MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 240 three bombshells

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On May 29, reports and discussions on the "528 Parade Incident" began to appear on a large scale in various print media, online portals, social software, chat forums, and so on.

Different people have seen different news from this event.

Some ordinary people were frightened and began to subconsciously reject extraordinary people; some ordinary people began to express some radical remarks on the Internet; some extraordinary people began to worry about the future; and some extraordinary people saw—

Then I saw the demagogic things in this parade and speech.

- Extraordinary, transcendent, literally, transcends the mundane.

- I am so different, I am so beyond ordinary people, why do I still do ordinary work? Why do I have to endure the merciless oppression of my stupid boss? Why do I still have to live the same life as ordinary people. Doing the same things as ordinary people?

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility may not be, but it is likely to lead to greater ambition.

When you have power beyond the mundane, you want to do things beyond the mundane.

In this world, the emergence and growth of extraordinary people is too fast, and many people's mentality has not been fully adjusted.

And all kinds of superhero movies and animations in the original world, the invincible online novels of the protagonists, the prevalence of personal heroism, and the impetuous feeling of modern society, have buried the unsafe mentality of those who were already unstable. The bomb seems to be about to go off.

The "528 Parade Incident" was the fuse that ignited the bomb.

At 11:21 a.m. on May 30, a seemingly ordinary impulse homicide broke out in the Federal Building.

The reason why it "seems to be ordinary" is because this kind of murder case of the suspect's impulsive passion happens every day all over the world and is not special.

However, there is something very unusual about this case, which is:

The murderer is an extraordinary person who awakens autonomously.

It couldn't be easier for an extraordinary person to kill, and there is no need to consider the use of various weapons like ordinary people; and an extraordinary person's impulse to kill is much easier than ordinary people.

After the passionate murder, this extraordinary person did not stay in place and waited for the police to arrest, but directly used his extraordinary ability to rush out of the Federal Building and began his own escape journey.

Before escaping, the extraordinary person still had the leisure to post a status on his Facebook:

"From today onwards, I have truly entered into the life of an extraordinary being beyond the mundane."

The federal police who received the report were dispatched quickly, but the ordinary police officers holding the weapon bonus device could hardly do any damage to this extraordinary person who had wind power, extremely fast, and could not be aimed at by firearms at all.

The power of the extraordinary in fighting against ordinary people and ordinary weapons was nakedly displayed in front of the whole world for the first time in this escape and pursuit.

Before this, many people only knew that extraordinary animals and plants are very difficult to clean up. They have extraordinary abilities and can strengthen their defenses and deal with various attacks. Ordinary firearms cannot harm them at all.

However, it was the first time that people officially knew from this incident that it turned out that after becoming an extraordinary person, he could also have a fundamental resistance to ordinary firearms.

The escape and pursuit of this extraordinary person caused a storm all over the city.

The sound of the police car whistling and the wanton explosion of supernatural powers were intertwined, causing countless ordinary people passing by to suffer a disaster. Building damage and traffic jams during the arrest. Uncountable, and 18 ordinary casualties who were innocently implicated.

In the end, the special processing department for extraordinary affairs of the Federation dispatched an entire team of extraordinary people before finally arresting this extraordinary person.

The media dubbed the case the "530 Federal Building Extraordinary Murder Case".

In the age of the Internet, no news can be hidden. Soon, the whole story, the real-time progress, and the previous status messages of this extraordinary person about the "530 Federal Building Extraordinary Murder Case" were quickly circulated on the Internet.

According to the investigation after the fact, the company where this extraordinary person works has a heavy workload, requires more overtime, the boss treats subordinates harshly, and is not generous in salary and benefits.

This extraordinary person who was impulsive to kill is likely to have accumulated a lot of grievances in the long-term work, so he suddenly broke out in the meeting hosted by the boss in the morning, and directly killed his boss.

This accident, from the surface description, seems to be excusable, however...

However, in such a stressful era of modern society, what kind of job is not one that is not burdensome, has more overtime, and is not generous in salary and benefits?

Which boss dares to say that he is very gentle to all his subordinates and never oppresses anyone?

In the face of KPI pressure and heavy work, who would not have an impetuous and frantic mentality? Who dares to say that he will never take anger on others?

And out of the scope of the company of this incident, in ordinary daily life. Who hasn't had an argument with someone? Who has never had a grudge against someone else? Who has not angered others, intentionally or unintentionally?

In the past, none of these seemed to matter, but now...

What if your subordinate/passers-by you meet/your enemy is an extraordinary person?

Will he also have a passion for murder?

All of a sudden, everyone is in danger.

And the message posted by this extraordinary person on Facebook before fleeing has also attracted a lot of attention:

"From today onwards, I have truly entered into the life of an extraordinary being beyond the mundane."

Ordinary people are full of anger at this sentence, while some extraordinary people secretly feel some longing and yearning for this sentence.

Exploding, fleeing, chasing, killing, how can it not be fun?

In fact, there is always a demon hidden in the heart of man, who is only bound by the shackles of morality and ability. Most things don't matter about the heart, after all, no one is perfect in the world.

And now, in the hearts of some extraordinary people, this demon seems to have broken free from some of the shackles...

In the moral requirements of many news media, reporters are often asked not to report some homicides, JQ cases, and other bad cases.

This is not only because of the need to protect the facts of the case and the victims, but also because, in this society, there is actually a kind of "imitation crime".

When some vicious cases are publicly reported in the media, some of the people who read these reports will have an impulse to imitate.

French sociologist Talde once put forward the imitation theory of the behaviorist school, which holds that all important behaviors and phenomena of social life are obtained by imitation, and criminal behavior is also imitated.

After the Jack the Ripper case was reported in 1888, there were Derrick Brown's imitation ripper case until 120 years later; after the Tylenol poisoning incident was reported in 1982, the use of cold medicine to poison people frequently appeared, including in 1986. The Exedrin poisoning incident and the Tylenol capsule incident; after the rise of mass media in France in the 19th century, the crime rate in France increased greatly; in the era of the rise of film and television in the 20th century, a large number of violent crimes emerged in American society…[Note ]

After the "530 Federal Building Extraordinary Murder Case", just one day later, on May 31, another impulsive murder case of a supernatural person broke out again.

This case is even worse than the Federal Building murder case.

The reason is that the cause of the accident is just a seemingly ordinary spat on the street.

"What are you looking at?" "What are you looking at?" "FXXX!"

This seemingly ordinary scolding, just because one of the parties is an extraordinary person, led the accident to an extremely bad ending.

After investigation after the incident, the perpetrators of this homicide have suffered a lot of psychological pressure for a long time, including unsatisfactory work, divorce of wives, rebellion of children, etc.—in fact, it is the mid-life crisis, which most people will encounter. .

After that, as if inspired by the 530 Federal Building murder case, the perpetrator of this "531 New York Street Murder Case" also chose to flee directly.

However, his approach is much smarter than the wind-type ability user who made a big deal. I don't know what tricks he used - most people guessed that he used some kind of special supernatural ability - to escape the pursuit of federal officials, and is still at large.

And as soon as the "531 New York Street Murder Case" came out, Internet public opinion exploded.

"528 Parade Incident", "530 Federal Building Extraordinary Murder Case" and "531 Street Murder Case", these three consecutive blockbusters have almost completely destroyed most people's trust in the extraordinary.

People began to consciously avoid superhumans in their lives—that is, those who wear black bracelets.

Don't argue, don't talk, don't communicate, stay far away.

And this kind of behavior that seems to belong to the self-protection of ordinary people, which further arouses the rebellious psychology of some extraordinary people.

- You discriminate against me.

—I once fought hard to protect you on the front lines of the Third World War, but what you gave back to me is this kind of discrimination against me?

In this era of global communication, the speed of information transmission exceeds everyone's imagination, and changes in public opinion are often only in the blink of an eye.

From May 28 to May 31, in just 4 days, the prestige of the extraordinary seems to have fallen from heaven to hell.

Those superhumans who were originally regarded as war heroes seem to have suddenly become unstable elements in society.

Compared with the 6 billion ordinary people in the world, tens of millions of extraordinary people are just a drop in the ocean, which seems so insignificant.

Therefore, the power of public opinion on the Internet has become one-sided discriminating against extraordinary people in the shouts of ordinary people.

"In order to protect our safety, there should be some control over the abilities of the superhuman."

"Some supernatural beings are time bombs! No one can tell when it will explode and blow up to us ordinary people!"

"Seriously, even if you stay at home, it seems that you will be hurt by the attack of the extraordinary. Where is the safest place?"

"The state should enforce mandatory registration of all supernatural beings."

"I just want to avoid the extraordinary people around me..."

"I really don't want one day to become a person who is killed or injured by the extraordinary conflict!"

Beneath the surface of the now barely peaceful society, there seems to be a huge wave brewing...

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