zhenzhen continued to swipe her phone with great interest, "I didn't expect a Immediately after recovery, it is such a great movie, this feeling is really great!"

"Hey, the director here said," Zhang Zhenzhen continued to share the news she brushed, "it turns out that this movie was originally scheduled for next month, but it was temporarily decided to postpone it to June 21."

"This time is just in time for the beginning of a summer season," Zhang Zhenzhen's roommate was a little confused. "However, I think with the quality of this film, I can have the confidence to hit the summer season head-on."

"What's there to worry about," Zhang Zhenzhen waved her hand, "With the current number of movies, you don't have to worry about any head-to-head situations during the summer vacation. Moreover, this film is a film produced by the Hua Guo Transcendental Affairs Bureau. It’s hard, it’s completely possible to postpone the next release time to two months later, and the screening will be full in the summer season.”

"Also, the director said in the interview," Zhang Zhenzhen read the text on the phone, "this movie has the element of exploring the direction of the superhuman and the whole world. He feels that this superhuman storm is about to subside, the third The time when the World War is coming to an end is the perfect time for this movie to air."

"The director doesn't seem to be wrong to say that," Zhang Zhenzhen's new roommate was a little stunned, "It is true that we were affected by "World Wind and Cloud: 2" and the current situation of the transcendents in the world. Also, I can really feel that this film is discussing something, it is not as simple as an ordinary commercial popcorn blockbuster.”

"Yeah, the process of the hero's transformation from an ordinary person to an extraordinary person always makes me feel like 'this is talking about myself'," Zhang Zhenzhen was in a trance, "and that alien civilization that came, isn't it? Is that a high-level civilization that Jiuqu has mapped in "The Extraordinary Age: Eyes from afar"?"

"The advanced civilization that was mapped in "The Extraordinary Age: Eyes from a Distance"..." Zhang Zhenzhen's roommate thought for a while, "Although it may be a long time before the invasion of that advanced civilization, I really want to If there is such a day, we extraordinary..."

The words of Zhang Zhenzhen's roommate stopped. She was silent for a while, then turned to look at Zhang Zhenzhen beside her, and then hesitantly asked: "By the way, Zhenzhen, do you think, at that time, you would stand up like the hero in the movie? ?"

As soon as this question came up, the two of them fell silent together.

Zhang Zhenzhen hesitated for a long time before finally giving an answer: "I don't know either..."

Only when facing a crisis can people know whether they are essentially a hero or a coward.

Zhang Zhenzhen's roommate also hesitated for a long time. She raised her head slightly and looked at the dark starry sky: "But, behind us is our homeland, and we have no way to go back. No matter how we think about it, in the end, we have only one way out..."

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