MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 255 behind the scenes

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"Yes, yes?" The secretary was already stunned by this inference.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems... it seems that it is really possible!

In this extraordinary change, all the rhythm points seem too coincidental. Whether it is the conspiracy of the Superhuman Mutual Aid Association, or the announcement of the Axe Gang, or Shang Yinhe's speech and oath, and the murder that could not have happened, and the video that completely changed the situation.

Of course we can say that some things are purely accidental, and there are always a lot of accidental events in history anyway. However, doesn't the five-rainbow miracle of that year also seem to be an accidental event that has nothing to do with Jiuqu?

In the series of videos on biological transformation, Jiuqu used the power of almost reversing cause and effect to make the almost impossible event of "human domestication and evolution of animals and plants" completed in just one month.

So, in the current drastic change in the situation of the extraordinary, is there a power behind the scenes that reverses causality and enlightens chance?

From this angle, to watch, think, and experience the drama-like ups and downs in this month, all the "accidents" seem to have another meaning.

"But, but..." The secretary was a little incoherent in a hurry, "Why does Jiuqu do this? No, Jiuqu, Jiuqu, he can't possibly have malicious intentions against humans!"

"Don't worry, of course Jiuqu is on the side of mankind," Lu Yanchi said immediately and affirmatively, "Of course Jiuqu did not do all this with malice."

For some reason, the secretary breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't accept another explanation at all, and even imagining it made him shudder.

"Then," Lu Yanchi looked up and looked out the window, as if looking through the window to the sea of ​​stars that seemed to be close at hand, but was actually so far away, "everything goes back to the original question: why is Jiuqu so? urgent?"

"Why?" the secretary asked impatiently.

"What else could be the reason..." Lu Yanchi spread his hands and couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Jiuqu has long told us in "The Extraordinary Age"! It can make Jiuqu with such super power rush to the point of madness In addition to the imminent invasion of the advanced civilization symbolized by Eyes from afar, is there any other possibility?"

"We discussed for a long time, Nie Zhibo, Xu Shaoyang, Mu Shiming, Yan Yunzhi... We, the same group of people, shared our clues and opinions with each other." Having said that, Lu Yanchi's eyes drifted slightly. But he quickly looked back.

He couldn't help shaking his head slightly, as if to shake off those guesses that sounded unreliable at all.

Lu Yan calmed down and continued, "Our final guess is that in Jiuqu's prediction, the advanced civilization symbolized by "Eye from afar" is about to invade, but Jiuqu alone cannot cope with the whole A powerful civilization, that's why he forced the entire world to advance and enhance the power of the entire civilization to fight against the coming catastrophe."

Looking at the secretary whose mouth was wide open unconsciously, and even trembled slightly, Lu Yanchi couldn't help laughing: "This guess has been sorted into the manuscript, you can see it in the internal reference of the next issue - don't So worried, in fact, things are not that serious."

"Don't forget," Lu Yanchi said meaningfully, "Jiuqu has the ability to predict the future and reverse cause and effect. If he thinks that pushing the world forward is a completely useless thing, then he will not be in the So much effort was spent on this."

However, the trembling of the secretary still did not stop.

He followed Lu Yanchi's words and thought about it. Jiuqu saw such a hopeless future alone, and another person alone shouldered the fate of protecting the earth. This is, what a desperate and painful thing this is, and what is it? What a need for a tenacious will that has been tempered, and the spirit of a saint who is selfless and dedicated...

"Can we do something for Jiuqu?" the secretary couldn't help but asked softly.

"Of course we can do something." Lu Yanchi walked back to his seat, staring at the scratch paper spread out on the table, looking at the questions he tried his best to think about and explore, "This is what I doing it now."

"If you want to improve the combat power of an entire civilization, the fastest way is always through technology," Lu Yan sat down late and began to organize the draft, "and we ordinary people can only do the best possible way. , to promote the progress of the entire world and the progress of the entire civilization. Only in this way can we find a little hope in the possible difficulties in the future, and help Jiuqu a little..."

The secretary was silent.

"Don't worry so much," Lu Yan laughed lately, with a look of longing for the future, instantly dispelling the heavy atmosphere in the room, "We have already cracked the mystery of energy, if we can crack the mystery of space again, then the starry sky overhead It will no longer be the shackles that trap us, but will become our new playground, resource land, and the era of great sailing that belongs to the stars is coming."

"When that time comes," Lu Yanchi couldn't help but looked out the window again, "Earth civilization that has entered the interstellar era can barely have some strength to fight, and can barely control its own destiny!"

"In the face of the survival of civilization," he said to his secretary with a smirk, "I don't think staying up late is a big deal, what do you think?"

The secretary was silent for a while, and finally said reluctantly, "Then...then I'll make you a cup of coffee."


Before the huge disaster that is suspected to be coming, what did the high-level human beings do to deal with it?

The answer: withhold the news as much as possible.

In history, countless experiences have told the world that if the news that mankind is about to encounter a disaster is announced, then the entire human society will only enter a state of more chaos, more disorder, and simply waiting for death. Even if some elites want to control the direction of progress, they will be dragged into the abyss of waiting for death by the whole chaotic and disordered society.

The most obvious and most realistic example is the fake news of the Martian invasion in 1938. On October 30, 1938, CBS announced on the radio: "New York is facing a Martian attack!" In this radio show, essentially titled "Martians Invade Earth," they used realistic sound effects , hurried reporting voices, etc. to strengthen credibility, but in theory, normal people should not believe this news.

However, on that day, about 1.7 million people in the whole country believed that the program was a news broadcast, and about 1.2 million people had serious panic and wanted to flee immediately. The New York Times reported that "horrified listeners filled the roads, hiding in cellars, guns full of bullets..."

Just such a fake news about the invasion of Martians on the radio has caused such a huge upheaval in the whole society, causing countless people to abandon their jobs and flee. By analogy, if it is really determined that a higher civilization is about to invade in a short period of time, how will the entire society react?

People who have experienced many catastrophe, will they choose to be drunk at the moment and be able to live a day, or choose to fight hard to defend their homeland, or choose to spend the last time with their families?

Of course, the biggest possibility is that there are three kinds of people.

But in any case, this state will inevitably greatly slow down the speed of social development, and it will be detrimental to dealing with the disaster itself.

Therefore, although they are wary of the civilization of the "Eye from afar", they are very tacit. All the elites in the political, academic and business circles have never talked about the time when this catastrophe will come, and have joined hands to suppress public opinion.

This makes the speculation on the Internet about the arrival time of the Far-Eye civilization appear very optimistic. Originally, this is not a hot news (in this era, the popularity of this news has passed, and the news that has been popular in the past will not attract too many people's attention), people are busy discussing #WhenIBecomeSuperman#, busy discussing Sidney's escape route was busy discussing the upcoming movie in China, and only a few people were still browsing and discussing "Eye from afar".

Among the very few discussion groups, some people think that advanced civilization will come in about 100 or even 200 years, and some people think that this time will be longer. Remarks such as "In short, when the eyes from afar really come, I guess they have already been buried in the ground" and "the flood will flood the sky after my death" is everywhere. As for those exaggerated speculations, what will come in 10 or 20 years? Yes, and even get ridiculed by the group for "persecution paranoia".

On the contrary, there are some people on earth who silently speed up the processing of things in their hands.

"We must save enough capital before the catastrophe really comes to ensure that even in the face of such a powerful advanced civilization, the people can have the courage to fight against it." Minister Stuart smiled at Carteret in front of him. said the general.

"You don't look nervous at all." General Carterit himself was already nervous to a certain extent. After realizing the hidden meaning of the video of "World Vice: II", he even did the alien invasion for two nights in a row. dream.

The alien, who looks very similar to the legendary alien, rampaged in his dream, giving him two huge dark circles.

"What's so nervous?" Minister Stuart sneered at General Carteret's dark circles, and he even turned the pen in his hand leisurely, "Relax, my general, look at your black eyes. Eye circles are so ugly."

"You are so confident?" General Cartwright looked at the person in front of him with a slightly suspicious look, "Where is your confidence? According to the suggestion of the Jiuqu video, that is a guy who has devoured countless civilizations. "

"My confidence?" Minister Stuart laughed, "Of course it is Jiuqu! This is a fierce man with the ability to predict the future and change the future!"

"Moreover, he is also a master of playing politics, economics, and science. His method in the superhuman incident, the method of first provoking anger, and then easily throwing a scapegoat to divert the anger, is really impressive. It's fascinating..." Minister Stuart narrowed his eyes slightly, and his expression showed a kind of enjoyment like watching a master play chess.

"With such a big bull taking the helm for us, why should I be so nervous?"


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